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Plushie's Journal Just a place for entries, random thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. n.n

i are plushie
Community Member
Part 4 of Plushie to the Rescue; in the name of Christmas!

Plushie sat in the dark, gazing around... or rather, she would have been, were she able to see. She had thought being trapped on the fishing barrier with the zombies had been a pickle; this was a pickle! No, no, this was a JAR of pickles! Ugh. The area beneath the stone stairs was chilled and hollow, but void of snow, which was nice. It would have been horrid having to sit on snow -- she'd have some homemade frozen buns! Resting her scepter in her lap, Plushie sighed, listening to the sound bounce off the surrounding enclosure.

"What a fix I've gotten myself into. I was doing so well and now look, I'm trapped in here while Zero is out there reigning down havoc on Christmas. What a perfect beast." She said to herself, thinking of all those remaining zombies lumbering around through Gaia, stealing more cookies and cakes, and perhaps even feasting on poor, unknowing citizen's brains. She shuddered. Plushie hummed and thrummed, thinking of some way to get out of there. Even if she did manage to get out, there must be several zombies lingering just outside the door. Hmm... hmm... hmmmmmmm....

Remembering that little light of hope that she had grasped not long ago, Plushie took a deep breath and got to her feet. Locking her in here would not stop her from saving Christmas, not by a long shot. Get ready, Zero Omega; if you want to ruin Christmas you'll need to try a lot harder. Gripping her scepter, she pointed it towards the door, her face determined. "Christmaaaas Eeeeve Silver-Bell Blast!" A sonic wave erupted from the end of her scepter; the sound was that of, what would have been in actuality, two gigantic bells ding-ding-dong'ing. The tune had been magnified ten fold and its vibrations were pulsated from the end of the scepter. The door exploded outward, ripped clear from its hinges, and taking chunks of stone with it.

Plushie was greeted by sunlight and fresh air, and she wasted no time in leaving her dark and depressing prison. Rushing out, she saw a few zombies sprawled on the ground -- the door had flown into them and knocked them over. They appeared to be unconscious. Woo! The remaining zombies began to lurch towards her, still hungry for her brains...

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i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:39am

Glancing around, Plushie saw no sign of that fiend Zero Omega. He must have taken off somewhere after he had locked her in that horrid, cold little room. It looked as if she'd have no choice but to search the neighboring towns until she found him... and hopefully soon, before he did something really abominable. Not that stealing Santa's cookies and treats wasn't terrible, but for all she knew he could be running about and lighting everyone's Christmas trees on fire!

Presently, Plushie found herself a bit preoccupied, and this was no time to stand lost in thought over what could be or might be. The remaining zombies lumbered, lurched, stumbled, dragged and groaned themselves towards her. The fallen remained fallen; they were no longer part of this battle. It had been unintentional, but her door-blasting had done more good than she could have hoped for. Plushie pushed her foot backwards, imitating the motions of a bull. Gripping her scepter, she did the bravest thing she had ever done... she charged!

"CHAAAARGE!" She even announced it! Running forward, she held her scepter horizontally at her stomach, and barreled into the fray! A few zombies were knocked over, the staff-like metal of the scepter catching them in the stomach and forcing them back off their feet (I think, and I think it's a reasonable theory, that if zombies had had better balance and a smarter brain to readjust their balance, that Plushie's heroics might not have worked at all. But like you, I should be happy that they did). A few of the zombies took clumsy swings at her, though thanks to her swift thinking, she was able to duck or spin away from the blows.

Coming out on the other side, she turned to see how effective her work had been. It hadn't. Every single zombie was getting to his feet with guttural and incoherent groaning. Oy! This army was worst than the last! At least she had far better luck with them.

"Ugh! What do I have to do to be rid of you beasts?" She said with exasperation. I shouldn't wonder that we're all thinking the same thing.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:40am

Hello, Deja Vu. Once again her attempt to stop these brainless minions failed and, once again, here they came towards her. Plushie groaned with frustration and facepalmed; this was becoming so, so tiresome. She wanted to just run off and go face Zero Omega; he was the true threat to Christmas, not these zombies. It was he who orchestrated this whole wicked plot and he who would continue to try and destroy Christmas. These zombies were just... well, if you've ever seen a zombie, you know.

