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Pixel Dreams and Memories
Travels around Gaia, ambitious quests, and everything inbetween!
Completion of the Emo Bag Quest (48 days)
Feeling :: biggrin

I did it! I purchased my Emo Bag! Woot! Very excited and extremely happy to have it done in the early part of May then the middle part of June. With the ease of this quest, I don't understand how buying the letter was so hard. Perhaps it is with time and experience that I'm a better quester. I'm not sure, but I won't worry about that for the moment.

Like I usually do when I complete a quest, here is the Emo Bag Quest thread's posts for prosperity. 3nodding

Kierras-Ann's post 1

Welcome to my newest quest thread, a quest for an Emo Bag (and later on a quest for a June 2004 Letter and Angelic Pendant). There are lots to check out in this thread, so feel free to have a look around and leave me a bump.

I still need to set up this post, but everything else is a go. Woot! (Yes, there will be a poll, but that will come after I've finalised this post, otherwise I'll have a broken poll. sad )

::: Navigation :::
::: Navigation
::: Quest Item & Progress
::: My Little Pitch
::: Future Quest Items
::: Bumpers
::: Donators
::: Quest Contest, Top Four Bumpers, Prizes, and Bumping Specials
::: My Quest Link Centre
::: Quest Links
::: Questions That Someone Might Have Been Wondering About
::: Quest Log
::: My Gaia House
::: Quest Log (March/April)
::: Quest Log (May/June)
::: Quest Log (July/August)

Kierras-Ann's post 2
<center>Quest Item</center>
I'm currently questing for an Emo Bag.

<center>User Image</center>

<center>Quest Progress</center>
My current funds are:
<center>103,000 / 103,000 gold
Updated daily.

Post last updated ::: May 6, 2005 @ 6:00 a.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 3
<center>My Little Pitch</center>
Ah, the little Emo Bag. What started out for me as an "I'm not emo; why would I buy that?" to "You know, that'd look good on me, even if it is emo!" And so I quest for the little gray bag and daydream of wearing it some day, in the not too far off future.

Aside from earning the Emo Bag, I hope to have a little fun along the way. My last quest for a January 2004 Letter was rather boring and uneventful (literally, un-event-ful). Will this time be any different? I don't know, but I hope it will be.

Post last updated ::: March 8, 2005 @ 6:30 a.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 4
<center>Future Quest Items</center>
Other items that I will quest for in this thread are:

<center>June 2004 Letter
Angelic Pendant</center>

I expect these items to have doubled, if not tripled, by the time I am able to quest for them. Since they will cost a lot, I'm putting them in this thread instead of the older thread for the contest.

Post last updated ::: March 6, 2005 @ 1:30 p.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 5
Bumpers are loved and appreciated! heart Some things you should know:
    exclaim Please! Only one bump per post.
    exclaim Do not advertise your quest in my thread, unless you know the magic phrase, and yes, it's somewhere on the first page.
    exclaim No "I bumped you, now you bump me!"
    exclaim Do not advertise your lotto.
    exclaim Do not beg in my thread for yourself or for anyone else.
    exclaim Please follow Gaia's ToS.
I have this list for a reason: I want to enjoy this quest too. So please be considerate. (Most people are, but there are the few that don't seem to care.)

Asabakun &-- 1st bumper! smile
I Ceymore Ratz ( 7 ).
Quest Bumper heart
shih yeh heart
Hiraku mitsubushi
B.A.N.D.I.T ( 3 ) 4laugh
Emma-Ryne ( 2 )
Kurinbo Nagosuke
The Fairy Princess
White Mage Bunny
KasumiAngel ( 10 ).

Post last updated ::: May 4, 2005 @ 8:00 p.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 6
Donations are not expected, but are more than welcomed and appreciated. Every little bit helps. I've made this post especially to honour those who have been generous in my quest.

Please note! 100% of donations go directly towards an Emo Bag purchase. No donation (part or whole) will be put to use in the Contest or the furnishing of my Gaia House.

I Ceymore Ratz heart X 12! (1,200)
shih yeh heart (3,270)

Post last updated ::: May 6, 2005 @ 5:00 a.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 7
<center>Quest Contest</center>
Throughout my Emo Bag, I will be holding a Bumping Contest. The top four bumpers will be rewarded for their efforts. (Last time I held a bumping contest, there were a total of six winners!)

The rules are:
    exclaim One numbered bump per post.
    exclaim No stretching of the page.

Simple, yes? All right then, we're set to go!

<center>Top Four Contestants</center>
1. shih yeh ::: 1,750
2. Koji Bob ::: 1,410
3. Quest Bumper ::: 151
4. KasumiAngel ::: 20

<center>Quest Contest Prizes</center>

Because I suspect that the quest will take many days, I'm putting a spin on the prizes. For each day that I quest for the Emo Bag, the prizes will increase. So what looks pretty sappy for a prize at the beginning of the quest, could indeed turn out to be an awesome winfall at the end!

