Getting Ready
I guess it's just something that everyone has to go through.... but I'll tell you something, registrating your classes for your next year of school is hard. I mean there are so many classes to choose from, and you want to be in with your friends. Taking languages next year, I guess that you should say that we all want a little bit of highschool credit, but does it really matter if you get it or not? I chose A Taste of French and A Taste of German, they are like a little introduction to both languages. I also chose some of the other classes my best friend chose, like Office Aid, Write On, Acting II, and some other ones. I hope I get in. But this stress is just.... to much to handle. I can't forget that next year would be my last year in my middle school, the big Eighth Grader next year. I hope I don't to so bad with anything like with what I'm struggling with right now.... oh well..... I suppose we'll see that later huh?