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Mlle Rose's Marvelous Words
A collection of poems and short stories (mostly) that I wanted to share with others, and perhaps even get some feedback on.
Tea and Top Hats: Alice In Wonderland Fic
A/N: This I made on a whim a few months ago-probably nearly half a year by now? Anyways, I made it based off a roleplay I was in for a short while, although only a bit. Hopefully it is enjoyed.
I shall also like to note that I take no credit for the creation of Wonderland or its characters; those belong to Lewis Carroll. I do take credit for my original characters present and based off of those made by Lewis Carroll and pictures found on the internet.


Alice sat fiddling with her apron at the giant table filled with tea pots, cups, saucers, spoons, tea biscuits and other various tea-time accessories. There was a mouse snoring lazily across from her and a girl with sandy colored hair and skin with rabbit ears sat beside her. The rabbit girl chatted amiably, never leaving space for Alice to say a word, so she simply took light sips of her tea and nibbled at biscuits that were placed on a plate just within her reach. Alice was beginning to feel rather anxious; she wasn’t used to such talkative people, and this place was so odd, what with the crooked house, tall perfectly trimmed hedges and rainbow-colored stones which made up the winding path of the backyard and its sitting area - what was she to make of it all? Just about to excuse herself from the table and work on finding her way home, the back door opened and she exited the house. Alice felt her cheeks flame up against her will as she looked at the beautiful platinum-blond haired girl walk down the steps as if they weren’t tiled haphazardly in her overly-high heeled, black shoes -- which may I mention made Alice think of a pair of highly feminine boots -- with an oddly colored cat in her arms.

‘Is that cat really grinning at me?’ Alice asked timidly, looking at the cat who was staring at her.

‘Don’t be so conceded to think that our precious Cheshire is grinning only at you.’ The rabbit-eared girl said with a light huff. ‘She’s always grinning; it’s what Cheshire cats do.’ The girl said in a matter-of-fact voice before taking a decisive bite of a tea cake.

The blond-haired girl, who Alice noticed had a small top hat resting crookedly on her head, chuckled as she sat herself on the largest chair at the end of the table, next to the rabbit. ‘You don’t need to be so harsh, my friend, she is new here, don’t you know?’

Alice felt gracious for the girl’s aid and offered her a thankful smile.

‘What is your name, newcomer?’ Alice was so startled that she jumped at the sound of a voice right beside her. She then felt the weight of the Cheshire cat and she placed a hand to her heart as she sighed.

‘My name is Alice,’

‘What a plain name,’ the rabbit beside her wrinkled her nose a bit and Alice frowned.

‘It suits her, though, doesn’t it? She is very plainly pretty.’ The girl with blond hair smiled sweetly, a cup and saucer in her hands already. Alice wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or insulted by this statement, but her cheeks turned red anyways.

‘What is your last name, then?’ the Rabbit asked, obviously expecting it to be just as bland as her first.

Alice sat up a little straighter, ‘Greyhart,’ she announced, a little proud of her family name. The blond grinned sweetly, her eyes twinkling, but said nothing as her sandy-coloured friend shrugged.

‘I suppose it’s okay, but there’re no name that can beat mine,’ she took a breath as she turned to Alice and lifted her index finger as she recited her name, ‘Amelia Madison Adelaide Damion Ashley Sharon Hare.’ She took another breath and smirked as she raised her eyebrows as if to say ‘top that!’

Alice blinked at the girl, ‘I don’t think I’ve ever met a person with so many names.’

‘Of course you haven’t! That’s why mine’s the best!’ the girl then began sipping at her tea.

‘My name is a little more plain than our dear Amelia’s, but I take a certain pride in it, myself.’ The blond haired girl said in a silky-smooth voice that caused Alice’s breath to catch in her throat. ‘I’m called Madeline Hatter Rose,’

‘That is a rather pretty name,’ Alice agreed. Madeline smiled appreciatively at Alice before sipping her tea. Alice then noticed that the Cheshire cat was perched on the girl’s shoulders again, purring lightly, but grinning all the while from its green-furred face.

‘What of the cat? What is your name?’