Updated ::: Prize funds used to buy a March 2005 Thank You Letter for the top bumper! Additional prizes on the way. 3nodding

User Image or User Image or User Image **
Which ever letter the top bumper has not chosen **
Which ever letter the top two bumpers have not chosen **
858 gold **
** = as of March 25, 2005, funds were used to buy a March 2005 Thank You Letter; and as of April 15, 2005, funds were used to buy an April 2005 Thank You Letter; May 2005 Thank You Letter purchased May 4, 2005

<center>Bumping Specials</center>
Here is where I'll advertise any specials for people to take advantage of for the Quest Contest.

None as of March 19, 2005.

<center>Expired Bumping Specials</center>
From March 6 to March 17, 2005, anyone who donates a green item to me, will have their bump count pushed up by the item's store price. If the item is an uncommon or rare, then the person's bump count will go up according to the average GEN price of the item.

<center>People Who Have Donated Items & The Items</center>
Koji Bob mrgreen (User Image User Image User Image)

Post last updated ::: May 6, 2005 @ 6:00 a.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 8
<center>My Quest Link Centre</center>
Here's where I'll post my banners and the URL for my quest thread for those who'd like to note me in their quest thread or want my quest thread in their signature. ^^

Post last updated ::: March 6, 2005 @ 3:00 p.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 9
<center>Quest Links</center>
Here is where I'll put other people's quests. I have a few in mind already, and if you'd like your quest thread to be put here for others to check out, please post a request with the thread's URL (so that I may find it) in this thread with the phrase, "Please include my quest in your Quest Links Post." (This is how I weed out those who are legitimate linkers and those who simply want to advertise their quests without regard to my own quest.)

User Image

User Image

User Image

B.A.N.D.I.T's Quest : The Lost Letters

Empress Duckeria's Very Long Quest

fairy_lily's random quest for random items

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image

User Image (Closed)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

momo.PEACHiE: teh peachyful questy

User Image

Mini Angelics Quest: Yes, rosaleendhu is insane.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Tula's Donation Item Quest

User Image

Post last updated ::: March 16, 2005 @ 11:30 a.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 10
<center>Questions That Someone Might Have Been Wondering About</center>
Here's where I get to have a little bit of fun, coming up with questions some of you may be wondering about. If you have a question that I haven't posted yet, PM me and I'll include it along with my answer.

Why did you start a new thread when you already had a thread?
    I began a new one because I wanted to have a contest and a place for my GAIA House furnishing, which I didn't feel had a spot in the old thread.

Couldn't you have done that in the other thread?
    Yes and no. Yes, I could have, but it would have been more work than I wanted to do. Remember, I also have other items that I'm questing for, and the older thread still has all that. As for no, using that thread would have meant having "the old stuff," such as past bumpers. For the contest, I only wanted those who would bump for the Emo Bag Quest to qualify, not for someone who came in around Hallowe'en to bump for a scavenger hunt.

Are you going to have some giveaways like you had last time?
    Right now, I'm not sure. As you can see, I'm building up the prizes for the contest on a daily basis. I may hold a "first person to page 100, gets" whatever prize amount I can offer at that time. However, I'm not able to go through with that rigth now. Perhaps when my quest is a little more on sure ground and the prizes are better for the contest, I'll implement that.

I came in and saw your contest "prizes." They suck.
    sweatdrop Yes, even I know that. However, they increase over time and will get better. I find it better this way than to say, "5,000 to the highest bumper, 2,500 to the next," and so on and so on. I ran into that problem during my Brown Paper Bag Quest that after I purchased the bag, I had to "race around" to have enough gold to pay the winners, which didn't happen so well and letters ended up being the prizes.

Well, can't you simply state your prizes and build them up on the side?
    No. I get too confused if I don't explicitly put forth what I have. My other account is questing for a BTK and so it's not like I have a place to stash my prize amounts. This is the best way for me to ensure that what I say I'll give, I can give.

Have you ever tried fishing for your gold?
    Yes! And to some degree, I do quite well. I'm not yet to the Reclamation Facility, but I have fished at Port of Gambino. I'd do better, I know, if I weren't after the fishing headgear. Already I have a Yellow Guppy Cap and I'm working up to a Bass Helm. I'm not ready to sell my Seedkins or Warm Rainbow Trout. I did have an Orange Guppy Cap, but I sold that in my last quest somewhere along the way. Since I already had one, I'll simply buy an Orange Guppy Cap rather than save up enough, because they do help with my quest. ^^

You sure seem to aim high with 1,000 gold a day. Why would you need donators?
    Because everyone needs a little help every now and then. You've noticed that I've put a lot of effort into my thread and I do intend to reach my goal, on my own if I have to. However, once in a while, I do encounter set backs (Ex. March 14 and 15 when I couldn't be on much, or that day Mr. Gambino somehow took twice the amount I was willing to donate to him). I tried to avoid quest hampering scenarios whenever possible, but sometimes they simply happen, despite my best intentions.

