▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ρ є r ѕ σ η α ℓ • ∂ α т α|├▬
Full Name:
Raahi Tuulimeh Ompati
Raa the Disciple of God's Judgement, Raa, Ratu D2, Raahi
22 years old
Agra, India
October, 5th
The only love he feels is for God, no other could enter his heart like the mercy of the Lord
6' 1''
To be one with the Lord and spread the Gospel to all who look upon him.
From the Lord to the book, to the mouth, Raahi is a man of the Lord. His savior is the man who watches over him, guiding him on his mission to tell other of his Lord, but who he truly is, what he shows to others is a man who places his loyalty, honesty, and trust upon everyone around him. Strangers, old friends, he has no masks, only the kindness from his heart. He is a down to earth man who accepts all kinds of people. He is understand of all people, those who love the same sex, those who wish to be different. But to him, the unforgivable is to not believe the Lord is true, or that the...Devil of sin is a God, and a true one at that. The angry from Raahi, he believes, comes from the Lord himself, and that angry must be controlled to be used to pass judgement to those on Earth more efficiently. Knowing that the Judgement on Earth is being delivered, such as turning those who dislike or don't believe in The Word of the Lord to his light, then Raahi knows he is pleasing his Lord and it gives Raahi a refreshing feel. He is kind to all animals and nature. On his past time he goes out and collects trash, visits animal shelters, and helps feed the homeless, but when he is on duty, the duty to serve the Lord, he is focused and reserved, but keeps that softness and love and gives it to all. Just don't get him started by saying anything about "Oh God" or "Jesus Christ" for he might go into his "Love the Lord" mode by embracing everyone around his and babbling on about the word of the Lord and his good deeds. He becomes excited just by the mentioning of God's name and he gives long lectures and discussions to those who truly do not wish to hear any of his preaching. But not to worry, he becomes so immersed in his ramblings that it is easy to escape this bombardment of gospels and quotes from the bible, just don't ask anymore about it, or look him in the eyes.
-The Lord
-The Lord's son Jesus Christ
-The Holy Spirit
-The Bible [New and Old Testament]
-Those who follow the word of the Lord
-The Bounty of the earth, such as the trees, animals, breeze, water.
-Those who care for the world
-Books of History
-Those who deny the wrath of God
-The angry, hateful, and greedy
-Those who cannot see their mistakes and change on them
Mafia Family:
Traveller/Business Owner
Fortune Teller
Special Title:
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c σ м в α т • ∂ α т α|├▬
Dying Will Flame: Desert Flame
• The Construction special trait of this flame allows the user to create illusions, although with un-told properties. Because of this it is hard for many people to handle and even counter.
Style of Combat:
• Heavy/Balanced
F - Rank
Status Points:
To Spend:
0 // 30
(D.W)Dying Will:
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ω є α ρ σ η • ∂ α т α|├▬
Bone Dry
Desert Flame :: Puzzle Ring :: Bone Dry
• From the shop-keepers of India, this ring has been said to curse those who wear it upon their ring finger to never feel the end of thirst, and seek out water like it was unending supply of money. Though, when found and worn by Raahi, he only felt a surge of power, and the ability in his heart rose higher than before. It's complicated lock system give it a puzzle quality by shifting the stones around to open up the true power of the ring.
Known Weapon(s):
Judgement Day:
Heavy set :: Nail Machine guns :: Weak Class
• A large Crucifix that is strapped to Raahi's back. 5' 7'', the Crucifix holds over 5,000 Desert flame infused nails that cause the enemy shot by these nails to feel the effects of the flame's illusion, the power depending on the rank of the character. The Crucifix slits into two large guns that hold 2,500 infused nails in each gun, but weighs over 250 lbs for each gun, so speed and movement are severely cut down.
Known Box Weapon(s):
{ Box Weapon Name }
{ Box Weapon Type } :: Box Form { Start at this }
• { Box Weapon Description }
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|т є c н η ι q υ є ѕ|├▬
▬▬┤|Combat Skills
Known Normal Techniques:
• No Data
Known Flame Techniques:
• No Data
Known Box Weapon Techniques:
• No Data
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c α r є є r • ∂ α т α|├▬
Locations Visited
•Saudi Arabia
Opponents/ Enemies Made:
• Those who do not believe in the Almighty
Friends/ Allies Made:
• Not yet
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|н ι ѕ т σ r у|├▬
"Was it cold, or hot that day? Was I warm...or was I frosting? O lord, give me the strength to punish the wicked and avenge your Holy name." The day Raahi was born, it was the first day of the monsoon season. Raahi means Traveler, and on that day the rain traveled to their land to give them the rain they so desperately needed. Raahi, however as a young baby, he was not the young man that worships the lord of Christianity that he is today. His family took him to a ritual as a young baby that every new born must go through to ensure that the Hindu Gods look after their infants. He didn't know at that time that he was going to go through such a traumatic experience that would forever change the way he is. He never knew. No one did. Except the Lord above.