"I could leave and come back. I'm sure they would still be here. They're so dim that they'd just wander about. Maybe they'd even try and eat each other's brains." Plushie said to herself, pacing around in a little circle as she debated whether or not to stay until the zombies had been taken care of, or simply leave and come back later, after she had somehow defeated the mastermind. As she argued with herself, the zombies lurched and dragged themselves forward, oblivious as to what their "prey" was doing. The nearest one swung his weapon at her head. Plushie squeaked and ducked, narrowly avoiding the tip.

"Hey, none of that!" She snapped, more annoyed with having her self-argument interrupted than she was at having her head nearly taken off. Backing up a few paces, she pointed her scepter at the group of barbarians and chimed, "Ribbon ribbon, blue and long, wrap these things up, nice and strong." Blue ribbon spiraled from the end of her scepter, outward and onward. It curled and twisted around the closest zombies, knotting and binding, roping them together. The end of the ribbon expelled from her scepter, doing a little dance before finishing itself with a pretty bow. The bound zombies stood tied together, their arms trapped at their sides, confused as to why they could no longer pursue their hunger of brains.

"Hmm... not quite right yet." Plushie observed, pointing her scepter above the gathered zombies. With a quick murmur, a large white bow shot out as if from a cannon. It fluttered downward, almost gracefully, before landing on the zombie's heads. "Perfect!" She exclaimed, grinning.

A few more zombies were now out of the way, wrapped up nicely as a present for Zero Omega, if he ever returned. Though, she didn't expect even he would want a present full of zombies. Yikes. That gift would definitely end up in the 'return' pile.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:42am

The ribbon'd zombies each tried to lumber in their own direction. This did not result in anything beneficial for them; they became a tangle of legs and ended up a cluttered lump on the snowy ground. The remaining zombies went unaware that a few of their comrades had been immobilized; they groaned and dragged onward, their single-minded (Forgive the expression; it seemed best suited for the sentiment, though we all know that zombies are lacking any true mind) focus on the girl before them. These zombies cared nothing for Christmas, ruining it or otherwise; all they wanted were brains, and if they themselves had one, they'd have figured it most beneficial to lurch into the neighboring towns where hundreds of brains resided. I think we should all consider ourselves lucky that this did not come to "mind."

Plushie wasted no time in jumping to the offense; she didn't want to risk her head being chopped off again. It was decided: she would stay here and fight until each of these zombies was out of the picture, and that had to happen soon. Christmas depended on it! She wouldn't let this second batch of minions deter her from the real problem - Zero Omega. Pointing her scepter at the remaining empty-headed monsters, she chimed once more, remembering the "good stuff" involved in Christmas, using it to empower her.

"Dough and chips, a perfect treat, baked on 350 on a cookie sheet!"

Like the large white bow, several things began to 'shoot' from the golden end of her scepter... chocolate chip cookies! They pelted the zombies, hitting them in the face, the front, the legs -- pew, pew, pew, pew! Several cookies broke on impact. A few of the zombies got a cookie right in the mouth; let's see how they liked that! ..... They didn't. Each one "chewed" lazily at the cookie before uttering a disgusted/angry-like groan. Bits of cookie fell from their mouths -- ewwwww! None of the zombies were deterred from this cookie-cannon fire. They resumed their approach.

"Well, cookies are meant for Santa. No matter, I'll come up with something else!" Plushie exclaimed confidently, not being the least bit off-put from this setback. After all... they had been happening a lot!

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:44am

The bombardment of cookies hadn't quite worked out, but no matter; Plushie would not be deterred from taking out the last of these mindless minions -- in the name of Christmas! The longer she took to finish off these zombies, the more opportunity Zero Omega had to complete his dastardly plans. The little light of hope shone in the deep recess of her mind and she saw the dark fate of Gaia were she to fail: crying children, confused people, Christmas trees burning, cookies uneaten, and poor, fat, jolly Santa sitting alone in his workshop, his elves gone, unneeded, working at a snail's pace on a toy train... one that no child would ever receive.

