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Angelic Love pt.9
They left Asgard and made their way to the Balacruf Mausoleum. Once they arrived there Raine took out the map and gave it to Colette saying “Climb the central stairway and offer the map at the altar”

“Yes Professor” said Colette taking the map

She approaches the altar with everyone else behind her as a slot opens up on the altar. She places the map into the slot and an oracle stone appears. “It’s an oracle stone” exclaimed Genis

“Dad, how would have we gotten in if we didn’t fight that monster” asked Lloyd

“Maybe it would have reacted to the Chosen” said Kratos

“Or maybe I was right about it being a test” exclaimed Lloyd

Kratos just sighed as he watched Colette put her hand on the oracle stone and the door opened up. “Let’s us proceed inside” said Kratos

Inside the mausoleum they hear slamming sounds and a faint sound of wind. “I can hear the sound of wind” said Colette

“And those slamming sounds must be some of the traps this place has” said Lloyd

They proceed east and find a plaque but it was to dark to read it. So they lit the brazier next to it but every time they did it, it went out. “Damn it, that wind keeps blowing the fire out” said Lloyd

“Maybe there is some way to block it” said Genis

“Then let’s us continue then and come back later” said Kratos walking away

They proceed back to the entrance and up the staircase and were careful crossing the spike trap where they found more plaques they could read and read them. At the end of the walkway they found a box and pushed it off to the level below and proceeded downstairs and pushed it on a floor plate shutting off the wind. “Maybe we can read that plaque now” said Lloyd

They proceeded back to the first plaque they encountered and read it. They then proceed up the central corridor avoiding the slamming spikes and read another plaque and went up the stairs and lit the braziers on either side of the door opening it up. “Aren’t we going in” asked Colette

“No, we have to see if there are any more plaques in here first. They might give us clues on how to solve whatever puzzles might be in there” said Raine

They went down and read the rest of the plaques in the mausoleum and on their way back found a place to change the Sorcerer’s Ring’s function. “It makes wind” said Colette

“Well at least it doesn’t stink” said Genis

Raine hit him on the head as they went though the door at the top. Inside they saw five small windmills, each a different color. The top left one was red, the top right was green, the bottom left was white, the bottom right was yellow, and the slightly larger one in the center was blue.

Outside the mausoleum Sheena appeared and tried to enter the mausoleum but Noishe growled at her but Sheena shouted “Corrine” and a small three tailed fox appeared in a puff of smoke scaring Noishe enough to let Sheena by

Back in the windmill room they had figured out how to open the door and proceeded up to the seal. They came out to an open area high on top of the mausoleum. “Fresh air” exclaimed Genis

“It wasn’t that bad” said Lloyd

As before the seal reacted and a creature jumped out, but only one this time. It looked like a cross between a bird and a person. It was different shades of blue with green on the tips of its wings and yellow on the tips of its tail. “Well at least we only have to fight one this time” said Lloyd drawing his swords

“Yes but only means he will be that much stronger” said Kratos as he drew his sword

The creature let out a screech and charged at them. It let out a blast of wind from its wings that hit the group and separated them. It then charged at Colette who was still trying to get up after that attack and was about to hit her with its talons when it let out a painful screech. “Stay away for her” growled out Lloyd who just slashed off the creature’s tail feathers

It turned to face Lloyd and charged him but was distracted from him when a sword tore though its back. It turned to find the culprit only to get attacked on the back again with two swords slicing though its legs and chakrams hitting its wings. Only to then be blasted in the face by a couple of fireballs.

It let out an angry screech and summoned a powerful burst of wind to blow everyone back. “Lloyd we need to disable its wings to stop its wind attacks” said Kratos

“Right” said Lloyd

“Keep it distracted” commanded Kratos to the rest of the group

While the group kept it distracted, Lloyd and Kratos got behind it and jumped up and slashed at the wing joints. It let out a painful screech as it staggered and Lloyd shouted “Aim for the legs”

Colette threw her chakrams at one leg while Genis sent an Aqua Edge at the other leg. The creature fell backwards when its legs were cut and Lloyd and Kratos jumped on it and stabbed their swords into its heart killing it.

The creature disappeared into the wind as a glass tube shoots up releasing smoke as a green orb appears with the shadow of Sylph behind it. They then hear the voice of Remiel “You have done well reaching this far, Chosen of Regeneration, now offer your prayers at the altar”

“Yes” said Colette walking up to the altar

Colette reaches the altar and releases her wings started chanting “Oh Goddess Martel, great protector and nurturer of the earth, grant me thy strength”

She flies up into the air as Remiel appears before them. “The third seal has fallen. You have done well reaching this far, Chosen One Colette” said Remiel

“Thank you” said Colette

“Receive this blessing of additional angelic power from Cruxis” said Remiel

“Y-yes Father, thank you” stuttered Colette

Four lights leave the seal and enter Colette’s body. “The next seal lies far off in the northwest, in a place that gazes upon the center of the world. Offer your prayers at the altar in that distant land” said Remiel

“I shall do as you say Lord Remiel” said Colette

“I will be waiting for you at the next seal, Colette…my daughter” said Remiel as he left

