Full Name:Skarpm Oni-chi(Oni is the original name but the pitch tribe adds Chi to distinguish them from other Oni. Oni-chi meaning Oni-blood a testament and statement as if to assert themselves in saying they are the TRUE Oni.)
Age: 29
Birthdate: December 28th
Gender: Male
Body Rank:B
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Violet
Height: 11' 7
Weight: 329 lbs
Natural: Oni
Nindo: "Howz itz gotta be is howz itz gotta be, if scumsucks can't get that through their globes theyz better off havin their vein juice fertilizin the color roots."
Personality: Skarpm is a man of absolute madness. Hailing from what can only be considered the most macabre and brutal clan of Oni. He fancies himself a 'class act' as it were among his peers but that means very little in the actual public eye outside his tribe. He is still a brutal, degenerate, with hardly a semblance of empathy. His own pursuits exceed the pursuits of others until he gets his a** beat in which case he will devote his brand of 'respect' on the one who handed it to. However, despite this he has a fervent if not 'violent' passion to 'know things' since most of his knowledge of the outside world and its language was presented to him with shitty rap CDs. He will occasionally drop 'mad bars' and through them sometimes will break the 'fourth wall' without even realizing the wall had been broken as most members of his tribe do. He likes to consider himself a 'mastermind' despite how far from the truth that is. His 'flow' or rather his dialect is always in what seems to be at least some form of rhythm. At least when speaking 'normie'. His voice and flow would be comparable to Daveed Diggs. While someone of his inclination would likely strive to be in the limelight Skarpm has lived his entire life in the limelight and couldn't give a rowdy rumpus either way.
Village: None
Title: None
Local Reputation: 0
Global Reputation: 0
Biography:To understand Skarpm you must first understand his tribe.
The Pitch Tribe: The Pitch tribe of Oni having once been a collection of the most awful, lecherous, degenerate, and most vile of Oni kind have remained the same through the ages. However, an outside influence of chaotic harlequins that worship a faux god of chaos sunk its teeth into their tribe and due to the tribes lack of intelligence and general penchant for violence they were as the kids call it 'suckered' in. No other oni ever stayed in contact with the pitch tribe for two reasons. One, they were uncivilized and sought nothing but carnage and two they had sected themselves off into the deep mountains where bloodsport was common place. Was the pitch clan a sparse few you may ask? Quite the opposite. As stated before being the worst of the worst forceful kidnapping of other oni tribes folk and subjecting them to their blood sport was commonplace. The Pitch Tribe became the 'boogeyman' for sheltered Oni clans and humans alike. Needless to say the depraved and awful kept their population maintained through 'awful methods' with not only each other but those they'd kidnap or submit to their will. This made the Pitch clan one of the most varied of all Oni Clans with mixed-bloods spanning from uchiha to senju and then some. As a result of their...'breeding methods' Pitch tribe skin colors are every shade...and as such the old stereotypes of skin color determining your worth as an Oni is prevalent. Copper Skins and Skin Colors dubbed 'Humie' (Human) are literally treated as the s**t garbage of the Pitch Tribe society, The Epidermaspectrum go down a line, surprisingly though once a humans skin color exceeds copper tones they're actually praised for being the stronger of their kind.
>Copper/Humie: Walking Trash, Punching Bags, Garbage Men
>Red: Average, You aren't expected to be anything special, maybe strong but definitely dumb.
>Yellow: Annoying, Yellow Skins are deemed typically, weak, pathetic, loud obnoxious, but without them catching prey is hard. Being the least intimidating comes with the perk of being the most deceptive. They only place higher than reds because they're often too got damn hard to hit.
>Green: See Yellow, on the other hand, Green Skins earn more respect due to typically being larger and at times being SWOLE AF. Often managing the Breeding Pens and Gore Pit as security.
>Blue: Too damn smart, usually sent first into the blood bath to be culled and murderlized, but if a bluey knows its place they typically are put on kidnapping detail. Because of this, blues secretly run the infrastructure of the Pitch Tribe by assigning roles/jobs to the 'lesser skins' but even they aren't dumb enough to challenge the system.
>Purple/Black/Grey: The Dark Shades rule the Pitch Tribe. IT is why it is referred to as the pitch tribe. These three skins are predominant and outnumber any other skin in the tribe. If a skin caste gets too large or suspicious the three will make certain that order is maintained in the most gore-filled way possible.
