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Plushie's Journal Just a place for entries, random thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. n.n

i are plushie
Community Member
Part 2 of Plushie to the Rescue; in the name of Christmas!

The Jingle Bells Rock song couldn't have gone any better even if she could sing well! More and more army drones short-circuited and toppled over into the snow, leaving only a spare few to go... and of course the mastermind, Zero Omega, himself. He didn't look pleased, and one in his position surely couldn't blame him. Here he had waited so long and gone through so much trouble to ruin Christmas, and in the span of less than half an hour, his entire scheme had been nearly foiled. One couldn't blame him for the few "anti-festive" words he sputtered, all of which would not look at all nice in text, so I won't put them here.

Plushie felt more delighted than ever! She was so close to saving Christmas and ensuring that everyone had a wonderfully happy holiday! There were but a few more army drones to go through, however, and Zero Omega himself. Not quite sure how to handle him, Plushie decided to just play it by the moment -- she'd figure something out when the time came. Presently, her attention needed to remain on the leftover drones; Christmas was not safe yet! Taking a few steps back from the remaining army bots, Plushie waited a moment; part of her wondered if their swift decline would entice the rest to raise the white flag in surrender. That would be wonderful. Of course, it was only wishful thinking, for Zero Omega had no intention of tossing the towel in just yet. The black hearted fiend was determined to have his revenge.

"Well don't just stand there! I want her tossed in with the Durem fish! Let those Rogue Biters have a go at her." He commanded to his remaining army.

The bots advanced once more, each grabbing a large candy cane from the ground that had been used to decorate the facility. Uh-oh. Plushie gripped her scepter, forced to use it for hand-to-hand combat! With a squeal, she blocked a candy-cane swipe, quick on her feet, backing this way and that, raising her scepter to defend from the peppermint-pummeling! "These bots are so bad... worse than the others! How can I get through this anti-Christmas programming?" She thought, narrowly missing a bonk to the head! Then it dawned on her... she couldn't counteract these anti-Christmas bots... but someone else could! Turning on the spot, she ran towards the facility steps leading up to the fishing area. Stepping up the first three, she pointed her scepter at the remaining bots, "You think you hate Christmas? You don't know the meaning of being a Grinch!" Lifting the golden end towards the sky, she waved it side to side, shouting...

"You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch.
You're the king of sinful sots.
Your heart's a dead tomato splotched
With moldy purple spots,
Mr. Grinch!

And these bots think they're worse than you!"

A foul smelling, green gaseous odor erupted from the end of her scepter, which she immediately pointed towards the remaining bots. Wrinkling her nose, Plushie turned her face a bit, doing her best to block out the stench. The gas built and built, creeping down into the fray, thickening and thickening... such a rotted smell. It thickened and clumped, taking shape, until... there he stood... Mr. Grinch! His furry body as green as mold, his face twisted into a furious, sour scowl.
"What is this, I hear? Who thinks they hate Christmas more than the Grinch?" He demanded, his tone acidic and challenging.

"These army bots do, Mr. Grinch. In fact, they're trying to upstage you by ruining Christmas." Plushie said from behind him, remaining on the steps.

"WHAT? UPSTAGE THE GRINCH? THE MOST FEARSOME, VILE, HATEFUL CREATURE THAT EVER HATED?" The Grinch shouted. He turned on the bots faster than a dog on a steak. Stomping up to them, he proceeded to berate them, jabbing at them, mocking them, laughing wickedly at them. "Stealing Santa's cookies? Ha! What a pathetic plot! The work of amateurs! You make me laugh!" And so, he laughed. "You don't hate Christmas! You don't know what hate is! You love Christmas compared to me! You love it, and treasure it, and love the jolly fat man, compared to me, the Grinch!" On and on he went, never pausing in his ramblings.

The continued contradictions, doubts, and berating did exactly what Plushie had hoped... it caused several of the army bots' heads to explode from over-processing! Hearing the Grinch's constant angry ranting conflicted with their programming; it caused many of the bots' to overload. A handful of them collapsed into the snow, their heads a heap of broken metal and electrical wiring. Finding his "audience" in short supply, the Grinch finally stopped his lecture, gazing at the so few bots remaining.
"Losers." He muttered at last, stomping off and away from the facility.

