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True Love Last Forever: a sasodei fanfiction
A stroy ive been writing
chapter 4 part 1
TLLF: Chapter 4 Part 1

Debts to Pay

“ Your mission has been assigned.” Pein exclaimed. Deidara and Sasori just got a new mission to the land of fang. The mission was to collect five scrolls from the lands top leaders and make sure they do not get them back. The scrolls held the five diagrams that made the bejiu host possible to summon.
“ Yes Leader. You will not be disappointed.” Sasori replied. Deidara was stood next to Sasori. Both were wearing the Akastuki uniforms and they turned to leave. A week had gone by since Deidara and Sasori got back together and Pein had regained trust in them. When Sasori and Deidara left the room, Deidara let out a sigh of relief. They had managed to get by with out a glare from Pein.
“ Don’t get comfortable yet. We still need to finish this mission and I want to get it done in a weeks time.” Sasori said to Deidara. Deidara stretched his arms to the ceiling and let out a groan.
“ Come on Danna, your such an over achiever, un. This mission would take two weeks for any normal person to get done.” Deidara complained.
“ Yes, but I’m not a normal person, am I Deidara?” Sasori laughed a bit. Deidara looked annoyed.
“ Well I am…” Deidara muttered. Sasori gathered up the puppets necessary for the mission while Deidara got out a bag of clay. “Well I’m ready.” Deidara said. Sasori looked at the bag of clay Deidara was holding.
“ You really think that one bag is going to be enough? I mean, we are collecting all five scrolls.” Sasori asked concerned. Deidara looked at Sasori with a small smile.
“ You don’t have to worry about me Danna, un… I can handle myself.” Deidara replied. Sasori sighed and stood up.
“ I’ll be right back, I’m going to get some money from Kazuku to pay for food and the hotel.” Sasori said. He left and Deidara leaned up agents the door waiting. He heard Sasori and Kazuku talking in the other room. Sasori seemed to be talking Kazuku into giving him some money. Finally Sasori came out with a exhausted face and a bag of money.
“ Uh, how did it go, un?” Deidara asked. Sasori sighed and started walking down the hall.
“ Well, he wasn’t happy about me asking for money. We better not use it all or I’ll have to pay the money back in labor!” Sasori shook his head. Deidara looked at Sasori with sorry eyes.
“ I’m sorry Danna, un. I keep getting in the way.” Deidara said.
“ No, you’re fine. I would have had to do that anyway.” Sasori responded. They both walked down the hall and out of the hideout. The air was cool and the grass glistened with the morning due. The sun barely peeked over the mountains and it was quiet. Sasori looked around and summoned his traveling puppet. Deidara raised an eyebrow as Sasori opened it and climbed inside.
“ Is that really necessary? When if we run into trouble on the way, un?” Deidara said. The puppet closed with Sasori inside and it laughed a little.
“ Then you will see this puppets power.” Sasori said. The puppet started to move and moved in a way similar to a snail. Deidara started walking with Sasori and they both went into the forest toward the land of fang. A few hours passed and nothing was said between Deidara and Sasori. Deidara finally tried to start a conversation.
“ So Danna, un… how can you see though that thing?” Deidara asked. Sasori was quiet for a moment.
“ Chakra connects the puppets eyes to mine. So I can see fine.” Sasori responded. Deidara was silent. Sasori thought for a minute. “ You know, if you want you can ride in here with me…” Sasori blushed a bit “ There’s not a lot of room, but you could fit.” There was silence. Deidara looked at the puppet and he blushed a little.
“ Danna, un…I guess so. Sure.” Deidara said. Deidara blushed deeply and he tried to hide it behind his bang. Sasori blushed and he opened the puppet. Deidara looked inside and it was true that there was not a lot of room. He would be right up agents Sasori. Nevertheless, Deidara stepped inside. The puppet closed and started moving again. There wasn’t enough room for Deidara to cross his legs, so he had to put his legs on either side of Sasori. Deidara blushed deeply as he realized his position. “ Are you sure about this, un?” Deidara said. Sasori seemed to be more relaxed.
“ I offered didn’t I?” He said. Sasori’s tone was flirtatious and he leaned back and put his head on Deidara’s chest. His fingers moved in front of him, controlling the puppet. Deidara blushed more and he watched Sasori’s fingers move. “ You know Deidara, I’ve never had anyone in here with me. It’s nice having company every once in awhile.” Sasori said softly. Deidara softened and he put his arms around Sasori’s waist.
“ Yeah, un. Sasori?” Deidara asked.
“ Yes Deidara?” said Sasori.
“ I’ve been thinking. Do you remember last week, un? You know, what happened with me and Itachi?” Deidara said quietly. Sasori stiffened a little.
“ Yes, I do remember. Why bring it up?” Sasori asked. Deidara circled Sasori’s heart for a moment.
“ Its just, I want to make it up to you Sasori, un.” He said. Sasori was silent for a moment.