Returning to the harlequin influence on the tribe their infectious dark humor and disregard for one's actions and consequences stuck with the tribe muddling and mixing with the tribe's own belief. If you die, you were weak, do what you want, hurt whom you want but if you can't pick up what you've put down it's your own fault for whatever happens to you. As a side effect, the pitch tribe started donning the clowny attire and looks of their religious forebears and have adopted colorful personalities that could only be compared to something similar to modern-day wrestling personas or characters you'd find in satirical or comical media. To summarize. Personalities are often 'Over the top' and 'Exaggerated.' This trait is primarily most notable in the Black/Purple/Grey Skin Caste. The 'lesser' skins often the product of the latter's 'breeding methods' could be considered either a bit more civilized or just too stupid to adopt the behaviors. Although not partaking in the 'religion' is often a one-way ticket to getting pounded into an indistinguishable paste by the high three.
Getting into Skarpm, he'd have dropped a sick beat and a rap here earlier about his background about where he was born and raised and where he spent most of his days but the clod of a narrator that is typing this accidentally erased it like the fool they are. The short end of it Skarpm was born son of one of the HIGH THREE. Within the Pitch Tribe. He and his older sister, with a younger brother on the way, spent and would spend their lives as any in the pitch tribe did. Which was battling to the death in the gore pit, eating, kidnapping, fornicating, drinking, more blood sport, and sleeping. The cycle became repetitious and the routine victories of his himself and his siblings grew more and more hollow in his eyes. When a blue skin took notice of this they ventured out into the ruins of an old village, what they gathered was a collection of old rap and hip hop cds and mix tapes and trashy magazines about the 'baller' life.
Skarpm enamored by these 'artifacts' inquired further and rooted within him a desire to see what was outside the tribe's mountainous domain. The blue skin considering this an opportune moment incited a rebellion in Skarpm. A coupe occurred, a riot and several gallons of blood were spilled. In the process, Skarpm had killed the 'GREY WARDEN' a.k.a as his father. This damaged the infrastructure of the tribe losing one of the 'HIGH THREE' the 'VIOLET TYRANT' and the 'DARK ONE' would set a culling ordnance on any blue skins and any rebels before their power dynamic was questioned and taken advantage of. However, before that ordnance could reach full bloodshed Skarpm had already bailed. The pitch tribe never held the concept of 'family' tightly and thusly he had abandoned his siblings entirely. All with a jubilant jaunt to the outside world. Unbeknownst to him, they want that happy a** dead, although he's assumed as much anyway.
First Class:
▱▰▱ Brawler: → Your taijutsu is just one side of your skill, as you are also versed in utilizing ninjutsu as well. Your Speed and Agility are enhanced by [+1] and you gain an additional [4] ninjutsu slots per rank. Once every other post all three of your actions in a post can be used for offensive taijutsu. Additionally, the user gains a keystone technique and two additional custom slots for taijutsu. Refer to the Keystone Guideline for more information.
Second Class:
▱▰▱ Overwhleming Presence: → The user's powerful presence on the battlefield strikes terror into their foes. Opponents are able to sense the user's terrifying fighting spirit five feet from the user per body rank of the user through chakra sense. Those within range can have this radiating fearful aura become the trigger for genjutsu, allowing genjutsu to be cast by acknowledging the user. In addition, should an opponent be targeted by a melee technique that is greater in rank than the target's body rank that target has tier two paralysis applied to their legs, requiring it to be broken by Kai equal to the user's body rank, costing the target no activation for that specific instance of kai.
▱▰▱ Cross Class or Specialization: →
Taijutsu – Taijutsu: Dedicated Disciple: A disciple who chooses to specialize in a small number of their class's arts. Limiting themselves to three of their class's styles, granting overwhelming in all three styles up to S Rank. Any additional slots that would be awarded for their class's styles are converted into a 2 point increase in any stats of their choosing. In addition, these masters of their arts are able to have a 1 point increase in their stats cap of 8 making it 9. Styles granted from rewards may be learned but do not carry the overwhelming property and the user is capped out at 5 styles.
Chakra Pool: 600
Stamina Pool: 720
Chakra Element: Suiton, Fuuton
Chakra Color: purple
Chakra Materialization:
• Strength ►6
• Speed ► 2
• Agility ► 2
• Endurance ► 4
• Yoked: It's not difficult to tell, Skarpm is HUGE. Standing 11'7 he's a borderline giant. Without the dilution in his Oni bloodline from weak breeding and being the progeny of only some of the tribes strongest has yielded a fit AF man deserving of the title Oni.
