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Pixel Dreams and Memories
Travels around Gaia, ambitious quests, and everything inbetween!
2004 Holiday Quests
Feeling :: biggrin

At long last, I found more than five minutes to put my Brown Paper Bag Quest log into my journal. Once I started, it was really easy. I can't believe I put off doing it for so long. &.&;;; I think it was the format that stumped me. The format still stumps me, particularly the one that I wanted to use, but couldn't because of a spacing issue. Save for a couple of parts, of which the image code was good but wouldn't work, the first format was nice and I was proud. However, I didn't want a format that kept for only most of the time and falter without reason.

And so now, I think I'll journalize my 2004 Holiday Quests. :3

<center>Hallowe'en 2004 Quests</center>
<center>Quesonation: Ghostie

User Image</center>
Ghostie is my first quesonation. My first Halloween outfit. How much more simple could I begin? ^^

Gold needed :: 100

Currently have :: 100 gold

Donation at :: 100 gold

Status :: Bought!

Last Updated :: October 23, 2004 6:33 am

<center>Quesonation: Skeleton</center>

The skeleton outfit is my second quesonation. It comes complete with a mask, shirt, gloves, pants, and shoes. Woo-hoo! xd

Gold needed :: 0

Currently have :: 0 gold

Donation at :: 0 gold

Status :: Obtained! I've got the gloves! User Image I've also got the shoes! User Image I have the shirt to boot! User Image I now have the pants! User Image Two days late, but I have the mask now! User Image Woo!

Last Updated :: November 2, 2004 8:00 pm

<center>Hallowe'en Quesonation Log</center>

In the morning of October 23, 2004, I wrote ::
Opened up my quesonation 9 days earlier than anticipated. whee So for the next nine days, I'll be matching my gold for Hallowe'en items with gold for donation. Bumpers are loved and donators are okay. whee I'm not asking for donations as I'm trying to rack up donations to give out. Yes, I have a few people and charity in mind.

Also providing this thread as a place for the Halloween Charity Ball scavenger hunt. 3nodding I'm looking forward to it, although I am a bit behind schedule. sweatdrop I've only three quesonations up and they'll have to do until later today or tomorrow when I have time for the Christmas quesonations.

In the meantime, the thread is open! Woot! whee

Edit :: Woot! I now have Ghostie and 100 gold towards donations! Woot!

Edit #2 :: Whee! I have the skeleton gloves and 350 towards donations!

In the evening of October 27, 2004, I wrote ::
I now have the skeleton shirt! Only two items left to complete my skeleton Hallowe'en outfit!

In the afternoon of October 24, 2004, I wrote ::
I bought the skeleton shoes! Woot!

In the ealy morning of October 31, 2004, I wrote ::
I have the skeleton pants! Only the hat remains and when I earn that, that will be my last Hallowe'en item for the year. Next up: Christmas!

In the evening of November 2, 2004, I wrote ::
Whee! Despite debating of whether to throw my monies into my Christmas quesonation drive, I checked the marketplace and lo and behold was the mask for 300 gold! whee I removed my quesonation for the three pieces to the Were outfit on Monday, and now I can head forward for Christmas! 3nodding

Edit :: Remodelling my quesonation page. 3nodding The next two posts below have my Halloween 2004 quesonation drive: ghosty and the skeleton! Woo, very scary! xp Of course, now that there's new Halloween items from this year, I'll have to plan a little bit early for next year. 3nodding

<center>Christmas 2004 Quests</center>

User Image Elf Hat, 395 gold
User Image Elven Ears, 4,200 gold
User Image Elf Style Shirt, 460 gold
User Image Elf Style Pants, 505 gold
User Image Leather Elf Shoes, 249 Gold

Santa's helper!

Gold needed :: 5,809

Currently have :: 5,809 gold

Donation at :: 5,809 gold

Status :: Done!

My Avie ::
<center>User Image</center>

Last Updated :: November 14, 2004 2:20 pm


User Image Reindeer Mask, 675 gold

Dashing through the snow,
Despite the winter cold,
Pulling Santa's sleigh
Laughing all the way!

Ha, ha, ha, ha!
*ahem* -_-;;

Gold needed :: 3,103 - 3,303

Currently have :: 1,461 gold

Donation at :: 1,461 gold

Status :: In progress. I have the shoes, User Image; the gloves, User Image; the chest fur, User Image; and the collar, User Image. Three more items remaining, which will come after I've earned the donation monies for the other outfits that I completed and bought a Jolly Hat. 3nodding Update :: I haven't bought the Jolly Hat, but I do have the Reindeer Antlers. User Image whee I lucked out and bought 'em for 750 gold. whee And another, whee ! I have the red nose reindeer mask now! User Image Woot!

