I Hate You GUYS!!! [Message at very end]
You guys is so mean!! I hate you so much. Today I went to the movies with couple meh friends right...? Yeah the movie sucked by the way. We didnt even watch, we were to busy dancing and running around in out undies :] (Awesome right? We know) Anyway then we went back to her place. We hung out and did some crazy gay s**t and then they told me they had a big surprise for me. So they made me close my eyes and they were to walk me to wherever...Im all excited (yet at the same time scared) as to what the surprise was about. Next thing i know... BAM!! They push me in a pool XD getting me all wet and stuff in my shirt. Those hoes :]
And check out my Dream Avis would ya? I would be entirely grateful if you donate to help me :]