It was cold, and the crisp wind blew my hair back. But that didn't matter compared to what I was about to face. I wasn't alone, and not a child of the big three,
but I would still be fighting. And, to the worst case, Seaweed Brain could die. I always thought he was dorky and unpopular, but somehow, another something had taken over. Another emotion, another feeling, another thing I can only explain in one word. Love. That was it- his sea green eyes, his messy, jet black hair, and his cute but dorky laugh, all made him special. But another thought crossed my mind immeaditley. Rachel Dare. The MORTAL "friend" of Percy's. I never admitted it, but my heart crumbled every time she talked to him, how much he was realizing- I was territorial- mostly around Percy. I am kinda selfish- and yeah- I have a crush on him, and I don't want another person to fill my spot. MY slot. My chance to tell him my feelings. I watched the ocean churn, tiny waves hitting my feet. I smiled,
thinking of how Percy always came here when he had something to think about,
and something he wanted- relaxation. I wanted it, too. I had hated him when we first met- and it grew so big from then. I sighed happily, as he sat next to me,
his eyes fixed on the ocean, which seemed to grow calmer.
My next story: Final Path
Name: Cali Weller
Age: 13
Other: Father died when she was 3.

Name: Diana Castel
Age: 13
Other: Real name: Annilese

Name: Raya Byman
Age: 13
Other: Is an author in-the-making

Name: Cambridge Weller
Age: 13 and a half
Other: sister to Cali

Name: Arina Charter
Age: 13
Other: Mother is a famous cook where they live, in Moonlace, a (pretend) country south east of India.

Name: Mrs. Weller/ Isis Weller
Age: 25
Other: Cambridge and Cali's mother

Name: Mrs. Castel/ Angel Castel
Age: 24
Other: Diana's mother

Name: Mrs. Byman/ Corolla Byman
Age: 25
Other: Raya's mother

Name: Mrs. Charter/ Sara Charter
Age: 24
Other: Arina's mother

Name: Evilinna Marsh
Age: 14543
Other: Evil sorceress and beholder of the demonic society. She does not rule over the "betrayers", one of the characters family.

Name: Brian Demono
Age: 13
Other: friend and ally of the group.

In the land of Moonlace, a new darkness has risen, to destroy the protectors of the elements. To fetch the warriors before the evil rises to full power, Brian Demono,
a protector of the ancients and prince of light, must find them all before hope runs thin.
Theme-Faint by Linkin Park
Ending Credits-Being by Kotoko