• Pretty Dumb: Skarpm being sheltered his entire life in the 'Pitch Way' makes his rather ignorant to the commonalities of the 'outside world' taking into account his perception of it is entirely rooted in 'really shitty' mixtapes and magazines.
• Super Suggestable: Skarpm is somewhat of a go with the flow type of individual and so long as it doesn't directly interfere with something 'he wants to do' he'll typically do it just 'cuz'
• Regressive Instinct: Despite attempts at 'civility' the Pitch Tribe is still the Pitch Tribe born and raised in a state of constant kill or be killed atmosphere. Being on edge will typically trigger the fight or flight response and almost 98.99% of the time for a Pitch Tribesman that's Fight. Moreover, it can make conversations incorrigible.
•Slow Starter: Since he wasn't raised as a 'ninja' he doesn't know the basic 'ninja magic'
• His fits of primal tribe rage overcoming him and actual killing someone of which he's actually formed a significant 'brolationship' with
+8 Tai Learning Bonus
Personal Attributes:
• Genetic Palette: GoOd BLloOd | With intensive genetic therapy and strong blood, this character is able to possess more than one transplant. This allows the character up to two transplants total, of any of the three categories.
• NEGAtory Presence: | The Overwhelming Presence Discipline when interacting with another Overwhelming Presence Discipline nullifies both instances of Overwhelming Presence which is instead replaced by an awkward air of stalemate.
• WiCkEd SIcKnEss: | Skarpm can apply his Sake Augemntaions to his taijutsu applying them when landing said Taijutsu of the correlating Tier.
• mAd BArS: Skarpm's Overwhelming Presence cannot be used as a Genjutsu trigger because it was forged in 'not knowing what the s**t that is'. Instead, it actually directly counters a single Genjutsu once every three posts draining chakra as if having performed an appropriate kai.
• GoT THaT STaNk: | Overwhelming Presence rather than trigger tier 2 paralysis may instead be substituted for the effective tier 2 influence of a sake augmentation. Similarly, the effects of said augmentation can be canceled out via the same method the original is.
• bAd BlOoD: | Skarpm's blood is like many in the Oni clans around the world is alcoholic. However, due to his tribe's lineage its particularly RANK. Not only is his blood alcholic but vile, incredibly potent, and disgusting. In taste as mentioned by Saiketsu users one might as well drink a concoction made of rotten eggs and piss water and those with sensitive smells are completely thrown off by it that it overwhelms their olfactory organ to be unable to smell anything else. It's bad enough Skarpm constantly smells of cheap booze, sweat, and dead skin hus blood is just the icing on the cake. Mechanically it makes Skarpm's blood a medium for sake augmentation effects.
XP: Table
Passive XP: Table
Shinobi Missions Complete:Table
Crafting Trees
• {Toxicology} || → {Veteran}
Crafting / Profession Missions Complete: Table
Profession Titles
• {Mining} || → {x}
• {Botany} || → {x}
Mission, Training, Events, Endgame, and Profession Claims
~See Technology
~See Weapons
~See Armor
~See Customs
~See Toxicology
~See Pharmacology
Weapon Specs
Weapons{Base Custom}:
• Ninjutsu | x / 30
• Genjutsu | Disgusting / 18
• Taijutsu Styles | 3 / 3 - {6}
• Bukijutsu Styles | 0 / 0
• Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ]
• Kawarimi no Jutsu [ Substitution Technique ]
• Bushin no Jutsu [ Clone Technique ]
• Suimen Hokou no Waza [ Act of Water Surface Walking ]
• Kinobori no Waza [ Act of Tree Climbing ] {S-man don't know what the muthafug this shi iz bruh}
• Kai [ Release ]
• Korabo [Combination] ✔
• Uo Tsuba [ Fish Spit ] {Cantrip}
• Mizu no Yaiba [Water Sword] {Cantrip}
• Mizu Soujuu [ Water Manipulation ] {Cantrip}
Bloodline Oni
GenjutsuThat Voodoo BullShit
Fuuinjutsu Got Damn Miracles
Bukijutsu Lightskin WEAKSauce
Taijutsu Real Man s**t
Dedicated Disciple:
•Drunken Fist ✔ {Signature Style}
Stages 1-6 Mastered
•Heavy Grappling
•Eight Gates The Blood Trance (The Eight Gates are known to the Pitch Tribe as the Blood Trance. All dark skinned members of the pitch tribe are specifically cultivated in such a way that they are made and bred to perfect it. The ideal of the Pitch Tribe is to gain the ability to consistently enter Blood Trances final state and cheating death becoming the ultimate being of destruction.)
