After a while of awkward silence, Elito kicked the ground making a wave of dirt that landed on the bonfire, extinguishing it. Marimo did not ask anything about the Army. Either the guys were nuts or just joking. Or both, it could happen. Nileno told Marimo he had a tent in the woods where he was welcome to spend the night. Marimo accepted because he wasn't a big fan of sleeping on trees. Then the three of them entered the tent, and when they were laying down and ready to sleep, the tent's rear ripped letting in a huge buffy and crazy eyed teddy bear that yelled "Aaaaaaayayay!" A little stuffed duck came in after that and took away Nileno's and Elito's swords. The men were stunned because of the immense panic the scene made them feel. Then a very curious thing happened to Marimo. He felt a sudden spring of energy exploded inside him making him faster and stronger and fortunately, smarter. He took out his wand from the depths of his newly acquired coat and yelled "efilnuotckabog!" Then he left the tent to check for more enemies. There were at least other 50 toys ready to attack.
To be continued...