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Insane stories of a McDonald's employee
Just some stuff that's happened in the last few years I've been working. As well as other things
Into the Fallout.
Chapter 19:

Everything was falling into place. Ingram had already started constructing the gantry for Liberty Prime. A score of Knights and several scribes work endlessly to get it all set up. Sara was there of course, helping Ingram wire it all together. It was tiring work, but she helps as best she can. They were still waiting for Doctor Li to show up, they could still get everything set up. Sara takes a small break in between all the chaos as she wipes the sweat off her forehead. Ingram was moving all the heavy equipment since she was always in her power armor frame. When the doctor did show up about three days later after Nate had returned, Elder Maxson was quick to get her onto the ship. The two hadn't seen one another, in the last ten years. She left rather quickly, because of Liberty Prime. It was a strange twist of fate to have her here now because she felt they had lied to her about why they needed Liberty Prime. A part of him wonder just what she expected them to use it for. Li remained on the ship for a time, just so he could keep his eyes on her. When Nate And Danse returned, Ingram told them the news. Nate frowns a bit, Li had returned, but was refusing to help with Liberty Prime. So he rolls his eyes as he makes his way to the Vertibird. Sara wasn't sure what he had told the woman, but an hour later, she was actually helping them. Though now it seemed like their progress hit a wall. In order for Prime to use it's arm and legs, it needed needed four electromagnetic actuators.

Nate was ready to help as Ingram lets out a low laugh. "You know, that's what I like about you. Ready to help, even if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Look we can't just go find what we need, but we can make them. Problem is we need a high powered magnet to do so..." Nate looked a bit sheepish as he nods. "Where can I find one?" "Local hospitals, I'd try the same one you went to for the scanner, you never know what you may had missed." Nate lets out a low sound at this, but nods. "I'll see what I can find..." He heads out with Danse and once again they head off. There wasn't much they could do now so Sara decides to post Maxson on their progress. She still wasn't used to riding the Vertibird, but it was slowly getting easier. She finds Maxson in the command deck, looking out the large windows. His arms behind his back as she walks up to him slowly. She was mindful of the other members around her. "Elder sir.." Maxson jolts out of his thoughts as he turns to her. "Yes Knight, what do you have to report?" It was strange how easy this was as she places her own arms behind her. "We are making progress on Liberty Prime, however in order for it's arms and legs to work Ingram has informed me we need something called a electromagnetic actuator.." God she hoped she said that right. "Knight Thomson and Paladin Danse have already left go get the equipment we need to get started.." He looked pleased with this news as he paces a bit, his eyes on her. "Good, I was worried, we might run into a problem with Doctor Li, but it seems the issue was dealt with." Sara bows her head to him. "Knight Thomson had a chat with her."

He steps to the side as he holds out his arm. She blinks as she steps forward, standing at his side. "Glad to hear it, things seem to be progressing smoothly, anything unusual?" He was still keeping his eyes open for any more spies. The one they captured, was still being forced into some hard work for trying to poke holes into their defenses. "Well, I did have a word with Knight Sergeant Gavil before I came up here." She had talked to him for a moment to see if anything had changed. "Turns out the last stock count they did, resulting in a small loss on uniforms he was unaware of." Maxson was not happy with this news. "Uniforms?" She bows her head to this. "I'm not sure on the numbers, but I talked to some of the guards. They had noticed that every once in awhile they spot a soldier roaming the area, wearing sunglasses of all things.." Maxson seems to ponder over this bit of information, his rage slowly building. "And why hasn't this person been stopped?" Her eyes go wide at this. "That's the thing, the minute he's spotted, he just kind of...vanishes. He might be using a stealth boy, but who ever he is, he wants us to know we're being watched." Maxson wanted to punch a wall, but he slowly calms himself down. "Good work Knight, while it displeases me that a single spy is continuing to mock us, there's nothing that can be done about it. For the time being..." He looks up to see a few of his guards posted just outside the entry way. Their backs turned to him, guns in hand, always watching for trouble. "Right sir." She doesn't miss a beat however. "I'll keep you posted, once we get the parts we need, we'll be able to fully put Liberty Prime together."

