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You know me now!
God, I wrote that too long ago. I am Bio and I am awesome. No spelling errors anymore!! Lols >~<
Wonderful World Of Illusion~
"Yes, it is the one link Reality sometimes used to get to and fro from the Real world and my world. However, he has a bracelet that already allows him to do so, so he didn't need the chair much. It is fairly useful for me, especially now."
"How does it work?" The girl asked,
"You place an item that as crossed over into the chair and it suddenly opens up a portal in front of the chair for you to step into. Reality says it feels like you are first falling, but you end up almost walking in an L shape. First you walk forward, then you fall down, by gravity slows to the point were you are able to walk on the ground again and you walk right through a portal on the other side that is right side up again. I find it very hard to comprehend but we shall soon see, right?" The girl continued to look at the chair, and was going to ask another question, but Illusion started first.
"Since time here is faster than time in the Real world, we only have thirty minutes till tomorrow over there starts, so lets grab a few things and get going."
The girl was released gently from James's grip and watched as his hands left the room. The girl didn't really bring anything with her to this world, so she offered a hand to Illusion. She gladly accepted it.

The thirty minutes was quick to come. The girl stood with the doll that Reality had bought, ready to place it on the chair. James entered, and on his invisible body, new clothes outlined his body, and a large case on his back made the girl suspicious, but Illusion took her attention, smiling gently.
"Are you guys ready?" She was dressed in a what would be a natural look in the real world: loose jeans, a semi-tight shirt, dark brown boots, and a purse for a feminine touch. Her beautiful black straight hair was loose around her shoulders, giving it an obvious that she was a beautiful girl, but she was a tomboy. That was what the girl based off Illusion's clothes, and for James, he looked handsome in anything you put on him so he would always be a naturally good-looking man. The girl smiled at this nicely dressed couple and their attempt to look normal, however, the girl noticed Illusion's nervous hands fondling with her shirt. She is probably thing what reality would think of her.... The girl thought, and so, she went over to Illusion, taking her hand with her free hand, and smiled at her.
"You look beautiful, but Reality will think you are much more than beautiful." Illusion blushed a bright red from this little girl telling her such simple words that touched her heart. Illusion knelt down and hugged the girl tightly, and the girl could feel Illusion tremble. She was scared.
"Thank you... thank you." She whispered to the girl, and the girl wrapped her arms around Illusion, holding this precious moment to their hearts. They were now more that just friend that met days ago.
Illusion's trembling stopped after that. She wiped her face to fight back tears, and pulled her composer together. She stood with new confidence, and then looked at the clock, then back at the girl.
"Lets go." The girl slowly walked over to the chair, with Illusion and James following her, watching from behind. The girl timidly placed the doll on the chair, and it was almost like seconds that a giant portal opened up to the three of them and then they were falling into a strange vortex.

My, my, I haven't said anything for a while, he he, mostly because I am so interested into this story. It gets me every time. I guess my old heart still craves adventure. Well, I can tell you that now it won't just be Lady Illusion and Sir Reality now. But I can't reveal details so quickly now, can I? How 'bout you find out, my little friends? To Olympus!