Full Name:Skarpm Oni-chi(Oni is the original name but the pitch tribe adds Chi to distinguish them from other Oni. Oni-chi meaning Oni-blood a testament and statement as if to assert themselves in saying they are the TRUE Oni.)
Age: 29
Birthdate: December 28th
Gender: Male
Body Rank:B
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Violet
Height: 11' 7
Weight: 329 lbs
Natural: Oni
Nindo: "Howz itz gotta be is howz itz gotta be, if scumsucks can't get that through their globes theyz better off havin their vein juice fertilizin the color roots."
Personality: Skarpm is a man of absolute madness. Hailing from what can only be considered the most macabre and brutal clan of Oni. He fancies himself a 'class act' as it were among his peers but that means very little in the actual public eye outside his tribe. He is still a brutal, degenerate, with hardly a semblance of empathy. His own pursuits exceed the pursuits of others until he gets his a** beat in which case he will devote his brand of 'respect' on the one who handed it to. However, despite this he has a fervent if not 'violent' passion to 'know things' since most of his knowledge of the outside world and its language was presented to him with shitty rap CDs. He will occasionally drop 'mad bars' and through them sometimes will break the 'fourth wall' without even realizing the wall had been broken as most members of his tribe do. He likes to consider himself a 'mastermind' despite how far from the truth that is. His 'flow' or rather his dialect is always in what seems to be at least some form of rhythm. At least when speaking 'normie'. His voice and flow would be comparable to Daveed Diggs. While someone of his inclination would likely strive to be in the limelight Skarpm has lived his entire life in the limelight and couldn't give a rowdy rumpus either way.
Village: None
Title: None
Local Reputation: 0
Global Reputation: 0
Biography:To understand Skarpm you must first understand his tribe.
The Pitch Tribe: The Pitch tribe of Oni having once been a collection of the most awful, lecherous, degenerate, and most vile of Oni kind have remained the same through the ages. However, an outside influence of chaotic harlequins that worship a faux god of chaos sunk its teeth into their tribe and due to the tribes lack of intelligence and general penchant for violence they were as the kids call it 'suckered' in. No other oni ever stayed in contact with the pitch tribe for two reasons. One, they were uncivilized and sought nothing but carnage and two they had sected themselves off into the deep mountains where bloodsport was common place. Was the pitch clan a sparse few you may ask? Quite the opposite. As stated before being the worst of the worst forceful kidnapping of other oni tribes folk and subjecting them to their blood sport was commonplace. The Pitch Tribe became the 'boogeyman' for sheltered Oni clans and humans alike. Needless to say the depraved and awful kept their population maintained through 'awful methods' with not only each other but those they'd kidnap or submit to their will. This made the Pitch clan one of the most varied of all Oni Clans with mixed-bloods spanning from uchiha to senju and then some. As a result of their...'breeding methods' Pitch tribe skin colors are every shade...and as such the old stereotypes of skin color determining your worth as an Oni is prevalent. Copper Skins and Skin Colors dubbed 'Humie' (Human) are literally treated as the s**t garbage of the Pitch Tribe society, The Epidermaspectrum go down a line, surprisingly though once a humans skin color exceeds copper tones they're actually praised for being the stronger of their kind.
>Copper/Humie: Walking Trash, Punching Bags, Garbage Men
>Red: Average, You aren't expected to be anything special, maybe strong but definitely dumb.
>Yellow: Annoying, Yellow Skins are deemed typically, weak, pathetic, loud obnoxious, but without them catching prey is hard. Being the least intimidating comes with the perk of being the most deceptive. They only place higher than reds because they're often too got damn hard to hit.
>Green: See Yellow, on the other hand, Green Skins earn more respect due to typically being larger and at times being SWOLE AF. Often managing the Breeding Pens and Gore Pit as security.
>Blue: Too damn smart, usually sent first into the blood bath to be culled and murderlized, but if a bluey knows its place they typically are put on kidnapping detail. Because of this, blues secretly run the infrastructure of the Pitch Tribe by assigning roles/jobs to the 'lesser skins' but even they aren't dumb enough to challenge the system.
>Purple/Black/Grey: The Dark Shades rule the Pitch Tribe. IT is why it is referred to as the pitch tribe. These three skins are predominant and outnumber any other skin in the tribe. If a skin caste gets too large or suspicious the three will make certain that order is maintained in the most gore-filled way possible.
