Name: Kiddo
Age: 18
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145lbs
Race: Dark Elf/Elemental Hybrid
Weapon: His body plus limited magic.
Personality: Childish with a flare for insanity, he is one of the more sought after Patrolers due to his lax nature. He is known to sleep with a target if he feels like it and has on many occassions been dragged out of a brothel by one of the Senoir Officers.
Bio: Found by Messenger in front of a well-known brothel, he is the hybrid son of a infamous Dark Elf Sorcerress and a Elemental. He has very little Magical knowledge as his Mother refused to teach him. Messenger is teaching him little bits at a time. He has not slept with any of his fellow male Patrolers as he has developed a major crush on Ice, therefore he is trying to "cleanse" himself of his past actions.
Teamed With: Eagle
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Fri Jun 01, 2012 @ 06:32pm · 0 Comments |