Chapter Seven: The Guys In The Sky That Rule Everything

Through the grass, into the trees, jumping into the vineyards, through houses, into the ocean, up the mountain and into the clouds lies a beautiful world where everything is in a shone of gold. A large stair case leads to a gleaming gate that holds all things peaceful... which is blatant lie. You go past the gates and into this Greek kingdom that is held up by clouds, up a thousand steps, look at the view, go up another thousand steps and you are at the meeting room of the Gods and Goddess, where no argument is left unsaid. At the moment, the Gods and Goddess were bickering about how today's modern human teenagers were so overly stupid it had to be some sort of law breaking crime. The room was full, for one exception, and Gods and Goddess were rowed in the room. At the far end, in an awfully large chair, with a collection of stone creatures behind him in shelves, was the King of Gods, Zeus. He didn't pay much attention to the argument that Apollo, God of music, prophecy, education, healing and disease, and Demeter, God of agriculture, grain and bread, and the Afterlife. He just stared down into the large golden bowl that held the entire world inside of it, watching from below. Like T.V, Zeus would changes the worlds to different ones to see what was going on with the other worlds. It wasn't until a messenger came in that all the Gods seized speaking. It was Hermes, messenger of Zeus and God of Trade and all that other good stuff, came flying in with his old fashion winged shoes, carrying a scroll. Hermes laughed at the silence and then bowed.
"My, don't I make quite an entrance." Hermes spoke playfully, his voice much lighter than what his looks preserve him to have.
"Spit it out, Hermes, tell us a tale of a world beyond this haven." Zeus boomed, but it was a dull and bored sound that 'boomed' out of his throat. He had no entertainment, only arguments, and the last time he created something was when he made a new world of species called Nots. Very similar to humans, but much smarter.
"Righto, your kingship," Hermes undid the scroll, almost pleased with himself by reading this, and this caught everyone's attention for news of something interesting had not occurred in a long while. They only knew this because Hermes was jolly, and he was only jolly when something interest happened.
"What I tell is a tale of two, two you have created on your very own, your Kingship. You gave them the duty's to protect the Human world from their own demise. The two were very wise and followed orders to the dime, but what came to you was a legend overseen...." Hermes smirked slyly. He had grappled all of the God's and Goddess's attention, especially Zeus, for he spoke of a thing he overlooked.
He continued, "A legend that was impossible, indeed, but it occurred not but days ago, the message was slow, but Hermes was fast, to get to you Gods finally, at last." He waited for slight suspension. "The two guardians found two kids, one a boy, and another a girl, no bid was made, and no contacts in thousands of days, yet these children came to the two on the exact, same, day."
Zeus stood up from his seat, his eyes shaken from ajar to wide, realizing a mistake long forgotten. Hermes continued even from this.
"It was impossible, unfathomable, that a girl and a boy could become supernatural, but not yet, not until the full moon of this night will the children be from out of sight, to as bright as the moon light. Lead into the Guardian's hands, Illusion and Reality will make a plan, to keep them safe, away from our hands, never to be seen again." Zeus pounded his fist once against a pillar near him, which shook the room completely. Everyone was in shock, surprised that this occurred.
Again, Hermes smiled and read on, "If your Kingship is to get these legendary kids, then he shall have to make a bid, a gamble if you say to make them as bright as day, by making two guardians that are opposite of thyself." Hermes began to roll up the scroll, continuing to smile.
"Basically," he said in pre-rolling, " For those new to this legend, it was said that one day out of one billion years, a pair of children are separated into the two different worlds, of Lady Illusion and Sir Reality's world on the exact same day, exact same time. These children are automatically made demi-gods by the time the Full moon rises, about five days after the meeting. Last time it happened, we weren't able to take them because humans were not yet born, so we were safe then, but now it is different and you Gods and Goddesses need to make a plan to capture those kids and make them demi-gods, or else Sir Reality and Lady Illusion will steal that away from you and prevent it." The room was silent for a few moment, and just like starting a fire, everyone was arguing, or planning, however it was. Only a couple just stayed back from the argument and that was Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. Hermes just smiled and finished rolling the scroll up, placing it back in a satchel on his side and watched them fuss around. A roaring voice put all this at a subtle state.
"SILENCE!!" Zeus voice towered over everyone and they all slid back into the seats of their own petulance. Zeus paced back and forward, which made Hera even more irritated than she already was. It was Aphrodite who spoke up, leaning back in her chair ever so comfortably and content with herself, mostly her beauty.
"I have the perfect plan." The room all turned their attention to the Goddess of Love, listening carefully.
"How about we create two different versions of Sir Reality and Lady Illusion, ones that only bid to our command and are even better than Illusion and Reality. Do you know of what I speak of?" There was some grunts and nods, but the real one who responded was Zeus, who was content with this idea.
"Hmm, you speak well, Goddess, what do you presume is better than truth and knowledge and dreams and nightmares?" Aphrodite smiled softly, tapping a long fingernail against her head, gazing at the King.
"How about, Life, which is full of lies and little truths, and Dream, which is full of unreachable goals." The whole council was all on the same page when she spoke this, knowing these two would be perfect for the job. Zeus walked down to the large bowl and gazed down at it. The ideas flowed together, it was a perfect idea, and yet so many would be hurt. However it was about time something eventful happened. He had been playing around with earthquakes and tsunamis, but now it was time for a change, new demi-gods. whatever powers they would hold would be the key of his entertainment.
"I need clay and clouds!" Above a sudden mound of clay began to form, but massed into it was clouds piling into it, forming moving swirls in the grey clay.
"It shall be a woman." The began to take shape of a thin woman, her chasity average and her body of clay and clouds.
"She shall have hair of clay clouds, her power is to morph into whatever dream she desires to be, and she controls the unfathomable dreams that touch the hearts of the humans." The body began to take shape of eyes, ears, clay hair in the form of swirling clouds and her clothes formed onto her body, then a spark of light into her heart, which made the woman's eyes open.
"Your name is Dream!" Zeus boomed, and the woman drifted down from the air and onto the ground of clouds, a sly smile creeping to her face.
"My king." the new creature Dream curtsied for him, and took a part of the cloud she stood on and made it into her own seat, her eyes glinting a strange starry blue. Zeus then turned the opposite way, and glanced back down at the bowl and called.
"I need toys, and a staff!" Just as sudden as the clay and clouds, random toys and a cane appeared from thin air, mixing and melting together to make a strange weird form.
"It shall be a man." The colored mixture of toys and the cane began to form a figure that looked like a man, but nothing was definite.
"He shall have human hair, and he will be able to manipulate those around him with his words, and he controls the lies that life tells, but also the truth that it hides." Now, a man that had looked in disarray was now forming black hair with some random red high lights and his clothes were strangely put together, with a white shirt that looked like it had gotten silly spray sprayed all over it and it was permanently there, and then a green jacket with ribbons hanging from it, and his pants were also green with more colorful patterns over it, and as his eyes, ears, and mouth formed, the smirk was the first thing that appeared.
"Your name will be Life!" A blast of light came to the body, and when the body was let down from the air, Life's eyes shot open and they were a bright orange. A cane poofed at Life's side, and he swiftly grabbed it and spun it, while bowing.
"I am at your undying service, kingship." Life smirked coolly, and when he rose, Zeus smiled softly in content and then pointed towards the exit of the room and towards the gates.
"Your duty is to destroy Lady Illusion and Sir Reality and take the children that are in their custody, Hermes will give you their faces, now go!" The two didn't wait a single for anymore, and Life ran off while Dream floated on her cloud, followed by a now lazy Hermes, taking out a picture scroll. Zeus just turned away from everyone, content with his decision, then his voice boomed.
"This meeting is over!"

Chapter Eight: A Memory Never Forgotten

My, my, where has the time gone to? I don't even know where I got these wrinkles across my skin. I feel so young every time I read this book. Can you feel it too? Your roots of imagination taking you back to old memories of when you were a child? Yes... I know I can. I brings me to a memory I will always remember, and one day you will have a moment where you will never be able to forget it. Like your first kiss with the girl you never expected to love, or your dog saves you from a horrible accident, whatever it might be.
Oh what was I saying... Oh yes, my memory. It was with my father and mother, on a cold winter day. The ground was a little muddy but overall the ground was covered in snow. I remember I was dreadfully sick with the flu, and this had been my first time seeing snow. My parents told me to stay inside until it got better and to drink lots of fluid. After that they left the house and I was all alone. I had a horrible fever and I coughed badly, but this didn't stop from what I wanted to do. I'll tell you now, when you have a dream, never give up on it. You will have persuading words tell you different, but never back down from your true goal. If you want to become a singer, then go for it, a nurse, just go! Even a writer, and the best ones start off small, working their way up to the top, you can become anything. This world gives you everything you need; love, support, a family whether it be blood-tied or not, it's out there. Chase it and catch it, and even if it struggles and scratches at you, never let it go, because it is too precious to let go.
Now... umm... spirit... never giving up... Oh! The snow day. Now, I got up from the couch my parents put me on to rest, grabbed a blanket, slipped on some cozy slippers and unlocked the door. I wasn't about to miss this day. It felt as if I had just opened the freezer. I slowly walked outside and stood on our wooden porch, looking out at this white blanket on the lawn.I couldn't believe how beautiful it looked, how white the snow was. I stepped off the porch and slowly placed my foot in the snow. A loud crunch sound came from under my foot and I was so happy! I put my other foot down and heard another crunch sound. That was the moment when It started to snow. It wasn't heavy, but it was light, like little balls of cotton falling from the sky. I ran around the yard, letting the crunching noise be the only sound I heard besides my breathing. And then I stopped and noticed just that. My breathe was like stream pouring out of my mouth, or like smoke from a dragon's muzzle. It was extraordinary! Invigorating! And I was laughing. I was so happy that I couldn't even contain it.
However, my fun ended soon enough. I began to cough and it felt like knifes in my throat, but I fever kept me warm, and I was happy still. I went back inside, locked the door, and laid back on the couch before my parents came home. But when I think back on it, they didn't say anything about how my shoes were slightly went, or why there was small footprints in the yard. They just simply told me stories of their winter days and fed me hot soup. They surely noticed, but, I think they allowed it to slide because they knew I couldn't resist the snow. Oh well.
But, that is my little story. I have tons and tons more, but I think you all will make connections soon, so there really isn't any need to tell you more, so, allow me to read the rest of our story.

