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[[ Journal of an OCD Death God ]]
[[ This is mainly for out of character notes, chapter reviews, dedications, etc. ]]
"Confessions" Quiz? LOL.
Do you love you ex?:

What did you last cry over?:
Losing a pet.

What's the last mistake you made?:
Yelling at my grandmother.

Who was the last person you said I love you to?:
My girlfriend.

Who last slept in your bed?:
... My girlfriend?

Were you with them?:
Uh... yes?

Where do you want to be?:
In snow. LOL.

Who do you want to be with?:
With my friends?

Do you honestly love your friends?:
Yes. I do.

Who can always make you happy?:
Maka and Fonti, especially when we get on Halo ... Spirit does, too, in our cracky MSN chats. <3 And I can't forget those in the Skype chat.

Who do you love to talk to the most?:
Anyone from the list above. o w o;

Who hates you?:
Many, many people.

Who do you hate?:
I won't say names, but ... copiers. I: And immature brats.

What are you doing right now?:
Answering these questions and listening to music. LOL.

What are your talents?:
I'm not sure I have any. 8D;; But, my public speaking ability? XD;;

How often do you cry?:
Whenever I feel the need to. I'm not afraid to let it all out. I:

What did you do last night?:
Talked to a few people on the mic. o:

Would you ever go back out with an ex?:
Nn ... Maybe.

Have you ever used a condom?:

Are you a virgin?:
... No. /cough

Is your boyfriend/Girlfriend a virgin?:

What's the last movie you watched?:
Does D.Gray-Man count as a movie? 8D;;

Ever been in true love?:

Ever smoked?:

Done drugs?:

Gotten high?:
Yes. Off of scented highlighters. 8D

Ever gone running?:
Yes x'D

How much do you weigh?:
About 100 pounds. x'D

How tall are you?:
About 5'3" - 5'4"

Gone skinny dipping?:

Gone streaking?:
No... e_e;

Played strip poker?:

Given a lap dance?:
* GAGS. * NO.

... Yes.

Rolled on the ground w/ the opposite sex?:

Bungie Jumped?:

Sang Karaoke?:

Been wet with your clothes on?:
Yep. I got shoved in a pool at a party. >_>;

Seen the opposite sex naked?:
LOL. YES. e_e;;;

Made fun of a fat person?:
.. Yes. I'm so mean. D8

Laughed at somone?:
Not AT someone. xD;;

Looked at someone funny?:
Yes. >_>;

Have you had "the talk" with your parents?:
Yep, yep. That was years ago. e w e

Been touched by the same sex?:
.. Yes.

Ever been horny?:
.. No. e_e

Looked at porn?:
LOL, YES. Makahahahalp dared me to. e__e It was .. disturbing. * GAGS AT THE MEMORY. *

Own any thongs?:
LOL NO. I know someone who does, though. * COUGH Chrona COUGH *

Touched a genital of the other sex?:
dfasdfjghkgfj NO. D8;;

Thought about sex?:
Sadly, yes. e w e;;

Had a "dirty" dream?:
.. Once? It scared the s**t out of me. 8D;;

Favorite animal?:

Least favorite animal?:
Mm .. It'd have to be horses. e_e

Most missed Memory?:
Those of my grandparents when they were THEMSELVES, not someone morphed into a stranger by mental illnesses.

The phone rings; who do you want it to be?
No one? I hate answering the phone.

When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Mm, sometimes.

In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
Talker. o w o;;

Do you take compliments well?
Eeh .. not really.

Do you play Sudoku?
Haha, yes. * NERD. *

If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?

Do you like to ride horses?

Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
No. x'D

What was your favorite game as a kid?
Pokemon. 8D

If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?
Haha, no. e__e

Have you lied to get out of a date?
Well, I've never been asked to GO on a date. >_>;

Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
Probably. As long as they didn't try to force their beliefs on me, then I'm good.

Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Neither? xD;;

Use three words to describe yourself?
Outgoing, stubborn, easily angered.

Do any songs make you cry?
Yes, actually.
One Moment More - Mindy Smith
Live Like We're Dying - Kris Allen

Are you continuing your education?

Do you know how to shoot a gun?
Yep. |D

If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
My pets.

How often do you read books?
As often as I can.

Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Past and future. e_e

What is your favorite children's book?
Where the Wild Things Are. 8D;;

What color are your eyes?
A light, ice blue?

Where is your dream house located?
I dunno? xD;;

Do you have a secret fetish?
Not that I know of.

Have you tried sushi?
Yes, I didn't like it. e_e

Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Yes. But that was when I was still a little child. x'D

When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
YEARS ago.

When was the last time you were at Church?
Years ago. >_>;

Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
To a store down the road.

What was your favorite job?
.. I haven't really had an official job. B|

Do you like mustard?
Yes. x'D

Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
I have nightmares when I sleep, so .. eat, I guess.

Do you look like your mom or dad?
My mom. But I have my father's temper.

How long does it take you in the shower?
15 - 30 minutes? xD

Can you do the splits?
No. e_e;

What movie do you want to see right now?
2012. o w o;

If you could fast forward your life, would you?
No. I don't want to skip the hardest part of my life-- I'd be a coward, then.

What did you do for New Year's?
Got drunk and talked on the mic. LOL.

Do you think The Grudge was scary?
No. ._.

Could you relate to a character in Mean Girls?
Never seen it. LOL.

Do you own a camera phone?
Yep. e w e

Do you have an "ex box" with pics and letters from past lovers?
No. ._.

Was your mom a cheerleader?
Yes. LOLOLOL. * dies at the mental image of her cheerleading. *

What's the last letter of your middle name?

Do you like your middle name?
Yes. It's the brand name of a salsa. BD;;

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
5 to 6.

Do you like care bears?

What do you buy at the movies?
A drink.

Do you know how to play poker?
Yes. Yes I do.

Do you wear your seatbelt?

What do you wear to sleep?
Pajama pants and a random t-shirt. LOL.

Anything big ever happen in your hometown?

How many meals do you eat a day?
2 to 3

Is your tongue pierced?
No... e_e

Ever meet anyone you met on myspace?
I don't HAVE a myspace?

Do you read myspace bulletins?
Once again, I have no myspace.

Do you like funny or serious people better?
I like the people that know when to be funny and when to be serious.

Ever been to L.A.?

Did you eat a cookie today?
Negative. x'D

Do you use cuss words in other languages?
Yes. Yes I do. >_>;

Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
Both. 8D;;

Do you hate chocolate?
Sometimes. e_e;;

What do you and your parents fight about the most?
Stupid things.

Are you a gullible person?
No. xD

Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?

If you could have any job what would it be?
That of a prosecutor or an emergency room nurse.

Are you easy to get along with?
I guess it depends on the person? 8D;

What is your favorite time of day?
Night. x'D

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Supiritto Aruban
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 06, 2010 @ 04:27am
Stupid survey's.... they always talk about BF/GF's
or seem to ask questions that mock you. xD;;

Survey's are mean... >___>;;
and thats totally why i'm gonna fill it out. xD;

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 06, 2010 @ 07:43am
"Confessions" Quiz? LOL.

Do you love you ex?: Um...no not anymore. x.x;

What did you last cry over?: My mom cause I miss her so damn much. *curls up in Mr.Corner* ;o;

What's the last mistake you made?: Ummm not going to my jury summons and almost got in trouble for it. razz

Who was the last person you said I love you to?: My aunt.

Who last slept in your bed?: Me!!! biggrin

Were you with them?: I would sure hope I was with myself cause i'd be scared if I wasn't. XD

Where do you want to be?: There is a lot of places I would like to be.

Who do you want to be with?: All my dearest friends.

Do you honestly love your friends?: Of course I do. They are very special to me, like family. But sometimes I feel they don't feel the same way about me. D8 Though I'm probably wrong. razz

Who can always make you happy?: Alot of people both on gaia here and msn. You know who you are. ;D

Who do you love to talk to the most?: Alot of peeps. o3o

Who hates you?: I don't think anyone hates me. o_O

Who do you hate?: I dun hate anyone.

What are you doing right now?: Answering these questions and listening to music. LOL. (What he said! ROTFL! X'D)

What are your talents?: I am pretty good at writing, only when I don't have writters block.

How often do you cry?: Every so often I suppose. My emotions are like a roller coaster going up and down.

