Accusations of murder hailed upon him as Durgan exited the brothel. ...but Durgan had not come to do what he figured that his goddess had expected of him, for he still respected life, even as pitiful as this, and he was determined to not escalate what his goddess had set in motion any further.
...but the old womans frenzy never ended - she never even stopped to catch her breath - and Durgan found his gentle words of reason completely useless against an attacker who wouldn't listen. As he grabbed her arms, she bit his hand so that he could no longer feel his thumb. He met the gaze of the mad woman, and knew what he had to do.
Durgan had figured the long walk would exhaust the woman, but she screamed of death all the way to the city gates, all the way to the top of the hill outside the city walls, and beyond, but finally Durgan could begin to relax. She had follow him all the way here, to a place where no one but him would be able to hear her rant.
...and finally, realizing her defeat, the hag golem finally showed some traces of intelligence, gave up and returned to the city.
"Now what?". His goddess looked disappointed. "She will only be waiting for you when you get back. Are you going to live your whole live out here as a hermit? You can't even kill rabbits for food."
"You want me to kill humans!", Durgan yelled. "They have done nothing wrong! They don't have to die!"
"Killing her or not, your destiny has already been set in motion, yet all you can think of is screaming curses and blames at your creator. Your words deceive you, Durgan. They are man-made, describing man-made concepts that obscure your vision. I'll clear your mind of them."
Soon after Durgan sank to his knees, clutching his throat in despair.
The goddess had taken his voice.
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Yo - t'is a header, yo. I''ll be all over yo'' place.
Bam-badam-badam! DAH! DAAAH!
Bam-badam-badam, Inspector Gadget...
Bam-badam-badam! DAH! DAAAH!
Bam-badam-badam, Inspector Gadget...