I'm so excited that I'm finally going to be an Aunt 4laugh My sister and her husband have been trying so long to have a baby. I just can't wait to spoil the little thing silly. I'm already planning the baby shower xd I'm telling almost every person I bump into at school or any relatives I happen to find. My mom keeps mentioning to me that I should wait a few years until I have my own kids. Of course I know that, especially since I'm still in school and I'm not doing very good job-wise. I'd like to learn how to knit or crochet or better yet both so I can start making blankets! My dad told me that I shouldn't take off school when my sister goes into labor, I'm most definitely going to be there. Her husband will be a nervous wreck sweatdrop I'm getting way ahead of my sister at the moment. I'm still so very excited. The baby will be due sometime in October. All will know when this happens. heart
Gallifrey Crystal Gem · Thu Feb 19, 2009 @ 10:28pm · 0 Comments |