What did you do last night?: Played Digimon Battle with Souru for a bit and read my manga.

Would you ever go back out with an ex?: Nope.

Have you ever used a condom?: >///////> No comment.

Are you a virgin?: Thats for me to know and you not to find out. >3

Is your boyfriend/Girlfriend a virgin?: Nope :3

What's the last movie you watched?: Mary Poppins

Ever been in true love?: Of course

Ever smoked?: Nope never have and never will! >w< Ew!

Done drugs?: Hell to the no! D<

Gotten high?: Nope.

Ever gone running?: o_o; Maybe

How much do you weigh?: I don't know haven't been to the doctors in a while maybe 160 o30

How tall are you?: About 5'3"

Gone skinny dipping?: EW. NO WAY IN HELL!

Gone streaking?: No...

Played strip poker?: That would be fun but no.

Given a lap dance?: Possibly >3

Made-out?: Yup .////////.

Rolled on the ground w/ the opposite sex?: LOL! Yus!

Bungie Jumped?: HELL NO! D>

Sang Karaoke?: Yes.

Been wet with your clothes on?: Yeah I tripped and fell into the pool xD

Seen the opposite sex naked?: -///////- *nod*

Made fun of a fat person?: I would never do that! D>

Laughed at somone?: Maybe cause they did something funny but not in a mean way.

Looked at someone funny?: >.>' Maybe.

Have you had "the talk" with your parents?: Yes,

Been touched by the same sex?: Mmhm. .///////////.

Ever been horny?: Um...yes... ./////////////. *epic blush*

Looked at porn?:

Own any thongs?: Nope. O3o Too uncomfortable.

Touched a genital of the other sex?: >//////> *nod*

Thought about sex?: Eh sometimes...

Had a "dirty" dream?: XDDDD Yeah I have.

Favorite animal?: Wolves or any kind of dog.

Least favorite animal?: I love all animals. <3

Most missed Memory?: All the times I spent with my mother. ;___; Oh how I miss it so. *tear*

The phone rings; who do you want it to be? One of my friends.

When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Yeah I do.

In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Both.

Do you take compliments well? Eh I guess

Do you play Sudoku? No to confusing. @_@

If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? Maybe

Do you like to ride horses? I use to horseback ride at one point but not anymore.

Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Never went camping.

What was your favorite game as a kid?
Pokemon!!! 8D

If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it? No!

Have you lied to get out of a date? Nope.

Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
Probably. Already do. o3o

Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Neither? xD

Use three words to describe yourself?: Caring, kindhearted and loveable

Do any songs make you cry?: Yeah there are a few.

Are you continuing your education?: Not at the moment no.

Do you know how to shoot a gun?: Nope. o_o

If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?: My family and my mother's urn. D8>

How often do you read books?: Every so often.

Do you think more about the past, present or future?: Future

What is your favorite children's book?: Charlotte's Web XD

What color are your eyes?: Ocean blue

Where is your dream house located?: Dunno yet.

Do you have a secret fetish?: Yes but i'm not saying what it is.

Have you tried sushi?: Yes and I loves it! <3

Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?: Yeah

When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?: I don't think I ever been there o_o

When was the last time you were at Church?: Years ago. >_>;

Where was the furthest place you traveled today?: Downtown to go to court for jury duty. XD

What was your favorite job?: I only had one job and I liked it so I guess you can say it was my favorite.

Do you like mustard?: Ewww no x_x

Do you prefer to sleep or eat?: Both

Do you look like your mom or dad?: I defiantly look like my mom, but I do act like my dad sometimes. XD

How long does it take you in the shower?: About 25 mins xD I love long showers

Can you do the splits?: Nope. o3o

What movie do you want to see right now?: Harry Potter 7 8D

If you could fast forward your life, would you?: Maybe.

What did you do for New Year's?: Got married to Souru. .////////. But irl I did nothing really but stay up late.

Do you think The Grudge was scary?: Never seen it. xD

Could you relate to a character in Mean Girls?: Haven't seen it. o3o

Do you own a camera phone?: Yup sure do!

Do you have an "ex box" with pics and letters from past lovers?: No. ._.

Was your mom a cheerleader?: Pffft no. XD

What's the last letter of your middle name?: E (XD)

Do you like your middle name?: Yeah it's the same name as my Grandma.