‘I am known only as the Cheshire cat. You may call me as you please, but do refrain from using such terms as “p***y cat” or “kitty”, I find them terribly distasteful.’ The cat flicked her tail as if it were a hand before letting it drape over Madeline’s shoulder again.

‘I’m so sorry I’m late!’ cried a voice as a pale, white-haired girl rushed into the backyard, a large golden pocket watch sitting in her hand which she stared at in horror. When she finally looked up Alice saw that her eyes were pink behind the wire frames she wore. She stuffed the pocket watch into a pocket that ought to have been much too small for it as she walked over to the seat across from Amelia.

‘It’s alright, we’ve barely begun!’ Madeline stated as she poured the panting and nervous girl some tea, ‘in fact we had just been introducing ourselves to our new guest, Alice.’ The girl’s head snapped up and she met eyes with Alice.

‘Oh my! I’m so sorry for being late to meet you!’ the girl also had rabbit ears, but hers were white and seemed to be a lot pinker than Amelia’s, but that was probably just because of how pale she was.

‘No, no, don’t be sorry. I feel as if you aren’t late at all.’ Alice smiled at the girl who looked rather relieved.

‘I am Blanche, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Alice.’

‘The pleasure is mine,’ Alice smiled; she seemed like a nice girl.

‘Is everyone here, now?’ Madeline asked with a good natured smile.

Amelia rolled her eyes, ‘Oh honestly, Rose, this is your house and your party, how can you not know who is invited?’

Madeline chuckled as she patted the Cheshire cat gently, ‘I have so many parties I forget who I’ve invited to each one!’

‘Well, I am sure if they were invited they will show up before the tea is all gone or cold or walks away because it is bored. Let us begin the party, I am quite looking forward to hearing about the happenings since I’ve been so distracted lately.’ And the group began to chat amiably.

Alice found herself, once again, in a rather awkward position since she was very new to Wonderland and didn’t know all the people or events that the other girls were talking about. She listened intently about how the Mock Turtle was no less dramatic now that she was finally matched with her long-time friend, the Griffon, but seemed to be a little less on edge, which was apparently a cause for a sigh of relief to revolve around the whole table.

There was also news of the flowers growing unhappy with their limited space, since they were expanding their numbers at an alarming rate ever since the Rainy Month, and the Queen of Hearts was discussing with the Queen of Spades if they would mind letting the flowers line the paths leading to their kingdom. The King of Spades apparently had no problems with it, but their son Jack has terrible allergies, and their other son the Ace of Spades was afraid of the dandelions; but they were certain he’d get over that soon.

Alice listened in complete awe as the conversations continued and she grew more and more curious about this queer place called Wonderland and wanted so desperately to explore it and see all these strange people and things for herself.

‘And what of you, Madeline? I hear your sales are doing better than ever before! Is it true you’ve reduced the mercury in your hats by more than twenty percent?’ Blanche looked expectantly at Madeline who blushed lightly and nodded.

‘Yes, I was playing around late one night, of course not without my Grandfather’s old hat, for that is where my muse always comes from,’ her friends nodded in complete understanding, ‘and I suddenly came across a way to make my hats without so much mercury. Now people won’t be so worried about becoming as mad as grandfather was!’ she smiled happily, as if having an insane grandfather was no big deal and her friends congratulated her kindly.

Alice, being as curious as she was, timidly raised her voice, ‘what sort of hats do you sell, if you don’t mind my asking.’

Madeline perked up and stood up quite suddenly, ‘Oh! You must see my creations!’ she hurried around and took Alice’s hand to help her up. ‘This one that I’m wearing now is just one of the many that I’ve made with my own hands! I’m quite proud of them all, really…’ Alice blushed as she was rushed up the crooked steps and into the crooked house of the beautiful blond.

‘Your house is quite…lovely.’ Alice managed, and it was no lie. As queer as it was there was a certain charm to the crooked fashion and patches that covered her things.

‘Oh, thank you, I’m rather happy with it myself.’ Madeline smiled shyly, but continued to pull Alice up the stairs. Her black, frilled skirt bounced and her long, open sleeves flowed behind her and Alice had to resist the urge to reach out and stroke the long hair that fell down the girl’s back to see if it felt as much like silk as it looked.