<center>User Image</center>
Last Updated :: December 18, 2004 9:00 am


User Image Jolly Hat (not available in stores) 2,000 - 5,000 gold
User Image Big White Beard, 325 gold
User Image Jolly Jacket, 850 gold
User Image Jolly Pants, 350 gold
User Image Jolly Boots, 325 Gold
The perfect outfit to be handing out my donations! ^^

Gold needed :: 3,850 - 6,850 gold

Currently have :: 1,850 gold

Donation at :: 1,850 gold

Status :: Almost done! I have the boots, the beard, the pants, and the jacket! =3 Now to quest for the hat. 3nodding I had the hat before Christmas Day! =3 My thanks to my friends for letting me use the extra money collected initially for Zyfusion (to buy her chain wallet) to buy the Jolly Hat. heart

December 15 ::: 146 out of 4,250 gold. xp

My Avie ::
<center>User Image</center>

Last Updated :: December 24, 2004 8:00 pm

<center>The Gift

User Image The Gift, 500 gold
User Image Green Stockings, 200 gold
User Image Red Stockings, 200 gold

Woo-hoo! Sexy box! Oh, yeah!

Gold needed :: 900

Currently have :: 600 gold

Donation at :: 600 gold

Status :: I've got all the items at less than the store rate. heart So lucky and so very happy! whee

<center>User Image User Image</center>
Last Updated :: December 15, 2004 7:00 am


User Image Snowman Mask, 100 gold
User Image Snowman Suit, 475 gold

Thoroughly insulated with snow from the bitter cold! Woo-hoo!

Gold needed :: 575

Currently have :: 413 gold

Donation at :: 413 gold

Status :: Complete! whee

<center>User Image</center>
Last Updated :: December 15, 2004 2:00 pm

<center>Progress Area

Gold needed :: approximately 20,437 gold

Currently have :: 11,644 gold

Donation collected :: 11,644 gold

Status :: Finished!

Last Updated :: December 26, 2004 6:00 pm</center>
<center>More Santa

User Image Christmas Charity Gift (not available in stores) 3,000 - 5,000
User Image Santa's Gift (not available in stores) 9,000 - 10,000
Additional items for the Santa outfit. ^^

Gold needed :: 14,000 - 18,000 gold

Currently have :: 0 gold

Donation at :: 0 gold

Status :: Woot! I have the slippers! User Image =3 I may go after these two items in the New Year. For now, I've had my fill of Christmas and am very content with what I have. =3

Last Updated :: December 26, 2004 7:00 pm

<center>Donation Count</center>

Money raised from Halloween 2004 Quesonations :: 1,266 gold!

Money raised from Christmas 2004 Quesonations :: 10,378 gold!

<center>Donations Given Out</center>

Zyfusion :: 1,000 gold
BrightLight :: 1,500 gold
K-9Wolf :: 1,500 gold
Painted__ :: 1,100 gold
Catlover4 :: 390 gold
Zyfusion :: 3,000 gold for Jolly Slippers! eek Woot! heart
Faelyssa :: 3,000 gold
Spring Rain :: 154 gold


Faelyssa :: 200 gold Christmas Avatar Contest

<center>Quesonation Log</center>

In the evening of November 2, 2004, I wrote ::
I have adjust my log. My Halloween Quesonations Log can be found in the third post on page 2. Now begins my thread re-decoration! whee

Edit :: For the most part, I'm done with re-decorating. I may put up some Christmas images, but don't hold your breath. It could be a long time before I come through with that. It looks like I reserved more posts than necessary. I may extend my quesonation for another month or two or three. However, I'm aiming to complete it by the end of December. That's 20,437 gold for items and 20,437 gold for donations to be given away, making a total of 40,874! Oi, that's a lot! Roughly 5,000 a week? sweatdrop

In the morning of November 3, 2004, I wrote ::
Woo-hoo! I sold my blue giftbox that I found during my Brown Paper Bag Quest. That jumps me ahead in my quesonation for the Elf outfit. xd The first item I will be buying from that collection will be the Elven ears as they are the most expensive and would be good to get out of the way first. 3nodding

To assist me, I have Kierras-Ann's help. To those who are alert and notice little things, you'll notice that I've changed my name from Kierras-Ann to Kierraz-Ann. I've decided not to change my current avi so that I can keep my zombie skin. I don't care for the face, but the skin with the dried grass skirt and castaway shirt look good. So I shall be showing off my outfits with Kierras-Ann! Looks just like me save for the skin; the skirt and shirt; the gloves and shoes; and the bag. xd

In the morning of November 10, 2004, I wrote ::
Whee! Polls now work, so that means I can earn gold faster! whee It's such a relief to return to pre-July status. 3nodding

In the evening of November 13, 2004, I wrote ::
I'm still alive and doing all right with my quest/donation drive. I changed my "quest" from quesonation (quest + donation for others) to quest/donation drive. I think it makes a bit more sense. Currently working on the Elf shoes. Yesterday I purchased the ears and the hat, which are great to have, especially the ears as they are the most expensive aspect of the outfit. By the end of this coming week, I should have an item or two from the Reindeer outfit quest. 3nodding

In the afternoon of November 14, 2004, I wrote ::
Whee! I'm down to the last 30 gold for the donation section of my quest and then I'll have my entire elf outfit! I'm thinking a fairy outfit would be good to have too. Up next: the man himself! Santa! whee

Edit :: Yay! I made it! I now have the elf outfit!

