there is this anoying guy at skool named tony. he kinda likes me, A LOT! i really like this other guy named tyler. now tony likes to put his arm around me but i dont fell comfortable when he does it. he says he does it to make tyler jellous but about a mounth ago, tony asked me out. i said no cuz i dont like him that way & HE STILL PUTS HIS ARM AROUND ME!!!!!!!! now he is taking it way to far. the other day in science class, a sat in a seet and tony sat right next to me. then we started to watch a movie. in the middle of the movie tony put his arm around me. i was to nuves to tell him to get off of me so my friend told him to. he did. a few minutes latter he tryed to grab my hand but i pulled it away. i looked over at tyler & he was watching us. i whissperd "help me!" but all he did was glue his butt to his seet! i was so pissed! hes my prince charming & when his princes was in truble he should have saved me form the evil wizzerd! then through me on his noble steed & live happely ever after, but no............ SCREW TYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!