What Is It About...
Certain people in this world that you are so close to yet...so far away? They can do so many things to bring you joy and happiness and then...they can also hurt you and make you so sad. But you love them so much and you blow it off. Try to forget why they hurt you. And to what manner. =( Things in life are not easy, it's so funny to how much easier it is to fail then succeed, keep thin then getting chubby, looking your greatest then looking your worst, living...then dying. I can't say this for everyone but no one is ever at peace. There's always something on your mind that keeps your worried, or troubled. It's so frustrating isn't it...?But that's alright because we learn sooner or later to walk on our own two feet and not always depend on someone to catch you when you fall. Everything will be alright..it just has to be