Chapter Nine: The Technical World of Reality

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" Like falling down the rabbit hole, Illusion, James, who began to take a much more fuller shape, and the girl all fell down this never ending vortex. The girl was curled up in a ball and screaming, afraid for her life and what would happen at the end of the vortex. Illusion was simply shouting out of joy, spinning and watching her hair twirl.
"It's okay!!" Illusion called over to the girl, smiling stupidly. "Just pretend you are flying!"
"But this isn't flying!!!" The girl screamed back, tears in her eyes. Before she could look back down at the tunnel, two strong arms wrapped around the girl. The girl turned her frightened face to James, who looked strangely calm. He opened his eyes and gazed at the girl, soothing her fears.
"It is okay, don't mind Illusion, she is crazy in love with flying." James smiled softly, and the girl's worries were like bricks being evaporated into the air. The girl nodded, letting the wind from the fall dry up her tears. The fall didn't last as long as the girl thought it would. From a certain point, the gravity slowed for all of them to the point that they were stopped, and that was when a giant portal of light lit up to them and they were all pushed into the light, and fell onto a hard wood floor. James had flipped just in time before falling so he wouldn't crush the girl, but this didn't stop Illusion's fall and she fell on top of the two. They all groaned in pain, and as they tried to move and get off each other, two of the three realized were they were: In a bed room. Illusion slowly rose, leaving a girl in a weird confusion of being crushed. Illusion scavenged with her eyes of items that to lead her to see who's room this was, and when the memory of the portal's location came to mind, James had rose from the ground and help the girl regain mental stabilization. Illusion was fixated on the object that had opened the portal for them, which caught James attention. It was the doll. Illusion was blushing wildly when the girl regain some consciousness and found that James was now a solid figure. She gasped and pointed at James, who was now caught by the girl's attention.
"Y-your real now!' The girl shouted, making James laugh. His laughter was deep and booming and such a beautiful sound.
"I have been real, child, it's only when I am with the powers of Illusion and Reality that I am visible." James said. Just before the girl could ask another question, and alarm went off and Illusion spun around toward the door. Just then, it flung open and two robots came rushing in with red sirens on their heads. The robots were short cylinders that had robotic arms and bulgy legs. They didn't have any feet, but they were balanced on spheres that rolled in the direction they rolled. Above them, a single speaker in the room spoke clear and calmly, but didn't sound to friendly.
"Warning, Intruder alert. Calling Terminator Robots. Warning-" James stepped in front of the girl and protected her with his body just in case the robots made a move. The girl felt surprised by the sudden alarms and the robots who had alarms beeping at them.Just when the robots were about to make a move, it was Illusion who stepped in front of both of them. In seconds, the robots recognized who had just stepped forward and backed off from them, replaying the message to the super computer. Sounds of computing from the speakers made the trio look up at the ceiling to the speaker, waiting for a response.
After a while, the same voice that had warned them of their trespassing came back on, but it was a kinder sound this time. "Oh goodness. A sight that has never been seen. Forgive me, Lady Illusion. For this is protocol." Illusion waved her hand at the speaker and grinned.
"No, no, Super C. It's fine." She said playfully. That was when all the lights came on in the room, and outside of the room.
"Super C?" The girl asked in a confused tone, walking over to Illusion's side.
"Yep, Super C, or Super Computer. Reality told me all about her when he came to my world. I remember he gave her a name, but I do not remember what it is, and I will not be rude and ask for it."
"No, my lady, it is not rude. However, my name is classified only to Master Reality, so please excuse my rudeness. Please come and rest. You must be tired." Illusion, James, and the girl all walked out of Reality's room and gasped at the sight. It was a technology wonderland, with the chrome walls and the large windows that lined to view the old garden of the apartments. The girl laughed and began to investigate. Illusion was just wide eyes, gaping at all of these machines. James smirked slyly and nudged her shoulder.
"What? Didn't you see his room before?" He teased, for she did just come back from reality's world to talk to him.
She quickly turned to him and pouted childishly. "The lights weren't on!" She whirled back around, her face in denial of this. "He made this? The 'computers'?"
"Yes, my lady." the Super computer's voice spoke from the speaker, this voice so cool. "Master Reality has made this world boom in technology, showing everyone that computers and nano chips and software is the future-" Illusion growled and furiously scratched her head, grinding her teeth.
"Grrr!! Why must he be right all the time?!" She exclaimed as she paced around to see if this entire house was made of machine. The girl saw that James was smiling softly, as if he knew this would have happened. James noticed the girl staring and explained without being asked.
"Those two have had an ongoing bet ever since the old days when they were first starting off, that human kind would eventually be a technology infested world where no more paper was used anymore. This was Reality's prediction, and Illusion believed nothing of it, so they made a bet. This just proves that he maybe right, this house I mean." The girl naturally smiled from this, and even cracked out a giggle as she watched Illusion build frustration. Just as quickly as the fun began, the Super Computer spoke again.
"My lady, Master Reality is a work at the moment. You can wait here till he returns." Illusion growled again and faced the ceiling, her fists clenched.
"OHH No! I am going straight to him! Give me an address and I will find my way." From this, a computer screen slid out from a panel that opened up on the ceiling, and immediately the screen flashed white and then booted up to show a map of the earth, slowly zoom as the computer began to speak.
"He shall soon be on his lunch break and likely come back to this house, but do you still intend to leave?" The map found the location and another panel on the wall opened up and a piece of paper came out, which Illusion walked over and took his, still mad that she was losing her childish bet.
"I am going. At least I can take a look at this world and see what Reality has done to it." Illusion looked over the directions and a sudden ignorance swept over her. She couldn't read maps. Illusion hung her head in shame and handed the paper to James, who had excellent experience with navigation, for he had made a large scale map for Illusion's world and now this world. James glanced over it, and gave a gently pat to a disappointed Illusion. The girl was extremely entertained by everyone's liveliness and energy, so she ran over to get the door for them, but it wasn't a door. It looked like an elevator. Illusion turned her sulking head and whisper in a drained, depressed voice.
"More technology?" James laughed and patted Illusion's back.
"it will be fine, love. Lets go." He picked her up by her waist, letting her hang in his arm. It was surprising that James was so strong, but she also thought that it fix his beautiful majestic physique, and his beautiful black skin. She found herself day-dreaming about James again when he came in.
"Super C," James called, about to press the button he though that would lead them outside. "Please send a message to Reality that we are coming to see him."
"Yes, Master James." The two who really had consciousness waved goodbye to the house, smiling as the doors closed.
"Have a great day, Lady Illusion." As the elevator took off and surprised screams of the strange directions that they were going echoed the room, the computer pulled up a list of contacts on the screen with intentions to text Reality.
it read, "Master Reality, I have just been payed a visit by Lady Illusion, and she seems to be most upset by you for having your dream of technology come true. Please comfort her when you see her. She has Master James with her and a young female girl who I do not know the name of and they are call coming to your office build. Don't leave for lunch."
Just as Super Computer was about to send the message, a warning box appeared appeared in the process of trying to send the message, saying that there was no connection and would have to wait two hours before sending a message. The Super Computer heaved a robotic sigh and saved the messages in drafts. However, past the windows and upon the roof of the apartments, without detection, was a feather that floated slowly to the surface of the roof, with a figure in the distance flying away, a tune hummed in the distance.