She still had no idea what most of what she said meant. She just knew it was needed. She blinks as he shuffles closer, he boldly places both his hands on her face. He knew he was breaking protocol, but there was no one here to take notice. His growing need to hold her was becoming harder to ignore. She doesn't say a word as he leans forward just a touch. "Keep your eyes open...soldier." He wanted to keep his voice firm since his guards were so close. "If you see anything, or you catch a glimpse of this...spy, you know what to do." She gives him a smile he could swear made his heart flutter. "Of course, shot first, ask questions later, unless you think I should aim higher this time.." That smirk made his blood boil. Just what was this woman doing to him? "I want this spy alive, stealing uniforms is highly suspicious, though I doubt he'll talk. Then I just might let you take charge." Her brows rise at him, his face only a inch away from her's. "Ohhh is this some kind of promotion, putting me on interrogation are we?" His eyes dart to the open space before looking back at her. But he had to let her go, just in case someone did wonder by. "You may return to your duties Knight, Ad Victoriam." She gives him a salute, and a wink as she turns and leaves. He takes a deep breath as he leans against the railing. In the time he had been able to think it over, he was no closer to having an answer. He had cared deeply for Sarah Lyons, while she had laughed innocently at his growing admiration for her.

There had still been a air of respect he had for the woman. Still it never settled well just how quickly she had been killed. He tried to look into it himself, but the others shoved him off. Telling him that a child shouldn't worry about such things. The idea that anyone would hide something form him, bothered him greatly. It made him wonder just what they had tried to hide from him all those years ago. Not that looking into it now would do him any good. It wouldn't bring her back. He wondered if she even really had any feelings for him. Or if it was nothing more then her acting as an overly protective 'sister' figure he'll never fully know. He turns his gaze back to the entry way before looking outside again. His whole body suddenly felt heavy as he moves his hand up to his holotags. He didn't even know what happened to her's, it was like she had been erased. He was never sure who to point the finger at. But a small part of him wondered if they could do the same to him. Maxson or no, was this part of their grand plan? Did he even really have any control? He tightens his fist, no he was the Elder now. There was no more doubting himself. This was his responsibility now, and no one was going to take that from him. So that just left one question that he had been shoving deep in the corners of his mind. "What about...her?" The moment that question brought itself up, he was more unsure now then ever before.

He can still feel his skin burning, wanting nothing more then to just forget for a single moment and hold her. Touch her. "Make love to her." That makes his eyes go wide as he stops pacing. He had never considered, 'that' of all things. He slowly sits himself down on one of his couches and runs his hands through his hair. One of his guards take notice as he hears the loud clunking sound of metal on metal. "Elder Maxson, are you alright?" Maxson blinks as he looks up to the Paladin. He couldn't think of who this person was at the moment. "Yes...fine, get back to your post.." The Paladin turns and goes back to where he was. Maxson just wanted one minute to think. When had his mind turned to thinking along such lines. He was her superior, he shouldn't even consider crossing that line. Yet he had been spending late nights talking to her. Getting a better feel for this woman. Suddenly his rank didn't seem that important. He rises quickly as he makes his way up the latter to his room. He taps into his terminal and quickly gets to work. He had a lot of reading to do. He wasn't going to pull anything until he covered everything there was he needed to know before moving forward. Meanwhile Nate and Danse had been dropped off at the Medford Memorial Hospital. Nate sighs a bit as he rolls his shoulders. He had left his power armor behind for this mission. "You know, I'm starting to think I should have put my focus on the medical field." Danse lets out a low chuckle as they enter the hospital.

However, that mirth, dies fast when Nate hears an loud beeping sound, and a large Super Mutant heading their way. Nate yells as he rises his gun, just in time to hit the bomb the creature was holding. He and Danse cover their face as blood and guts rain down. Nate never could understand why the Mutants did that. To throw themselves into battle, with a bomb, ready to die. He figured it was the weaker ones, but the alarm rings through the hospital. Danse rises his weapon as he sneers. "Weapons hot soldier, we have company." While Nate was still getting used to life in the Commonwealth. He wondered if he would ever get used to the sight of these, beast. What bothered him now was that they used to be humans. Unlike Feral's, the radiation had changed them into somewhat tactical thinking creatures. They had to move slowly as they scanned the area. They would have to clear it first before they could look for the magnet. Nate lowers his weapon as they walk. He was using the laser rifle Danse had given him. Danse wasn't sure why, but it made his chest swell with pride to see Nate hold onto the weapon with care. Once it was clear they were able to begin their search without worry. Nate wasn't to sure what to look for, but he spots what could be the magnet. He stuffs everything into his pack, just to be sure. As well as anything else that might come in handy. Once they were sure they had what they needed they left the hospital, to see it was late into the night. They would just have to settle down for the night.

