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[[ Journal of an OCD Death God ]]
[[ This is mainly for out of character notes, chapter reviews, dedications, etc. ]]
Random quiz...8D
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?::
Haha, yes. Many, many times. e w e;

What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated?::
I've never dated anyone?

Ever been in a car wreck?::
No, thank God. x__x

Were you popular in high school?::
Haha .. no.

Have you ever been on a blind date?::
No. Never been on a REGULAR date.

Are looks important?::
It depends.

Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more??::
No. x'D

By what age would you like to be married?::
I'm not interested in getting married.

Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?::
Yes. Yes it does. e__e

Have you ever made a mistake?::
Yes, many. No one's perfect. x'D

Are you a good tipper?::
.. Tipper for WHAT? >_>;;;

What's the most you have spent for a haircut?::
.. 20 bucks? x'D

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?::
WHAT? NO. e__e

Have you ever peed in public?::
.. Ew. No.

What song do you want played at your funeral?::
.. Piano music? 8D;;;

Would you tell your parents if you were gay?::
Haha, no. e__e

What would your last meal be before getting executed?::

Beatles or Stones?::

If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who?::
.. Do I really have to answer that and have it open to the public? 8D;;

Beer, wine or hard liquor?::

Do you have any phobias?::
Yes. Spiders. e_e

What are your plans for the future?::
I want to either become a prosecutor, or become an emergency room nurse. The more I think about it, the more I lean towards being a nurse. > >;;

Do you walk around the house naked?::
HAHA NO. e_e

If you were an animal what would you be?::
Not even answering this, because SOMEONE WOULD START CALLING ME A FURRY. You know who you are. D8<

Hair color you like on someone you're dating?::

Would you rather be blind or deaf?::
Blind. e_e

Do you have any special talents?::
I guess my writing can be considered a special talent? 8D;; Even thought I'm not that great ... /orz

What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?::
Find the nearest chair and sit down. B|

Do you like horror or comedy?::

Are you missing anyone?::
Mm, not really.

If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you do?::
Not answering that. e__e

Where do you want to live when you are old?::
Either in Tennessee or New York.

Who is the person you can count on the most?::
Hm .. Makahahahalp. Or Maris. They're both the most reliable people I know. x'D

If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be?::
No one. ._.;;

What did you dream last night?::
A nightmare I'd rather not explain.

What is your favorite sport to watch?::
Swimming. x'D

Are you named after anyone?::

What is your favorite alcoholic drink?::
Red wine. e w e

Non alcoholic drink?::
Coke. 8D

Have you ever been in love?::
Sadly, yes. e_e

Do you sing in the shower?::
No. x'D

Have you ever been arrested?::
No. Bc

What is your favorite Holiday?::
Christmas? xD;;

Would you ever get plastic surgery?::
No. ._.

Have you ever caught a fish?::
Yes. o w o

- - - - -

When was the last time you cried?
Over a year ago..... I tend to cry from being OVERLY angry.
- insert rage face here. -

Have you ever faked sick?
...Yes. &_&

What was the last lie you said?
"I love you" &-- Directed at my a*****e cat. &_&

Have you ever cried during a movie?

Have you ever danced in the rain?
Yes, actually.
Break danced in the rain. BD

Have you ever been drunk?
YES. - still has the MSN chatlogs saved -
Oh, the typos...

Do you smoke?

What is your full name?
You won't get to know

What is your blood-type?
O negative...
or positive. I can't remember.

Have you ever been in a car accident?
No, I haven't.
My grandparents have been in one, though. D8

How old were you when you received your first kiss?
I've never been kissed. LOL.
Except by my mother...and that was when I was 4. 8U

Who was your first kiss?
Never been kissed.

Have you ever had an online relationship?
Yes, yes I have.
I regret being in one, too. 8U

Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
Yeah, yeah. I have.
No tears were shed for it, though. I just shrug it off.

What is your favorite sport to play?
Does 'swimming' count...?

Have you ever made a prank phone call?
...LOL. YES.

Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant it?
Yes, yes I have.
It was directed at my mother. 8'D

Is there anything that you have done that you regret?
There's a lot of things I regret/

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A lawyer.

What is your political persuasion?
Conservative Republican.

Do you believe in g-d?
God, I'm guessing.
...Yes, I do. But I question whether or not he cares about us.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Love is to be developed, not to be....instant.

Do you believe in karma?
- has horrible karma -

Who was your first crush?
Ohhh, boy....some student at my old school.
I still don't understand WHY I liked that person. ._.

Who do you have a crush on?
I don't have a crush. 8U

How would you describe yourself?
...OH BOY.
A random-as-hell, free-spirited person who loves to make others laugh. I'm...loyal, stubborn as ********, headstrong.... Not easily swayed by others, apathetic at times. I travel to the beat of my own drum, I don't conform to society. 8'D
As for physical appearance...
Soul Eater Evans. With orange hair and ice blue eyes.

What are you afraid of?
My own body. LOL.
I swear, it's going to make my organs randomly explode... &8U

Are you religious?
Not really.

What does your screen name mean?
Oh God....I have so many.
"For Great Symmetry" - My Kid account ( DUH )
"Dyslexic-Lime-Jello" - ... JUST BECAUSE.
"DyslexicGinfer" - Inside joke.

What person do you trust the most?
Maka. And Maris.

Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
.. LOL.
Some person online? s**t, I don't even REMEMBER.
World's fastest relationship, anyone...?

What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Being called a best friend...?
And being referred to as a genius writer. LOL.

What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?
There's so many things...
Probably a useless 'shitbag'. Everything else I've just shrugged off.

What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?
.......A week. 8D

What is your greatest strength?
My sense of judgment. And stubborn-ness?

What is your greatest weakness?

What is your perfect pizza?

What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
It's morning already?

What is your first thought before you go to bed?
"So...tired...- SNORE -"

What college do you want to go to?
Some college in New York.

Do you get along with your family?
No. No. And no.

Do you play any instruments?

What kind of music do you like?

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I'd love to, but I hate needles far too much.

How many piercings do you have?
None. But I want one. Dx

Who makes you laugh?
My friends. 8'D

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
....Hnn. No one, really.
I NEED my personal space. D8;

Have you ever seen a dead body?
..Yes, actually 8U

Do you have a celebrity crush?
Ew. No.

What is one thing scientists should invent?
A cure for cancer.

Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes. All 5 of my fingers on my right hand, 3 on my left hand...all 8 were broken MULTIPLE times. 8'D
And my toes.... I got a hairline fracture in my ankle once.

What happens after you die?
Hello, Hell. How are you today?

Do you watch or read the news?
I used to...I haven't, lately.

What stereotype would you label yourself as being?
..Punk? LOL.

Would your friends agree with that stereotype label?
Maybe? I don't know.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I don't think I'd change my name, even though I HATE it.

If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go?
...Hm, hm....
Back to middle school, when my mom was still a good person.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
And my immune system.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
LOL. Once.
I was forced to. D8

Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?
No. Never.

What do you want your friends to think about you?
"Oh, Kid's reliable"....I guess?
I want them to know I'm there for them / know I'm loyal. 8U;;

Have you ever bitten someone?
Yes. LOL.

Have you ever stolen anything?
Once. 8U

Do you make wishes on shooting stars?
Nope. That's lame to me.

If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?
The day my grandmother broke her back. No, rly. 8U;

Do you remember your dreams?

Have you ever been in love?
Nn..... Not really, no.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night person, definitely.

Do you have any phobias?
And... big spiders. fhasdfrtigfkd. D8

Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth)?
Yes. To visit my grandparents...
As for being booked IN, I had to get surgery on my throat. That, and I was deathly ill once...I actually came pretty close to dying...

How many screen names do you have?

Do any medical problems run in your family?
Asthma, Colo-rectal cancer, heart attacks, Fibromyalgia ( poor females, LOL. )

Has anyone ever been disowned from your family?
No. LOL.
I have a feeling I will be disowned in the future, though. XD

Have you ever had a nightmare?
About a tornado. 8|;

Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies?
Enemies. I love my friends.

Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?
Never have, never will.

Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
Yes, sadly. LOL.

Have you ever written a love letter?
No. I've had some written to me, though. DD8

Have you ever attempted suicide?
No. I wouldn't throw my life away like that.
I want to change the world in SOME way before I die. And I WILL change it.

Do you prefer boxers or briefs?
Boxers...? &_&;

Have you ever been in a fistfight?

Do you have any hidden talents?

What is one thing you want me to know about you?
..Nothing, really.

Do you usually prefer books or movies?

Who is your favorite person to talk to?
I have too many!

Would you ever have sex before marriage?
If I really loved someone, then hell yeah.
I don't plan on having sex ever, though. LOL.

Who do you talk to most on the phone?
I don't talk on the phone.

Do you prefer British or American spelling of words?

Have you ever gotten detention?
LOL, yes I have.
Many, many times.

How do you vent your anger?
I usually talk to my friends about it.
Maka and Maris are usually there for me, and they help me to keep a rational train of thought about things. : D;;

Have you ever been on a diet?
Is vegetarianism considered a diet?

Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you?

Is your best friend a virgin?
LOL. One of them is.
...I think.

Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?
.. Nope. 8D

Have you ever cut yourself on purpose?

Have you ever wanted to murder someone?

Have you ever hated someone?
YES. ********. YES.

Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?

Do you consider yourself popular?
Kind of?

Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them?
Yes, I would.
I'd probably get shot down, though. LOL.

Have you ever had a crush on an enemy?

Have you ever had a crush on a best friend?
.. Yes.

What is your favorite book?
Level 26: Origins of Evil

Do you have a collection of anything?
Manga, anime...
Xbox 360 games. LOL.

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
Yes, yes I am.

Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago?
Much...much different.
I'm not so innocent anymore, LOL. That,....
and I've discovered what the word 'hatred' means. 8'D

What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now?
A...college kid. LOL.

Are you happy with the life you have?

Do you like watermelon?
Yes I do.

What do you usually smell like?

Are you a fan of dragons?
Not really. >_>;

Do you own something shaped like a tiki?

What is your definition of a kiwi?
...A small, brown, fuzzy fruit that's shaped like an oval that's sour as ********? LOL I FAILED.

What does the word mandrill make you think of?
- gutter mind.... -

Have you ever been guilty about throwing a waterballoon?
No way.

Have you ever though about jumping out of a window?
Yes, yes I have.
And I did, once. 8U

Have you ever hit a Czech guy?

Have you made fun of a blind man?
No. That's just mean. D:

Are you a bad person?
It depends.

Have you ever set a living organism on fire?
No. Even I'M not that cruel. D:
Unless you count Condemned 2 and BioShock. Then yes, yes I have.

What is the largest thing you have eaten?
A...filet mignon.
A HUGE filet mignon.

Have you ever been in a Latvian prison?
LOL. That sounds.... horrible.

Are you sane?
...Good question.

Have you ever strangled something?

What does fujsaj mean?
Do I really want to KNOW what that means?

Do you like Chinese?

Is there a dog?
...What dog?

What is on your ceiling right now?
LOL. Lights...and something that LOOKS like a moth.
I don't know if it is, though.

What is the last thing you ate?

Do you own a bow and arrow?
I used to, for archery. D:

What was the last thing you drew?
Chibi Chrona. LOL.

Do you believe in Dinosaurs?
I do, there's scientific evidence.

To be or not to be?
That is the question.

What is the name of your imaginary friend?
..I don't have an imaginary friend. >_>;

Do you believe in the president?
No. >_>+

Who is the prime minister of Crackozia?
.. WHAT.

What is the name of your new religion?
"I don't know?"

Do you like peanuts?
Mmm, yes.
Preferably peanut butter.

Will you give peas a chance?

Do Indians really work at 7-11?
But Muslim men, do.

Why do they call Chili when it is neither cold nor from the country?

What do you taste like?
Something delicious..? Like mint? NOWAIT.....