“ You don’t have to make it up to me.” Sasori replied.
“ But I want to. I still feel so bad about it” Deidara was still circling Sasori’s heart. His hand went further up and started to undo Sasori cloak. The puppet stopped as Sasori moved his hand and stopped Deidara’s.
“ Not now. You can wait till tonight.” Sasori said sternly.
“ But Danna, un. I thought you didn’t like to make other people wait.” Deidara joked. Sasori look at Deidara though the corner of his eye.
“ That’s true, but this will not interfere with our missions. You should be grateful that I’m allowing nights.” Sasori remarked. Deidara looked annoyed.
“ Fine, un. I’ll wait.” Deidara pouted. Sasori started the puppet back up and they were moving again. The day passed on into the twilight. Sasori and Deidara headed up to their hotel room with their key card. Once inside they laid their bags on the floor and Sasori went to the window. Deidara watched Sasori stand looking outside at the fading sun. He walked up and stood beside him.
“ It’s nice huh?” Deidara said gently. Sasori gazed on at the setting sun.
“ I guess. Its not going to last.” Sasori said. Deidara rolled his eyes.
“ I know you live for your art, un. But can’t you get off that for even a minute? Not everything beautiful lasts forever Sasori.” Deidara said as he gazed at the setting sun. Sasori shrugged. They were silent for awhile. Finally Sasori looked at Deidara and leaned his back agents the window.
“ So… as promised I’ll allow you to make it up to me. You can do as you please. Just tell me, what did you want to do?” Sasori said. Deidara looked at Sasori and blushed a little.
“ Well, un. If your sure you will allow me to…” Deidara said. Sasori tilted his head to the side.
“ Well I don’t know what it is yet, and as long as it doesn’t interfere with our mission I’m fine.” Sasori said. Deidara smiled a bit and he moved closer to Sasori. The sunset outside lit Deidara’s hair as if it was on fire. His eyes glistened and Sasori’s face lost its sternness. Sasori gazed at Deidara who was glowing with the setting sun. He didn’t notice Deidara undoing his cloak, or when it fell off his shoulders and onto the floor. Sasori was enchanted by Deidara’s soft smile, his blue, glittering eyes, his flaming, blonde hair, the sway and curve of his body, and the attractive tone of his voice. Deidara smiled at Sasori’s enchanted expression that only cause Sasori to lose himself more. He pressed himself agents Sasori, holding his waist agents him. Deidara looked down at Sasori and smiled again. Sasori snapped back into reality. He placed his hands on Deidara’s shoulders and looked up at him not pulling away.
“ S-So, is this all you wanted to do? Just holding and gazing into each other’s eyes.” Sasori asked in a soft tone. Deidara giggled.
“ My Danna you sure are impatient, un! I’m just getting started. Well, I guess I better not keep you waiting.” He said. The sun set and the room became darker. Deidara closed the curtain and turned back to Sasori.
“ Well, hurry up.” Sasori blushed. Deidara giggled and leaned in kissing Sasori fiercely. Sasori closed his eyes and kissed Deidara back. Sasori undid Deidara’s cloak and it fell to the ground. He skimmed his hand down Deidara’s chest without breaking the kiss. Deidara held Sasori firmly in his arms as he pulled Sasori away from the window while kissing. He started leading Sasori to the bed and his kiss went deeper as his self-control faded fast. Sasori’s legs hit the side of the bed and he fell on top of it with Deidara. They didn’t stop. Sasori looked at Deidara who slipped off his shirt.
“ So, this is want you want?” Sasori asked. Deidara threw his shirt to the floor and started kissing Sasori’s neck.
“ Yes please, un.” Deidara said in between his kisses. Sasori watched Deidara and rubbed his back gently. Sasori’s face turned slightly depressed as he watched Deidara kiss him. Sasori desperately wanted to feel it. He wanted to feel everything, Deidara’s soft skin, the fierce kisses, the growing heat, and the fast heartbeats. Sasori wanted to feel again. His puppet body had become a burden he wanted to get rid of but he knew he never could. What is done, is done. Sasori continued to watch Deidara, wondering how good it would feel. Deidara sensed Sasori’s mood changed and he looked up and caught Sasori with the depressed face.
“ Sasori. If you don’t want to, I understand, un.” Deidara said. Sasori looked at Deidara and shook his head.
“ It’s not that Deidara. Its just, I cant feel anything your doing, and I want to feel it. But I know I never will...” Sasori said with oncoming tears. Deidara looked at him with sad expression. Then, Deidara’s expression lightened.
“ You know Danna, un. There is a way. I’m sure you remember.” He said. Sasori looked at Deidara and his memory flashed back. Deidara smiled and he moved his hand to Sasori’s heart. The hand licked it and Sasori shivered. Deidara’s hand licked more until Sasori started to moan. Deidara smiled and licked Sasori’s cheek.
