Writing Arena SpotLight
- School Segregation by Muste01
- My MLA paper on how it ended and how it affected the people of SC.
- Funny Funny Funny by AngeloRockz0929
- This Is A Short Funny Story :D
- Changes by LadyyJoker
- How things and people in life can change so quickly and unexpectedly.
- Just a Writing Exercise by Cyrus The Keeper
- I was given a Writing Exercise involving me to create a character with the traits of a person I love, and the appearance of one I could live without. I decided to post it.
- For she is worth the quest. by Aqueitas
- Journeys await a young man who is going to save his one love.
- Dead Man Drop Caps mode by project Z06
- Hate by OptimisticBookworm
- Honest. If it sounds like I'm another stupid girl who fell for a guy in high school.. Well, guess what? I am. Deal with it, or leave. I absolutely do not accept hateful comments.
- My Gaia Retrospective (Part 1) by cyborgmartian88XD
- This may be more suitable for High School Flashback, perhaps. Basically this is sort of a quick look back on my time as a Gaia Online user ranging from why I started to why I only get on once every few months and memories in be...
- Sudden End - The Path (intro) by nienesuki
- I'm writing a story atm [it's just for a game haha] but yea. Have fun reading, i guess. This is still the intro for my story! This is actually also the first story I've ever made up myself, well that I've written it I mean.. En...
- Essay for Bronies by Master Konami
- Mostly my opinion on bronies and people who think they're "gay" or "fags".
- Doctor.N #3 by Zeeda Rowa
- Every more words to listen to for Ninely the son fo heather for him to go insane.
- Life by x NyanBunnii x
- Seeing life through your own eyes.
- My “Bigfoot” Experience by Mominatryx
- The title says it all… I experienced something, and I’ve been told it was a Sasquatch. Yes, in real life. This is a true story. It still scares me to think about.
- Endless Nights by mmxz40
- This is my first chapter of a story I'm writing on my journal. It's really something I've worked hard on and I enjoy doing it. If you want to see more, check it out on my journal
- Steve the magical pinats journ by who987
- Its about one pinata one dream and one crazy quest for candy not really youll have to actuallyu read it to see whats going on bitches.
- what i think about you by drama_lover101
- please rate thank you .........> this is about a girl hating her boyfriend because one he broke up with her 2 cheating on her 3 being mean to her