[Chapter 9, part 2]
Everyone in the elevator felt like they were going to be sick. When they were opened up to the outside world, all three of them dashed out and turned around to see if the elevator would attack them. Slowly all of them backed away from the elevator, waiting for it to close. When it eventually did, the girl and Illusion sighed in relief, hopeful that they would not have to use it again. James glanced down at the map, and back up around him, finding out where they all were. Illusion took this moment to have a good look at this apartment. It was worn from everything that has been thrown at it. Broken windows from some baseball, the cracks spreading every which way like a spider web. The bricks a soft red from acid rain, and rust on the gates. Overgrown vines stretched as far as their leaves could take them, desperate for sunlight. All of this made Illusion ponder the question why Reality would even chose a place like this. the garden was a disaster, the building was falling apart. Maybe it reminds him of something.... Illusion thought to herself, her hands stuffed in her back pocket, noticing a slight change in the weather. The girl was playing with a stray cat, petting the dirt on it's back away. the cat gave a grateful meow and purred, rubbing up against her leg. Then, when the sun's rays were right above the canyon of buildings, James put the map away when he had the route all figured out the route. James noticed that his two female accomplices were "very" busy with doing some or mental thinking. To break this, James went over and picked the girl up, separating her from the cat, and put her on his shoulder, leading them out of the apartments. Illusion stood facing the apartments for a while, and when the question finally bugged her enough, Illusion turned around, but she stopped cold before she could even say anything, and glared at the dark man who was already down the sidewalk.
"We are leaving you." His playful tone made Illusion's urge to run even greater, tripping over her own two feet just to get out. When she got to them, she was pouting, but she recovered. The girl rested her arms on James's head and set her head on her resting arms, watching as the sun spoiled their perfect weather with it's heat.
"So, which way are we going, navigator master?" Illusion broke their peaceful silence, with James closing his golden eyes for a moment, recollecting the path in his head.
"Well,"James started, "We are going to head north for about four miles, then turn left for 108 square feet, then turn left again into an area that has three similar buildings standing side by side, all working for the same company. By foot, it should take us thirty minutes." James glanced over at Illusion, who had stopped and was cracking her knuckles, getting pumped for something. James also stopped and turned back to her, grinning. The girl blinked softly, ignorant of their silent communication. She, however, was happy to stay out of it because she had enough silent conversations with this man for one life time. But for what Illusion was getting ready for was a curiosity she could refuse to peek into.
"Unless," James continued, but Illusion took his sentence.
"We had something to transport us. I am so glad that Reality carries his power like buckets full of water: it spills out every where." Illusion went over to edge of the street, taking a deep breathe and calmly placed her hands out in front of her. She whispered something to herself, and part of the street suddenly lit up before them. the girl gasped in amazement, watching Illusion suddenly create a strange looking motorcycle that had a futuristic touch to it, and a skateboard that was also tricked out. Illusion finished up some last minute touches, then snapped her fingers and the light disappeared, but the vehicles stayed. James smiled when he looked up and saw how excited the little girl was about Illusion's power. Even before Reality knew, Illusion found out that when their power's mix, they create something extraordinary, but real, and the idea of James came from Illusion, not Reality. Yesterday, it was Illusion who knew the blue tulips that Reality had would turn real, but he must have forgotten. That made Illusion think back and wonder if those tulips were still in his kitchen.
"Good job, Illusion." James broke her though, patting her shoulder. James took the girl off his shoulders and placed her on the motorcycle, then he got on the motorcycle, pressing only a hand to the engine and it started. The girl smiled widely and giggled at the awesome power Illusion had. Illusion watched the girl for a moment, giggling to herself. She is so innocent. Illusion thought deeply, but her duty was to protect that innocence, and when she met Reality, she would be the innocent one.
She jumped onto the skateboard and it floated a foot off the ground. Then with a thumbs up, James revved his engine and leaned forward.
"Hold on tight, kid." The girl wrapped her arms around James's large waist, not even able to wrap all the way around. She gripped his shirt tightly to compensate, and like the wind, they started off subtly, but soon picked up more speed. Illusion was right behind them. She was in a relaxed position at first, but as they got faster, she crouched down and flew by them, but she made sure to change her pace so that she was right next to them. And when some traffic came into sighting, they had to change directions to make sure their identities were safe, turning down a random street. James had even remembered back streets, which the girls thanked him for. But this just made Illusion more distracted, for there was new buildings that she just "had" to see. But James saw the waterworks that built up in her eyes every second they past a building. Minutes past and Illusion that they were getting closer to seeing Reality, and her heart was beginning to lose it's strength.
They turned down another street, but traffic was becoming more frequent, so Illusion had a last minute idea and drove off onto the sidewalk, and in a flash her appearance changed to a young boy with a hat and a hoodie and baggy pants. The girl freaked out in awe, having the urge to see more of her power, but it seemed they were cut short, because when they all turned the street, they took a quick left and all three of them had come to the triangle of buildings.
"Okay, we stay together and find Reality." Illusion said, her appearance back to normal. The girl threw a small fit in her head that she wasn't able to see her transform back, but from a slight jerk of the motorcycle stopping, the girl dropped every thought and clung to James. The three of them rode into the upper levels, the quiet purr of the motor cycles engine being the loudest sound around them, until a very loud screech of someone's tires echoed from the lower levels. Illusion smirked and waved the screech.
"Guess someone is in a hurry of lunch." Illusion crackled and began to turn when James's did, sliding into a parking space. James first slid off, then helped the girl off. When she touched the ground, her walk was quite bold legged from sitting on the motorcycle for a while. James turned away and chuckled slightly, causing the girl to throw light punches at his back, sad that he made fun of her. Illusion took the girl by the collar of her pink shirt and pulled her away from James, then turned to her.
"We need to focus." The girl lowered her head slightly and softly nodded. All three began to walk to an area that had a label above it pointing to where the elevators. What came into sight was two vending machines, one with candy and snacks, and another sodas and water. James was surprised by the girl's silence from passing these machines, and Illusion's anger and kicking at the machine, cursing the air at Reality. When James pressed the button for the elevator to come down to them, the door opened quickly to revile a man with dirty blonde hair leaning against the wall of the elevator, who gave off an emotion of rage, but at the sight of Illusion, his posture suddenly straightened up. He also licked his hand and slicked his hair back, and it was an instant reaction for each of them. The girl was disgusted, James was ready to kill the man if he tried anything on Illusion, and Illusion's mixed emotions left her walking over to the man, and grabbing his collar and pushing him against the wall, growling in his face.
"Where is Reality?!" The man was more fearful now, but it was only a flash of his eyes.
"I do not know anyone by that name, but I can be your reality." The man smirked, but it quickly disappeared when Illusion slammed him against the wall again. James and the girl had entered the elevator by this time, with the door closing. James patted Illusion's shoulder to make her move, then it was James who was up in the man's face, but held a scary smile.
"Sorry, friend. It is an old friend she calls that name to, but the man works here. His name is Rick Porter, do you know him?" James asked in a kind voice, the man being right to be fearful of James. It was a large man who seemed threatening enough to kill him, and his questions complied.
"Y-yes, he is my boss, but last I heard, he told me a good morning greeting, but that's it." He explained, and as the elevator opened to "L1" The group exited out, with James walking out last, taking the man.
"I just came back from lunch. D-don't hurt me...." The man chuckled nervously as James glared at him flatly, having no time for this man's nonsense. Illusion and the girl were just impressed by the progress James was making. For her, however, she felt knots form in her stomach, and rapidly tightening into dense balls of anxiety, The closeness she felt to Reality in this build was even greater than being next to all the technology, and soon it would be Reality himself.
"I won't hurt you unless you don't follow my orders." James' voice broke the woozy sensation in the pit of her stomach, directing her attention to James. He currently was holding the man by the arm and pulling him to the corner of the hallway, pointing at the receptionist desk that sat in the lobby.
"I want you to go to that woman and ask her if Rick Porter left the building for lunch." The blond man pulled his arm away and dusted off microscopic dust particles, scoffing.
"Alright, but I better get something in return." The man walked away from them, heading straight for the desk. The little girl took a few steps and tugged on his shirt, curious once again.
"How did you know his fake name?" Even a little child could figure out a grand question such as that, for Illusion hadn't even doubted him once.
"Super C wrote it down for me on the map, so I figured it was the name he used here." James smiled, but it quickly faded away when he turned back around to watch the man.