They set up camp in a small room as Nate leans his head against the wall. Danse made sure they were secure before stepping out of his armor. "We should be fine for now, I'll keep a look out until morning." Nate just gives him a slow nod. He was thinking back, on how they met. He was on his way to Diamond City when his Pip-Boy picked up Haylen's distress call for help. It felt like a lifetime ago, running in, still in his Vault suit, helping Danse against those Feral's. "Danse..." The Paladin turns to him. "I know, how hard it's been, but after everything. I liked to think I can call you a friend.." Danse blinks at this as he gives it some thought. "I'd like that, after the heavy losses we both have gone though, it's nice to have someone to rely on." Nate smiles warmly at this as he sits back. "I'll make sure to still call you sir." He chuckles a bit as Danse shakes his head. "I'm starting to think that Knight is having an effect on you." His brows rise at this. "Sara, I admit it's kind of hard not to admire that fire she has. I saw how the Elder shielded her when the emitter blew. Danse lets out a nervous sound. "I saw as well, I don't think he realizes how he feels for her just yet." Nate tilts his head to the side. "You think he's scared?" Danse lets out a low sigh at this. "Thing is, I've known him since he was young. It was no secret that he had a crush on Sarah Lyons. She was put in charge after her father had past away." He takes a deep breath as he continues. "Maxson was to young back then to be a leader. But she died, shortly afterward, killed." Nate thins his lips at this. "That seems..." Danse just nods at this slowly. "Exactly, the news devastated Maxson, what worse, and no one had any idea who killed her, or why. We had our suspicions that it could had been the Vault dweller that had joined us back then."

Nate wasn't sure what to say about that as he looks down. "I see, I can understand that feeling. Losing someone you care about, but it hits harder when you have no clue what happened." Danse nods to this as he moves a bit closer. "I have noticed a small change. Wither he takes notice or not is completely different." Nate lays back on his sleeping bag as he places his arm under his head. "I don't think he really knows how to...go about this. I've been there, when you feel that deeply for someone. I was a nervous wreak when I met Nora." He lets out a low laugh as he smiles at the memory. "The only thing I could think of was: how could someone so beautiful, be interested in someone like me?" He takes a deep breath as he rubs his hands over his eyes. "I never...told her everything about myself. I didn't want her to hate me.." Danse tilts his head at this. "What did you keep from her?" He watches as Nate's face goes red as he sinks unto his covers. "That...when we met, I wasn't...I was in a relationship with another...person." He didn't want to say outright who he had been with. He didn't know how the Brotherhood viewed such things. "It didn't last, what we had. I loved...cared for them, but Nora...bless that woman she changed something for me..." Danse just lets him talk, it seemed to be doing him some good. "Sorry...but thanks for hearing me out." Danse just gives him a small smile. "What was it like...falling in love like that?" Nate blinks as he looks up at the Paladin.

They had to be so focused, Nate felt a guilty that Danse had yet to experience such a thing. "It's hard to put to words, it's something you feel." He slowly sits up as he looks at Danse. "But when you know it's...real, it hits hard. Like nothing else around you matters. The only thing you can think of, is making that person happy.." Danse seems to take this information in. "I see...guess that makes sense." He understood how Arthur felt now at least. "How do you move past that though? That pain?" Nate rubs the back of his neck. "You don't, I think you..well I sure have reached a point where you realize the person you cared about would want you to move on.." He shrugs lightly at this. "It might sound a touch selfish, but you move on. I'll always love Nora, but I know deep in my heart she would want me to be happy, no matter who I ended up with.." Danse shuffles at this as he slowly gets up, looking the other way. "Right, get some sleep, I'll keep watch for a bit and wake you when the time comes." Nate lets out a hard yawn as he settles into his sleeping bag. He was out cold in a matter of seconds. Danse watches him sleep for awhile. He shakes his head a bit as he keeps his eyes open. He sure had enough to keep his mind occupied for awhile. He couldn't sit still and soon starts to pace the halls. He ignores the bodies of Mutants that littered the floor. He kicks at one before going back to his patrol. Deep down he hoped for the best. He had known Arthur for so long, the man could use, some kind of happiness.

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