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Plushie's Journal Just a place for entries, random thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. n.n

i are plushie
Community Member
Part 1 of -- Plushie to the Rescue; in the name of Christmas!

After twelve very long months of waiting, December had come once more -- hurrah! December was Plushie's most favorite month; t'was the Christmas season and the town was ablaze with brilliant, colorful lights, while soft snow flurried from the sky and topped buildings and trees, and painted the ground like powder on a freshly baked cake. It was a delicious sight! Men and women all around had gotten into the Christmas spirit; a merry "happy Christmas to you mum!" or "jolly wishes good sir!" was never far from the ear. Neighbors were neighbors once more! Long forgotten was the "who had the better lawn" competition, and the annoyance of having one's newspaper stolen, and even the busy-bodies had left behind their idle gossip in favor of showing good cheer to their fellow neighbors. December was a wonderful month!

This December was different than the last, though... there had been reports lately of sugary treats disappearing from the shelves, and even from people's homes! Just yesterday, old Mrs. Kimmel had been telling her knitting club that all of her cookie ingredients had been swiped from her pantry! Mr. Fisher, the grocery store manager, shared a similar story at the town meeting; all of his cookie mixes and boxed cookies had been stolen in the night! There was something rotten in the crisp December air, and Plushie was determined to find out what it was! She ventured off one afternoon to visit Rina, one of the town's most prominent shop keepers, who everyone knew sold some of the best sweets and treats.

Frolicking through the falling snow, our blue-haired heroine made her way to the Buttercup Cafe to meet with Rina. Spotting the hard-at-work treat-maker, Plushie waved, hopping up towards the counter.

"Hi, Rina!" She said happily (Rina was one of her favorite shop-keepers).

The other straightened from below the counter, a tray of freshly baked pies in her mitted-hands. The sight was a relief to Plushie; Rina had not experienced any sweet-thievery! Perhaps there was nothing to worry about. The look on her face, however, told a different story. Normally happy-go-lucky and sweeter than her treats, Rina appeared worrisome and anxious.

Plushie hopped onto the counter and sat, peering over at the utter mess that was the kitchen -- it looked as if a tropical storm had hit it!

"Oh Rina, what happened? Is everything alright?" She asked, her concern rising as she watched her friend busy about in an almost frantic manner.

Dropping the tray on the counter and working to cut each pie into even slices, Rina shook her head. "No, no, no it isn't alright. This is the fourth batch of pies that I've had to make! The other three went missing!"

Oh no! It seemed as if even Rina was suffering from this disappearing act! Plushie caught her crown; leaning over to inspect the kitchen had almost caused it to fall off. "What happened to your other three batches? Did you see anything?" She asked.

Rina shook her head once more, simultaneously cutting, plating, and packaging slices of various pies, some of which Plushie was able to recognize by sight and scent -- there was apple, pumpkin, chocolate mousse, and banana cream. "I don't know. I just don't know. I had set them to bake in the oven and had gotten a phone call. Though when I answered, no one was there. When I came out from the office, the oven door was open, and the pies were gone!" She said with a tone of frustration and bewilderment.

"Hmm... if the oven door was open, then it means someone took Rina's pies..." Thought Plushie. "Listen honey, I don't mean to be rude, but I have so many more pies to bake before the day is up. People will be coming in a few hours to get their Christmas pies and treats for Santa." Rina continued, barely looking up from her work. Plushie wished her a good day and hopped off the counter, wandering away from the Buttercup Cafe, her mind racing and puzzled.

Mrs. Kimmel lost her cookie ingredients, Mr. Fisher had lost his cookie mixes and boxed cookies, and now Rina had lost several batches of pies and who knows what else. This was no disappearing act... someone was stealing Christmas treats! In the name of Christmas... this mystery had to be solved! Plushie knew just who to ask... someone no one would think twice about hiding from, because well... most people overlooked him. She hurried down the street towards the only alley in town and, as she expected, Pete was rummaging around in one of the dumpsters... his only slipper dangling off his foot as he kicked his legs about.

Slipping to the other side of the dumpster, out of sight from the main road, Plushie scrunched her face up a moment -- the smell was gross. She knocked on the side of the dumpster, "Pete... I need a word with you." She whispered, afraid someone might be listening in. The thin man fell into the dumpster, slowly popping his head out and peering around; he too seemed to want privacy for this discussion. "I found a pair of sunglasses!" He exclaimed in a hushed whisper, holding out a pair of black sunglasses -- one of the lenses was missing, and the other was cracked. He put them on, obviously quite pleased with his new dashing appearance.