The tall blonde man was given the willies just being watched from behind, and while his acting skills bombed, his twitchy uneasiness from being stalked bluntly was superb. His nightmare of being pummeled by a man he just met who already wanted to kill him gave Mr. Xavier enough motivation to lurch forward to the desk. There, the lovely twin sister of Linda, Katy, worked diligently, answering a phone call when Mr. Xavier arrived to the desk, in a sort of lean "stylish" pose. When Katy "transferred their call", She looked above the desk and her smile made Xavier even more nervous.
"Good afternoon Mr. Xavier, how may I help you?" She asked, in a very similar voice as her sister, but slightly higher pitched, but not by much. Mr. Xavier thought it made her even cuter than she was.
"Yes, I have a question" He fumbled for the right words.
"Go on ahead, sir."
"Did Mr. Porter leave for lunch, by any chance? I have uh... question for him." The blonde searched again, worried she wouldn't answer.
"Oh, he did, actually. You just missed him. He said he finished all of his work early and won't be back for the rest of the day." She sighed softly and placed her hand softly against her cheek, dreaming of a similar reality. "I wish I could be finished with my work as quickly as he can, but oh well." Mr. Xavier found it hard to not be jealous of making Katy dream of him at such a point in time, but he took his inadequate acting skills and nodded.
"Very well, thank you, Katy." He turned away, his face easing slowly.
"You are very welcome, Mr. Xavier." Katy waved goodbye, but just as she did, the phone rang and she picked it up, at work once again.

"So?" James asked coldly, Illusion waiting very impatiently, shooting up from the wall when the man returned, the girl copying the same move. The man simply pulled his hair back and sighed, looking at James with a bored stare.
"He left, and by the sounds of it he left in a hurry, for he finished all of his work early-" The elevator binged open, and Illusion was not by the two. the girl was running after Illusion, followed by James. The man was left in a blow out of confusion, and his last comment before the door closed was selfish.
"What about me?!"

"DAMN!" Illusion punched the wall of the elevator, tears flowing down her tears steadily. James took her hand that wrapped around the pole inside of the elevator against the wall, pulling her close.
"It's okay, love. We will find him." The girl came to the other side and held Illusion's other hand. She looked over at the girl, that had a stupid smile that made Illusion also smile.
"We will, so don't cry, okay?" The girl's heart was pure, and kind enough for Illusion's flow of tears to slow, and make her realize the fact in front of her. They would find him. James, however, was on the technical side of this.
"But something must have gone wrong with Super C's end. The message should have gotten through...." When the elevator opened, Illusion sensed a different presence in the room and she ran out, and stood frozen, staring at something down the parking garage. James began to sense the danger in Illusion's eyes and also ran out, with the girl being the last one to take a look at what was down the parking garage.
"Well~ well~ well~ There you are, my dear." A seducing voice echoed through a the garage. What lied far down the concrete high way was a woman that stood on a cloud, made of dark moving clouds on her body, but her eyes twinkled a frightening blue.
"Oh... no...." Illusion whispered, and before the girl could even see what happened, James got in front of the girl as the woman at the far end extended a hand.
"Give the girl to me, Illusion, or suffer dying consequences~"

Chapter Ten: Broken Laws, Making Mischief, and Finding Love?

