This morning I woke up the delightful sound of arbitrary, incorruptible news, BBC World News. I sat there for an hour patiently watching the publicly airable news and thought:
What a disturbingly unpleasant and still somehow happy world I live in.
It was a , um, [i can't find the word for it] thought. And I still had to go to class that morning,so I did what almost anyone else in any situation similar to mine would do, and not really care about the horrible things happening elsewhere.
Ignorance, It's a common practice occurring all over the world.
"It has nothing to do with me" " I have my own problems too" "News isn't always bad"
Feigned Ignorance is a common practice, however, is it apathy of fear for most people?
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The World
Everyone lives in their own world. Connecting those worlds is what life's about.
It's not an issue of need, or even deserve. The reality is, it's an absolution of want.