Returning to the harlequin influence on the tribe their infectious dark humor and disregard for one's actions and consequences stuck with the tribe muddling and mixing with the tribe's own belief. If you die, you were weak, do what you want, hurt whom you want but if you can't pick up what you've put down it's your own fault for whatever happens to you. As a side effect, the pitch tribe started donning the clowny attire and looks of their religious forebears and have adopted colorful personalities that could only be compared to something similar to modern-day wrestling personas or characters you'd find in satirical or comical media. To summarize. Personalities are often 'Over the top' and 'Exaggerated.' This trait is primarily most notable in the Black/Purple/Grey Skin Caste. The 'lesser' skins often the product of the latter's 'breeding methods' could be considered either a bit more civilized or just too stupid to adopt the behaviors. Although not partaking in the 'religion' is often a one-way ticket to getting pounded into an indistinguishable paste by the high three.
Getting into Skarpm, he'd have dropped a sick beat and a rap here earlier about his background about where he was born and raised and where he spent most of his days but the clod of a narrator that is typing this accidentally erased it like the fool they are. The short end of it Skarpm was born son of one of the HIGH THREE. Within the Pitch Tribe. He and his older sister, with a younger brother on the way, spent and would spend their lives as any in the pitch tribe did. Which was battling to the death in the gore pit, eating, kidnapping, fornicating, drinking, more blood sport, and sleeping. The cycle became repetitious and the routine victories of his himself and his siblings grew more and more hollow in his eyes. When a blue skin took notice of this they ventured out into the ruins of an old village, what they gathered was a collection of old rap and hip hop cds and mix tapes and trashy magazines about the 'baller' life.
Skarpm enamored by these 'artifacts' inquired further and rooted within him a desire to see what was outside the tribe's mountainous domain. The blue skin considering this an opportune moment incited a rebellion in Skarpm. A coupe occurred, a riot and several gallons of blood were spilled. In the process, Skarpm had killed the 'GREY WARDEN' a.k.a as his father. This damaged the infrastructure of the tribe losing one of the 'HIGH THREE' the 'VIOLET TYRANT' and the 'DARK ONE' would set a culling ordnance on any blue skins and any rebels before their power dynamic was questioned and taken advantage of. However, before that ordnance could reach full bloodshed Skarpm had already bailed. The pitch tribe never held the concept of 'family' tightly and thusly he had abandoned his siblings entirely. All with a jubilant jaunt to the outside world. Unbeknownst to him, they want that happy a** dead, although he's assumed as much anyway.
First Class:
▱▰▱ Brawler: → Your taijutsu is just one side of your skill, as you are also versed in utilizing ninjutsu as well. Your Speed and Agility are enhanced by [+1] and you gain an additional [4] ninjutsu slots per rank. Once every other post all three of your actions in a post can be used for offensive taijutsu. Additionally, the user gains a keystone technique and two additional custom slots for taijutsu. Refer to the Keystone Guideline for more information.
Second Class:
▱▰▱ Overwhleming Presence: → The user's powerful presence on the battlefield strikes terror into their foes. Opponents are able to sense the user's terrifying fighting spirit five feet from the user per body rank of the user through chakra sense. Those within range can have this radiating fearful aura become the trigger for genjutsu, allowing genjutsu to be cast by acknowledging the user. In addition, should an opponent be targeted by a melee technique that is greater in rank than the target's body rank that target has tier two paralysis applied to their legs, requiring it to be broken by Kai equal to the user's body rank, costing the target no activation for that specific instance of kai.
▱▰▱ Cross Class or Specialization: →
Taijutsu – Taijutsu: Dedicated Disciple: A disciple who chooses to specialize in a small number of their class's arts. Limiting themselves to three of their class's styles, granting overwhelming in all three styles up to S Rank. Any additional slots that would be awarded for their class's styles are converted into a 2 point increase in any stats of their choosing. In addition, these masters of their arts are able to have a 1 point increase in their stats cap of 8 making it 9. Styles granted from rewards may be learned but do not carry the overwhelming property and the user is capped out at 5 styles.
Chakra Pool: 600
Stamina Pool: 720
Chakra Element: Suiton, Fuuton
Chakra Color: purple
Chakra Materialization:
• Strength ►6
• Speed ► 2
• Agility ► 2
• Endurance ► 4
• Yoked: It's not difficult to tell, Skarpm is HUGE. Standing 11'7 he's a borderline giant. Without the dilution in his Oni bloodline from weak breeding and being the progeny of only some of the tribes strongest has yielded a fit AF man deserving of the title Oni.