"S-shouldn't we go the speed limit?!" The boy asked, clutching the safety bars for his dear young life, glancing at the speed gauge that currently Reality was raising reach second. The boy didn't have the time to die at the moment, he wanted to see Reality's "friend" Illusion, but even through tense reassurance from Reality, the boy simply knew Reality was lying to himself. For a moment, the boy chuckled at that, but a sharp turn changed his whole demeanor. The boy worried for Reality; he was clutching the wheel tightly in his fists and had one of those gazes of ambition for a mission to get accomplished, though it was much deeper than that. This as wanting to see the woman who he had not seen in thousands of years. The boy couldn't say anything else but how extraordinary it was to see true love.
"I have told you once before, and I will tell you again, This isn't true love." Reality austerely convected his thoughts. That was another thing the boy disdained: Reality having the ability to read thoughts. The boy was frustrated, he was fully convinced that this was love, but he let it go.
"If it isn't love, then you wouldn't be driving so fast." The boy muttered quietly, but the evil side glance of Reality was something that he didn't feel like he should reconcile with.
At the moment, the maddening track of the tires blazed through the recognizable path to Reality's house. This would be the place they would meet this strange unknown friend of Reality's. The boy thought endlessly as to how this woman would look, how she would address the two of them from this situation. An excited nervous sensation rumbled up inside the boy, and as they began to make their way through the more deserted part of town, it grew. The apartment looked normal, bricks pulled out from the wall like ganja pieces and the cracked windows by reckless children seemed all the same. Reality and the boy quickly exited out of the sleek black car and took a step faster than usual to the broken red door, and entering the elevator. The door shut and the two rocketed to Reality's loft. When the stainless steel doors slid open, Reality quickly stepped out, leaving the boy to drag himself out, once more sick from the experience of being jerked around in the small compartment.
With every thing buzzing to life, Super C's monitor came to life and calmly rang, "Welcome Back Master Rea-"
"Enough, Super C! Where is Illusion?" His voice was crackled to life, his eyes shifting from door to door, his tie loosened to release the growing heat from his neck.
"She left, sir." The computer responded. Reality's met the monitor, his eyes wild and fury growing.
"WHAT?!" He glared intensely at the computer as the computer tried to calmly explain what happened to him.
"Sir, she came through the portal in your room, with two others as company. I thought of her as an intruder at first, but she recognized herself with me and I computed her data and recognized her. She asked where you were located and I told her that you would be at your office, so I gave her the coordinated and they were off. However, I tried to send a message to you so that you would not have to leave, however, it wasn't able to make a signal, and I did everything in my power to try to make a signal, but it would not go through. My deepest apologies, Master Reality."
Reality was stunned. Nothing like this had happened. However, instead of losing his head, he began to pace. The boy pulled himself up off of the ground, looking around, and the idea popped into his head and he ran over to microwave, making himself a snack. Reality however, was too busy to even bother with the boy.
"Who were the two others with her?" reality asked first, One had stroking his stubble on his chin with another hand placed firmly on his side.
"Master James and a young little girl." Reality nodded calmly at this, predicting that James would have came with Illusion, he had to. The little boy had proceeded to gaze at the menu options on the wall by the microwave, drooling with hungry eyes.
"I can't believe the signal would be cut... it couldn't have been coincidence." Reality pondered, with the Super Computer pulling data of by standers by this exact building in the last few hours since Illusion was here. Reality went to the computer, gazing intensely at the computer at the history.
"Pull up the visual." Super C opened up a window that showed the camera set all around the building, showing only strays of children, some travelers with shopping carts, then a scene where Illusion and a tall African American man with a little girl beside him ran out of the building. Reality was glued on Illusion for a moment, but Super C noticed this and backed the video tape up for him. He gazed at the surrounding area and shook his head as the three of them took off in a motorcycle and a skateboard thing.
"I have gone through these tapes, but none of them have anything, sir." Super C responded, and as a bing went off from the microwave, Reality sharply turned to the boy, who was pulling out a hamburger. But the strong sense of eyes fell upon him, he turned nervously and laughed as he slowly placed the hamburger back into the microwave. Reality turned and the boy ran to the kitchen table with the hamburger.
"Did you try the sky visual?" Super C thought of her error and fell silent.
Reality sighed heavily. "Pull it up." From a semi tall building, a bird was perched upon it, but was used as camera for reality, and just as the scene with Illusion and the other two passed, suddenly what came into view was a black shadow that few upon the roof of the house, breaking the line. Reality gritted his teeth and ordered.
"Zoom in!" As the picture began to zoom into the black figure, Reality's eyes widened with shock, slowly backing up from the computer. The symbol of the Gods was on a necklace around the shrouded man.
"Master reality...." Super C tried to sooth, but nothing but confusion filled Reality.
"She is in trouble." Reality whispered softly. Super C placed a question mark upon her screen, but Reality just shouted to make it clear to everyone. "Illusion is in trouble!! We have to help her!" Reality turned away, grabbing his jacket, sliding it on, walking over to the table, just as the boy was about to take his first bite from the hamburger, Reality pulled away. The boy whined and moaned, but when he looked up at Reality, something changed immediately. Reality looked scared.
"Super C, ready my car. I need it loaded." Reality entered the elevator with the boy, pressing a different button than before, and as the boy stared in confusion, Super C replied.
"Yes, Lord Reality."
Then the elevator doors shut on him.
This time, the elevator went straight down. The boy readied himself for different sharp turns, but they just went lower underground than usual. When they went down to a level called "B1", the doors opened up. A concrete parking lot sized room opened up before him. Weapons, tanks, explosives, everything from the war movies lined the walls. Reality stepped forward with a new confidence, his eyes locked on his car that had been brought down to him somehow was now being tracked out by little bionic arms. The boy ran after him with confusion written all over his face.
"Reality?!" the boy yelled, catching up to him as little bionic arms passed him up. "What happened to Illusion? Why isn't she here?" Reality stopped right in his tracks, and for a second, the boy thought that he was shivering. Was Reality scared? Truly scared?
"I...we need to find Illusion. We need to find out what is going on. You think I knows everything?" Reality turned to the boy, his eyes stern and grave, but set. "My name is Reality, and all I see is the truth, but when a mystery comes to me, I stumble around. I am not perfect- I have never been perfect." He turned away from the boy, and those simple words, those breaking words, left the boy changed. He would never be the same again. Realizing, the boy jogged after Reality, his eyes shaking, shaking by the reality of everything around him... shaken by Him. This man was weaker than he thought, but also strong, in his heart.
Just as Reality got to the car, the bionic arms dispersed from the car, with a totally new costumized car. Reality entered without any hesitation, followed by the boy. New switches were cluttered on the control setting panel.
"Get your seat belt on." Reality was already strapped in, and as the boy scrambled to get his seat belt on, Reality turned on the car, and flipped a switch. Suddenly the car's window's tinted and a small screen where the radio should have been lit up with Super C's voice filling the void in the car.
"32% charged," the voice spoke, a deep rumbling began to grow from the bottom of the car. The boy was strapped in fully and suddenly a platform from under them began to rise pushing the car through a whole in the ceiling the boy didn't notice. "56% charged, loading," The rumbling began to grow into a high pitched scream from the exhaust. The boy gasped when he looked into the side mirror to see blue flame coming from the sides. It was nitro, a very heavy amount of it. The boy was about to retort, but Reality's eyes stared straight ahead at the moving concrete.
"87% charged, guns loaded. Armor activated."
"Reality," the boy gazed at him, and Reality to a side glance at him. "Are we going into a battle?" Reality turned to him, staring into his innocent brown eyes, then held out a balled up fist, his face softer.
"Whatever happens, please trust me through every step." The boy's eyes widened, and they broke to the surface, the boy pressed his fist against Reality's, smiling brightly.
"Bro's forever!" Reality smiled brightly, and that was when he saw a glossy look in Reality's eyes.
"96% charged, preparing for launch." Reality turned forward; the scream was even louder now, and a small glow surround the car now. Reality gripped the wheel, and as the car turn toward the straight street, a count down appeared on the white screen, and the two prepared.
"100% charged, launching in 3...," Reality gripped the wheel, the boy gripped the handle above him, both gazing forward, the tension all built up.
"2...1...Launch Sequence activated, Good luck, Lord Reality."
"LET'S GO!!!" Reality shouted and flicked a few switches, then pressed the gas pedal, and it took a second just as the jets behind exploded alive and the car shot out from the start line, with the boy gasping and yelling as the speed of the car took the two of them forward, blasting forward till they were reaching the 250mph, leaving the windows shattered back at the apartment.