Plushie hopped down from the steps, facing the final few bots. Looking to Zero Omega with a smile, she said, "I'll be with you shortly."

User Comments: [5]
i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:21am

Zero Omega looked as if he were about to explode, much like how his bots had not a moment ago. One could attribute his reddened face to the cold temperatures, but I think we all know, as did Plushie, that it was a sign of his anger. He had nearly tasted victory, nearly had it in his grasp, so close to destroying Christmas for Gaia, when a meddling girl came along and hung bright lights all over his dark, sinister little world. I feel compelled to pause in the story-telling, for at this moment our antagonist partook in a temper tantrum of his own, stomping around and raving about the injustice of being pied in the face, the nuisance of a meddler before him, his wonderful plans being ruined, and a few other choice words that I must leave out. When he was done, he rounded on our heroine with a rage in his eyes, determined to have her goody-two-shoes Christmas saving stopped at once!

"I don't care what you do, but I want her gone! Throw her in with the fishes, tie her to a rocket, feed her her precious cookies until she pops like a balloon - I don't care! Get rid of her now, before she ruins everything!" He barked hysterically, ordering his last few bots into action. Nothing and no one would ruin this for him! He had plotted this for so long! Gaia deserved it for what was done to him! Christmas would be ruined; he would see to it that no one got presents this year!

The remaining bots attacked with a vengeance best suited for their maker; they threw snowballs, coal, and smelly old socks; they swung candy canes, made grabs for her scepter, and tried to snatch her up in their metallic clutches! It was the fiercest attack yet; Plushie barely evaded, and suffered the blow of a few snowballs and even a large lump of coal! Ow! She used her scepter to ward off as much of the wicked objects as possible, batting away coal, breaking snowballs, and blocking those peppermint canes. She turned, twisted, stumbled and tripped, and ran... this was it, the final moment...

One of the bots grabbed the golden end of her scepter, stopping her escape. This would be her final attempt to defeat the remaining bots; if she was successful it would be down to her and Zero Omega, but if she failed her scepter would be taken, and she tossed in with the fishes, or tied to a rocket, or made to explode from too many cookies! This was it!

"Take a good look at what you're trying to take away from Gaia!" She said, her voice full of passion and conviction. This was the only thing she could think of, showing these drones just what they were trying to steal from Gaia. Gripping her scepter with both hands, she closed her eyes, summoning all the strength she could; it took a warm heart filled with generosity to give a gift to another, and Plushie knew that these cold bots needed wonderful ones if she had any chance of bypassing their "ruin-Christmas" programming. She put as much kindness, warmth, and desire to make another happy into her magic, crying out, "Wrapped in paper with a pretty little bow, Christmas gifts, Christmas gifts, to you I bestow!"

The bot who held her scepter was forced back as yet another ball of light shone at its tip, soft and pink with a touch of gold. It grew brighter and brighter, jetting outward and splitting into many strands, each finding one of the spread-out drones. At the end of the lighted-stream, a box manifested, each wrapped with decorative, festive paper and topped with a colorful bow. Christmas presents! The drones looked down at the offered gift, at first unsure of what it was, and even more-so... what to do with it!

"Go ahead, open them." Plushie encouraged. One by one, each of the remaining drones took hold of their box, the light disappearing once they had. Each worked to undo the wrapping (something that was not at all easy for a mindless hunk of metal), finally shredding the packaging and revealing what was inside. Inside each box lay a brand new eye-piece of a different color. One was red, another orange, another yellow, and another blue. "Put it on." Plushie said. One by one the drones picked up the piece, analyzing it.

"Crush it!" Zero Omega shouted angrily.

The bots continued to analyze, processing the item; each knew what it was, fore they all had one of their own. It was easy to deduce that the newer eye-pieces were more "advanced" and so, by simple calculation, each knew to replace their current with them. One by one the bots removed their eye-pieces, attaching the ones that had been given as a gift. The scene changed for them dramatically. What once had been gray, dull, dark and dismal, now changed to colorful, merry, vibrant and spectacular. Whether bots can "feel" is a subject much debated, but I'd speculate that the change of scenery sparked some kind of odd circuitry within them, for each drone seemed overwhelmed and even astonished.