    There's also the uplifting feeling when someone donates to you. It's a bit hard to describe, but for me, it's like when I win a jackpot. It's very motivating and I feel so lucky when someone chooses to donate to me. When someone does that, by all means, they deserve to be acknowledged, hence the Donators post.

So what if I can only bump?
    Great! Marvelous! Wonderful! Thank you! heart I appreciate my bumpers a whole bunch!

But if I bump once, don't I win anything? Didn't you have that the last time?
    No, if you only bump once in this thread, than that's as good as it gets, unless you choose to return.. In my last major quest, I had it where everyone was put into a pot and every time I purchased a Brown Paper Bag, I drew out a winner who would receive whatever gold amount I had on hand. It didn't matter when you bumped or if you made more than one bump. I'm not doing it this quest session, because there's only one item: the Emo Bag. If I were after an outfit, then I could see bringing that award system back into play. But not for one item.

Why are you putting everything into your quest? Why so spread out?
    Because devoting everything I have to a quest isn't me. That's too stiffling and it gets me down. This way, by budgeting a small amount towards furniture, I'm able to enjoy GAIA Housing without feeling like I'm pinched and "can't do anything." I want to enjoy GAIA and I've seen so many other questors buy whatever they want when they quest, that I felt I should be allowed to do something too. Yes, I'd like to finish my quest right away, but not at the expensive of my own well-being. A little bit each day can take me a lot further than an all-or-nothing approach.

Do you have any order to these questions?
    No. They land in the post as they come to me. I may in the future re-arrange them, but not at the moment.

Post last updated ::: March 16, 2005 @ 12:30 p.m.

Kierras-Ann's post 11
<center>Quest Log</center>
Because the Journal Feature isn't always available.

March 5, 2005 ::: Began thread so that I could capture the date "March 5, 2005." No special reason other than I am partial to 5's. ^^

March 6, 2005 ::: Began filling in the basics of the thread. Banners and other possible images are in the works, but not completed at this time.

March 9, 2005 ::: Updated the Links post with links to lots of good quests. It's quite the collection I have! 4laugh

March 13, 2005 ::: Major fishing and staying on all day (even though I was busy doing other things and not really on), gave my quest a major boost today. After adding to the prize pots and housing fund, I was able to put down 2,200 gold towards an Emo Bag. Woot! I'm going to aim to make an additional 1,200 gold tomorrow. That would put me at 1,000 gold a day on average. That is so freaking awesome! smile

March 13, 2005 ::: Woot! I made an additional 400 gold on top of 1,000 gold and the prize pots and home fund. smile That brings me closer to 1,000 gold a day, which is a nice feeling. If I can make an additional 400 gold through out the week on top of my desired gold, I'll be happy.

March 14, 2005 ::: Well. Somewhere in my donation of 500 gold to Gambino, an extra 500 gold left me. surprised So very odd and this wasn't my most productive day at all. sweatdrop Maybe I'll just get up earlier tomorrow and fish a whole bunch...-ish. ninja

March 16, 2005 ::: No school today, so I've been online, trying to get caught up from the past few days. Thus far, I'm doing not too bad. Fishing has been very helpful as has polling and bumping threads. I hope to return this evening and maybe I'll have some luck too! 3nodding

March 25, 2005 ::: I purchased the Blue Accent Stone Tile for my house. I thought I could do more with it than what is possible, but oh well. Now for something else for my house, but I'm not sure what at the moment.

Update ::: A little bit of a backslide as I trade in all the prize funds and some of the gold for the Emo Bag for a March 2005 Thank You Letter. Letters were a big hit last year for my quest, so I'm going with them again. Of course, this means I only have one prize and will need to build up the rest of the prizes, as well as add on to the Emo Bag fund. ^^

March 26, 2005 ::: Woo-hoo! I'm back to where I was yesterday before I bought a March 2005 Thank You Letter. :3 I imagine I'll save up a lot more later on tonight during the Easter event, which will be super sweet. 3nodding I'm looking forward to the event this year and I think it'll be a blast! :3 I can't wait to see what Mr. Gambino does. heart

April 2, 2005 ::: Another good power day. With I Ceymore Ratz's help, I managed to earn 2,700 gold towards the Emo Bag. Here's hoping I can have another good strong day tomorrow.

April 3, 2005 ::: I picked out another item to save up for my house: Blue Snuggle Bed. Cost: 1,750 gold. At 25 gold a day, it will require 70 days including today. oO That seems like a long time and I am tempted to adjust the savings from 25 gold to 75 gold a day. The extra 50 gold a day would mean that I could have the bed by the end of this month.

