The pain I feel in my heart is sad somewhat depressing and shameful, I feel not this way because I long for something.
Nay it is pain in me from the things that I do have, I weep not for I am to proud and I seek no help for I am to stubborn.
I am my own worst enemy and I am now regretting those thing in which I cannot change.
finding ways to rearrange what sadness that is buried within my soul that tourtures my my suverely damaged heart.
I am hurt and starving for attention that I cannot give nor receive in fear of the retaliation upon my fragile being.
I loathe and abhor the anger that knocks upon the door to my mind.
seeking to claim me for what it thinks is rightfully found.
I feel abused and misused in the misguded ways of my past, looking for hope in any dark aleyway if my forgotten heart.
In no way can I find any now, I can only suffer in the dark corner of my mind hoping that one day I will see the sun, and it's bright rays of hope.
cascading through the window like an angel come to lift my sorrows from me.
but, until then I wait cold, and sad trying to find the resolve to solve the problems that torment me so, waiting for my savior to come rescue me from the depthes of my own misbegotten mind.
lonely and afraid, in the dark waiting, for something good... to come for me...
By: Subzero_riverice
It's a really sad fact of life but every once in a while you reach those points in your life that you know, your at the bottom of the pit, this sad dark and lonely place where no one can hear you and no one can help. The only thing you think you can do is cry. I know that feeling and that's why I wrote this for all those that have been here there is a better place onceyou get out of that hole, with help or without it. mrgreen Trust me on that one.
Dragon Knights_the Dragoons is my clan what's yours?[/color:204b00cee1][/size:204b00cee1]
Dragon Knights_the Dragoons is my clan what's yours?[/color:204b00cee1][/size:204b00cee1]