Writing Arena SpotLight
- Commitment Does Not Exist by Wildboer
- A little essay I wrote shortly after the end of my first serious relationship, I later learned that the rant I found oh so genius was merely French Existentialism, but I still like it.
- Love at first sight ruinned. by Gummybear662
- Magic Academy by Taytom13
- Chapter 4!!!
- The life of Justin by Reikon Tenshi
- A lonley kid just trying to make sense of this world. A first person narritive. By Thetruekakashi
- my life by _TabbyApple_
- this is a story about my life
- The Talking Doll by ii Pandaa ii
- pls just read.. thnx..
- i love to sing by waterlelie fairy
- I'm going to tell you a story about why i love to sing and why it means everything to me. non-fiction
- Lost by LadyMorganaPendragon
- This is about a little girl who got lost. If you want to now more read on.
- In the Midst of a Tragedy by tel-yyy
- Hope it made yours, too.
- soldier.... by danger_addict
- ......
- Only Love Can Break Your Heart by MAWsicle
- This was actually a school assignment, but I really like it and so I felt like posting it here. The assignment for school was to write about 3 memories that are connected somehow. XD Please rate and comment, and look at my ot...
- Jake & Mimi:Hatred Transformed by Peeta MeIIark
- This is a story of me and Jake~ it happened a year ago. He use to be my first love. But he's gone now....and I love Jessy! :3 >w<
- I'm Nothing But a Shadow by Rian_Lena
- Idk... I kinda wrote this a while ago and then forgot about it. And then i found it today and finished... So..... Yea.... Don't really know if this a rant or not.... Buuut I'll call it that cause I can.
- what is truly a hero?? by StarrdustandAshes
- this is from a journal exersise i had to to in school. it had to do with what and how we view a hero. stufff like that.
- history effect by danger_addict
- this is true and what i know...plzz comment on what you think
- Poowerfull advise by Maltix 1
- a very powerfull advise for you
- the care bear by dark_elven_vampire
- Many people have people they care about, so i designed this to show my care for my family,friends,and random people. My mom always told me that pictures =1000 words.Now as you look at this, think of all the people you care about