"I love Sam with my heart mind body and soul. Everything that was once mine is now his. There is no one I would ever be so determined to make happy. Some nights when I lye in my bed sleeping I still dream about our beautiful life together. Him at work wail I'm at home with the kids after they go to bed me grading chemistry papers waiting for him to come home. Him getting home from work tired with his dinner in the microwave and we sit there at the table wail he eats talking about our day and later that night making love and falling asleep in each others arms. These images are so vivid I know it has to come true some day. I know that if I couldn't see us growing old together that I wouldn't be so determined to make him happy with me and the relationship. Sometimes when he tells me he loves me it makes me want to cry because it means so much to me. I know we're supposed to spend our lives together. The pain might be unbearable at times but the smile in his voice at the end of the day makes all of it so worth it to me. I made him this to remind him of all of this I just hope he likes it.
Brittany Ordonez"
Brittany Ordonez"
Community Member