Chapter Eleven: Slippery Grounds

It was a stare down between the real illusionist, and this cheap rip off. This sicking beautiful clay mold that stood so confidently didn't have to say anymore for Illusion to know that this clay mold was being condescending. Her perfect hand that reached out impatiently, her perfect body shaped like a barbie doll. Her curls that moved and slid past her shoulders on their own will reminded her of snakes, a Medusa. Illusion's sharp green eyes were fixed on this women, and for a split second, her mind gasped the thought; Does Reality like women like this? Illusion gasped and shook the thought, already being captured by this women's thoughts. She definitely was strong. James was protecting the little girl, already ready for a battle that was coming into to play.
Illusion started up, "Who are you? Why do you want this girl?" She didn't want to tell this clay women anything about the girl, for if she did, this women would start twisting things into her own mold.
The women just started to laugh, softly to herself at first, but then it erupted in a wicked chuckle. This women was bad news. James and Illusion readied themselves for an assault.
"Me? Who am I? Why," she rose off of the ground as high as she was able to to now go through the ceiling, "I am the beautiful Dream!" Dream bowed playfully, lifting herself up with a evil grin, staring into the little girl's eyes, using the little girl to put her in a trance. "And I am here to take that girl away from you, Illusion."
James covered the girl's eyes, cutting off the connection Dream was trying to make with the little girl. The girl felt the break and became frightened, colliding into James's protective embrace. Illusion clenched her fists tightly, becoming very irritated at this women every second she stood in her presence.
"What's your reason? Who sent you?"
"What, is this an interrogation?" Dream sat down on her cloud, crossing her legs and making herself all comfy, fully expecting to put up a fight later. "Well, fine, might as well tell you before I kill you." Illusion flinched at this, grinding her teeth habitually.
"I was sent by the Gods, your creators, the same people that created me. The believe that you and that other twerp were doing an okay job until they saw that the legendary children appeared." James, Illusion, and the girl were all listening very carefully, more with Illusion, having a pit-falling feel of faith in the Gods. She was lost. "Yes, you stupid little guardian! You have been betrayed! The Gods thought that you would let this opportunity go for them to gain all of the power that has been lost from the past to return to them." Dream twirled her strange moving hair in circles with a smirk plastered on that mold face. "So they created me in order to, oh, how do I put this delicately? Oh, to replace you."
Illusion began to back up, her body trembling.
"Illusion!" James watched Illusion lose her strength at her knees, reacting fast enough to catch her by her arms and pull her back to her feet, then holding her close to his chest. As Illusion's head filled with Dream's laughter, James brought the little girl over to him, his sharp yellow eyes glaring at the women with intent of killing her.
"Illusion, we need a plan." James whispered into her ear. Her responded would be the turning point, but she hadn't said a word, and when Dream wiped a tear of joy away from the corner of her heavily mascara'd eye, she took a deep breathe and gazed at the three of them all bundled up together.
She clasped her hands together and rubbed them against her cheek sarcastically. "Aww! The wittle family is getting all separated!~ Oh well." With the flick of her hand, wispy smoke surround Dream's hand, and then trailed down, slowly shaping a spear. As it took form, the women began to draw it back, with a circuit of lightning pulsing through it. "Well, now it's time to die, Illusion~"
James was in the hairy edge of his toes, waiting for some response from Illusion something, and when he got that response, she leaned up and kissed his lips. The girl gasped, cover her mouth. James however, knew the true purpose of this kiss, and took advantage of it. He drew Illusion closer, drew her off guard, then released slowly, leaving Illusion and taking the girl's hand, however, when he did this, when he grabbed the confused girl, he had left another one there. Two girls. Illusion turned to the girl and grabbed her hand, pulling her onto a bike that suddenly appeared before the two of them. Dream suddenly let a rip the spear, but saw that it would be pointless. Illusion dodged the attack, spinning the motorcycle around to escape out of the parking garage. Dream raised her eye brow and just floated out of the window, but when she looked down, she noticed at James had the girl now on his flying skate board. However, it didn't take long for Illusion to get out of the parking garage, and Dream also saw the girl. She was being messed with. Growling in anger, Dream followed after Illusion since she had to kill her anyways. Speed after her, Dream gazed down at her, thinking of weapon she should kill her with. Down below, Illusion and one of the girls' raced through traffic, taking a sharp turn, making the girl scream a little for being frightened.
"Just hold on tight!!" Illusion gazed behind her, her eyes widening as she watched Dream transform into an bow and arrow, more like arrows. Illusion had to think quickly, and so, she shaped the motorcycle to drive backwards, and Illusion was facing the way Dream was, and when the little looked up from Illusion's back, she gasped, watching Illusion form two automatic machine guns from her hands, watching intensely as Dream let rip a thousand arrows. This had to be the coolest moment in the girl's life beside meeting Illusion.
"GAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Illusion screamed as she began to fire at each and every single arrow, holding the trigger down, still driving the motorcycle with her feet. Dream did end on her rain of arrows, and Illusion didn't give up just that easily. She destroyed each arrow. Then when a dead end was coming up in her side mirror, Illusion flipped the motorcycle around, turning sharply. Dream had almost ran into a construction site from not paying attention, and what made her very angry, was that Illusion was taunting her. So in order to get the payback Illusion CLEARLY wanted, Dream rushed after them, opening her mouth twice as wide as before, slowly charging up particals in her mouth. The little girl turned around, gasping at the awful sight, and tugging at Illusion's shirt. Illusion also looked back, her eyes widening extremely. "Oh crap." Dream shot out the partical beam. Illusion throttled for their lives, gaining more and more speed as the asphalt behind that was breaking up right at the heels of their motorcycle. Illusion turned around corner, but from the delay, Dream was able to destroy their back wheel, sending the two of them flying. The girl screamed, but from out of no where, a dark flash flew up and caught her. It was Illusion. Falling to the ground, she skidded to a stop, ruining her boots terribly. Then, just as Dream charged up again, Illusion snapped her fingers, and the little girl disappeared. Dream gave an evil toothy grin, while Illusion glared at her with confidence.
"It's just you and me, Dream. Let's go!" Illusion shouted, just as Dream laughed and rolled her shoulders, making them crack. "You are dead."
Illusion then raced into the beige building closest to her just as Dream put out a rocket launcher and fired it into the building, a race to the top.