"Pete... this is very important." Plushie insisted, gazing around the alley. "Have you noticed anyone sneaking around, taking cookies and pies and cakes, and other Christmas sweets?" Pete seemed to forget about his new sunglasses; his expression became "covert" as he too glanced around. Leaning over the edge of the dumpster, he responded, "He's been sneaking around at night... or else he uses some made up story to hoodwink folks out of their sweets. He's got himself an army... a whole army of sweet-thieves.. calls 'em the Zero Bot Army..."

Plushie listened intently, taking in this new information. An army designed to steal treats? "Why is he doing this...? I mean... why does he want everyone's sweets?" She asked, doing her best not to wrinkle her nose from the dumpster's smell -- Pete would be offended. Pete looked around once more, and the girl mimicked his actions. "Some time ago, this Zero Omega, as his name is, he used to work at this place, see, and his coworkers... they pied him, right in his face. That didn't sit well with ol' Zero Omega... so he vowed that he'd have his revenge. He don't want Gaia to have a Christmas. Think about it.. if Santa has no cookies and pies and treats.. he can't deliver no presents."

Oh my goodness! This was more serious than she knew! Zero Omega wanted to destroy Christmas! Pete abruptly ended their meeting by disappearing back into the dumpster, a moment later crying out his excitement of finding crumpled xerox paper. Plushie walked from the alley in a daze -- someone was trying to ruin Christmas... wonderful Christmas. How could anyone be so heartless? She had to save Christmas... she had to! But... how?

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i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:08am

Her head down, feeling resolved and yet, somehow a little defeated, our little heroine walked down the main road, soft snow crunching under her small feet. "Oh yes, we have our sweets for Santa," came a voice in the distance. Glancing up, Plushie saw Ms. Agatha, the Jewelry shop owner, standing in her doorway and on her porch... a fellow she hadn't seen before. He expressed his relief, said that sweets were essential for Santa, and proceeded to explain why. Ms. Agatha, being the patient woman she was, nodded and smiled, listening politely.

Then she saw it! About six boys who looked exactly like the stranger on the porch were running through Ms. Agatha's backyard -- each had boxes and packages in his arms. It was Ms. Agatha's sweets for Santa! The stranger was Zero Omega and these... clones... his Zero Bot Army! They were stealing Santa's sweets!

"Hey!" Cried Plushie, wanting to alert Ms. Agatha to the theft-in-progress. Zero Omega turned and saw her running over, realizing that his plan had been interrupted. Without a word he turned, jumped from the porch, and ran off down the road. "Hello, Plushie! How are you today?" Called Ms. Agatha, oblivious as to what had just happened. "Fine, thank you! Have a jolly day!" She called back as she hurried after the mastermind behind this Christmas Caper! Plushie was a decent runner and was able to keep up relatively well. She followed Zero Omega into the Durem Reclamation Facility, hot on his trail. What she saw was shocking...

There, under the large pipes, was the biggest stack of sweets she had ever seen! There were boxes of cookies, packages of cookies, cookie mixes, splattered pies, boxed pies, bags of sugar and chocolate chips, tubes of icing, and candy galore! It was massive! There were also quite a few other members of this Army... much more than the six she had seen earlier. Plushie stopped a short distance away from the group, panting for breath.

Pointing towards Zero Omega, she called, "I know exactly what you're doing and you won't get away with this! I love Christmas and I won't let you ruin it for Gaia!" The mastermind boy sneered and laughed, obviously thinking little of our heroine. With a simple command, a handful of the bots began to approach. Plushie took a step back and, after doing a few little ninja like moves, reached toward the blue sky, her hand open. A moment later, a scepter like instrument filled her hand... it was the Spear of the Overseer! Pointing it at the advancing bots, she cried, "Your Grinchness is not welcome in Gaia! In the name of Christmas, I will melt your icy plans!"

The bots began to throw coal at her! Ow, ow, ow! Plushie squealed and danced around, trying to avoid the falling big, black stones. Using her scepter to block one that would have bonked her right on the head, she glared at the evil bots. "Ok! That's it!" Pointing the "business end" of her scepter towards them, the little heroine waved it in a circular motion and shouted, "Wind-whirl Christmas Ribbons!" Blue ribbons suddenly spiraled, it seemed, from inside her scepter... twisting and twirling, dancing towards the bots, ready to twist them and bind them and smack some Christmas spirit into them!

Oh no! The bots grabbed the ribbon and tied it into knots. Yikes! Quick Plushie, think of something else!

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:09am

It seemed as if her first counter-attack had failed. Drat! Before she could follow through with another, the Zero Bot Army was once again on the offensive! This time they threw... stockings? Huh? Plushie stood motionless, a bit surprised by this sudden change of tactics. Stockings were Christmas-themed and she couldn't help but wonder... had her attack really worked? Did her ribbons smack some Christmas spirit into these drones? Right when she was about to cheer, she realized... oh no, her attack did not work, and these were not stockings... they were over-sized smelly socks! Ewww! She pinched her nose and ran about in circles, trying desperately to avoid the smelly laundry; they smelled worse than Pete's dumpster!

