***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Amber Age: 14 (Almost 15, lolz) Month of birth: April Any Siblings?: Yeah....a older one, sadly... Parents still married?: Nah Occupation: Being myself Do you like your job?: Meh, it brings home bacon xD Any pets?: Yeah, too many to count Hair color: Brown, sometimes with blonde stripes Eye color: Green, kinda Shoe size: *Cough* 10 *Cough* Any Tattoos?: No, but I want one xD Any Piercings?: Yeah, my ears Current mood: Hm, I guess content Current wardobe choice: Jeans and a blue shirt What are you listening to?: Hey Soul Sister by Train Who did you last speak with on the phone?: My mom What do you currently smell like?: A mix of orange and vanilla <3
Movie you watched: Pan's Labyrinth Magazine you looked at: Shojo Beat Thing you ate: Some pecans xD Book you read: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets T.v. show you watched: Malcom in the Middle! Time you cried: Meh, about a week ago Took a shower: Yesterday Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): I don't remember.... Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): Um....A italian restraunt CD you bought: I don't remember this either....
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: Being alone xD Your most prized possession: A necklace with a half a heart my boyfriend gave me (My bf has the other half) Your first vehicle: Not yet xD Your current vehicle: Not yet....... Your favorite quote: I don't have one You bedtime (on average): I think....about 9:30? Your best trait/characteristic: I think..... Your worst trait/characteristic: I can get REAL jelous REAL fast
Do You....
Store things under your bed: Yeah Daydream: Yeah, about 75% of the time Have a computer at home: Yep Live in the city, suburbs or country: Country, thank goodness Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: Home Own a cell phone: Yep Have a good luck charm: Yep Collect anything: Nah xD Attend high school or college: Nope Make good grades: Kinda
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: Nope Had teeth pulled?: Nope Broke the law intentionally: Hehehehehe.....> biggrin Ran away from home?: No....At least not yet (Kiddin') Broke a bone?: Nope Cheated on a test/exam: Yeah....I did it once, haven't done it since Had a friend pass away: Not yet Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: Nope Been in an auto accident: My mom had a fender bender or two with me in the car xD Lied to someone: Too many times to count Been lied to: WAY too many times to count
Your Favorite....
Place to be: Where ever my boyfriend is <3 Place to visit: A bookstore! Place to chill: Starbucks or something like that Non-Alcoholic drink: Milk Alcoholic drink: Pina Colada Type of food: Sweets! Meal/Food dish: Homemade gravy with biscuts....YUM Dessert: Something chocolate Shampoo & Conditioner: Suave Coconut smellin' shampoo and conditioner Toothpaste: I don't have one Salad dressing: I don't like salads xD Ice cream: Capachino Chunky Chunk Fast food establishment: Arby's Color: Red Season: Summer Holiday: Halloween Perfume/Cologne: A cheapo brand that has a smell called Teddy Bear Video Game: Pac-Man T.V. show: Oban:Star-Racers Smells: Whatever colongne my boyfriend wears....It's heavenly <3 Article of clothing: My black gloves with skulls on them Book: The Saga of Darren Shan Children's Book: Where the Wild Things Are Candy: Almond Joy Car: Bettle
Do You Believe....
In Karma: Yep In God: Yeah! In Heaven & Hell: Yes....I don't wanna go to number two xD That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): Hm, not really That ghosts exist: The proper term I use is "Lost Spirit", thank you In horoscopes: It's entertaining, but I don't believe in it In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): Yep! In yourself: Not really
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: Hey, if you take a life, you give your life On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: Yes! You should! On homosexuals in the military: So what? A human is a human The war in the Middle East: We don't need to be fighting in the Holy Land.... Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: HE IS THE TERMINATOR AND HE WILL BE BACK Current gas/fuel prices: I don't get this xD
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Kohaku Inui · Fri Feb 05, 2010 @ 02:27am · 0 Comments |