• Pretty Dumb: Skarpm being sheltered his entire life in the 'Pitch Way' makes his rather ignorant to the commonalities of the 'outside world' taking into account his perception of it is entirely rooted in 'really shitty' mixtapes and magazines.
• Super Suggestable: Skarpm is somewhat of a go with the flow type of individual and so long as it doesn't directly interfere with something 'he wants to do' he'll typically do it just 'cuz'
• Regressive Instinct: Despite attempts at 'civility' the Pitch Tribe is still the Pitch Tribe born and raised in a state of constant kill or be killed atmosphere. Being on edge will typically trigger the fight or flight response and almost 98.99% of the time for a Pitch Tribesman that's Fight. Moreover, it can make conversations incorrigible.
•Slow Starter: Since he wasn't raised as a 'ninja' he doesn't know the basic 'ninja magic'
• His fits of primal tribe rage overcoming him and actual killing someone of which he's actually formed a significant 'brolationship' with
+8 Tai Learning Bonus
Personal Attributes:
• Genetic Palette: GoOd BLloOd | With intensive genetic therapy and strong blood, this character is able to possess more than one transplant. This allows the character up to two transplants total, of any of the three categories.
• NEGAtory Presence: | The Overwhelming Presence Discipline when interacting with another Overwhelming Presence Discipline nullifies both instances of Overwhelming Presence which is instead replaced by an awkward air of stalemate.
• WiCkEd SIcKnEss: | Skarpm can apply his Sake Augemntaions to his taijutsu applying them when landing said Taijutsu of the correlating Tier.
• mAd BArS: Skarpm's Overwhelming Presence cannot be used as a Genjutsu trigger because it was forged in 'not knowing what the s**t that is'. Instead, it actually directly counters a single Genjutsu once every three posts draining chakra as if having performed an appropriate kai.
• GoT THaT STaNk: | Overwhelming Presence rather than trigger tier 2 paralysis may instead be substituted for the effective tier 2 influence of a sake augmentation. Similarly, the effects of said augmentation can be canceled out via the same method the original is.
• bAd BlOoD: | Skarpm's blood is like many in the Oni clans around the world is alcoholic. However, due to his tribe's lineage its particularly RANK. Not only is his blood alcholic but vile, incredibly potent, and disgusting. In taste as mentioned by Saiketsu users one might as well drink a concoction made of rotten eggs and piss water and those with sensitive smells are completely thrown off by it that it overwhelms their olfactory organ to be unable to smell anything else. It's bad enough Skarpm constantly smells of cheap booze, sweat, and dead skin hus blood is just the icing on the cake. Mechanically it makes Skarpm's blood a medium for sake augmentation effects.
XP: Table
Passive XP: Table
Shinobi Missions Complete:Table
Crafting Trees
• {Toxicology} || → {Veteran}
Crafting / Profession Missions Complete: Table
Profession Titles
• {Mining} || → {x}
• {Botany} || → {x}
Mission, Training, Events, Endgame, and Profession Claims
~See Technology
~See Weapons
~See Armor
~See Customs
~See Toxicology
~See Pharmacology
Weapon Specs
Weapons{Base Custom}:
• Ninjutsu | x / 30
• Genjutsu | Disgusting / 18
• Taijutsu Styles | 3 / 3 - {6}
• Bukijutsu Styles | 0 / 0
• Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ]
• Kawarimi no Jutsu [ Substitution Technique ]
• Bushin no Jutsu [ Clone Technique ]
• Suimen Hokou no Waza [ Act of Water Surface Walking ]
• Kinobori no Waza [ Act of Tree Climbing ] {S-man don't know what the muthafug this shi iz bruh}
• Kai [ Release ]
• Korabo [Combination] ✔
• Uo Tsuba [ Fish Spit ] {Cantrip}
• Mizu no Yaiba [Water Sword] {Cantrip}
• Mizu Soujuu [ Water Manipulation ] {Cantrip}
Bloodline Oni
GenjutsuThat Voodoo BullShit
Fuuinjutsu Got Damn Miracles
Bukijutsu Lightskin WEAKSauce
Taijutsu Real Man s**t
Dedicated Disciple:
•Drunken Fist ✔ {Signature Style}
Stages 1-6 Mastered
•Heavy Grappling
•Eight Gates The Blood Trance (The Eight Gates are known to the Pitch Tribe as the Blood Trance. All dark skinned members of the pitch tribe are specifically cultivated in such a way that they are made and bred to perfect it. The ideal of the Pitch Tribe is to gain the ability to consistently enter Blood Trances final state and cheating death becoming the ultimate being of destruction.)