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?: Depends how late I stay up and what time I have to wake up. But i'll say 6-7 hours sometimes 8 or 9.

Do you like care bears?: Yeah I still like them. :3

What do you buy at the movies?: Giant slurpee and popcorn with extra butter! 8D

Do you know how to play poker?: Duh! D<

Do you wear your seatbelt?: Always.

What do you wear to sleep?: Pajamas. 8D

Anything big ever happen in your hometown?: Northridge Earthquake of 1994 and there was the bank robbery along time ago just down the street. I was elementary school.

How many meals do you eat a day?: Sometimes 2 or 3 and in some cases 1.

Is your tongue pierced?: HELL NO! D>

Ever meet anyone you met on myspace?: Yup! XD

Do you read myspace bulletins?: Yeah sometimes.

Do you like funny or serious people better?: Both.

Ever been to L.A.?: I live in L.A biotch! XD

Did you eat a cookie today?: No but I want one. D>

Do you use cuss words in other languages?: Yes?

Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?: Nope.

Do you hate chocolate?: I love chocolate! D>

What do you and your parents fight about the most?: My mom and I would argue about stupid things.

Are you a gullible person?: Yes XD

Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? No I am happy just the way I am but I do one and he makes me happy. :3

If you could have any job what would it be?: Work at a wildlife preserve.

Are you easy to get along with?: Yeah I am.

What is your favorite time of day?: Um...I don't really know.

Community Member
Death Tha Panda
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 01, 2010 @ 12:40am
*Looks at height and pounds* Dayyum, are you young or just a old midget? ._.

(no offence ;D)

commentCommented on: Tue Jun 01, 2010 @ 04:51am
"Confessions" Quiz? LOL.

Do you love your ex?: As a friend, I guess. Just because we're no longer together doesn't mean I hate them. D:

What did you last cry over?: I haven't cried in a while, actually... I don't remember.

What's the last mistake you made?: I spelled something incorrectly..? .__.;

Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Alex! 8D

Who last slept in your bed?: Myself. c:

Were you with them?: Yes? =D;

Where do you want to be?: Arizona.

Who do you want to be with?: Ashley, Jordan, Eclipse, or Riley. :c

Do you honestly love your friends?: Absolutely. They make me so happy, I couldn't function properly without them. <3

Who can always make you happy?: Ashley, Jordan, and Riley. xDD -- And Kiddo, when we talk. >u>;

Who do you love to talk to the most?: Ashley. Hands down.

Who hates you?: Quite a few people. .___.

Who do you hate?: I don't really hate anyone. There are people that get on my nerves and I don't much care to involve myself with, but I can't really say that I hate anyone.

What are you doing right now?: Answering these questions and RPing with Ashley. 8D;

What are your talents?: I sing and I play instruments. That's about the only thing I consider myself to be good at.

How often do you cry?: I haven't much, really. But I suppose when I feel the need to.

What did you do last night?: RP'd with Ashley until 6 in the morning. |D;;;

Would you ever go back out with an ex?: I have before, but I don't think I will anymore.

Have you ever used a condom?: Nope.

Are you a virgin?: Yup.

Is your boyfriend/Girlfriend a virgin?: I don't have one, so I can't say. xD;

What's the last movie you watched?: Chicago. >w>;;

Ever been in true love?: I can't say I have.

Ever smoked?: Mhmm.

Done drugs?: sd;fglkfjd yeah.

Gotten high?: Uh-huh.

Ever gone running?: Yeah.

How much do you weigh?: H'umm.. 136?

How tall are you?: 4'11"/5 foot. >>

Gone skinny dipping?: Nope. I'm too self-conscious to do something like that.

Gone streaking?: No.

Played Strip Poker?: Nope.

Given a lap dance?: e__o; No.

Made-out?: Nope.

Rolled on the ground w/ the opposite sex?: xDDDD Yes.

Bungie Jumped?: O__________O No.

Sang Karaoke?: Damn skippy.

Been wet with your clothes on?: Yup. xD

Seen the opposite sex naked?: --face/palm- Y-Yeah.

Made fun of a fat person?: OTL Yes.

Laughed at someone?: Yes.

