Ok well since I have such a long list of inside jokes, I decided to put them all here. Well these are the ones I can remember. I didn't want to make the last entry too long since it was going from rediculously long to insanely long the more I added. So here we go...
(I'll add the ones from the other entry on here too just because.)
"If the rock is gone...TORNADO!" -that wasn't recently but i was recently reminded of it and i am uber proud i was there!!!!
"I didnt hear you, you were choking on pudding." -this happened like just yesterday or something and i cant remember if i was the one choking on pudding or if i was the one that said that XD
"Just so you know, I dont want anything on my wishlist."..."Then why the hell is it on your wishlist?!" -random hilariosity from last nights convo with my lover about lovely gaia here.
"You want to sit on a hill with me, right?"..."Yes I want to sit on a hill with you."..."Good." -A discussion of my plans tomorrow with my lover.
"...Mr. Dinkleberg..." -A funny name taken from a convo once again with my lover about pudding and dogs and whatnot and while we're on the subject of funny names...
"GOOLIES BUSTERFUMP!" -That's an old one, isn't it, Eric?
"Do you fear my power?" -No fuzzy q-tip man, i do not fear your fuzzy, useless powers.
"That's a horrible birdstopper!" -A hilarious quote that was yelled out of the mouth of my adorable, clueless lover as we were watching Lord of the Rings. It was not a birdstopper, it was, indeed...a scarecrow. But you were close my love.
"FISHIE TANK!" -You're regretting you sent me that video now, Eric...I know you are.
"I'm in a buzzle!" -This was said during a convo in geometry with my buddy Rory. I have no idea why she said it but she did and i laughed.
"I'm so hardcore...I steal stickers!" -Rory is not only my geometry buddy but she's also my sticker-stealing partner in crime.
*whispers from behind*...surprise!... -Jaz at her creepiest...kinda...I've seen her creepier XD.
"DANE IT!" -Rory's inability to say the simple one-syllable word "dang".
*whines* "It looks like a SHEEP!" -An ongoing joke about...hmm...well let's just say that someone is very artistic and it's too explicit to explain.
"Pocketful Of Sunshine" -Lets just say this one is taken a bit too literally. I can't explain this one either, I'll have a laughing fit thinking about it.
"I want to be INTERNAL you." -Eric's impressive vocabulary strikes yet again. This was a later quote, he was joking around. Yes, Eric, I do understand that eternal and internal are very similar words.
"Midget Lube!" -An ongoing joke that involves a tiny tube of lotion-like stuff...need I say more?
"MOO-AH! It's their mating call!" *deer run away* "See?" -Eric and his hilariosity when we saw deer on his road. There were THREE deer Eric, not ONE you blind nerdy bat!
*Squeeky, squeeky.* -It has to do with an obsession of Rory's.
"Rebel without a cause...but with socks!" -Yeah I went there...I said it.
"Sugarbutt!" -What an aweful nickname...sugarbutt? really? lol XD it is not my nickname, nor is it the nickname of anyone I know. nevermind...
*points to Eric* *says in high pitched/childish voice* "POOP!" -An eventful day of swinging on my swing in the backyard and walking through my woods where deer leave presents galore. And no, Eric is not poop. That would be weird.
"OH MY GEE!" -Idk how this one came about...ask Rory XD
"You're my ANGLE in the night!" -A manifestation of Eric's inability to type.
"You're adoralbe!" -A lesser -way lesser- manifestation of my inability to type.
"You're perfection. If you were in a bottle, you'd be perfection in a bottle." -Ok this one was just plain ADORALBE! and it was so funny so what the heck? i'm typin it!
"I love you so much it's retarded!" -A quote from a movie that I think would just be hilarious if you said it at a weird time.
*thinks about the Eric's huge lip incident* -I don't have a quote for this one and I'm not going to explain it but the incident was the cause of our laughter for about an hour straight!
"abbe." -No it's not supposed to say abba. This is once again Eric's inablility to type but this time the word is babe.
"Your laugh is like candy" *says in girly/weird voice* "HAHAHAHAHA!!!" -Eric being crazy on my swing and whatnot...commenting on my candy-like laugh. Someone explain to me what a candy-like laugh sounds like.
Alright after just one convo on the phone with my lover while playing Fiesta Online...the following quotes/inside jokes were born from his magical mouth:
"Are you mushrooming? You're mushrooming." -Eric in his quest to find me in the Forest of Mist. I was incognito...I was a mushroom.
"Where did you go? Where'd the green dot go? -Eric in his second quest to find me on the map in Roumen.
"Really? Really? It bleeped out the word butt....I'm talented." -Eric getting angryish at the censor system.
"I want a horse birdy!" -Eric expressing his love for the pegasus moving thing in the game.
"I'm going to turn into a mushroom. Look, I'm a mushroom. Now I'm not a mushroom." -Eric stating the obvious....silly nerd.
"Stop moving, I'm trying to look at your chunky boobs." "Her butt's chunky, too." -Believe it or not I said the first part. We were looking at this retarded monster chick called Mara Pirate Elite. They look like chunky pirate hookers.
"You know what I killed? I killed 1/4 of a creature. Yeah that's like 1/2 of a midget." -Eric's victory speech after we were mauled by three monsters. He died, I killed them all cause I'm 5 levels higher than him!
"I'm a mushroom. Do you fear my power?" -OMG this was so hilarious, we laughed for a long time, we laughed so hard we cried.
"He's got a cookie in his mouth and he can't talk." -Eric talking about his adorable asian friend with soft, shiny hair.
"I wish I could eat the fishies."..."You're weird." -Eric being mesmerized by the virtual fish in the virtual ocean.
"Chickens!" -Eric said it in an adorable voice, and I eeped really loudly in his ear and I made him say it again. I eeped quieter that time.
"Oh pretty!"..."What?"..."You." -Eric complimenting me, I just had to add it cause I think it's adorable.
Ok well I should be adding to this list periodically. Until then, goodbye and happy spring break!
"I'm not the brightest cookie in the crayon box!" -Oh Eric you're so funny.
"Put my positive to your negative...zap, zap, zap, zap, zap." -LOL XD XD XD. Fiesta can be so funny...oh Eric you're so genius.
"I'm smartical like a retardical." -Eric, the fact that you made this up all on your own makes me love you even more XD. You're uber funny my love. And uber smartical like a retardical.
"It's like you're a cat trapped in a paper bag." -Eric making fun of my running in Fiesta. Apparently I kept running into things.
"The Tinkler is angry." -XD lol. This is Fiesta related, that's all I'm gonna say.
"It's all fun and games until someone uses a Roumen scroll." -Yes Eric, you're so right.
"We are weird...possibly retarded...but we are definately made for eachother." -Eric said this a few hours ago when we were acting really weird/retarded (lol) in his kitchen. Retarded noises and peanut butter were involved. Maybe even some popcorn...>.<
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