The horror! This could never be! She would never let this happen! "I'm coming for you, Zero!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, hoping that where he was, he would hear. Now was the time to finish off these zombies once and for all! Plushie pointed the golden end of her scepter towards the sky and chimed,

"Working hard all year round, a few I call to this battle ground.
Pause your trains, pause your dolls,
I need you now, for my worthy cause.
Come ye hither and rush to my aid,
Help me beat these zombies, and let Christmas be saved!"

Like the reindeer earlier, something appeared far off in the distance. At first, it looked like a speck, but after a moment that speck became larger... and larger. Plushie ducked to avoid a swipe from one of the zombies, bumping her shoulder into its side to knock it down. She hurried a few feet from the gathering, not wanting to be inside it when "the speck" arrived. Up in the distance it grew larger, and larger until you could just make out what it was... a sleigh! Brilliant and red, it was pulled by a single reindeer (it wasn't Santa's sleigh). Plushie cheered and encouraged the sleigh's arrival, calling out, "Hooray! Down here! Hurry!" Suddenly five heads popped up from the sleigh's edge... elves!

The reindeer alighted on the ground, the sleigh sliding in the snow behind it. The five elves jumped from their carriage, each equipped with a toy: one had a stuffed bear, another had a hula-hoop, the third had a paddle ball, the fourth a jack-in-the-box, and the fifth a toy train. Now, we all know elves are Santa's workers and they are very hard-working indeed, but what many of us do not know is how terribly naughty elves can be... especially when Christmas is threatened! The elf with the bear fearlessly jumped onto a zombie and began smacking him with the stuffed toy. The elf with the hula-hoop jumped up and threw it around another zombie, pulling it in circles, forcing the zombie to turn 'round and 'round. The elf with the paddle ball used another zombie's head for target practice. The elf with the jack-in-the-box handed his toy to another zombie, who started stupidly at it, until the jack sprung out and hit him in the face! The elf with the toy train crept up to another zombie and put the train right under his foot as he went to step, letting him slip on it!

Plushie jumped up and down and thanked the elves, waving as they took off back to the North Pole. There were still so many toys to make!

Each zombie targeted by the elves lay in the snow, out of commission. Only a few remained.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:45am

All right! Only a handful of zombies remained and our heroine was determined to beat them and in a timely manner. Not one more minute could be wasted on futile attempts and evasive tactics. The situation was more critical than ever; Zero Omega had been "on the loose" for far too long and one could only imagine what new horror he was wreaking on Gaia in his quest to destroy Christmas! He needed to be stopped and the sooner she found him, the sooner she could stop him!

Plushie (probably inspired by the brave actions of the little elves) ran right past the remaining zombies. Each took a swing at her, but thanks to a jump, a duck, and even a stumble, she narrowly missed the would-be scalping. Putting about twenty feet between her and the approaching zombies, Plushie turned and held her scepter vertically out in front of her.

"Tall and green, oh so grand,
Come here now and take a stand.
Ornaments and garland, a star on top,
Fight this enemy, make them stop.
Christmas Tree, oh Christmas Tree,
I want to save Christmas, please come and help me."

The scepter in her hands began to glow brightly in its entirety. Plushie closed her eyes and turned her head to shield the light, which was overwhelming. She lifted her scepter as high as possible before slamming it down into the snow ( think Gandalf -- YOU SHALL NOT PASS emotion_awesome ). The area exploded with a brilliant white light. Plushie took a few steps back, peeking out one of eye, trying to watch what was happening. The scepter glowed and glowed, becoming larger and larger with each passing moment. She could no longer see the zombies, but had no doubts that they too had stumbled back. Finally, the light dulled and before them stood the largest Christmas Tree imaginable. It had to be at least 40 feet tall and it was decorated with shining ornaments, frilly garland, and on top sparkled the most beautiful star.

The Christmas Tree towered above them all, in all its splendor. As if it had understood its summoner's words, and was perhaps even alive, it began to rock a bit... forward... backward... forward... barely even noticeable. That is until it fell forward completely, landing on the remaining zombies, burying them under Christmas glory. Plushie winced a bit -- that had to hurt. The tree glowed once more until it vanished. Her scepter lay in the snow and before it the zombies, all knocked out. She stepped forward and picked up her trusty friend. Seeing footprints along the path leading to Durem, Plushie took off in the same direction.

Get ready, Zero Omega... Here I come.

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