Name: Ice
Age: 33
Height: 6'4"
Race: Frost Elf Warlock
Weapon: His Magic, staff or mind
Personality: Virtually with a lack of personality, he is just as his name implies. Most of the time. His fellow Senoir Officers have noticed that subtle body language tells more than what his face and lack of words do. He cares a lot for those within the Night Patrol and usually shows it directly with small actions of aid or one word advice. He rarely says a full sentence, but when he does the others listen with eagerness.
Bio: He actually is one of the three founders of the Night Patrol. He has known Messenger for half of his Immortal life as the two are from the same region. He comes from a large Frost Elf Clan that specliazes in Magic. He is the Eigth Son of that Clan and bethrohed to someone he really dislikes. While in the Night Patrol however, he avoids marriage. His parents are content with his choice of carrere as they trust Messenger.
Teamed With: Blue Sword
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Mon Jun 11, 2012 @ 04:39pm · 0 Comments |