The Super Birthday Delivery Service |
Hello fellow Super Junior lovers..
I've got something for you.. 3nodding
If you wanna send some giftsies to your beloved SuJu boy.. and you want to be sure that they'll personally get them.. then you should participate in this wonderful endeavor.. that the great MiNCHAN has organized.. ^^
ahahah..sorry for being too blah.. ^^;
anyhoes, just follow these simple rules for the gift packaging & stuff if you're interested.. teh mailing address is near teh end of the entry.. deadline's there as well.. ^^
Stuff You Need To Know
Quote: 1. Content: I can't say in what language your messages have to be. If you insert a Korean translation, that's super cool. Whatever language, I'm sure Teuk will appreciate your letters and love anyway. But!!!! Even if your letter is in Russian, PLEASE avoid including ANY offensive content... Especially sexually offensive stuff (that means NO yaoi, slash, h0, whore, bo0b, whatever). Just show him your love, but not too harsh, you know? 2. Packaging: Now, since i'm sure you want your posts to be delivered in perfect condition, I'm going to ask you to pack your posts with double envelopes. That means, the inner packaging would be a pretty gift wrap with "Dear *insert SuJu boi's name here*" or whatever that you want to show. The outer wrapping, on the other hand, will be the brown, protective (ie. with bubble wrap inside) paper-wrap/ air post envelope which will have your and my addresses and be tossed and dirtied instead of the inner pretty wrapping. 3. Summary/introduction: Since Iwould like to make a brief summary of international fanbase, I'd like to ask you guys to organize a list of in'tl fanpages (incl. fanlistings) and maybe can you give me your location as a comment to this post? (If this post is outside super_junior or super_yaoi, Please e-mail me the list at traxyday@gmail.com) age is not necessary, and I'm sorry I can't do these things by myself, but college life is tougher than I imagined crying I think this is about it so far. If you have any queries, please e-mail me at traxyday@gmail.com~!!! Thanks~!!
Mailing Address:
Quote: 서울시 마포구 신수동 22-4 벨라르미노 학사 210호 김정민 Kim, JeongMin, no.210, 22-4 Bellarmino Dormitory, ShinSoo-Dong, Mapo-Gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Due dates:
Quote: RyeoWook: week of 11 June EeTeuk/HeeChul: week of 18 June
if possible, please spread this to other comms/forums.. even to yer friends, church, neighbors..everywhere.. XP that'll be really great! ^^
yosh, thank you very much.. hope you'll participate.. ^^
Higgledy Piggledy · Tue Apr 03, 2007 @ 05:21pm · 0 Comments |
Walk Down The Road Cynthia Alexander
walked the streets today mindless of the way I argued with my feet wanted to go this way but went that way fate had me in its grip & by chance & grace both I wonder why I suddenly looked up & in your deep, deep eyes saw the Smile of all Smiles
in my naked wanderings I thought I heard you whisper my name there you are soft and slumbered and cradled in her arms well I try to understand why you set me free was it love or insecurity you let me be
I walk down the road, I look up at the sky now I know why now I know why
reasoning has conquered me I can't and won't deny the fact my heart beats a special drummm only for you but I'm glad to be on my own I have never been this free from all suspicion and the pain grown year upon year
give me s p a c e give me t i m e don't lose yourself in a n y o n e
water rushes down my back down the water runs walking in the rain then seemed beyond conception I've never been so alive so much in love with life and from the gray, gray sky fell the Tear of all Tears
Higgledy Piggledy · Tue Jan 31, 2006 @ 06:28am · 0 Comments |
i feel stupid...
i sold my gotis for 5k
i sold 1200+ tickets for 1 gold each
i could've sold them for a higher price if i had known that people would buy them...
i suck!!!
and i hate the new HP movie... crying
Higgledy Piggledy · Wed Nov 23, 2005 @ 04:33am · 0 Comments |
gyuuu~ i fell off teh stairs last night and now i have a sprained elbow and a swollen back.. crying
October 05's are soooo expensive..i want a blankie but i've got no funds to buy em..good thing i was able to buy one for 4k yesterday.. *lucky*
i still want a blankie though.. crying
Higgledy Piggledy · Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 01:10pm · 0 Comments |
i don't usually dream but this past two weeks i've been dreaming like crazy and in all of them, people are trying to kill me..people i know are trying to kill me..i hate dreams.. i never get nice dreams.. only scary ones, like those where my mum tries to pull my ear out wif pliers.. or the ones where i kill my sister.. it's always like thet.. either i get killed or i kill somebody.. feh.. i'm cold.. u_u
Higgledy Piggledy · Sun Sep 25, 2005 @ 05:51am · 1 Comments |
LISTEN TO TEH ******** MUSIC!!! |
i tried to make a shirt design for teh anti-poser thing that Ms.Skribbles wanted to do..it didn't look exactly as i hoped it would..but some people liked it so i guess it was ok..
eniweiz, this is what it looks like..

it's supposed to be a red shirt but teh design thingy didn't quite look right in a red shirt so i made it black..
that's it..
i wanna hug my Mishka!!! heart
Higgledy Piggledy · Thu Aug 04, 2005 @ 06:20pm · 2 Comments |
heart heart heart
Higgledy Piggledy · Mon Aug 01, 2005 @ 04:19pm · 0 Comments |