[Part two]

James had finally made some distance between him and Illusion, and even through his concern, he had to continue. The real girl had been in his care, and just as planned, Dream had followed Illusion. See, that kiss from before was a way of secretly giving information to each other when they thought they were being watched, so Illusion taught it to James, so whenever they had to tall each other something secret, they would kiss, and it would hurt James deeply. He had always thought it was a sin to touch those lips that loved another. James had always known that Illusion cared deeply about Reality, and her love was never returned for too long, so James took over for Reality. Today, he wouldn't even be able to protect her anymore. His top priority was the girl, and at the moment, she was clutching onto James very tightly. As the two slowed to the parking garage that they had been at before, James helped the little girl down from his hover board. The sudden exasperation in the little girl's voice made James turn sharply to a new presence. James's eyes widened. A man, walking down the street, swinging a metal chain casually with a sharp smile, a fake smile. The hat shrouded his face, but James already knew who this could have been.
"Another one?" James pushed the girl gently behind him and reached behind, and grabbed an invisible hilt on his back, readying himself. "You're with Dream, aren't you?" James yelled, and the man stopped in his tracks, his placement almost of a ballerinas. Slowly, he slid his hat from his shrouded eyes, and the color of his eyes changed to a soft greenish yellow. He hopped into a different posture, his smile almost jolly.
"Me? Why yes, I am with that devil of a women. I am after that tiny girl you have hidden. Mind giving her to me?" James took a step forward, and the wind started to pick up as James began to pull out this invisible sword. The man laughed loudly, holding his hands out in front of him to try and stop him.
"Wait! I haven't even told you my name and your going to try and kill me? You are a very silly illusion!" James froze, his eyes narrowing tightly. The man began to dance around foolishly.
"The name is Life, and I-" James smashed his sword into the ground, only a few inches away from Life's feet. He lifted the sword up and pointed it directly at the man's face. "I will protect this girl with everything I have." Life sat back on nothing but the air, rubbing his chin concisely, becoming a little frustrated with this man.
"I told you once, you illusion, I am not after you so move out of my way." It didn't even seem like the man moved, but James's cheek was actually cut by a needle, surprising James only slightly. Life got up from his invisible throne and slauntered over to James, smirking wildly.
"Now-" Just then, the sound of whistling air zooming past James and the girl, directly hitting Life, sending him flying. James turned around, his body weight becoming more distingusted inside of him, and sense of touch began to increase, and he knew exactly who was rolling up in the black car before the two of them. The girl was just staring into the black car, watching as the door swung open and a very handsome man in a business suit stepped out from the car, along with a boy from the other side, stopping in front of James.
"Reality...." James stared into those usual cool eyes. Reality, with his fist balled up, walked over to James, with the girl and boy just confused at who the other one was.
"James," Reality responded back. The air was heavy with tension, much so than before when Life appeared, but the true conflict lied within these two men. The invisible sword twinkled to visibility, showing it's mighty hilt and blade the size of a grown man. James locked eyes with Reality, his mind turning into this pool of emotion, sense and human feel. He hated it. James hated the feeling of being able to touch Illusion with Reality's power, the man who abandoned her, the man that left because he "couldn't take it." He had no right to be crawling back for forgiveness, and for Illusion to be bought up in this invitation of coming to his damned world for Reality's past sins to be forgiven, after all he had cased her. Right now, all he wanted was to beat the living power out of him.
Reality knew the anger that lied within James, and felt the tension growing within the distance between them, but when he found himself gazing at James's lips, he snapped. His eyes turned wild, his rage boiling up as he rushed over to James with flaring anger, grabbing the scruff of his collar, pushing his face into James's calm glare.
"Did you kiss her?!" James said nothing, ignoring Reality's preserver.
"Answer me!!" James gritted his teeth, suddenly grabbed Reality's collar as well, more aggressively than he had to James.
"Yes, but you have no right to question our relationship now, Reality." His words were cold to Reality's heart, making his emotion of anger falter to a deep sadness. But he could think of this now, he couldn't let his mind slip to such a state.
As James calmly waited for Reality to release James's shirt, Life began to groan from the direct hit of the car. Now time was left for the two hormonal men. Reality released James, and James released Reality.
The boy and girl watched intensely for a moment, huddling together, but they knew exactly what was going on now, and the little girl couldn't help but giggle softly, with the boy simply freaking out about how complicated this group of extraordinary people's relationship was.
However, the two men knew it was time to get rid of the pests within the city. Reality brushed himself off and asked, "Where is she?" James, glanced down the street and processed a guesstimate as his head rose to the street signs around him, analyzing their own location.
"A few blocks from here. It shouldn't take us long." James glanced

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