As a child growing up in India, there are only a certain amount you are limited to having. If you were a baker, you had food. If you were a clothes maker, he had clothes for your family. Coal Miner, you had heat to cook food you didn't have. Shoes, those were for the rich. Cars, those who had a honest living, but living as a child, being born unto the world, you only have your family legacy to go off of and get ends meat from them. But you can't make even that. You don't have an honest living. You have too many brothers and sisters. You are the eldest out of all of them. You are in charge, you must learn, go pray, give everything to tax, we are more powerful, watch out for them, protect them. Raahi could never get away from his family. They weren't even powerful among the poor, just a bunch of hippy with an old tradition of reading palms, faking that riches and wealth will eventually come to you. Like that was a honest living. Raahi was not a kind child when he was young. He looked down on his family like they were nothing but sewer rats. "Trash should know that they are lower than trash." Was his saying to anyone who stood in his way. Raahi was a bully, a thief, and anger bent. He took his anger out on other children who were weaker than himself, throwing stones, stealing their most precious items and giving them to his family, who only believed he received these gifts from Indian folk he read their palms too. That is where their money came from; his insistent belligerent ways on other children who feared and named him "The Punisher." He built up his own gang, he made his known name, and he used it with all the glee in the world. He hurt and even on the brink of torture children so that his family name would not be the lowest even among the poor. He was torn inside. Every time he hurt someone else he almost felt a glee inside his intestines. It was gross. He could pray for his forgiveness, but he never felt forgiven by the Hindu Gods. He just felt dirty, constantly covered in blood, it's stench underneath his nails. Bathing never helped, he just couldn't get rid of the haunting fun in hurting others. It had already become...addictive.
By the time he had become 14, he and his gang the "Viper Fangs" had already killed seven children from their past. Police were always looking for them, but their disguises were their trade mark of their gang. It was because they were dressed up as either beggers, peasants, or lost children. And they were everywhere. Police did not know who was the leader for the power switched every day to another one of the gang members who had a good idea to steal that day. Raahi was never suspected, being part of a gypsy family with serious religious background. Even he saw that he was forced to stick at home more often than he liked. His family was now made up of five sisters and four brothers, with his grandmother, father, and mother. He hated his mother. To him, that is where most of his anger came from. He was born. He blames her for even giving him a life. He felt miserable. They were already trying to get him married off. To slice through that pretty old neck of hers haunted his dreams every night. Escaping from the house was becoming drastically more difficult, so he put another trustworthy man in charge of the gang, only to find out that the very next day, he killed a police officer, and then was murdered on the spot by another officer. Most of the gang was caught, but no one ever spoke a word that Raahi was the leader, they new the rule, they obeyed it like it was law itself. No one ratted out on you. Never. Or you would be dead before the gang found you to kill you themselves. Dirty, filthy rats were always beat down into submission. This was why Raahi didn't want to be married. he would hurt that innocent woman till she couldn't breathe anymore, for anything she did. He knew he was a sinner and a awful person, so to keep himself at bay, with the only kindness in his heart, he refused all wives presented to him. When one potential wife refused to be denied, he showed her just how much she should have wanted to leave, by smashing her head into the door till she was unconscious. He had enough with her.
His usual duty within the family was to collect water, for he was the strongest and the most capable of bringing water back. So one day he was given strange instructions to visit another town near this one to collect water, however when he traveled, he became lost. In the desert. To be lost in the desert was a death sentence. But by his own honor he marched forward, slinging two buckets on a stick with him. He walked for what seemed days. He felt the unending sting of the sand across his face, the burning sun on his back, the lack of water was unbearable. He fell within 12 hours of walking. Tried, hungry, and exhausted, he laid in the sand, the warmth was unbearable. His tears had been the only water in miles, and he was lost, and the cold was beginning to to slip into his bones. But the moon was too bright, and only by giving one last look up did he see the help that he thought could never come to a constant sinner, a man of black blood. A Man on a camel, with supplies and...water. The man rushed off his camel and began to speak in a language he did not understand, forced water down his throat, and was able to lift him onto the camel and ride him to safety. But the entire time he kept fading in and out of the darkness. He just listened to this man silently speak, while holding a strange cross...the crucifix.
When Raahi was returned to a town near his, obtaining the water that he had sought for previously, the strange man spoke to him in Arabic "Please take these things in the name of our Lord and savior." Handing Raahi his silver Crucifix and a black bound book called the "Bible." and continued to speak "Please share his word," and "May God's peace be given to you." This was the moment...that changed Raahi forever. This "God" man saved him. A complete stranger saved him, and gave him everything he needed to live. This God man was his true savior, the god he should rightfully follow. His eyes opened up to a new world. He was saved. He no longer felt dirty or blood covered. God saved him. He rushed to his town as fast as the water buckets could carry him. Upon arrival, his family greeted him curtly, but he didn't stop there; he helped them. He shared his knowledge of what happened in the desert and the shock was too much for their family to take. He told them, "I am leaving to live through this God's word, and I will not return." He was dishonored as their son, but was given all the supplies he needed to leave. He told them he would travel the globe to spread the word of the lord...and bring justice to others himself.
Adulthood & Now:
He crafted his own weapons, he never forgot his past, and as a lowly traveling gypsy, Raahi has kept his promise and preaches the word of the Lord, and brings justice to other like himself, those who are afraid and hurt others. The corrupted and wicked that must see the light of God and his mercy. He learned that he holds a strong power within himself to show others the power of God is true, and that he can give miracles. He has gone to many different countries and given his word to the corrupted, but some...it's hard for them to be saved like himself. He does his best to show other, but some just won't accept his Lord, their Lord. And it is okay, one day they will see that they have made mistakes, but they can always be forgiven is they sacrifice themselves to the Lord mercy Like he has done for himself.
"And God said unto thee ' Go to the land of Egypt, there you will free my people' Let God's people be set free from their sins and be forgiven! Amen.