Name: Messenger
Age: 35
Height: 6'
Race: Dark Sprite
Weapon: His Magic or strength
Personality: Always ready with a mission for his fellows, he can and will get under thier skin for laughs. He usually enjoys goading his enimies into attacking first as then he enjoys their defeat that much more. He really is cruel when not around his fellow Patrolers, so someone is usually with him. He is possessive over his fellows and rarely if ever allows outsiders near them without his presence.
Bio: One of the three founders of the Night Patrol and a key member of the Underground Network. He is actually a well known Crime Lord, who uses the Night Patrol to protect the established territories. He loves all of his fellow Patrolers like siblings and will stop at nothing to ensure their happiness. He never does anything without personal gain to himself or his fellows. He has two younger brothers who both are Crime Lords in the Underground Network.
Teamed With: Zero or Ice, depending on weither Blue or Black is out.
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Mon Jun 11, 2012 @ 07:03pm · 0 Comments |