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Angelic Love pt.8
They all woke up in the morning and proceed to explore the town. They come upon a large staircase and walk up to the top to see a large stone slab with four columns on its corners with figures on top. “Oh! It’s the Asgard Ruins!” exclaimed Raine

“Genis, state the historical background of this ruin” she asked

“It’s the temple where Cleo III held a ritual to offer a sacrifice to the Summon Spirit of Wind in order to quell a storm that had raged for a week” Genis answered

Raine goes to and examines the stone dais while saying “What perfect form! This delicate curve is said to express the flight of the Summon Spirit of Wind through the sky. In addition, it is said that this stone is infused with a large volume of mana, and at night…”

While Raine is babbling on about the dais Lloyd hears something on the other side of the dais and goes and checks it out. On the other side he sees two guys standing in front of a machine that is connected to the dais. He hears one of them say “Listen, Linar! This is my invention, the ‘breaker’”

“If we use this bomb, we can easily destroy this confounded dais” he continues

“B…but, Harley… This is a rare and valuable remnant of the Balacruf Dynasty. We can’t destroy it” said Linar

“What are you talking about? As things stand now, Aisha may be killed!” screamed Harley

“Who are you two” asked Lloyd standing above them on the dais

“Who are you” asked Harley

“It’s not what you think! We weren’t trying to destroy the ruin at all!” exclaimed Linar

“What did you say” screamed Raine appearing next to Lloyd

“Of course, now she hears them when there is danger to the ruin” thought Lloyd

“They said they were going to blow up this place up” said Lloyd

“And you call yourselves human beings?!” yelled Raine kicking Linar and Harley to the ground

“I’m a half elf” said Harley getting back up

“What has that got to do with anything” asked Raine

“You have no idea of the importance of this ruin!” she exclaimed accidently activating the bomb

“You say you’re going to destroy this fabulous ruin? Now listen. During the final era of the Balacruf Dynasty, this ruin was…” she started explaining

While Raine was babbling again, Lloyd took out one of his swords and cut the wires connected to ruin and picked up the bomb and threw it and watched as it exploded in mid-air. The explosion attracted the rest of the group. When they got there Kratos asked “What is going on here”

“Well these two idiots were going to blow up this place up and the ‘professor’ here started yelling how important is was and activated the bomb. So while she was ‘lecturing’ them, I disconnected the bomb and threw it away where it exploded” explained Lloyd

“What is going on here? This is a forbidden area” yelled the mayor

“It’s the mayor” yelled Linar

“Run away” yelled Harley running away

“We need to leave as well” said Kratos

“But I want to study the ruin” wailed Raine

“No time, let’s go” yelled Lloyd pulling her away

Once they were at the bottom of the steps Colette asks “I wonder why they wanted to destroy the ruin”

“Well I heard something about they had to destroy that place to stop someone named Aisha from being killed” said Lloyd

“Maybe she is going to be a sacrifice like in the legend” said Genis

“The best way to figure it out is to ask them ourselves” said Kratos

“And show them that you don’t go around destroying ruins” exclaimed Raine

They looked around and found Linar’s house and went inside. When they got inside Harley yelled out “You’re those tourists from earlier”

“I am a scholar” said Raine

“Me and my dad are mercenaries” said Lloyd

“Whatever, get out” yelled Harley

“Stop it! This is my house not yours so you can’t go around ordering people like that” yelled Aisha

“Thank you for stopping my brother and Harley” she said bowing

“I’m not sure ‘stopped’ is the best way to put it” said Kratos

“They got in our way” said Harley angrily

“It doesn’t matter what you call it! The point is, the people of this city are the ones that would suffer if that ruin was destroyed” said Aisha

“But then you will be sacrificed” said Harley

“I was right” said Genis

“But I thought that was just a legend” he asked

“Originally, it was a ritual in honor of the Summon Spirit of Wind and Aisha was chosen for it. The ritual consisted of just dancing on the stone platform, but…” started Linar

“This idiot started meddling with the stone dais as part of his research and opened the seal. Because of that, that Summon Spirit of Wind-thing awoke and is demanding sacrifices” yelled Harley

“Maybe now they will figure out this isn’t the next seal. How stupid to think that Sylph would demand sacrifices” thought Lloyd?

“The seal? Do you mean…” started Raine

“A seal” asked Colette excitedly

“Yes! If you, too, are researching the Balacruf ruins, then you must be aware of the altar erected in praise of the Summon Spirit of Wind. The seal really existed, just as the legend said” exclaimed Linar

“Are you saying that the Balacruf Pillar hieroglyphics are not just a myth” asked Raine excitedly

“This is not the seal we are looking for then” said Lloyd

“Raine, did you forget why we are on this journey in the first place” asked Genis

“Well, it’s all right…It’s not as if it’s completely out of our way” said Kratos

“Yes! In the back of the platform there is a small indentation, and…” started Linar

“That’s enough! Aisha’s about to be sacrificed to the Summon Spirit tonight! And you are talking about studying the ruin! Get out of here” yelled Harley

They left the house and returned to the ruin where the mayor saw them and exclaimed “You’re the ones that went up on the dais”

“I am a scholar. May I please have your permission to study this ruin” asked Raine

“There’s already an idiot just like you in this city already. Thanks to him, the city’s tourism industry is on the verge of collapse. I refuse to let someone else damage it further” exclaimed the mayor

“What are you talking about” asked Raine

“Ask Linar if you want to know” said the mayor

“We already talked to him and heard about the sacrifice” said Raine

“Then you should understand. We can’t allow anyone to disturb the dais any further and risk bringing down the wrath of the Summon Spirit of Wind. The only one who may step up upon this stage is the Summon Spirit dancer” said the mayor

“Sylph isn’t here” thought Lloyd

“Then I shall become the dancer. Then it would be fine for me to go up onto the stage, yes” asked Raine

“Sis” yelled Genis

“According to the Book of Regeneration, this should be the next seal. If we can meet the Summon Spirit, we should be able to tell. The sacrifice that the Summon Spirit seeks might even be the Chosen of Mana” explained Raine

“WHAT THE HELL” yelled Lloyd in his mind?