"Ew! Aaaaah! Noooo!" She screamed, her voice a little 'duck like' due to the pinched nose. Then... the worst thing imaginable happened... a sock landed right on her head! She paused as if dumbstruck... horrified, but only for a moment. Oh how she squealed and screamed, immediately smacking the sock off and 'brushing' at her hair. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!" She carried on, while the Zero Bot Army, and Zero Omega himself, stood nearby laughing. Plushie glared at these horrible fiends, repulsed by their low-life tactics. "You won't be laughing for long, you treat-napping-tricksters!" She assured them. Pointing the golden end of her scepter in their direction once more, she yelled, "Christmas Snowball Storm!" Hundreds of snowballs erupted from her scepter, flying towards the Zero Bot Army!

The metallic armor the army wore was too much for the frail snowballs -- they all splatted and fell right off, without causing any damage! This battle had only begun, and already Plushie knew it was going to be difficult. Of course saving Christmas would not be easy... but she would not back down!

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:11am

"Come on girl, think...think..." Plushie thought to herself. Her ribbons had failed and her snowballs proved to be no match against the metallic army of Christmas-thieves. Something surely had to work against them, but what? The Zero Bots encircled her, trapping her within - oh no! This wasn't going to end well. Keeping her scepter in front of her, Plushie turned on the spot, hating to leave her back exposed to any one of them, but not having much choice. Oh dear, oh dear! What was she going to -- thwap! Hey! A snowball had hit her in the back of her head! Spinning about, she glared, "Who did that?" She demanded, twirling about, waiting for a response. None came. THWAP! This one had hit her right in the butt! She turned and turned, looking for the culprit; thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap! One in the face, another in the stomach, a third on the butt, and the fourth on her back!

Plushie wiped the fluff from her face and glared at the diabolical thieves, not liking them one little bit! "Alright, that's it! I am done playing with you drones!" She yelled, gripping her scepter tightly in both hands. Spinning on the spot, she twirled and twirled and twirled, the golden end of her scepter pointed towards the sky. "Christmas Frigid Winds!" Her voice carried. Spin, spin, spin; blistering cold winds blew through the vicinity, gust after angry gust. Plushie gripped her crown to keep it from flying off her head, her other hand keeping her dress down. The winds raged on for a few moments, picking up snow and turning the area into a miniature little snow storm! Surely this would work! There'd be no way those heartless clones could withstand this! When the "storm" had died down, she glanced a peek.. her heart sinking! None of the Zero Bot Army had been affected! She had hoped they'd blow away! Their armor was too heavy, keeping them grounded. Drat! THWAP! A snowball right to the face. Oy.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:12am

Our little heroine stood there fuming, bit of snow slowly dripping from her face. Grrrr. Why, why, why was nothing working? Why was the magic of Christmas failing against these Grinch-Grubbers? Christmas magic was always stronger than Grinch-wickedness! How did the Who's defeat the Grinch, anyway? Hmm... it was their singing! Even though things looked bleak, the Who's remained positive, carol'd, and the Grinch's heart grew three sizes too big, and his wickedness was defeated! Maybe Plushie was taking the wrong approach to this battle - she needed to try something else!

Wiping the snow from her face, she placed the end of her scepter in the snow, using it to lean on. Searching out Zero Omega in the crowd, she addressed him, "I know you're angry about what happened to you, but stealing all of Santa's treats won't stop Christmas. Christmas is bigger than just presents! Christmas is about kindness and love, and generosity, and good cheer and merriment... and those don't come wrapped in presents." Picking her scepter up, she'd point it towards the sky once more, calling out, "Christmas tunes, release your melody!" As if someone had flipped a switch, a jingle erupted in the air... then music! Plushie began to dance, keeping in step with the tunes, singing along...

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Don we now our gay apparel,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.
Troll the ancient Yule tide carol,
Fa la la la la, la la la la."

On and on she frolicked, pausing here and there to offer a merry smile to one of the Zero Bot Army drones. One suddenly fell... then another... and another... it seemed as if they had short-circuited (or something!). Plushie danced and sang at the top of her lungs and (whether it was the Christmas music, or her not-so-wonderful singing), her "plan" seemed to be working! The Zero Bot Army had finally been weakened!