Needless to say, the "positive imagery" was enough; it caused an overload for each remaining bot, and down they toppled into the snow. No one could resist a gift from the heart, especially when one was so well needed. Plushie turned to the only remaining enemy... Zero Omega himself. The two stood a few feet apart, he glaring at her in a rage, and her bracing herself for what was to come. This was it... the showdown that would determine the fate of Christmas.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:22am

The Zero Bot Army was down to one... its creator. Zero Omega vs. Plushie in a winner takes all match! The stakes? Christmas itself! An onlooker would no doubt be able to cut through the tension as one would a slice of freshly baked pumpkin pie! They stood, separated by a few feet, eyes locked on one another. Plushie fidgeted a bit -- a nervous habit -- as she did her best to 'stare down' the competition, who returned the challenge with an unwavering and unyielding resolve to, it seemed, melt her with a hateful glare. The silence was as thick as an early morning fog, heavy and suffocating. Zero Omega finally broke it.

"Everything was going fine until you came hurrying along with your little do-right heart." He said, his tone icy and resentful. Plushie couldn't help but return the glare, finding the idea of stealing Christmas and dashing the beliefs of so many "fine" a little infuriating. "You're being selfish, Zero. You want to ruin Christmas for all of Gaia because of the wrong-doing of few. That's despicable." She retorted, genuinely hoping that she could make him see reason. Her intent had the opposite effect, however, for her rival seemed to lose what temper he had been struggling to compose.

"Despicable?! What's despicable is shoving a pie into someone's face and humiliating them in front of their peers! What's despicable is laughing at them and making them a complete joke!" He shouted, his hands clenching into fists. Plushie nodded a little; despite his heinous plot to destroy Christmas, little miss "do-right" as she was previously called, could empathize with him. "I can't imagine how that made you feel. It was wrong. They shouldn't have done that. But destroying Christmas? You're trying to ruin a holiday for everyone! How is that revenge? That's hurting people who had nothing to do with what happened!" She said, doing her best to push through his rage, hoping beyond hoping that he'd see his true harm.

Zero Omega did not respond. He merely stood, staring at her, perhaps in thought. Figuring that her words had made some kind of positive impression, Plushie decided to push further. Directing the golden end of her scepter towards her free hand, she said quietly, "A Christmas feast is not complete without a tasty little treat." A cream-colored puff erupted from her scepter, similar to the rancid green one that had brought forth the Grinch. This one, though, smelled wonderful! It was sugary, rich, and scrumptious! It clumped and thickened, finally manifesting itself into a pie... a delicious pumpkin pie! Plushie had a feeling that pumpkin was his favorite.

The sight of the pie caused Zero Omega to take a step back -- he clearly still had some pie issues. "No, no, it's ok." She assured him, slowly walking towards him. "I made this because I want you to pie me in the face." Wait, what? Was she serious? Absolutely. Plushie intended to give him the "revenge" that perhaps was most appropriate; he was pied in the face, and so hey, why shouldn't he pie someone else in the face? At the very least she hoped he'd feel better. Plus.. it would be funny! Laughter was the best medicine. Zero Omega raised a brow, clearly unsure of whether or not to take her seriously. "I mean it. I want you to take this pumpkin pie and mash it right into my face. It'll be funny!" Plushie said, nearly laughing at the thought.

She was almost close enough to hand him the pie when the worst thing that could have happened... happened. On her way to step over one of the fallen bots, her foot caught against the metal, causing her to trip forward. The scene was in slow-motion: A startled cry, a slow, slow, slow fall forward, that both could see nano-second by nano-second, her hand raising instinctively to catch herself, the pie... the pumpkin pie... mashing into Zero Omega's face. EPIC FACEPALM. Forced back by the pie-in-the-face, Zero Omega stumbled, clearly shocked by what had just happened. Landing in the snow on all fours, Plushie glanced up at him, horror-struck. Oh no, oh no, oh no...

Well... the Zero Bot Army had been defeated... but thanks to her fancy footwork and backfiring good intentions... the battle for Christmas was about to take an entirely different turn from the victory she had anticipated as so close... and this turn could prove more dangerous than the last...

