Tiger should be writing yet another paper...
And yet here she is... online again >.o
I'm thinking about changing my hair back to how it was... thoughts? Opinions? Please? >.o
Um... It's kinda confusing right now for me... Cause I kinda think I'm getting a crush on someone, but there's Jarrett... and I DO love him... I just... Arg. Yes, arg. Arg works for everything.
Speaking of arg, I have a 10 page paper due... well, today biggrin However, I just have to put it in my prof's mailbox sometime. You may be wondering why arg has to do with my paper... well, it's simple really: I played Pirated of the Caribbean Life. And that has to do with all of this because that's what I was doing yesterday instead of doing my paper... Haha, yay me.
Umm... I actually got a decent amount of sleep last night, yet I am still dead tired. Eh, it happens. Maybe it's cause (not counting last night) since Tuesday, I've gotten like... 8 hours of sleep, total? Haha, ummm...
OOH! I don't have to take my Health exam! Cause if I don't take it, I still have an A in the class mrgreen Yay me!
So... I think I'm gonna do the thing that I haven't done in a long time...
I'm happy because one week from today, I will be going home. HOME SUCKAH!!!
I'm annoyed at Andrew because he's a ******** a*****e who broke one of my best friends hearts.
Same thing for Brandon.
And some girl.
I have a smug sense of self satisfaction at the comment on my page. It makes me happy. It was worth it, even if some people do have to have the last word. Let them, it just keeps showing me how very selfish they are.
I'm tired because I've had too much s**t to do this week. So, I haven't slept, and even when I've slept I've had dreams about it o_O
I'm confused because I love Jarrett, but at the same time...
I'm confused because I keep getting mixed signs about different people and what I should do.
I reeeeeeally want a kiss and someone to hold me right now.
I'm amused because my love language really IS touch. Ha, I rock.
I'm annoyed because I had to correct like 6 typos in the word "rock" alone in that last sentence.
I'm happy because I only have 3 exams next week mrgreen And they shouldn't be too bad.
I'm a little sad cause I can't find the sword necklace Jarrett got for me... sad
I'm happy becuase I got a better dress that is flippin awesome!
I'm excited cause Icey gets to go to prom!!!
I'm ready to go home. I'm tired of being here, though it is fun sometimes. I'm going to miss the people though.
I'm just tired...
Ok, so, that was fun ^-^
Oh, I also joined a few RPs! YAY!!!
And... so... QUOTE! "Hard work may pay off in the future, but procrastination pays off now."