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:14am

The festive tunes seemed to have done the trick; the Zero Bot Army had been weakened at last! Perhaps she couldn't merely fight her way through this group of tricky-treat-thieves! (Try saying that five times fast!). Maybe the best course of action was to share the true festive delights of Christmas; maybe these drones just needed to have their icy, mechanical hearts thawed with warm Christmas sentiments. Zero Omega did not look pleased; he was doing his best to block out her (not so talented) caroling. The little do-gooder's tune was cut abruptly (and rudely) short when one of the drones stuck his foot out, tripping her! Crunch. Landing face-first on the ground, Plushie got a nice face full and mouthful of snow.

It was a good thing some of the snow bunched up around her ears... it dulled the laughing around her. Pushing herself up onto her hands and knees, Plushie shook the snow from her head, sitting back and wiping her face and front. Well that wasn't a very good example of "good cheer towards you fellow man" (or woman, in this case). Picking her scepter up from the ground, she got to her feet, smoothing out her dress momentarily. "You could have at least programmed them with some manners." She snapped at Zero Omega, who looked thoroughly amused with what had just transpired. He merely shrugged and smirked in response. THWAP! And there it was, again... a snowball right in the face.

Plushie danced on the spot... or rather it looked like dancing, but in actuality she was having a little mini temper tantrum. "No! Stop it! That's what they're trying to do; that's what they want! They want me to get angry and forget the true meaning of Christmas. I'd be no better than them if I got angry and was mean. I can't do that." She thought to herself, forcing herself to stop her frantic motions and just wipe the snow away. "I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work! I'll never stoop down to your level." Remembering her course of action, Plushie gripped her scepter more tightly and pointed it in front of her, at one of the Zero Bot Army drones. "What kind of Christmas would it be without some hot coco?" Turning on the spot, she waved her scepter, the golden end stopping on each metallic drone. "Coco, coco, thick and hot, melt the ice of this heartless lot!" Sing-song chanting had its positive effect -- a cup of steamy hot coco materialized in each drone-like hand. "Don't forget the marshmallows." She added, and with her motions, they came -- tiny little white puffs floating in that rich, delicious chocolate drink.

Each Zero Bot Army drone stared at his cup, most merely tipping it over and spilling its contents into the snow. Oh no! This might be another failure! Then it happened! A spare few seemed to allow their curiosity to overcome them -- they took a sip! Each's expression twisted into that of a content smile before they toppled over into the snow! Another few down, warmed by the power of Christmas!

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:16am

She wasn't sure how many were left, but it was quite a few less than the starting amount. The declining numbers offered some reassurance; she was making a difference and that difference gave her hope. Maybe, just maybe, she could save Christmas. True, Gaia didn't need presents to have a Christmas, but she just couldn't let Zero Omega get away with such deceit and maliciousness. Besides, the devastation that a missing Santa would bring on children was just too heartbreaking to think about!

Zero Omega did not react well to his army's decline in numbers. At once he ordered the remaining drones to catch "the annoying little girl" and toss her in the Durem fishing lake! In the words of Scooby-Doo... RUH'OH! Plushie took off running, chased by two handfuls of drones! She zigzagged left, then right, dropped low, jumped high, stooping here and there to pick up a snowball and toss it at one of her pursuers. Crying out in surprise, Plushie fell forward suddenly, landing in the snow; one of the fallen drones had grabbed her ankle! "Think fast... oh my gosh, oh my gosh... think, think, think...," she urged herself, watching the remaining forces closing in on her. Oh no, oh no!

Sitting on her butt, leaning back, she thrust the golden end of her scepter up into the air.

"Grab that stick of hers!" Zero Omega shouted, knowing something was coming. One of the drones moved to grab it.

Too late.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells... ROCK!" Plushie cried. A soft blue light radiated at the tip of her scepter, emitting from between the golden arches. Brighter and brighter and brighter it grew, causing the Zero Bot Army to back away from its source... and her. The brilliant blue light beamed into the sky, disappearing after a moment. All eyes were on the sky, watching.. waiting.. Nothing happened. Zero Omega looked relieved, thinking the magic had failed. Suddenly golden bells materialized in the air above the gathered group in pairs! Each pair was tied together with a beautiful colored ribbon - one was red, another blue, another white, another pink. Plushie smiled brightly at the sight (a bit relieved herself!). "Let's rock!" She yipped happily, waving her scepter. The pairs of bells began to move, each at a different time; the melody of each pair meshed with the others, forming a tune magnified ten times. It was "Jingle Bell Rock!"

Glancing around her, Plushie saw each of the drones (and Zero Omega himself) covering his ears. Oh that wouldn't help! Getting up from the ground, she sang once more (still not well).

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock!
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring!
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun!
Now the jingle hop has begun!"

Hopping about, she sang and sang to her heart's content, frolicking with merriment... and boy did it have a positive effect! Several of the Zero Bot Army drones short-circuited and collapsed! More than she could have even hoped for! Never doubt the Jingle Bells! Woohoo! Christmas, you shall be safe in no time!

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