Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! One of them is updating!
Long time no see, beloved Gaia Journal <3
I know, I know. No one really reads this anymore, but meh. That's Ok. You never know who might stumble upon it.
I'm a senior! Again! But in college! GASP!
Is it over yet? xP
I'm ready to be out of here! Out in the world! With my own classroom! PLEASE! I admit, I'm scared of the future, but can it just hurry up and get here?
This year is uber stressful. UBER. Oh, and today marks the beginning of the third week I've been sick. Lovely ;]
My mom was diagnosed with the Swine Flu. Cause she took the flu (regular) vaccine and got sick, but they insist you can't get sick from the flu shot, so therefore, she has the Swine Flu. Lovely, yes?
Um. Worst class EVER this semester. Computers in Education. Pointless and a waste of my time. I hate it.
Kendall and I have been together about a year and a half. Yay us :] We celebrated our unofficial 2nd anniversary in September over Labor Day. Le woot.
Jarrett and I are no longer on speaking terms. He finally pissed me off to no end. I deleted him from everything. Then, as I am, I felt bad because I don't want to hate him. I don't want to look back on our relationship and regret it. Because, obviously, I was happy then. So, I sent him a message saying I didn't like the way we ended and I apologized for my actions. Ball's in his park, if he ignores it then I can go on without regretting our relationship. Mostly.
Speaking of regret...
Well, kinda.
Why does someone constantly return to my mind? Is it fate? Is it destiny? Is it meant to be? How can I know??? *sigh* It's hard, I admit that. Like, I don't like it.
Haha. On a somewhat related note, I wonder how a certain someone would feel knowing I'm writing a fiction piece about them. I wish I had brought up my journals and old saved IMs to look at- it would make writing this a lot easier. I'll do what I can with what I have though. It would also be easier if I could access the old archived messages from my desktop, but when I go to the folder, it won't open any messages. If only I could find a way to get internet on that computer! Anyone know if you can get DSL on an old dial-up computer? ;-P
Let's see...
I dunno. I really want to talk to someone, but he hasn't been online and when I called, he didn't answer. Blah. Why is he on my mind? It's odd. Very very odd. Hopefully, he'll call me back since I doubt I'll see him online.
It has been raining so much recently, it's crazy! C~R~A~Z~Y!
On the plus side, though, it's fall. I love fall.
Um. Do I have any craziness to report?
Well, Kendall is living with Em, Jess, and Linds. Isn't he lucky? Better him than me though.
Ugh. Not only do I feel bad, I look bad too. Stress is making me break out and then there's the fact that I've been sneezing so much that my nose is all red and swollen. I hate it.
I think... I think the future will be interesting, that I do. I've got to get out west one of these days.
I miss everyone! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Quote: "When life gives you lemons, find someone whose life gave them vodka and have a party."
Community Member
It's still nice to hope, though.