I'll hold my decision until I see how this day goes. I've had a few days where I didn't do much aside from save for prize pots and the house fund, which is good, but not for the Emo Bag. As such I'll mostly be bumping at I Ceymore Ratz thread today. After 1,000 bumps, he gives out 1,000 gold. I'm not aiming for 1,000 today (I do have things to do afterall), but every bump will help my count.

April 7, 2005 ::: Still bumping away at Ceymore's thread. Nothing against mine or others, but I'm a bit more determined to reach my goals and I can do at his. xd So far, I've been doing all right the past five days. I've unfortunately started a new activity in the morning. It's fun and I'm having a blast, but it means that to stay at the level I was at before yesterday, I have to be on earlier. .__. I'm sure I'll get accustomed to the new schedule within a week or two.

It looks like the Emo Bag is definitely worth more than 60,000 gold. In fact, according to sellers, it's way over 100,000 gold. ;__; Makes me regret all those days when I didn't do much aside from earn prize and house money, but I wouldn't be much further ahead anyhow. Maybe 7,000 more than I have right now in the Emo Bag fund. The price could settle down again. :3

April 9, 2005 ::: Since I was able to work up to 3,000 gold today, I added 50 gold to the pot. Today was a good day and that was with a major room overhaul!

April 12, 2005 ::: I'm finally going to acknowledge that the Emo Bag is now worth over 100,000 gold. However, if I can and I do have the money, I intend to buy it if it should go below 100,000 gold. whee That would be so nice, and it was nice to think that at one point, before the price doubled, that I was halfway to obtain the donation item. whee

April 16, 2005 ::: Still live. Still at Ceymore's thread. Stil doing a gazillion things whilst at the computer. xp I think I'm doing all right. Ceymore helped me out today with two donations. heart So very nice of him; he makes my day. ^^ I updated my Blue Snuggle Bed fund and the Emo Bag fund. I'm sorry bumpers (maybe one?), but I'll have to update you tomorrow. So tired tonight and it's late. Tomorrow I'll do a full update. And maybe do another journal entry, since it seems I have forgotten all about my journal. redface

April 27, 2005 ::: Hello everyone! A quick update to say that my quest for an Emo Bag continues. Although the price is in the 100K+ area, it looks like if it remains in the low end, I should be able to have my bag sometime in June. If perchance it does increase, which is more than likely since there's a full month and then some to go, and I'm able to make as much as I have on a daily basis, then June should still be a shoe in too. I'm looking forward to ending this quest. I can't wait to start another one.

The downside is that it looks like my quests will carry over into 2006. I have a lot of stuff on my list still to quest for and I see the Labcoats are already close to, if not in the 100K+ area. If I quest for them first, which will take me as long as I take for my Emo Bag, that won't leave much for the other items, which will be sure to be in the 100K+ area too. I may be wise to go after the cheaper items and try to complete them in a month and a half. 3nodding

May 2, 2005 ::: Woo-hoo! It looks like I'm now about 20,000 gold away from the Emo Bag. biggrin So cool. There were two for sale under 100,000 gold, but I didn't have the funds. I'm sure there'll be another that'll come up for less than 100,000 gold soon. 3nodding

I adjusted my bumping contest. I've made it the top four bumpers instead of five. I've requested that anyone wanting to enter the contest number the bumps. To date, I've had five people bump my thread, but only four numbered their bumps. And whenever Ceymore can and I'm in his thread, that's when he gives me 100 gold. So in a way, he's rewarding me rather than donating to me, but I'm noting it as donating. (Not that that doesn't mean I don't have plans in the works for thanking him. ninja )

May 4, 2005 ::: I believe I'll soon be able to close my quest for the Emo Bag by the weekend. Provided there's no price jumps and that one Emo Bag is hoovering around 100,000 gold, I shall be lucky. ^^

I bought May's Sealed Envelope. I thought I would have four letters to give out, but it turns out that I've only three and I have four bumpers. sweatdrop So much about my idea of using the rest of the prize money towards my quest and giving everyone an envelope. xp That's not going to turn out that way. I don't imagine I'll be able to make an additional 5,200 gold extra to buy another May envelope or another March or April letter either. sweatdrop The fourth prize should reach 1,000 gold though, and that's not a bad haul for 10, possibly more, bumps.

May 6, 2005 ::: ^^ I purchased my bag after seeing a lower price in the Marketplace. I now have my very own Emo Bag. ^^ Congratulations to shih yeh, Koji Bob, Quest Bumper, and KasumiAngel for their help in bumping (or donating) my thread up. A very special thank you goes to I Ceymore Ratz, who graciously spoiled me just about every day! mrgreen You all are super! ^^

Post last updated ::: May 6, 2005 @ 6:00 a.m.

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