All Alone
* We walk alone on this dark path to hell not realizeing whats wrong. we all go around telling lies and takeing lives, thinking we are doing good deeds for others.
* We stand alone. In this ******** up world we live in. Causing more chaios and destruction any where we go, not ever looking back and feeling bad when we actully feel horrible on the inside.
* We fight alone, going against what we always thought was considerd wrong. We take down every one and every thing that gets in our way not actully thinking about what we are doing.
* We're traped alone. Hideing our feelings and secrits from others. Not wanting any one to think of us as week or stupid. The only true emotions we show, are anger and depression.
* We are alone. Getting ready to pull the trigger on our selves, committing suiside, not wanting to live a full life of solitude any longer. Not wanting to take other peoples bull s**t.
* Now we walk this dark path to hell, dead and free at last. Only now realising we wereint alone as we look back on earth seeing the millions of people mourn over us, and some even committing suiside just so we wont be alone and apart any longer. We do regreat killing our selfs just to find out that we really were loved after all..