AAAHHH A NEW ONE! ok ok settle down...its not that exciting XD. But i have more jokes that i compiled from funny times! I won't explain all of them, they're sometimes funnier that way. And I also won't explain some of the because they were from so long ago that I don't remember why they were said. Oopsie poopsie...oh well HERE THEY ARE!!! Do do do do do do do!
"Easter chocolate is the b***h of holiday chocolate." -This really doesn't make sense. Ask Eric or your hollow chocolate easter bunny...but don't ask the actual easter bunny...he has a temper.
"Stop staring at me." "I'm not staring at you I'm staring at the air in front of you." -Ah Eric, you're so clever. Use this excuse whenever you're caught staring at someone.
*In retarded voice* "How did you reach that? Are you half giraffe?"- To put it plain and simple...NOOOO!!! I actually don't remember why this one was said...
"I'm the black STAAALION!!!" -I don't remember why this one was said either...but since it came from Eric there are plenty of reasons to choose from.
"Oh noes not a bubble-fly!" -They're vicious I tell u.....VICIOUS!
"Oh my god I think sleeping beauty's awake" -This ironic comment was made about Erics brother that sleeps like 23 hours a day...(it's ironic cause his bro isn't a beauty teeheehee XD) TRENT! <I'm sorry Eric I just had to say that part (TRENT is an inside joke that is to awesome to reveal!)
"What's your name?" "Parvin." "Where are you from?" "China." -Eric having a conversation with himself...cause theres a chinese mmorpg that we play that has an npc named Parvin XD and Parvin is a girl o.O
"Ah pinch my nipples that's a good one." -I didn't say that...honest.
"Feel my balls, bamboo!" -This sounds wrong, especially since Eric said it. But it's not gross at all...we were playing that chinese game and he was collecting bamboo using his esper...oh it's too confusing I'll just shut up.
"He's a guard!" "What are you guarding? Grass?" -This is from Fiesta actually, altho i dont play it anymore. But nonetheless it was funny.
"How did you get that black eye?" "A space bar." -Eric having a conversation with himself again. Let's just say space bars aren't exactly his friends.
"It's like a puppy, he's like a puppy!" -Eric describing a foreign kid on our chinese game that was kinda clueless and we couldn't understand him well. I think he was Brazilian. exotic.
"Hey you want some meat on your taco?" "Nope I got enough meat in my pants." -It's gross sounding i know, but Eric and I didn't say it. This guy in our clan was saying how he had that conversation at his dinner table one night when they had tacos. Genius.
"Oh my god why are you purple?" -That's a funny thing to throw in all nonchalantly. Example: *talking to myself* "Ok I need to do this. I'm tired. I need to get this done...oh my god why are you purple? I'm really tired." I wasn't purple. I was talking to myself asking someone why they were purple. It's confusing...
"The Awkward Turtle!" *does turtle hand motion* -XD
"It's spelled like 'apoo' but pronounced like 'apoot'." -Eric made up his own word!!!
"Isn't a raccoon a bear?" -God I'm stupid XD
"KITTY KITTY KIWI!" -Randomosity from Eric, gotta love 'em.
"Was that your tummy? Is your tummy trying to communicate with whales?" -My tummy likes to make noises. I wasn't even hungry this time.Go look up 'house from hell' on youtube if you can find the right video. My tummy was hungry then...all i had was yogurt XD
"GO EAT A PANCAKE!" -I'm sorry Rory, I had to yell. It was random and unnecessary i know. Strangely enough tho, we did end up having pancakes. And it wasn't our idea.
Alrighty, these weren't the funniest inside jokes I've had but i love them all. YOU HEAR THAT JOKES? I LOVE YOU ALL! Well just the jokes that me and my friends make...all the other ones are sh*t. JK JK teeheehee. Imma go play Jade Dynasty (the chinese mmorpg. idk why i never said the name of it til now.)
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