As he left Lloyd saw the tiniest hint of a smirk on his face. “What is he smirking about” thought Lloyd with narrowed eyes

The voice of Remiel was heard throughout the area “The end of your journey is close. Hurry and become a true angel. Do not disappoint me”

Colette landed and put her wings away as she whispered “A true angel”

“Is there something wrong” asked Lloyd

“Ah, nothing, I was just thinking when I become a true angel, it’ll be amazing” said Colette

“It sure will be” said Lloyd while thinking “Then you will be back to normal and I can tell you how I feel”

Kratos cringed when he heard the tone in Lloyd’s voice and thought “Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to not tell him the whole truth”

“I wonder how many more seals there are” asked Genis

“Only one” thought Kratos dreading it

“We don’t know” said Raine

“According to the Book of Regeneration there is only one left. But we don’t know if that is true or not since it’s so damaged” she continued

“All we can do then is keep going” said Kratos heading down the stairs

Back inside the mausoleum, they were just about to reach the entrance when they hear a voice shout out “Stop”

“That voice” said Lloyd

“It can’t be” said Genis

They all see Sheena jump down in front of them saying “The day has finally come. This ancient ruin shall be your graveyard”

“Oh, you came here too” asked Colette taking a step forward

“Don’t move, stay back” shouted Sheena

“Why do we have to fight if we’re friends” asked Colette

“Who said we were…” started Sheena

She then shouted “I have no intention of befriending you, prepare yourselves”

“Get ready” said Kratos drawing his sword

Sheena summoned another creature; this one looked like the last one she summoned in their last fight but different colors. Instead of it being red, it was blue. The group split up to deal with both enemies. Lloyd attacked Sheena while Colette and Genis kept her distracted and Kratos attacked the summoned creature while Raine kept it distracted.

Lloyd leapt at Sheena with both swords drawn and brought both of them down on her with Sheena defending with her cards. “You won’t touch her” growled out Lloyd

Sheena had a hard time keeping the swords at bay and had to duck and roll to get away from them only to be blasted into the air by a column of water by Genis and cut up by two chakrams thrown by Colette. Sheena landed in a crouch only to jump away to avoid a slash from Lloyd and received cuts on her legs instead of her back that Lloyd was aiming for. Sheena landed but fell down from the pain in her legs and screamed out in pain as she fell unconscious from the slashes of swords and chakrams on her back.

“Well that takes care of her” said Lloyd

“Let’s go help the others” he said charging at the summoned creature

Kratos brought his sword in for a horizontal slash that was blocked by the creature’s claw like hand. He struggled with it for a little bit before jumping back to avoid a claw swipe from its other hand. He charged at it again only for the same thing to happen as he jumped back. “Hmm, looks like I’ll have to wait for Raine to distract it before I can hit it with an attack” thought Kratos

Kratos got the distraction he wanted as he saw the creature get surrounded by a sphere of light and went around to its back. When the sphere went away the creature saw its main enemy was gone only to feel a tremendous pain on its back. Kratos put a lot of power behind his attack and slashed the large seal array on its back in half. The creature fell to the ground severally weaken with its main source of power gone. Kratos capitalized on this and stabbed the creature in the heart killing it as Lloyd and the others ran up. “You took care of it already” asked Lloyd

“Yes” said Kratos

“I gather that its master has also been defeated” he asked

“Yes” said Lloyd pointing over at the bloodied form of Sheena

“Then lets us leave quickly before we are attacked by anything else” said Kratos walking towards the entrance

Outside of the mausoleum once there were past the map altar Colette started to collapse only for Lloyd to catch her. “Colette” he shouted

“It’s the Angel Toxicosis again let’s hurry and let her rest” said Raine

“I’m sorry to trouble everybody again” said Colette looking down

“Don’t worry about it” said Lloyd picking her up fully

He carried her to the campsite the others made and laid her down on her sleeping bag. “Thank you Lloyd” said Colette

“No problem” said Lloyd as he walked away

Once he was far enough away he looked at his hand that had blood on it that wasn’t his or Sheena’s. “Have you already lost your sense of feeling Colette” he thought as he washed his hand free of blood

Kratos saw the exchange and sighed as he thought “At least you aren’t the cause of the blood” thinking about Anna

The next morning after everyone got up they left the area of the Balacruf Mausoleum and headed back to the House of Salvation to plan their next move. Once they get there they overhear a conversation about Lake Umacy. “Legend has it that a unicorn lives in this area. It seems the unicorn will only appear before a pure maiden. They say that sometimes, the visage of the unicorn appears on the surface of Lake Umacy” said a man

“A unicorn” said Colette

“Could we go see it” she asked

“If that is what you wish” said Kratos

“I suppose so since Lake Umacy is on our way to Luin” said Raine

“Yea” Colette cheered

Later on the next day they arrive at the lake and see the unicorn underwater. “It’s beautiful” said Colette

“It really is a unicorn” said Genis

“But why is it like that” asked Raine

“That we don’t know” said Kratos

“Isn’t there any way to help it” asked Colette

“The only way to do that is by summoning Undine. But the art of summoning was lost a long time ago” said Raine

“Then lets us take our leave” said Kratos walking away

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