‘In here! In here!’ Madeline opened a door and pushed Alice inside with such enthusiasm that Alice nearly toppled over. She fixed the skirt of her dusty-rose dress before looking around the room. Her mouth dropped open when she saw all the works in progress laying around in a mess of fabrics, tools and sketches. Alice wandered around the room, looking at some of Madeline’s newest creations before she turned around at the sound of a door opening.

Alice gasped audibly when she saw the giant closet filled with finished hats. ‘There’re so many of them,’ she breathed as she got closer and Madeline chuckled.

‘Yeah, sometimes I go kinda crazy when I’m making them.’ She said as she followed Alice into the closet and looked her work over happily. Alice’s eyes then fell upon a particularly large and old looking top hat which sat in the very middle of the upper-most shelf. There were only two others with it, one on each side of it.

Alice pointed at the hat, ‘why does that one look so old?’ Madeline turned to look at the hat in question and smiled wistfully.

‘That hat belonged to my grandfather, he’s the one who started the family Hatter business, you know?’ Alice looked at Madeline with large, curious eyes which enticed the latter to continue, ‘He was known as the “Mad Hatter”, well, he still is, but that’s beside the point,’ Madeline waved off the matter as she removed a hat from a footstool and reached for her grandfather’s hat. ‘Some people say that he went mad from the mercury in the hat, since he wore it all the time,’ Madeline turned the hat in her hands and looked at it lovingly, ‘but I think he was just too much of a creative genius for anyone to understand-everyone in Wonderland is mad, after all.’ Madeline flashed Alice a mischievous grin before she took off the mini top hat and put on her grandfathers.

‘It’s so big,’ Alice examined the hat, ‘I wonder how it didn’t get in the way?’

Madeline began to laugh and Alice blushed beat red, ‘you are right! So very right, my dear Alice!’ Madeline managed between her giggles, ‘but I must say that I get all my best ideas when wearing this hat.’ She threw an arm over Alice’s shoulders as she began to calm down, leaning heavily on the flustered girl. Alice was still blushing and her pulse was racing-Madeline’s close contact was making Alice rather nervous. She didn’t recognize the skipping feeling of her heart or the way her abdomen seemed to clench as her innards twisted.

‘Perhaps we should go back to the others…they mustn’t be very happy with our absence.’ Alice stated a bit nervously as she shifted her weight, forced to place an arm around Madeline’s waist to keep them both steady.

Alice was unnerved by the twinkle in Madeline’s eyes as she looked straight into Alice’s, ‘Nonsense, not even Blanche will think of the time for another few minutes.’

‘Is that so?’ Madeline made a noise to confirm what she had said as she smirked at Alice.

‘You seem a bit nervous, why is that?’ Madeline dropped her voice as she brought her lips closer to Alice’s ear until her breath tickled the sensitive skin of the earlobe. A shiver ran down Alice’s spine.

‘I-I am…’ Alice avoided looking at Madeline, her head turned to look at the ground to her right. Her eyes went wide when she felt a hand run gently down her thigh, taking her pink and black striped stocking with it. Madeline’s weight was now not entirely on her, Alice then realized, as the woman inched around until she was directly in front of Alice, her deep green eyes staring into Alice’s sky blue ones.

‘You’re what?’ Madeline breathed in a teasing voice before she grinned a bit madly and brought her other hand to the back of Alice’s neck. Their lips collided and the breath was stolen from Alice’s lungs, causing her to gasp. Madeline’s tongue invaded her mouth and began to roam expertly. Alice’s arm was still around the other girl’s waist and she placed the other to the shoulder as she moaned lightly. Madeline moaned back, lifting her hand slowly, brining it up the front of Alice until it joined its mate at the back of Alice’s neck and helped tilt the girl’s head ever so slightly.

It ended much too quickly for them both, Madeline the first to break away and remove the top hat before nuzzling Alice’s neck.

‘I told you I get all my best ideas when wearing this hat.’
‘Wha-‘ Alice gasped, breaking away from the kiss, but Madeline was quick to steal back the lips and silence the girl once again. Alice was slowly learning how to move her mouth and tongue which quite delighted the Hatter.

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