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:24am

Zero Omega straightened, his expression that of trauma and shock... or, it would have been, if you could see it. Pumpkin pie caked his face, concealing it from view. Had you been able to see his face, you might recognize his expression as one similar to the expression you'd make if you were terrified of clowns and one suddenly jumped out at you. His body shook, though whether that was from shock or rage, well... I leave that to your imagination. "Zero, I'm so, so..." Plushie began, her voice pleading and weak. With a firm raise of his hand, she instantly silenced herself, not wanting to add any more aggravation to whatever he was dealing with presently.

He slowly brought his hands up and peeled the pie from his face, letting it fall with a dreadful thud into the snow below. Plushie got to her feet after a moment, picking her scepter up as she did. "It was an accident..." She told him meekly, already knowing that her words were falling onto deaf ears. There was absolutely no way that he would listen to anything she had to say, even though what had just happened was in fact an accident. She knew that. Using his pointer and middle finger on each hand, Zero Omega wiped the pumpkin mush from his eyes. Expecting to find them filled with rage, Plushie found her anticipation incorrect... and wretchedly so, for what his eyes shone was far worse than boiling anger. His eyes were "dead set" as the expression goes; they were the eyes of a man whose mind was so closed off that no words would ever reach him.

Without a word and without bothering to finish cleaning his face, Zero Omega turned on the spot and began walking towards the stairs of the Durem Reclamation fishing area. For a moment, a brief moment, Plushie feared that, in his state of mind, he was about to throw himself into the water! That of course was ridiculous, for he intended to do no such thing. Not walking up the stairs, but around them, Zero Omega approached a door in the stone. Had that always been there? No. He had been planning this Christmas-Caper for a long time. Gripping the knob, he pulled the door open, stepping aside.

What greeted her was a horrible sight! ZOMBIES! Countless zombies walked in a sluggish, sloppy manner from beneath the larger facility stairs. They had been "stored" there, apparently in the event that the bot-army failed. Plushie took several steps back as the zombie army was released into the facility in numbers exceeding that of their predecessor. Zero Omega himself remained by the stairs, now taking the time to begin cleaning his face. The nearest zombie clumsily swung his weapon at her head! Jumping back, Plushie tripped over a bot, landing on her butt in the snow. Oh no! These were your classic zombies - they wanted her brain to eat! Yikes!

Wasting no time, she jumped to her feet and put as much distance between herself and the mass of brainless brain-nommers as possible. Gripping her scepter, she pointed it towards the sky, performing a few graceful movements and calling out once more,

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock!
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring!
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun!
Now the jingle hop has begun!"

The same bells materialized and began their familiar tune... but the effects this time were heartbreaking! Nothing happened! It seemed as if these ghoulish zombies were far too stupid to process the sounds, let alone understand any meaning in them! Positive sentiments and Christmas cheer was not going to defeat this army... Plushie would have to battle them! Christmas was depending on her!

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:25am

Plushie mentally thwapped herself right upside the head - Leroy Jethro Gibbs style; if only she hadn't tripped and pied Zero Omega in the face, if only her plan had gone the way it was supposed to go... Christmas might be safe. Instead, she was back to square one, facing another army, this one more formidable than the last. Having learned moments ago that Christmas cheer and 'good will' were powerless against these foes, Plushie knew that she would have to take a different approach if she was to have any hope of defeating this band of mindless henchmen.

A handful of the zombies lumbered towards her, making guttural, groaning noises, each with a weapon in hand. It wasn't too difficult to put some distance between them and herself; zombies don't possess the brain power to maneuver quickly, you see, or outsmart their opponent by swiftly changing directions. At least Plushie had that on her side. Putting the end of her scepter into the snow, she squinted through the golden arches with one eye. "Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, gift a special toy please, just for me." She sang. The two golden arches of her scepter began to grow, several inches higher until the middle point was much lower. Removing one of her wrist bands, she stretched it around the two longer arches, making a slingshot.

"Take this, you ghoulish grumps." Plushie said, pulling the band back and releasing. Now, this was indeed a "special toy" for it needed no ammunition - it had its own! With each fling of the band, ten snowballs flew forward from seemingly no where! Fling, fling, fling, fling! It was a snowball attack! Clump after clump of countless snowy balls of varying sizes -- some were golf ball size, others baseball size, others softball size, and some even bowling ball size! -- flew towards the zombie army. Many were hit; some were hit in the face, others in the chest and stomach. It was an all out attack!