In the morning of November 15, 2004, I wrote ::
I now have Santa's boots! xd

In the morning of November 17, 2004, I wrote ::
Santa's big white beard is the next item to join my inventory...once I buy it. xd As well, I dipped into my donation fund and gave 1,500 to Bright Light and 1,500 to K-9Wolf, with 1,300 of that going towards a handful of items. :3

In the evening of November 17, 2004, I wrote ::
biggrin I can now add Santa's pants to my collection. xd Sadly, I don't have anything that goes well with it, so off I am to collect the jacket and then the Jolly Hat. :3 I'm making a lot of headway with the gold glitch being fixed. =3

In the evening of November 22, 2004, I wrote ::
Whee! The Santa outfit is almost complete! All I need now is the hat! ninja A pity the marketplace is down. I could have eye-balled it for an approximation of how much I'll need. neutral

In the morning of December 15, 2004, I wrote ::
Well, I see I didn't write anything on December 4th, when I completed the majority of my holiday quests. sweatdrop I've done that and I've also earned the donation portion of those quests too! heart That was tricky and I could have kicked myself for going into a shopping frenzy! sweatdrop It was a good feeling though. smile

But I'm back on track now! I have the reindeer antlers and either or both masks left, depending on how much time is left after I quest for a jolly hat. If there is still time after buying the Jolly Hat, antlers and a mask (in that order) I'll go for the red-nosed reindeer mask, followed by the Jolly Slippers, then Santa's Gift, and finally, if everything works out well, the Christmas Charity Gift. So I myself know how much to quest for, it will be:

Jolly Hat :: 4,495
Reindeer Antlers :: 1,000
Reindeer Mask :: 675
Red-Nosed Reindeer Mask :: 500
Jolly Slippers :: 3,300
Santa's Gift :: 6,999
Christmas Charity Gift :: 4,000
Prices as of December 15, 2004 @ 7:00 am

Ms. Calculator informs me the total will be 20,969 gold, unless I can get some of the items cheaper. (All would be great, but we'll see). I'm not sure how well I can make 41,938 in the remaining two weeks and a handful of days to January 1st. sweatdrop That would be really pushing it. I'd need to make 2.5K a day! eek Oi! My best is 600 gold a day. surprised

In the evening of December 15, 2004, I wrote ::
First day of questing for Jolly Hat and already I've noticed a price reduction. heart Too bad the same can't be said for all of them, although the slippers did drop too. heart

Jolly Hat :: 4,250
Reindeer Antlers :: 1,000
Reindeer Mask :: 675
Red-Nosed Reindeer Mask :: 700
Jolly Slippers :: 3,100
Santa's Gift :: 7,444
Christmas Charity Gift :: 4,000 (no change)
Prices as of December 15, 2004 @ 8:30 pm

In the evening of December 18, 2004, I wrote ::
Sorely do I miss not earning gold while lurking through Gaia. sweatdrop The bitterness is sweetened somewhat with polls and posting still working for me. *knocks on real wood* I hope it doesn't deteriorate any further! ^^;;;

I helped out Catlover4 in buying a black net top. She could have done it by page views, but since that wasn't working for her and it was a little thing (the top), I thought I'd help.

I'm also returning Zyfusion's kindness of starting a trade with Jolly Slippers by contributing to her chain wallet quest. She made remarkable strides a little while ago and then the price jumped. xp She's doing her hardest and since I'd like to see her with the chain wallet by Christmas (she more than deserves it), I've returned some of her kindess. xd

In addition, I purchased the Reindeer Antlers for 750 gold. I meant to buy the Jolly Hat and then go after the Antlers, but it was a good deal. So I snatched them up. (And the Jolly Slippers were a good deal too! mrgreen )

Now all that I am left to try and collect before January 1st are:

Jolly Hat :: 4,100 &--- Been going down in price! heart
Reindeer Mask :: 675 &--- Highway robbery in the marketplace for this mask! stressed
Red-Nosed Reindeer Mask :: 200 &--- Really down in price! eek
Santa's Gift :: 8,000 &--- Been steadily going up.
Christmas Charity Gift :: 3,500 &--- This dropped a little.
Prices as of December 18, 2004 @ 10:30 pm

In the evening of December 18, 2004, I wrote ::
Woot! I've bought the red nose reindeer mask! Whee! So very, very happy!

The only thing to add is that I've bought the Reindeer Mask today. I didn't think I would, but once I saw that I had enough gold to do so, I figured what the heck. I'm sure my friends won't mind that I bought it. Doing so, for the most part, completes my 2004 Holiday Quests. Sure I could go for Santa's Gift and the Christmas Charity Gift, but I'm content with what I've collected thus far.

Any Zyfusion has her chain wallet. =3 I've very happy for her. I'm very lucky to have understanding and reliable friends. They helped make her wish a reality. I'm very grateful for their help as is Zyfusion! heart They made this Christmas very special for us. 4laugh

My next goal is to repay them back. It'll take a little longer since I spent over half of my funds to buy the mask, but that's a small thing. A wee setback. Nothing like the bank glitch that devoured 10.8K. xp (That was so nasty!)

Once again, Happy Holidays and all the Best in the New Year! 4laugh

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