i spam my journal a lot. >.>;; and publicly. but i do have a private entry for random self-tekteks.
btw, i won a contest! biggrin i get 2k someday. I'm so happy. no idea what to save up for, tho. Autumn Glory's gone up in price. everyone's prolly got the same idea as me, buy it in August. sheesh. i'll just buy a pirate hat. i had a really cool and relatively cheapish dream avi, but... a similar idea is what won me the contest ^__^;;
speaking of tektek, has anyone noticed the soliaonline ads? i really like the capelets and corsets. +__+;
oh, right.
the asian food market changed the name of "ham-and-corn buns" to "corn-and-ham buns"! gonk why? whyyyy?? ham-and-corn just sounds so much better. emo <-- i've been using that a lot. emo=Ting...
my mom sent me into the store to buy my ham-and-corn bun, and also her custard cream bun. i was kind of scared. not because of kidnappers or rapists. (people like that don't go the asian food market, do they? oAo) not really because of pickpockets or old people swearing at me in languages i don't understand.
i think i was more afraid of running into... someone. okay, you all probably know it's ben who told me to stop stalking him, so i don't even need to bother typing small, but still. >.>;; for soumyan's benefit. oh no! that has "ben" in it.) OTL
ANyway. i came out with a corn-and-ham bun instead. ;A;
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