Unfortunately, it did nothing. The empty-headed henchmen merely lumbered on forward, not even realizing that they had been hit! The snow simply smooshed against them and fell off, landing in clumps on the snowy ground below. Removing the band from her scepter and quickly replacing it on her wrist, the golden arches shrank until they were once again normal size. Ugh. She needed to think of something else...

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:26am

Plushie facepalmed; she had absolutely no idea what sort of offense she could possibly make against these zombies because, quite frankly, they were too stupid to know that anything had happened! The zombies groaned and lumbered, half-walking and half-dragging themselves towards her, no doubt hungry for some brain-food. Zero Omega finally emerged from by the stone stairs, his face now clean and lacking pumpkin pie. He seemed distant in a way; during the first battle with his first army, he had been expressive in his desire to have "the meddler" gotten rid of, as well as his anti-Christmas anger. Now, he seemed solemn and withdrawn, as if he were working something out in his mind and had little interest as to what was going on around him, despite his occasional glances.

"Zero! Call off your zombies; it was an accident and you know it! I tripped!" Plushie called to him, standing on tip-toes to see over the heads of the slowly advancing minions. Zero glanced at her, his eyes flashing with hollow anger. He didn't believe her; in his mind, he had allowed this girl to trick him and further humiliate him and, in fact, it had been her tactic all along. He would suffer no more insults; nothing and no one would come between him and his revenge -- Christmas would not be ruined, oh no, it would be destroyed!

Her attention momentarily turning to the zombie army before her, Plushie was forced to retreat back a few steps. Gripping her scepter, she pointed it at the ground before her, making a swirling motion with the golden end.

"Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal.
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say,
He was made of snow but the children
Know how he came to life one day."

She sang, all the while making circular motions with the golden end of her scepter, as if shaping snowballs. And so she did. The snow began to pull together, rolling this way and that, in circles, keeping with the motion of the scepter. On and on it clumped and rolled, first one giant ball, then another medium ball, and finally a smaller ball, all of large size, despite their difference in mass. The medium ball hopped, of its own accord, onto the larger ball, and then at last the smaller ball hopped, also of its own accord, onto the medium ball, forming a stack of three. The figure stood around 6 feet tall -- quite the nice sized snowman. A soft whizzing noise sounded in the air and, a few moments later, two long branches had flown towards the snowman from one of the nearby trees. Attaching to the sides of the medium ball, the snowman was now given arms! Swiftly picking up some of the coal that the zero bots had thrown at her, Plushie gave the snowman a face and buttons. Using a candy cane for his pipe and a carrot (which had come from the pile of Santa's stolen snacks) for his nose, she waited... and waited... though nothing happened! What was missing? Oh! His hat! Where was it?

Suddenly spotting the hat a few feet away (it had gotten pushed aside as the snowman was forming), Plushie snatched it up and placed it on the snowman's head... just in time, too... for the zombies were but a few feet away. The snowman suddenly gave a hearty laugh and turned on the spot, facing the brainless brutes, very much alive! Before Plushie could speak, however, something horrible happened! While her attention was turned to the zombie army, Zero Omega had made his way to Santa's Stock Pile and lit it on fire! (I know! I'm just as horrified as you; what a fiend!) The brilliant flames began to dance over the corner of the pile, burning all that lay beneath it.

"Frosty! Quick! Santa's treats!" Plushie cried, pointing with her hand towards the pile. Frosty the snowman barreled his way through the zombie army, sliding through the snow, plowing (hurr hurr, snow joke!) several of them over. He slid at a great speed, his bottom-ball growing as the snow clumped to him. Without a moment to lose, our magical friend threw himself on top of the flames! His cold mass extinguished the fire, saving a good 85% of Santa's treats, but unfortunately the flames melted him in the process. Plushie's eyes filled with tears as she looked on, seeing what was Frosty the snowman, now a pile of slush, piled onto a steamy mass of burnt treats. He had saved them.

The zombie henchman that had been knocked over merely groaned and clumsily clambered to their feet once more, unaffected by the blow. Plushie removed her crown, taking a moment of silence for the fallen hero, not caring that the wretched fiends were once more lumbering towards her...

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