“She actually thinks this pile of rocks is the next seal” he yelled

“Lloyd calm down” said Kratos

“But how can she possibly think this is a seal! I would have thought she would have figure it would be like the other two” yelled Lloyd

“Let’s just let them go though with this so we can get back on track to going to the next real seal” said Kratos

“Besides we aren’t suppose to know the seal locations anyways” he said

“Fine” grumbled Lloyd

“Do as you wish. I won’t be held responsible if it costs you your life” said the mayor

The group went back to Aisha’s house and Raine told her “I going to take your place during the ritual tonight”

“It’s not right for you to take my place” said Aisha

“There’s nothing to worry about” said Raine

“Raine, are you sure you’re going to be okay” asked Genis

“I’ll be fine. If anything happens, you guys can jump up and help me” said Raine

“Well I better go change my clothes now” said Raine walking into the next room

After she finished changing they all made their way back to dais and watched as she performed the ritual. She got up on the dais and knelt in the center of it. She first moved to the top of the symbol and tapped it with her staff. Then she went to the left, right, and bottom and tapped it with her staff as well. Finally she returned to the center and tapped it with her staff. The symbol started glowing until a creature appeared from it.

It had purple skin, two horns on its head, wings on its back, claws for hands, and a snake like tail. “I have come for the girl” it said

“That’s not a guardian of the seal” yelled Colette

“Finally someone figure it out” thought Lloyd sighing

They all jump up onto the dais weapons drawn to help Raine fight the monster. Lloyd and Kratos block the Windmaster’s claws that were heading for Raine with their swords. Raine jumps back to where Genis is to provide healing support.

Colette manages to get behind the Windmaster and uses Pow Hammer on its tail causing it to scream out in pain allowing Kratos to slash at its chest. The Windmaster in retaliation swings its tail at Colette who manages to put up a defense just in time but is still knock away. Lloyd gets angry seeing this and uses Tempest on the Windmaster leaving several deep cuts on its body and cuts off one of its horns. The Windmaster screams out in agony giving Kratos time to Sonic Thrust his sword into its throat. The Windmaster falls to the ground where it is burn to ashes by Genis’ Eruption. The ashes are blown away to reveal a stone tablet that Raine picked up.

“Fantastic! You’re fantastic, Raine” exclaimed Linar

“Hah. It was hardly a challenging opponent. Now, more importantly, about this stone tablet I found” said Raine looking at the tablet

“This stone tablet has ancient Balacruf writing inscribed on it” she said

“Let’s decipher it right away! I have the necessary materials assembled in my house” exclaimed Linar running back to his house

“Let’s go” yelled Raine running after him

“Thank you very much” said Aisha bowing

“That thing wasn’t the Summon Spirit of Wind after all, was it” asked Harley

“I bet Raine and Linar will investigate what it really was” said Genis

“Yeah, that Raine is a half-elf after all. You can count on her wisdom” said Harley

“Expect for when she thinks this in a seal without any oracle stone around” yelled Lloyd in his mind

“What are you talking about, we’re elves” stuttered Genis looking around

“What? Surely you don’t think I’d mistake my own” exclaimed Harley

After noticing Genis’ expression, Harley says in a more subdued voice “Ah, actually, I guess I was wrong. It seems you two are pureblooded elves. I must not have been paying careful attention”

“They should be glad they are not in Tethealla” thought Lloyd

“We should all go to the inn and rest for the night” said Kratos walking down the steps

“Right” said Lloyd with the rest of their group following him

The next morning they all woke up and noticed that Raine still wasn’t with them. “It looks like the Professor hasn’t come back yet” said Colette

“She must be still conducting research with Linar. Let’s go get her” said Genis

They all left the inn and proceed to Aisha’s house. Once they went inside Raine noticed them and said “Good timing. I just finished deciphering it”

“The Professor is amazing! She deciphered the complex Balacruf writing in no time at all” exclaimed Linar

“Looks like Raine gained another fan” said Genis sighing

“It would appear that the monster was the cause of the calamity that afflicted the ancient Balacruf Empire” said Raine

“It seems that the summoner at the time used Sylph, the Summon Spirit of Wind, to seal it away, and then built this stone dais to suppress the calamity” continued Linar

“In preparation for the day when this calamity might reawaken, he left this map in order for people to be able to locate the Summon Spirit of the Wind” continued Raine

“After a great many years, people eventually confused the calamity with the Summon Spirit of Wind” finished Linar

“So now you know where the Summon Spirit of Wind is located” asked Genis

“Of course, the location of the Summon Spirit is the location of the next seal” said Raine

“Well then, if you know our next destination, we should be on our way at once” said Kratos

“Yes. It’s likely that the seal is inside the Balacruf Mausoleum” said Raine

As they left the house and proceeded to leave Asgard Lloyd asked Kratos “Do you think Yggdrasill set all this up as a test”

“I don’t think so Lloyd” said Kratos

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