“ I’m guessing you can feel me now, un. That’s good.” He said. Sasori was shaking with wide eyes. He looked at Deidara and his eyes were needy with a loss of control.
“ Stop talking…” Sasori said. Without warning Sasori grabbed Deidara’s face and pulled him closer kissing his deeply. The metal rope inside Sasori’s stomach unraveled and wrapped itself around Deidara and Sasori. It tightened, pulling them closer agents each other. Deidara smiled and kept kissing Sasori as his hand licked Sasori’s heart again. This made Sasori go crazy and he turned over so he was on top of Deidara. He continued to kiss Deidara and moved away from his mouth and down to his neck. Deidara relaxed his head and his hand licked Sasori’s heart again. The metal rope unraveled and went back into Sasori. Sasori then kissed down Deidara’s chest. Sasori began to feel warm and he could taste Deidara’s sweet skin. Deidara turned over on top of Sasori and held Sasori’s arms down on the bed.
“ Danna, un. This is supposed to be for you. Let me do this ok?” Deidara said. Sasori looked at Deidara and nodded. He realized that the fibers of his heart were spreading though out his body and he felt so much. He loved the feeling. Deidara smiled because he knew that Sasori could feel. It was written all over Sasori’s face. Deidara ran his fingers down Sasori and kissed his neck with hott passion. Sasori moaned and his heart fibers were spreading thicker and faster down his body. His arms were around Deidara and they moved under the covers. As the night went on the floor started to clutter with clothing. It’s was a warm night and the moon was half full. There was a soft breeze and the sky was clear. Silver light shined through the window curtains. Finally, the night ended. The sun started to rise over the mountains and it cast an orange light through the curtains. Deidara had fallen asleep beside Sasori and had his arm draped across his chest. Sasori watched Deidara sleep soundly and he gently stroked Deidara’s hair. A few hours later Sasori slowly got out of bed and picked up his pants that were piled on the floor. He put them on along with the rest of his clothes. Sasori then opened up the window and parted the curtains. Cool, fresh air poured in the room and the gentle breeze blew Deidara’s hair, waking him up. Deidara’s eyes fluttered open and he groaned rubbing his eyes.
“ Get some clothes on Deidara. We got to get going now.” Sasori said. Deidara looked at Sasori with tired eyes then his head plopped right back on the pillow. “ Come on Deidara. You said this wouldn’t interfere with our mission.” Sasori said. Deidara looked at the clock.
“ But Danna, its 5:30 in the morning!” Deidara complained. Sasori handed Deidara his clothes.
“ This is what’s going to happen if you’re my partner, now get up.” Sasori said as he shacked Deidara’s shoulder. Deidara groaned, but sat up. Sasori handed Deidara his pants and Deidara put them on. Once Deidara was dressed they packed up and turned in their key card. They went outside into the early-morning streets. A few shops were open, so Deidara and Sasori went to get something to eat. Of course, Deidara was the only one eating since Sasori couldn’t eat. Once they were done, Sasori paid and they were back on the streets. Deidara yawned and looked around.
“ So, have any idea where the first one is, un?” Deidara asked.
“ Not really” Sasori responded. “ Pein said is should be in a art gallery.” Deidara rolled his eyes.
“ Well that’s helpful! There has to be at least a hundred art galleries in this village!” Deidara said.
“ Then we will just have to check all of them.” Sasori said. Deidara sighed and they started walking down the streets. There were many art galleries to explore along the street. The village seemed to be filled with nothing more. Sasori and Deidara glared at the so-called “art” they passed. All it was, was paint on paper and dried clay on display. Nothing interesting. Deidara and Sasori walked into the first gallery and looked at everything inside. Deidara had an annoyed face and Sasori seemed to be holding back from burning the pieces.
“ Tisk! How is any of this art, un?” Deidara said. A painter behind them heard Deidara and became angry. The painter tried to take a punch at Deidara but Sasori stopped him. Sasori glared at the painter.
“ I wouldn’t do that if I were you, fool.” Sasori said to the painter. Sasori’s nails dug into the mans arm and some poison entered through the wounds. The painted pulled away holding his arm. He didn’t know that Sasori had poisoned him and he stormed away still holding his arm. Deidara looked at Sasori with a shocked expression.
“ You didn’t have to go that far as to kill him Sasori, un.” Deidara said quietly. Sasori was quiet.
“ No one is going to touch you as long as I’m here. Lets keep looking.” Sasori said. They kept looking and had no luck. The art galleries seemed endless. Sasori was growing impatient and Deidara face became more and more annoyed. This was some mission. Looking though so called “art” and having no luck finding the first scroll. It seemed impossible, but there was one art gallery that’s was for glass art. In the second room, under the eighth floor mat, there was a compartment that held a black and white scroll. It was just across the street from the gallery that Deidara and Sasori were. It sat there, waiting for them. Like a lost puppet, or a faded spark of an explosive.

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