Aru: Ellos everyone! We have a special guest with us here today...his name is gir! and he brought along a umm....giant pig.....anyways here he is!
Archimonde: So gir tell do you put up with that evil master of yours Zim?
Gir: Master gives me piggies. I LOVED YOU PIGGIES!!! *Hugs flying piggy*
Aru: *whispers to Archimonde* Umm if he okay or something?
Archimonde: He was built with only nuts and bolts for his brain.
Aru: Oh...hmmm. I know! let's give him a new brain! *looks at Gir* Oh Gir here is a nice new chocolate cupcake!
Gir: Cupcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs and grabs the cupcake*
Aru: *Shocks Gir to knock him out. Then he puts in a new brain for Gir* Well Gir how are you now?
Gir: Must destroy all organic life forms!! *Grows as big as godzilla and arms turn into laser cannons* MUST DESTROY!!!!! *Starts blasting everyone to kingdom come*
Aru: And there you have it folks! This ends our presentation and special guest speaker time for the day. See you next time! If we live for next time o.O
Archimonde: Help me down from this thing!!! *gets blasted by a laser and turns into ashes*
Aru Kinjamino · Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 02:14pm · 1 Comments