What did the last cat you petted look like?
My fatass, orange cat.

Are you afraid of water?
No, I love water. >8U

Are you kind?
It depends.

What if I told you your best friend is a alien?
I wouldn't believe you. 8U

What Disney character best describes you?
Oh God...
I have no clue. o_o;

Is that your real name?
Yes, because "I HAVE NO CLUE" is totally my full name.

Is it worth it?

What are you thinking right now?
One of my closest friends, wondering if she's alright. 8U;;

What are you sitting on right now?
I am on my recliner chair. BD

Do you support child labor?
No. Hell no.

Did you like the last pool you swam in?
Yes. it was the pool at my high school. 8U;;

Do you like Chemistry?

Are bees evil?
Especially BioShock bees....

What do you hate the most?
Cosplay copiers are on the top of my 'hate-list', too.

Do you say racial slurs?

Who are you really?
I am myself. 8'D

Is cheese anything like boys?

What is the class in school that everyone should take and no one does?
Art? 8D

How does your life compare to others?
Not sure.

Is there a key to your heart?
Yes, yes there is.
But I don't plan on revealing it to anyone.
If you find it, you'll know it.

Is there a animal in the room?
Yes, my cats. One is sleeping on my feet ( LOL ) and the other is on a chair opposite of me.

What is your least favorite letter?
All of them.

What type of bug did you last see?
A moth that was pretty damn big.

What is the name of your pants?
..Jeans? From American Eagle?

How good of a Hobo would you be?
LOL. Not a good one.

What is your feelings on Chlorine?
It smells good.
And gets you high. 8|;;

Would you marry George Washington?

What is your brain saying?
"Oh lord."

Do you have a alter ego?
Ahaha. No.

What would Jesus do?
LOL. Why do I care about what Jesus would do?

Have you ever seen a Polar Bear?
Only on the discovery channel...and in books/magazines. D:

What is the neatest thing you own?
My MacBook and Xbox 360.
And iPod. 8U;;

Do you like Pirates or Vikings better?
Is there a 'neither' option?

What kind of heating is in your house?
Three A/C units.
Yeaaaah, big house. 8U;;

What does the word piano mean to you?
A beautiful instrument that my grandmother plays, and that I would LOVE to learn to play. 8U

When is the last time you thought about sex?
A day ago? LOL. D8

Did you know Bob Marley?
I know ABOUT Bob Marley
I didn't know HIM in person.

What would you do if you lived on the train tracks?
Death by train?

Is it fair?
Life isn't fair.

What are your feelings on Hitler?
I hope he burns in hell.

Do you have accent?
A French one on some words. With a bit of a Southern accent.

Is finding pubic hair ever a good thing?

Do you own art?
And I make it. D<

What would you do for a Klondike bar?
I don't like Klondikes. So, nothing.

What would you pay for a diamond?
I don't want a diamond. So $0.

Do you love someone?
Yes, yes I do.

If the men from Monty Python asked you, would you get naked?

Have you ever considered that you were not meant to be born a human?
No. LOL.

What would you do if you turned purple?
Start talking like Barney, just to scare Rita.

Do you like superpowers?

Do cows fall in love?
I don't think cows have the mental capacity to 'fall in love'...

Is there actually a Sci-fi tv show with good acting?
Pfft. No.

What is your singing range?
What singing range?

What does the word "now" make you think of?
Or 'this very moment."

What is your favorite combination of colors?
Red and black.
MAYBE blue and gray.

Who are you getting married too?
I'm never getting married.

Would you kill someone over a sandal?
What kind of a question is that?

Is there anything thicker than blood?
Yes. There is.

Does it suck to be you?

What is the most embarrassing DVD you own?
..I don't own an EMBARRASSING one?

Have you fallen in love with music?

Have you ever considered stalking someone?

Is Utopia a real place?
Don't make me laugh,

What is the real truth on sharks?

Are you a random person?
I can be, when I want to.
Or when I'm having a sugar rush.

Did you finish a survey of 100 questions?

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