Looked at someone funny?: xD Yeah.

Have you had "the talk" with your parents?: Nope.

Been touched by the same sex?: >////> Yeeahh...

Ever been horny?: I think everyone has been at least once. >>;

Looked at porn?: OTL Yes.

Own any thongs?: Nope.

Touched a genital of the other sex?: o___o no.

Thought about sex?: >///> Yes.

Had a "dirty" dream?: |D; Yes?

Favorite animal?: Rabbit. D:

Least favorite animal?: I love all animals. <3 <- D'aww, Maka.

Most missed Memory?: Any time I spent with my rabbit. :c

The phone rings; who do you want it to be? Anyone.

When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? No.

In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Both.

Do you take compliments well? Yes? 8D;;

Do you play Sudoku? WHY, YES. YES, I DO.

If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? LOL NO.

Do you like to ride horses? o.o no.

Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Nope.

What was your favorite game as a kid? Anything that involved being outside. I love running around as a kid.

If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it? Pfft. What am I, my stepmother?

Have you lied to get out of a date? Nope.

Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? If they didn't push their religion onto me, then yes.

Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Why do I find this question so awkward?

Use three words to describe yourself?: Adorable, Annoying, Obnoxious.

Do any songs make you cry?: Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
I Miss You - Avril Lavigne
To the Sea - Cat Power

Are you continuing your education?: Mhmm.

Do you know how to shoot a gun?: ...Pull the trigger?

If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?: My rabbit's urn.

How often do you read books?: Very often.

Do you think more about the past, present or future?: Past and Future.

What is your favorite children's book?: I can't really say I have one..

What color are your eyes?: One eye is green, the other is a mixture of brown and green. I kid you not, I have pictures to prove it. e___e"

Where is your dream house located?: Not here.

Do you have a secret fetish?: No? 8D;;

Have you tried sushi?: Yes, I do not like it.

Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?: Mhmm.

When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?: Huh... A while ago. o.o

When was the last time you were at Church?: Years, and years ago.

Where was the furthest place you traveled today?: 2/3 miles to Alex's to give her clothes back.

What was your favorite job?: The one I have now.

Do you like mustard?: Nope.

Do you prefer to sleep or eat?: Sleep.

Do you look like your mom or dad?:I look like my mom, but my emotional qualities come from my father.

How long does it take you in the shower?: Half hour tops.

Can you do the splits?: o.0 no.

What movie do you want to see right now?: How to train your dragon. again. xD;;;

If you could fast forward your life, would you?: Absolutely not. I'd like to go back, actually.

What did you do for New Year's?: Stayed up late and played L4D. BD

Do you think The Grudge was scary?: Never seen it. xD <- Ditto.

Could you relate to a character in Mean Girls?: No, I can't. xD

Do you own a camera phone?: Yessir.

Do you have an "ex box" with pics and letters from past lovers?: o__o No.

Was your mom a cheerleader?: LOL NO.

What's the last letter of your middle name?: H. Euw. D:

Do you like your middle name?: Not really, but it's been passed down through the generations, so..

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?: Depends on how late I stay up.

Do you like care bears?: Sorta.

What do you buy at the movies?: o.o usually some kind of candy.

Do you know how to play poker?: A little. xD

Do you wear your seatbelt?: not always.

What do you wear to sleep?: Shirt, pajama pants/shorts.

Anything big ever happen in your hometown?: No, my town is small and boring. xD

How many meals do you eat a day?: Sometimes 2 or 3.

Is your tongue pierced?: Nope.

Ever meet anyone you met on myspace?: Yes.

Do you read myspace bulletins?: Sometimes.

Do you like funny or serious people better?: A mixture of both in one person is preferable.

Ever been to L.A.?: Nope.

Did you eat a cookie today?: Nope!

Do you use cuss words in other languages?: xD; yes.

Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?: Steal. >>;

Do you hate chocolate?: D:> No!

What do you and your parents fight about the most?: Stupid s**t that's not even worth mentioning..

Are you a gullible person?: Sometimes, yes. >>;;;

Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? Nope.

If you could have any job what would it be?: Something in the medical field, I suppose..

Are you easy to get along with?: Usually.

What is your favorite time of day?: The night. 8D;;

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