Got a new hamster! Her name is Cherry. She's a teddy bear hamster ^.^ I honestly thought it was going to die before I got it in its cage.... but it LIVES! It's sooo cute! It still hasn't gotten used to us yet. Its gotten used to its cage though xD its fun to watch her discover new things, seeing her eat from her bowl for the first time; using the exercise wheel for the first time. Its like having my own baby xD its kind of funny though, it keeps climbing and tries to squeeze in tight places... heheh kulit! Always falling down... its gonna lose brain cells at this rate o.O Heheheh i'm so excited xD its my first hamster afterall, & a step from having pet fish for...what...5 years? meheh
edit : errr this sounds really stupid even for me but cherry turns out to be a MALE yes you read right a MALE yet ive always thought she was well a FEMALE for weeks now eheheh *sweats* redface redface redface redface actually i wasnt even positive she was female to begin with, i just stuck with the idea since i already touhhgt of the name "cherry" couldnt think of any other name so i kinda... decided it to be girl. ehe....eheh.... sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop