Name: Talon Knight (odd name but i like it)
Age: 21
Race: human
Sexual orientation: Straight
Position: Nobility (A Dukes son)

Bio: Talon, or Allen for short, is the son of a very wealthy Duke. Being so he has been givin anything he wanted except what he truely wanted, Freedom. He sits in his window day after day wishing he could be like the people in the city or in the market place. His unnatural Silver hair is a dead giveaway on who his is having been born with it. His mother died when he was born, leaving his father distraught and unable to be the Father Talon needed. Talons only friends were the workers whom have taken care of him his entire life.
Name: Never really had one..
Age:roughly 17
Personality:Quiet,loyal,obediant. But if she gets mad she's stubborn.
Bio:Her whole family were slaves. So it was typical for Cat to be sold as a baby right? Wrong. She was taken in by a woman named Fiona Brooks. Fiona was an elderyly lady who soon died from old age,leaving Cat on her own. The nieghbor ended up selling her into the market for there benefit..
Likes:Music,flowers, sleeping in the sun and being able to be herself around others.
Dislikes:Bugs, spinach and Mean people.
Fears: Being beaten,lonley and storms.
Powers/Talents:She's a really good dancer and listener. She's also good at cleaning.

Age: 21
Race: human
Sexual orientation: Straight
Position: Nobility (A Dukes son)

Bio: Talon, or Allen for short, is the son of a very wealthy Duke. Being so he has been givin anything he wanted except what he truely wanted, Freedom. He sits in his window day after day wishing he could be like the people in the city or in the market place. His unnatural Silver hair is a dead giveaway on who his is having been born with it. His mother died when he was born, leaving his father distraught and unable to be the Father Talon needed. Talons only friends were the workers whom have taken care of him his entire life.
Name: Never really had one..
Age:roughly 17
Personality:Quiet,loyal,obediant. But if she gets mad she's stubborn.
Bio:Her whole family were slaves. So it was typical for Cat to be sold as a baby right? Wrong. She was taken in by a woman named Fiona Brooks. Fiona was an elderyly lady who soon died from old age,leaving Cat on her own. The nieghbor ended up selling her into the market for there benefit..
Likes:Music,flowers, sleeping in the sun and being able to be herself around others.
Dislikes:Bugs, spinach and Mean people.
Fears: Being beaten,lonley and storms.
Powers/Talents:She's a really good dancer and listener. She's also good at cleaning.

Talon sighed today wasnt a good day he had barely awoken, "What is it father" he said to the man that had barely come from his quarters since Talon's mothers death.
"Today,there is a slave seller in town" Talon didnt like where this was going, "you will go purchase a woman for your-, nightly activitys." Talon rolled his eyes.
"Father if I must interject I do not wish to force myself on anyone nor am I interested in owning a person." he truely believed the slaves should be free but until he obtained the throne he would not be able to do a thing about it.
"You will do it and that is final, ready yourself son, your carriage is awaiting in the Center Court." his father grumbled before taking his leave. Talon shook his head and looked at Ana the Maid whom had been with him ever since he was a babe.
"Ana I do not wish to cage someone else, when I am caged myself." Ana just frowned, ever since they had been caught talking in the study by his father she had not uttered a solitary word. Talon sighed, "off to choose the fate of another..."
"Get in there!" The burly, unshaven man threw the small fragile Neko girl into the best cage he owned. The girl wasn't normal. That was for sure and she wasn't housebroken. THis..made him happy. She was either going to make him rich or very very happy, in other terms.
He went to work on setting the others out on display.
The young Neko girl pushed herself back into the cage and rubbed her wrists. Why had the man been so mean? She questioned herself. She had done nothing wrong.. and why didn't Fiona wake up? She missed her Fiona. But every time she went to speak..the man sileneced her with a whip. The mental reminder sent a shot of pain up her back,where her first physical reminder took place. Whimpering to herself, she pulled her ears back and hugged her knee's to her chest. Shebit her lip so she wouldn't cry..why was everyone so mean?
Talon was looking into the cages, upset at the conditions the slaves were being kept in. He hadnt seen one he liked then he laid eyes on her, he walked straight up to the cage and smiled, "hello," he noticed her wrists, "are you ok?" His eyes were full of worry, "are they treating you right?" He wanted to make sure this beautiful girl was ok and that she would be safe, he knew then the girl in the cage infrount of him was going to come home with him, even if she was only going to be a friend and not be used for anything.
The young girl pushed farther against the back of the cage,startled. Her tail flicked a little as she wrapped it tighter around herself. She nodded gently. "Please ..don't hurt me" she whispered. She was petrified of this place, men sticking there hands in cages..saying confusing things. Her eyes darted around her cage and the market, then back to the man in front of her.
Talon frowned, she thinks Im going to hurt her..., "I-Im Im not going to hurt you, if anything i want to help you," he frowned, "such a beautiful girl shouldnt be in this cage.. you should be free." he looked toward the castle he had resided in his entire life. Like i so wish to be, He thought "would you allow me to take you home with me if i promise to take care of you? and to never intentionally hurt you, you would have to stay in my room or in the Library though. Im afriad of what my father might do to you, but as long as your with me I refuse to let him touch you."
he's nice.. The girl eased up a little and flinched as the burly man walked by. She glanced at the key hole. "T-that man..key" she wasn't very literate when scared. She crawled closer,slowley towards the man with the silver hair, her ears picked up a little. He seemed kinda sad. She cocked her head to this side a little, her shaggy hair swaying.
Talon looked at the man, "excuse me sir, this girl how much do i have to pay for her," he smiled at the girl. trying to be polite and curtious, his hand staying on a bar on the girls cage. "i would like to take her home with me as soon as possible.
"The man grumbled something unintelligent. "5,000. But before you argure..look again. She is no human" his voice was deep and raspy.
The girl kept her head down,with her ears perked. Her tail stayed wrapped around her waist and she clutched at her little black dress.
Talon nodded, "deal," he looked back at Nikol (Knee-Cole) his personal escort. "Nikol please pay the man his money," he turned to the large man, "May I have the key to her cage sir." he smiled at the girl, "we'll get you a beautiful dress to go with your magnificent face when we reach the castle and have you bathed, I do hope you wont mind that." he said to the girl hoping she understood him.
The burly man grumbled again, taking the money. He pulled the key out and opened the cage. Reaching in her tried to grab the girl.
The girl flinched and pushed straight back to the cage. SHe didn't like the man after he hit her. She was all but hissing at him.
"Why you little.." he went for his whip, making her curl into a ball. When he turned away to grab it she snuck out the cage door with her cat reflexes and hid behind the man who was talking to her. She was so scared that she was shaking. She hadn't understood anything about dresses..and castles...
Talon glared at the man, "if she is harmed in any way while i am standing here you will pay, After all i am your Dukes son," he practicly growled at the man then turned to the girl, "come now my darling, lets get home, Im sure you will love your new home."
The young girl blinked a few times and followed him. whats duke? She tilted her head and planned to follow him. She didn't like the mean man with the whip.
The burly man grumbled and went off to another cage where he started to make deals over an old man...
Talon smiled at the young girl, "come now let us start home, my carraige awaites us." He smiled before turning to Nikol, "we're leaving now Nikol, ready the horses please."
Nikol nodded, "please wait one moment sir."
THe young girl blinked a few times as she looked at him. She was afraid if she looked around that the burly,very ugly man, would come back. Her hands fiddled with her black dress.
Talon smiled at the girl, "do you have a name?" he said politely. he saw her worriy in her eyes, "its ok you have nothing to fear, you belong to me now."
The young girl shook her head no, her ears twitching gently. She held her tail in her hands so it would stop wagging.
The carrage pulled up next to them and Talon opened the door. "Ladies first" he said with a smile and he held out his hand to help her up into the carrage.
The young girl blinked again a few times and got in taking his hand. His hand was warm compared to her small, cold one. She looked around curiously inside the carriage, nevr have been in one.
Talon smiled, "see its not so bad." he looked toward Nikol , to the market Nikol our lady needs a splendors Gift." he said with a polite question to the Driver even though he need not be.
The young girl tensed as the carriage started to move, a lil shocked. "A-a what?" she asked softly. She was kinda confused now
He smiled at her, "would you like a necklace or braclet?" he asked, "its something you wear.. around your neck or wrist, and we'll have to get you some clothes, only white though, because angels should wear white."
Angels?...what? She shrugged gently. She didn't know. She had never had a necklace or braclet. She was currently clinging to her seat.
Talon chuckled at the girl, "dont worry its just a little faster then walking to my home," he took up her hand and smiled, "you'll be fine."
The young girl took a deep breath. But didn't help that they hit a bump. She bounced and tensed, closer to him now.
Talon wrapped his arm around her, "its ok just a bump in the road...."
She relaxed a bit. She felt safe with this man. She still didn't even know his name and felt safe. She took a deep breath and looked around again
Talon lightly hugged her, "your ok, well get you some nice dresses and some new shoes," he said as he looked down at her feet. "Ill have to speak with my Tutor and see if he can take you on, im sure you'll love to learn, and maybe you'll love reading..." He looked out the windcw at the passing buildings and smiled, this was on of the only times he was allow out of the castle, and he wanted gravely to stay out of those stone walls forever. The market was bustling with people and merchants selling wares. However much Talon enjoyed walking through the market, he didnt trust the people, he knew if they had a chance they would take his Kitten away from him. "hmm now to think of a name for you." he concentrated hard on that thought as the carraige slowly made his way to the royalty shops.
The cat girl blinked a few times, innocently listening to him. She wondered if her fiona was alright..if she ever woke up out of her deep sleep. She leaned her head on the man after he hugged her, sensing he was comfortable with it. She started to fiddle with a string on the hem of his coat. "My Fiona wouldn't wake up.." she said quietly
Talon tensed for a split second not knowing what to do then relaxed. He smiled at he as she began playing with his coat, then heard he words. "whats a Fiona, oh, Was Fiona someone close to you?" he asked her the wheels clicking in his head.
The girl continued to fiddle with the string. "WEll, she came to my room and fed me. Then told me what to do. We never really talked...I cleaned for her since I was four"
Talon frowned, "you wont have to clean while you live with me, Ana will take care of that." he smiled suddenly a name popped in his head, he had read about it in a book. "Freya, do you like that name?" He smiled down at her hopping she would like the name he had choosen for her.
She nodded gently. "Who's Anna?" she asked softly. She still fiddled with the string. It was amusing to her.
"Ana is a good friend of mine she raised me, since my mother died giving birth to me" he sighed, then patted Freya's head, "you'll like her, i know you will."
Freya squeaked/giggled when he patted her head. He got her ticklish spot on her ear. "mmkay. That tickled..." she blushed a little
Talon smiled then laughed, "Oh i guess i havent introduced myself my name is Talon.." he looked down at her wrists and sighed, "Do they hurt?" he rubbed the marks where she was tied lightly, "I wish they didnt harm you.."
SHe remembered that there were marks on her back too, but she said nothing. "He said..that I wasn't..normal.Thats why." she said softly, wincing a little. They were still raw
Talon frowned, "it doesnt matter that you have these adorable ears," he said as he rubbed one of her ears lightly "or that you have a tail, your perfect in my eyes Freya." he smiled at her and hugged her tighter to him.
Freya stayed leaning against him as she hugged him back, in a way without moving from her seat. The ride still creeped her out. But she was trying so hard not to giggle. It didn't work. She was blushing from embaressment. "My ears are ticklish " she muttered softly
Talon smiled at his new found knowlege and he tickles her ears and smiles. "Oh really now.."
Freya squeeked and giggled. She shouldn't of said anything. "nooooo"' she giggled and pushed her ears back to try and prevent it..of course it didn't work
Talon Laughed and stopped tickling her, he smiled and smoothed out her hair. "There beautiful once again"
Freya giggled softly and let her ears perk back up. She wondered how long till the shaking box would stop. She giggled again, he had given her the hiccups.
Talon smiled as the carriage stoped, "we must be here come now we must buy you some new outfits..."
Nikol opened the door, "should I wait here sire?"
Talon shook his head "come with us, pick something out for Ana i will buy it for her" he smiled.
Nikol nodded, "as you wish sir."
Freya blinked, blankly. She looked to Talon the Nikol. As she was helped out of the carriage, she looked around curiosly.... She got back into the carriage with Talon roughly a half hour later, wearing her new outfit. She fiddled with the straps of her new gown. It was white with little dark straps. She was content and happy, still quetly hiccuping.
Talon laughed quietly and pat Freya on the back to try and stop her hiccups. "Are you ok Freya?"
Freya nodded gently "hi-CUps" her voice squeaked as she hiccuped mid sentance. She giggled and held her breath, her ears pressed to her head
Talon chuckles, and smiles at Freya, "would you like some water?" he askes loving how cute her hiccups were.
She was holding her breath, but still hiccuping. They hit another bump and it made her jump, scaring her hicups away. Her eyes were wide "That was almost as bad as the water..." she muttered
Talon looked confused, "what do you mean? As bad as the water, did they not properly bathe you, were they to rough, did they touch you innapropreiatly?" he growled lightly, thinking of ways he could sneak out of the castle and kill the demons who had touched his Freya. He looked out the window, "I'll see to it that it will be fixed."
Freya blinked blankly. "Um...I just don't like water..part cat and all" she quietly. She thought she did something wrong.
Talon stared at her and slightly blushed feeling like an imbicile for jumping to conclusions. "Oh," he said quietly "I guess that would be the case." he smiled at her and lightly caressed her cheek, "please excuse my outburst"
Freya smiled gently. She started to relax in the carriage, excusing the bumps. She wondered how long till they got where they were going. "Where are we going?"
"To my home, You'll be living with me" he smiled at her.
After riding in the Carriage for about an hour, Talon noticed they were getting close "Freya were almost there, you be in a clean bed in no time," he smiled.
Freya smiled gently. She figured he'd have a little cottage like Fiona. But when they showed up at the castle, her jaw dropped. "I thought we were going to your home?" she muttered. What was this place?
Talon Chuckled, "this is my home Freya. I am the son of a Duke, and Dukes own castles." he looked around marveling in the beauty of his Mothers white Castle. "Unfortunatly, Freya, after today we will no be able to Leave for quite some time. Oh, and please try and avoid any and all contact with my Father." He smiled as Ana Emerged from the doors and curtsied, "That is Ana, she will help you and Nikol will protect you." he smiled.
Ana stood at the door with a smile on her face, even though she could not say anything to Talon she was proud at the care that she saw in his eyes as he looked at Freya. He did not look at her as a women to bed, but as a friend. Nikol and I knew he needed a Friend.
Nikol smiled at Ana before looking at Talon, "i will take the horses to the stable sir."
Talon nodded at Nikol, "please walk them out, they must be tired after the long morning we've had today." he smiled back at Freya and placed a hand on her back "ready to Veiw the inside of your new home?"
Freya blinked, obcisiouly in awe. "'s huge..." she bit her lower lip. She smiled at Ana. She looked like one of those girls in the books Fiona made.
Well Freya looks happy, I hope she doesnt mind the enormity of the castle, I still get lost in it sometimes he thought. Talon sighed and smiled at Ana as he arrived at the door, "you seem well Ana" she only nodded. "well this is Freya i hope youll take care of her as youve taken care of me" he smiled and began to walk into the castle the stair case was enence as well and he smiled. he smiled, "Freya always go to the Stair on the right, that its to my quarters and the library but the left is my fathers quarters and his gaurds quarters, Please allow me to trust that you will follow this advice?"
The cat eared girl nodded her head and kept her hands in front of her "Promise" she was still trying to take in the size of the house. It was huge..."Whats a l-ibrary?" she asked. She'd never heard of one before
"Its a place made to keep books, we have a ton of them." Talon smiled, "you'll have a tutor and they will teach you how to read and write. Some history, maybe math. You'll learn so much Freya,"
Freya blinked a few times. A tutor? She thought. She walked with Talon up the stairs, glancing around seeing if Nikol and Ana were coming along.
Nikol had gone to the stables but Ana was following close behind. Talon smiled at Freya, "you'll have my bed until i can have yours built. i will take the couch."
Freya nodded gently, it was nice of him. But she could tell he would object to her sleeping on the couch.
Talon and Freya we're finally at his room, "right this way" he said as he opened his doors to his room. it was large but subtle, the beige walls matched the off-white Carpet and the cream bed spreads which laid on a king sized poster bed. "Ana will bring in your nightgown after Nikols done turning out the horses." He smiled at Freya then turned to Ana, "Ana please do relax." She sighed and shook her head and smiled at Freya no words were spoken from her, a natural occurrence
Freya nodded and looked around. She like the big window. That meant that there'd be alot of sun to bathe in. She trotted over to look out. She smiled and pointed outside "Its pretty" she giggled gently
Talon nodded, "Are you hungry, i can have lunch brought to you Freya." he said as he sat on the couch.
She was never allowed to ask for food. She glanced at Ana then to Talon. "Um.." she kept her hands down in front of her. "Please?" she asked softly. She hadn't eaten for a day
Talon smiled "Ana would you mind?" She smiled and walked from the room. "Your lunch should be here shortly," Talon saw the look in her eyes, "What's wrong Freya?"
"Well.." she bit her lower lip. "Fiona..said it's rude to ask for food." she said softly "If I did she wouldn't feed me.." she said softly. She looked down a little.
Talon stood and walked over to her, "that was Fiona's rule not mine, ask anytime you want." he cupped her cheek, "its ok to ask if your hungry.. I'm sure Ana doesnt mind, She loves cooking."
Freya blinked a few times. "am I allowed to watch? her cook? Fiona wouldn't let me..." she said softly. She liked learning and seeing new things.
Talon Chuckled, "if you ask her nicely im sure she'll let you." Ana walked in with an array of Sandwhichs and tea, "although she was making something simple, so as not to upset your stomache, I dont know if your ready to eat the food i stomache every day."
Freya blinked and watched Ana.her face still cupped in Talons hand. It felt funny. She blinked. "Can...i have my cheek back?" she muttered
Talon blushed and dropped his hand before walking over to Ana, "thank you Ana," Nikol brought in the bought items and placed them on the floor before turning and walking back out of the room. Talon picked up a sandwhich and held it out to Freya. "here.."
She took the sndwhich gently and didn't bother to even see what it was. She nibbled the edge of it happilly. It was good. Once she swallowed she smiled at Ana. She would of hugged her but she had food in her hands. "thank you"
Ana smiled before turning and leaving. "take it easy Ana" Talon smiled before grabbing a sandwhich of his own and a glass of Tea. Drinking it slowly he sighed. "today was a good day" he looked at Freya, "you may sit down if you'd like."
She shook her head no. "No thanks..I like looking outside" she stood by the huge window and at her sandwhich,soaking in the sun
Talon smiled and layed back. "Freya, what activities do you enjoy?"
"hmm?" she turned to look at him. thinking she shrugged "new things..I havn't done alot. I like to dance" she giggled a little and looked out the window again
"hmm..." Talon sighed and rolled over, "I'll have a tutor come in about 2 days, that will alow you enough time to adjust to our life style.." he stared at the picture that had been painted by his mother while she was pregnant with him and smiled. "you'll like books.."
"i know..I like ones with the pictures..Fiona made them." she sighed. "But she fell asleep and didn't wake up..." she poured herself some tea
Talon sat up, "she never woke up, im sorry Freya.." he said as he ran his hands through his hair, "shes in a better place now, i guess..." not knowing how to discribe death. "Shes with god..."
She blinked a few times. "Who's that?" she had been completley closed out of the world. She sipped her tea
Talon looked at her and shook his head, "um.. " he sighed and looked at the door, "lets go to the library.." he said as he walked to the door, "im sure the pictures in some books we have will be able to explain it better then i will."
She put her cup down and scuttled towards the door with him.
Talon showed her the quickest way to the library and smiled as he walked in. Taking a deep breath. "ahh i just cant get enough of that book smell."
She giggled gently. the library smelt like Fionas house. "look.." she walked to a small tabel with a fairy tale book. "This was made in Fionas shop.." she pointed the special marking. " squiggles...." she flipped around in her hands.
Talon smiled, "i found it a while ago the binding was horribly damaged i got it fixed up though a friend of mine told me it was made for him and someone whom was very special to him but since she passed on he no longer wanted it." he said enjoying the fact that she enjoyed the book, "as soon as you can read you can have it.."
She opened it. She smiled. "Its manley pictures" she exclaimed happily. The pictures were really pretty. She plopped on the floor and looked through the pictures there was a blond girl with kitty ears like her.
Talon smiled, "theres a few words i think..." he said as he walked over to one that was more reliogious to try and show her god.
There were words..but she liked the pictures better. She looked up as he showed her a picture. "so..Fiona's with..angels?" she asked innocently
Talon nodded, "yes," he smiled "I'm sure shes happy that your happy"
Freya shrugged. "She never..really cared. I was just what she called a favor" Freya shrugged as if it didn't bother her,but it did. She loooked at the pictures
Talon frowned, "im sorry Freya you should be treated like the angel you are," he smiled before sitting next to her.
"Wait..if im an angel then that would mean Im supposed to be with God?" she was getting confused
Talon chuckled, "no you just remind me of an Angel Freya, your supposed to be here with me."
Freya smiled and flipped the book in her hands and looked at hte picture. "she's got ears like me" she smiled
Talon nodded "yes but yours are smaller and wider."
She touched her ear. "well she's just a drawing too.." she rubbed her ear
Talon looked at the woman in the book, "you never know she might be based on a real person."
she shrugged "you never know..." she started to doze a little but tried to stay awake
Talon looked at her and smiled, "Freya are you tired?"
Freya shook her head no stubbornly and hugged the book to herself
Talon Chuckled, "we can take the book into my room its ok... You've had a long day Freya, sleep is important"
She blinked her eyes "I can take with us?" she asked softly
He nodded before gently picking her up bridal style and carrying her to his room and lying her on his bed. "You need rest though Freya, the book can sit on the table and be there for you when you awake tomarrow." he said as he smoothed her hair.
She was dozing off again. She remembered they brought her a night gown and got up. She looked at him, waiting for him to turn or leave so she could change.
Talon walked over to his armior and grabbed out a pair of comfy pants and a loose top. "ill be down the hall in the bathroom, ill be back in a few minutes but ill Knock first to make sure your done changing."
Freya nodded to Talon and watched him leave the room. She quickly changed into her small nightgown and oversized kimono tp. She swirled around a little to get a feeling of the fabric and giggled. SHe picked her gown up and folded it and put it on the chair in the room. She was always neat.. She yawned again and crawled into the bed and dozed into sleep on top of the covers. She was curled into a little ball, her ears pressed to her head and tail wrapped around her waist.
Talon knocked before coming in and smiling, he placed his clothes in a hamper for Ana to collect later. he walked over to Freya and pulled back some blankets before tucking her in and walking with a blanket and a pillow to the long couch in his room. he laid down and queitly whispered. "goodnight Freya"
her left ear twitched, but she was already in a deep sleep, dreaming of fairytails..and her new home. She occasionally rolled over a few times but was completley silent the whole night.
Talon groaned as he awoke the next morning, the couch had not been forgiving and he was incredibly sore.
Ana walked in and smiled as she spotted Freya fast asleep.
Talon smiled as he watched Ana, "she'll need another bath today Ana but she has told me she doesnt like water, can you see to it that she is comfortable?" he asked knowing if anyone could make Freya love baths in some way it would be Ana. She simply nodded. Talon got up he groaned as he made his way to the bath himself hoping to relax his stiff muscles. "make sure she is cared for this morning Ana." he smiled before leaving.
Ana walked over to the window and threw open the shades, "wakey, Wakey Freya." she spoke softly.
Freya scurried under the covers and stretched. She managed to make her head pop out of under the covers the wrong way and her ears popped up. She blinked and yawned a little. "morning.." she said softly,rubbing her eyes, she was hanging upside down on the bed."you have a pretty voice Ana" she yawned again
Ana smiled at Freya, we have sent a letter to get a tutor for you and as soon as Talon gets back we have to get you all nice and scrubbed up but first would you like to help me make a good Breakfast?" she smiled.
Freya smiled and rolled off the bed backword,landing on her feet. "Please?" she giggled and made her bed quickly and expertly out of habit. She slipped her little white slippers on so her feet wouldn't get cold. But her hair was sticking up a little. She blew a strand out of her face
Ana smoothed Freyas hair led her to the kitchen and began cooking a good breakfast for Freya and Talon.
Freya had fun and was pratically jumping when they put it on the tabel. She thought she did a good job with the muffins. "Talon gets that one" she pointed to the one that was nearly perfect. She smiled happilly.
Ana smiled "yes yes of course Freya, now lets get this up to your room." She said as she bagan walking to Talon and Freyas room.
Talon walked in and noticed at once the emptyness of of his room with out Freya, it amazed him how much he missed her already even though he had just met her yesterday.
Freya helped carry some of it with Ana. She already liked her alot. She was so Sweet. She smiled at Talon when they got back to the room with the food.
Talon smiled, "well well well, what have you got there Freya?" he smiled seeing the food and the smile on Freyas face. He looked at Ana then at the food. "thats a little bit much isnt it Ana?" he smiled.
Freya picked up the muffin she made and held it out for Talon excitedly. "I made this one! its for you" she said happily.
Talon smiled, "you better take some of those muffins with you Ana" he grabbed the muffin from Freya and took a bite out of it, "that is very good Freya thank you."
She smiled happilly" welcome" she plopped down and nibbled at hers, happilly
He sat next to her and smiled, "After that muffin Freya you going to have to take a bath..."
Freya tried to hide her pouting face. She didn't like water."stupid water..." she muttered stuffing her mouth
Talon chuckled, "its not that bad Freya, Ana will be there to help you."
Freya gave him the 'uh huh' look. She just had a thing against water.She stuffed her mouth again.
Talon smiled, "I'm sure Ana will make the bathtime more fun."
Freya finished her muffin. "mhm.." she curled up on the chair. Her ears twitched a little
Talon couldnt help himself as he reached out and slowly stroked Freya's ear, "you'll be fine, you may even grow to like baths" he smiled.
she giggled a little"your tickling me.." she tried to inch away gently
Talon looked at Ana "time for her bath." Ana nodded and smiled at Freya before turning and walking toward the door.
Freya pouted a little and followed like a good girl.
As soon as Ana knew Talon was out of hearing Range she smiled at Freya, "you'll love the bath eventullay"
Freya pouted "sure.." she never liked water
Ana led her to the bath which was enormous in itself. "ill get the bubbles" she said as turned on the bath water making sure its warm and not to hot or cold.
Manda: she blinked a few times. "bubbles?"
Ana smiled "yes bubbles" she said as she poured the solution into the runing water.
Her eyes widened. She giggled. She liked bubbles already
"now, Lets get in Shall we?" Ana said as she herself began removing her clothing so she could help Freya wash.
Freya chuckled and got in happilly using her tail to make a big bubble.
Ana frowned, "those filthy slave drivers need to learn what its like to be held under the whip." She growled. She lightly began to wash Freya again. "Tell me when it hurts sweetheart."
Freya played with the bubbles in her hands, only wincing when it hurt. She wasn't going to make Ana any more fustrated over slave drivers. But she couldn't help it when she whimpred when she hit a really really raw spot.
Ana stopped and stared at the whip mark, "that one will need to be bandaged its really deep" she sighed and continued wahing Freya.
Freya layed her head on her knee's a blew the bubbles around giggling only after a little while. A bubble got in her mouth and she scrunched her face up a bit.
Ana sighed, "well hunny lets get you dried off and in your daily clothes." she smiled.
Freya nodded and got out,dried and dressed with Ana. It was simple,fast and easy. Freya's hair dried fast and she was back out with Talon
Ana smiled and took her leave.
Talon smiled at her "my, my Freya arnt you just a gift from the gods" he chuckled.and spoke to a skinny man that was sitting beside him "so you'll be her tutor right Liam" he smiled.
Liam looked at Freya and smiled, "I'm sure I can teach this lovly lady"
Freya tilted her head and smiled gently. Saying hello to Liam. What was he going to teach her?
"So, Talon, you wish for me to teach her Reading Writing, math and history, I'll have you know that I am not an easy teacher I will test her limits." Liam smiled at Talon.
"I wouldnt have it anyother way Liam" Talon smiled, "you'll be starting tomarrow."
Freya blinked blankly. The man seemed nice enough..But why was he going to teach her again? she could read. Thats all she really wanted to know. She fiddled with the hem of her dress.
Liam stood and walked out, "I'll come get her tomarrow morn after breakfast."
Talon smiled and nodded then looked toward Freya. "you be nice to him alright he is hard to find and a damn good tutor."
Freya nodded quetly. She didn't have a reason to be mean to Liam. She wondered if Ana was going to tell Talon about her markings..she hoped not.
Talon patted the couch beside him. "come Freya sit down." he smiled just wanting to be close to someone before he had to leave to turn out the horses. "I'll have to leave in a few minutes and I'll be gone a few hours, but I'm going to have Nikol watch over you. Is that ok?"
"Promise you'll come back?" she asked after sitting near him. She didn't want him to be gone long. She looked up at him innocently.
Talon hugged her, "I'll be on the grounds, and of course I'll be back I cant just leave you, Ana and Nikol here to fend for yourselves against my father now can I" he smiled.
Freya shook her head no. Smiling softly she hugged him then gently put her hands back in her lap.
Talon sighed as Nikol came in.
"Sire your horse is ready for your daily ride" he announced.
"I'll be down at once Nikol but ill trust that youll watch over Freya?" Talon asked seriously.
"Of course sire." Nikol smiled at Freya, "it would be an honor."
She smiled sweetly and leaned against hte couch contently.
Talon took his leave and Nikol sat next to Freya, "is there anything you want to do today Freya?" he asked honestly wanting to know what she wanted.
She shook her head no. She was still kinda sleepy. "can I take a sun nap?" the sun spilled across the room and the bed.
Nikol nodded, "of course Freya," he stood and walked over to the door standing in frount of it as a gaurd. "I'll be right here when you wake up."
Freya got up and layed down on the bed, her knee's to her chest in the sun. She dozed off into a cat nap as her tail curled around her and her ears pushed back.
Nikol actully smiled at Freya as he watched her sleep. A younger servent approached Nikol and whispered something to him, "ill go but you must watch this room and make sure no one but Talon enters understand." he harshly whispered to the servent. The servent nodded and watched Nikol go on his way to a false job that the king sent the servent to tell him about. Out from the shadows the king walked up to the servent.
"Very good." He walked into Talons room and spotted freya, What a beautiful girl, he thought his mind filling with things he was going to do to her. I do hope my son doesnt mind me taking a taste of her abilities.
Freya slept peacfully, her ears twitched slightly and she shifted a bit, now on her side. She curled up tighter so she was completley in the sun.
The king smiled downat the sleeping Freya slowly he made his way onto the bed so that it wouldnt shift much. Quietly he took a deep breath, hmm shes been washed latly, Talon must have had fun last night. He was now leaning over Freya his eyes appraising every inch of visible skin, "delightful" he whispered as he began getting closer to her.
Freya had nuzzled the bed for a few moments. But her ear had picked up something. As it twitched she slowley opened her eyes. The first thing that hit her was light from the window..but then. THe shadow on the bed. SHe turned her head and pratically squeaked with fear. She pushed herself back away from the scary man. "W-who are you?" she looked around frantically for Nikol.
The king reached out and covered her mouth to quiet her, "I am the king you will do as I say, one noise from you and you will be severly punished understand?" he smiled at he got closer to her and twirled a lock of her hair in his fingers, "such a pretty thing, Such a waste for my son.." he was now stratling her, "now your gonna be a good girl arnt you.."
Freya started to panic. Talon had made it clear not to have anything to do with his father. Here he was on top of her..what did he want!? SHe turned her head away from his hand and tried to push him off her. "Talon said I'm not to have anything to do with you.." she whimpered as she struggled to get him off.
"Well then, why listen to someone who leaves you all alone in a room?" he said as he pressed his face into her neck and slowly dragging his tounge across the flesh exposed.
A harsh voice called out, "GET OFF OF HER NOW AIAH"
Aiah chuckled, "come to rescue your dear used b***h now have you?"
Talons voice was angry "Leave before I force you.."
Aiah's hands went up in self defence, "alright alright I'll go, but, my dear son. Ever speak to me like that and I will have you punished so severly youll wish this used rat had never come here..." He then took his leave.
Talons fists were clentched as he walked over to the bed and sat down, Nikol walked in.
"I'm so sorry sire I was tricked into leaving my post," he frowned his head cast downward.
"I dont not blame you Nikol my father is a trickster and I should have known this would have happened had i left her so early of getting here." Talons face was in his hands. I could have lost her, I'm a fool to leave her
Poor Freya was curled back against the headboard teary eyed,rubbing her neck where Aiah had licked her. SHe was uncomfortable with the atmosphere and the way he had touched her. She thought Talon was going to be mad now that his father had touched her..she tried to get him off. I sorry..he touched me.. what did he mean used? what was that other word he called sorry...
"Today,there is a slave seller in town" Talon didnt like where this was going, "you will go purchase a woman for your-, nightly activitys." Talon rolled his eyes.
"Father if I must interject I do not wish to force myself on anyone nor am I interested in owning a person." he truely believed the slaves should be free but until he obtained the throne he would not be able to do a thing about it.
"You will do it and that is final, ready yourself son, your carriage is awaiting in the Center Court." his father grumbled before taking his leave. Talon shook his head and looked at Ana the Maid whom had been with him ever since he was a babe.
"Ana I do not wish to cage someone else, when I am caged myself." Ana just frowned, ever since they had been caught talking in the study by his father she had not uttered a solitary word. Talon sighed, "off to choose the fate of another..."
"Get in there!" The burly, unshaven man threw the small fragile Neko girl into the best cage he owned. The girl wasn't normal. That was for sure and she wasn't housebroken. THis..made him happy. She was either going to make him rich or very very happy, in other terms.
He went to work on setting the others out on display.
The young Neko girl pushed herself back into the cage and rubbed her wrists. Why had the man been so mean? She questioned herself. She had done nothing wrong.. and why didn't Fiona wake up? She missed her Fiona. But every time she went to speak..the man sileneced her with a whip. The mental reminder sent a shot of pain up her back,where her first physical reminder took place. Whimpering to herself, she pulled her ears back and hugged her knee's to her chest. Shebit her lip so she wouldn't cry..why was everyone so mean?
Talon was looking into the cages, upset at the conditions the slaves were being kept in. He hadnt seen one he liked then he laid eyes on her, he walked straight up to the cage and smiled, "hello," he noticed her wrists, "are you ok?" His eyes were full of worry, "are they treating you right?" He wanted to make sure this beautiful girl was ok and that she would be safe, he knew then the girl in the cage infrount of him was going to come home with him, even if she was only going to be a friend and not be used for anything.
The young girl pushed farther against the back of the cage,startled. Her tail flicked a little as she wrapped it tighter around herself. She nodded gently. "Please ..don't hurt me" she whispered. She was petrified of this place, men sticking there hands in cages..saying confusing things. Her eyes darted around her cage and the market, then back to the man in front of her.
Talon frowned, she thinks Im going to hurt her..., "I-Im Im not going to hurt you, if anything i want to help you," he frowned, "such a beautiful girl shouldnt be in this cage.. you should be free." he looked toward the castle he had resided in his entire life. Like i so wish to be, He thought "would you allow me to take you home with me if i promise to take care of you? and to never intentionally hurt you, you would have to stay in my room or in the Library though. Im afriad of what my father might do to you, but as long as your with me I refuse to let him touch you."
he's nice.. The girl eased up a little and flinched as the burly man walked by. She glanced at the key hole. "T-that man..key" she wasn't very literate when scared. She crawled closer,slowley towards the man with the silver hair, her ears picked up a little. He seemed kinda sad. She cocked her head to this side a little, her shaggy hair swaying.
Talon looked at the man, "excuse me sir, this girl how much do i have to pay for her," he smiled at the girl. trying to be polite and curtious, his hand staying on a bar on the girls cage. "i would like to take her home with me as soon as possible.
"The man grumbled something unintelligent. "5,000. But before you argure..look again. She is no human" his voice was deep and raspy.
The girl kept her head down,with her ears perked. Her tail stayed wrapped around her waist and she clutched at her little black dress.
Talon nodded, "deal," he looked back at Nikol (Knee-Cole) his personal escort. "Nikol please pay the man his money," he turned to the large man, "May I have the key to her cage sir." he smiled at the girl, "we'll get you a beautiful dress to go with your magnificent face when we reach the castle and have you bathed, I do hope you wont mind that." he said to the girl hoping she understood him.
The burly man grumbled again, taking the money. He pulled the key out and opened the cage. Reaching in her tried to grab the girl.
The girl flinched and pushed straight back to the cage. SHe didn't like the man after he hit her. She was all but hissing at him.
"Why you little.." he went for his whip, making her curl into a ball. When he turned away to grab it she snuck out the cage door with her cat reflexes and hid behind the man who was talking to her. She was so scared that she was shaking. She hadn't understood anything about dresses..and castles...
Talon glared at the man, "if she is harmed in any way while i am standing here you will pay, After all i am your Dukes son," he practicly growled at the man then turned to the girl, "come now my darling, lets get home, Im sure you will love your new home."
The young girl blinked a few times and followed him. whats duke? She tilted her head and planned to follow him. She didn't like the mean man with the whip.
The burly man grumbled and went off to another cage where he started to make deals over an old man...
Talon smiled at the young girl, "come now let us start home, my carraige awaites us." He smiled before turning to Nikol, "we're leaving now Nikol, ready the horses please."
Nikol nodded, "please wait one moment sir."
THe young girl blinked a few times as she looked at him. She was afraid if she looked around that the burly,very ugly man, would come back. Her hands fiddled with her black dress.
Talon smiled at the girl, "do you have a name?" he said politely. he saw her worriy in her eyes, "its ok you have nothing to fear, you belong to me now."
The young girl shook her head no, her ears twitching gently. She held her tail in her hands so it would stop wagging.
The carrage pulled up next to them and Talon opened the door. "Ladies first" he said with a smile and he held out his hand to help her up into the carrage.
The young girl blinked again a few times and got in taking his hand. His hand was warm compared to her small, cold one. She looked around curiously inside the carriage, nevr have been in one.
Talon smiled, "see its not so bad." he looked toward Nikol , to the market Nikol our lady needs a splendors Gift." he said with a polite question to the Driver even though he need not be.
The young girl tensed as the carriage started to move, a lil shocked. "A-a what?" she asked softly. She was kinda confused now
He smiled at her, "would you like a necklace or braclet?" he asked, "its something you wear.. around your neck or wrist, and we'll have to get you some clothes, only white though, because angels should wear white."
Angels?...what? She shrugged gently. She didn't know. She had never had a necklace or braclet. She was currently clinging to her seat.
Talon chuckled at the girl, "dont worry its just a little faster then walking to my home," he took up her hand and smiled, "you'll be fine."
The young girl took a deep breath. But didn't help that they hit a bump. She bounced and tensed, closer to him now.
Talon wrapped his arm around her, "its ok just a bump in the road...."
She relaxed a bit. She felt safe with this man. She still didn't even know his name and felt safe. She took a deep breath and looked around again
Talon lightly hugged her, "your ok, well get you some nice dresses and some new shoes," he said as he looked down at her feet. "Ill have to speak with my Tutor and see if he can take you on, im sure you'll love to learn, and maybe you'll love reading..." He looked out the windcw at the passing buildings and smiled, this was on of the only times he was allow out of the castle, and he wanted gravely to stay out of those stone walls forever. The market was bustling with people and merchants selling wares. However much Talon enjoyed walking through the market, he didnt trust the people, he knew if they had a chance they would take his Kitten away from him. "hmm now to think of a name for you." he concentrated hard on that thought as the carraige slowly made his way to the royalty shops.
The cat girl blinked a few times, innocently listening to him. She wondered if her fiona was alright..if she ever woke up out of her deep sleep. She leaned her head on the man after he hugged her, sensing he was comfortable with it. She started to fiddle with a string on the hem of his coat. "My Fiona wouldn't wake up.." she said quietly
Talon tensed for a split second not knowing what to do then relaxed. He smiled at he as she began playing with his coat, then heard he words. "whats a Fiona, oh, Was Fiona someone close to you?" he asked her the wheels clicking in his head.
The girl continued to fiddle with the string. "WEll, she came to my room and fed me. Then told me what to do. We never really talked...I cleaned for her since I was four"
Talon frowned, "you wont have to clean while you live with me, Ana will take care of that." he smiled suddenly a name popped in his head, he had read about it in a book. "Freya, do you like that name?" He smiled down at her hopping she would like the name he had choosen for her.
She nodded gently. "Who's Anna?" she asked softly. She still fiddled with the string. It was amusing to her.
"Ana is a good friend of mine she raised me, since my mother died giving birth to me" he sighed, then patted Freya's head, "you'll like her, i know you will."
Freya squeaked/giggled when he patted her head. He got her ticklish spot on her ear. "mmkay. That tickled..." she blushed a little
Talon smiled then laughed, "Oh i guess i havent introduced myself my name is Talon.." he looked down at her wrists and sighed, "Do they hurt?" he rubbed the marks where she was tied lightly, "I wish they didnt harm you.."
SHe remembered that there were marks on her back too, but she said nothing. "He said..that I wasn't..normal.Thats why." she said softly, wincing a little. They were still raw
Talon frowned, "it doesnt matter that you have these adorable ears," he said as he rubbed one of her ears lightly "or that you have a tail, your perfect in my eyes Freya." he smiled at her and hugged her tighter to him.
Freya stayed leaning against him as she hugged him back, in a way without moving from her seat. The ride still creeped her out. But she was trying so hard not to giggle. It didn't work. She was blushing from embaressment. "My ears are ticklish " she muttered softly
Talon smiled at his new found knowlege and he tickles her ears and smiles. "Oh really now.."
Freya squeeked and giggled. She shouldn't of said anything. "nooooo"' she giggled and pushed her ears back to try and prevent it..of course it didn't work
Talon Laughed and stopped tickling her, he smiled and smoothed out her hair. "There beautiful once again"
Freya giggled softly and let her ears perk back up. She wondered how long till the shaking box would stop. She giggled again, he had given her the hiccups.
Talon smiled as the carriage stoped, "we must be here come now we must buy you some new outfits..."
Nikol opened the door, "should I wait here sire?"
Talon shook his head "come with us, pick something out for Ana i will buy it for her" he smiled.
Nikol nodded, "as you wish sir."
Freya blinked, blankly. She looked to Talon the Nikol. As she was helped out of the carriage, she looked around curiosly.... She got back into the carriage with Talon roughly a half hour later, wearing her new outfit. She fiddled with the straps of her new gown. It was white with little dark straps. She was content and happy, still quetly hiccuping.
Talon laughed quietly and pat Freya on the back to try and stop her hiccups. "Are you ok Freya?"
Freya nodded gently "hi-CUps" her voice squeaked as she hiccuped mid sentance. She giggled and held her breath, her ears pressed to her head
Talon chuckles, and smiles at Freya, "would you like some water?" he askes loving how cute her hiccups were.
She was holding her breath, but still hiccuping. They hit another bump and it made her jump, scaring her hicups away. Her eyes were wide "That was almost as bad as the water..." she muttered
Talon looked confused, "what do you mean? As bad as the water, did they not properly bathe you, were they to rough, did they touch you innapropreiatly?" he growled lightly, thinking of ways he could sneak out of the castle and kill the demons who had touched his Freya. He looked out the window, "I'll see to it that it will be fixed."
Freya blinked blankly. "Um...I just don't like water..part cat and all" she quietly. She thought she did something wrong.
Talon stared at her and slightly blushed feeling like an imbicile for jumping to conclusions. "Oh," he said quietly "I guess that would be the case." he smiled at her and lightly caressed her cheek, "please excuse my outburst"
Freya smiled gently. She started to relax in the carriage, excusing the bumps. She wondered how long till they got where they were going. "Where are we going?"
"To my home, You'll be living with me" he smiled at her.
After riding in the Carriage for about an hour, Talon noticed they were getting close "Freya were almost there, you be in a clean bed in no time," he smiled.
Freya smiled gently. She figured he'd have a little cottage like Fiona. But when they showed up at the castle, her jaw dropped. "I thought we were going to your home?" she muttered. What was this place?
Talon Chuckled, "this is my home Freya. I am the son of a Duke, and Dukes own castles." he looked around marveling in the beauty of his Mothers white Castle. "Unfortunatly, Freya, after today we will no be able to Leave for quite some time. Oh, and please try and avoid any and all contact with my Father." He smiled as Ana Emerged from the doors and curtsied, "That is Ana, she will help you and Nikol will protect you." he smiled.
Ana stood at the door with a smile on her face, even though she could not say anything to Talon she was proud at the care that she saw in his eyes as he looked at Freya. He did not look at her as a women to bed, but as a friend. Nikol and I knew he needed a Friend.
Nikol smiled at Ana before looking at Talon, "i will take the horses to the stable sir."
Talon nodded at Nikol, "please walk them out, they must be tired after the long morning we've had today." he smiled back at Freya and placed a hand on her back "ready to Veiw the inside of your new home?"
Freya blinked, obcisiouly in awe. "'s huge..." she bit her lower lip. She smiled at Ana. She looked like one of those girls in the books Fiona made.
Well Freya looks happy, I hope she doesnt mind the enormity of the castle, I still get lost in it sometimes he thought. Talon sighed and smiled at Ana as he arrived at the door, "you seem well Ana" she only nodded. "well this is Freya i hope youll take care of her as youve taken care of me" he smiled and began to walk into the castle the stair case was enence as well and he smiled. he smiled, "Freya always go to the Stair on the right, that its to my quarters and the library but the left is my fathers quarters and his gaurds quarters, Please allow me to trust that you will follow this advice?"
The cat eared girl nodded her head and kept her hands in front of her "Promise" she was still trying to take in the size of the house. It was huge..."Whats a l-ibrary?" she asked. She'd never heard of one before
"Its a place made to keep books, we have a ton of them." Talon smiled, "you'll have a tutor and they will teach you how to read and write. Some history, maybe math. You'll learn so much Freya,"
Freya blinked a few times. A tutor? She thought. She walked with Talon up the stairs, glancing around seeing if Nikol and Ana were coming along.
Nikol had gone to the stables but Ana was following close behind. Talon smiled at Freya, "you'll have my bed until i can have yours built. i will take the couch."
Freya nodded gently, it was nice of him. But she could tell he would object to her sleeping on the couch.
Talon and Freya we're finally at his room, "right this way" he said as he opened his doors to his room. it was large but subtle, the beige walls matched the off-white Carpet and the cream bed spreads which laid on a king sized poster bed. "Ana will bring in your nightgown after Nikols done turning out the horses." He smiled at Freya then turned to Ana, "Ana please do relax." She sighed and shook her head and smiled at Freya no words were spoken from her, a natural occurrence
Freya nodded and looked around. She like the big window. That meant that there'd be alot of sun to bathe in. She trotted over to look out. She smiled and pointed outside "Its pretty" she giggled gently
Talon nodded, "Are you hungry, i can have lunch brought to you Freya." he said as he sat on the couch.
She was never allowed to ask for food. She glanced at Ana then to Talon. "Um.." she kept her hands down in front of her. "Please?" she asked softly. She hadn't eaten for a day
Talon smiled "Ana would you mind?" She smiled and walked from the room. "Your lunch should be here shortly," Talon saw the look in her eyes, "What's wrong Freya?"
"Well.." she bit her lower lip. "Fiona..said it's rude to ask for food." she said softly "If I did she wouldn't feed me.." she said softly. She looked down a little.
Talon stood and walked over to her, "that was Fiona's rule not mine, ask anytime you want." he cupped her cheek, "its ok to ask if your hungry.. I'm sure Ana doesnt mind, She loves cooking."
Freya blinked a few times. "am I allowed to watch? her cook? Fiona wouldn't let me..." she said softly. She liked learning and seeing new things.
Talon Chuckled, "if you ask her nicely im sure she'll let you." Ana walked in with an array of Sandwhichs and tea, "although she was making something simple, so as not to upset your stomache, I dont know if your ready to eat the food i stomache every day."
Freya blinked and watched Ana.her face still cupped in Talons hand. It felt funny. She blinked. "Can...i have my cheek back?" she muttered
Talon blushed and dropped his hand before walking over to Ana, "thank you Ana," Nikol brought in the bought items and placed them on the floor before turning and walking back out of the room. Talon picked up a sandwhich and held it out to Freya. "here.."
She took the sndwhich gently and didn't bother to even see what it was. She nibbled the edge of it happilly. It was good. Once she swallowed she smiled at Ana. She would of hugged her but she had food in her hands. "thank you"
Ana smiled before turning and leaving. "take it easy Ana" Talon smiled before grabbing a sandwhich of his own and a glass of Tea. Drinking it slowly he sighed. "today was a good day" he looked at Freya, "you may sit down if you'd like."
She shook her head no. "No thanks..I like looking outside" she stood by the huge window and at her sandwhich,soaking in the sun
Talon smiled and layed back. "Freya, what activities do you enjoy?"
"hmm?" she turned to look at him. thinking she shrugged "new things..I havn't done alot. I like to dance" she giggled a little and looked out the window again
"hmm..." Talon sighed and rolled over, "I'll have a tutor come in about 2 days, that will alow you enough time to adjust to our life style.." he stared at the picture that had been painted by his mother while she was pregnant with him and smiled. "you'll like books.."
"i know..I like ones with the pictures..Fiona made them." she sighed. "But she fell asleep and didn't wake up..." she poured herself some tea
Talon sat up, "she never woke up, im sorry Freya.." he said as he ran his hands through his hair, "shes in a better place now, i guess..." not knowing how to discribe death. "Shes with god..."
She blinked a few times. "Who's that?" she had been completley closed out of the world. She sipped her tea
Talon looked at her and shook his head, "um.. " he sighed and looked at the door, "lets go to the library.." he said as he walked to the door, "im sure the pictures in some books we have will be able to explain it better then i will."
She put her cup down and scuttled towards the door with him.
Talon showed her the quickest way to the library and smiled as he walked in. Taking a deep breath. "ahh i just cant get enough of that book smell."
She giggled gently. the library smelt like Fionas house. "look.." she walked to a small tabel with a fairy tale book. "This was made in Fionas shop.." she pointed the special marking. " squiggles...." she flipped around in her hands.
Talon smiled, "i found it a while ago the binding was horribly damaged i got it fixed up though a friend of mine told me it was made for him and someone whom was very special to him but since she passed on he no longer wanted it." he said enjoying the fact that she enjoyed the book, "as soon as you can read you can have it.."
She opened it. She smiled. "Its manley pictures" she exclaimed happily. The pictures were really pretty. She plopped on the floor and looked through the pictures there was a blond girl with kitty ears like her.
Talon smiled, "theres a few words i think..." he said as he walked over to one that was more reliogious to try and show her god.
There were words..but she liked the pictures better. She looked up as he showed her a picture. "so..Fiona's with..angels?" she asked innocently
Talon nodded, "yes," he smiled "I'm sure shes happy that your happy"
Freya shrugged. "She never..really cared. I was just what she called a favor" Freya shrugged as if it didn't bother her,but it did. She loooked at the pictures
Talon frowned, "im sorry Freya you should be treated like the angel you are," he smiled before sitting next to her.
"Wait..if im an angel then that would mean Im supposed to be with God?" she was getting confused
Talon chuckled, "no you just remind me of an Angel Freya, your supposed to be here with me."
Freya smiled and flipped the book in her hands and looked at hte picture. "she's got ears like me" she smiled
Talon nodded "yes but yours are smaller and wider."
She touched her ear. "well she's just a drawing too.." she rubbed her ear
Talon looked at the woman in the book, "you never know she might be based on a real person."
she shrugged "you never know..." she started to doze a little but tried to stay awake
Talon looked at her and smiled, "Freya are you tired?"
Freya shook her head no stubbornly and hugged the book to herself
Talon Chuckled, "we can take the book into my room its ok... You've had a long day Freya, sleep is important"
She blinked her eyes "I can take with us?" she asked softly
He nodded before gently picking her up bridal style and carrying her to his room and lying her on his bed. "You need rest though Freya, the book can sit on the table and be there for you when you awake tomarrow." he said as he smoothed her hair.
She was dozing off again. She remembered they brought her a night gown and got up. She looked at him, waiting for him to turn or leave so she could change.
Talon walked over to his armior and grabbed out a pair of comfy pants and a loose top. "ill be down the hall in the bathroom, ill be back in a few minutes but ill Knock first to make sure your done changing."
Freya nodded to Talon and watched him leave the room. She quickly changed into her small nightgown and oversized kimono tp. She swirled around a little to get a feeling of the fabric and giggled. SHe picked her gown up and folded it and put it on the chair in the room. She was always neat.. She yawned again and crawled into the bed and dozed into sleep on top of the covers. She was curled into a little ball, her ears pressed to her head and tail wrapped around her waist.
Talon knocked before coming in and smiling, he placed his clothes in a hamper for Ana to collect later. he walked over to Freya and pulled back some blankets before tucking her in and walking with a blanket and a pillow to the long couch in his room. he laid down and queitly whispered. "goodnight Freya"
her left ear twitched, but she was already in a deep sleep, dreaming of fairytails..and her new home. She occasionally rolled over a few times but was completley silent the whole night.
Talon groaned as he awoke the next morning, the couch had not been forgiving and he was incredibly sore.
Ana walked in and smiled as she spotted Freya fast asleep.
Talon smiled as he watched Ana, "she'll need another bath today Ana but she has told me she doesnt like water, can you see to it that she is comfortable?" he asked knowing if anyone could make Freya love baths in some way it would be Ana. She simply nodded. Talon got up he groaned as he made his way to the bath himself hoping to relax his stiff muscles. "make sure she is cared for this morning Ana." he smiled before leaving.
Ana walked over to the window and threw open the shades, "wakey, Wakey Freya." she spoke softly.
Freya scurried under the covers and stretched. She managed to make her head pop out of under the covers the wrong way and her ears popped up. She blinked and yawned a little. "morning.." she said softly,rubbing her eyes, she was hanging upside down on the bed."you have a pretty voice Ana" she yawned again
Ana smiled at Freya, we have sent a letter to get a tutor for you and as soon as Talon gets back we have to get you all nice and scrubbed up but first would you like to help me make a good Breakfast?" she smiled.
Freya smiled and rolled off the bed backword,landing on her feet. "Please?" she giggled and made her bed quickly and expertly out of habit. She slipped her little white slippers on so her feet wouldn't get cold. But her hair was sticking up a little. She blew a strand out of her face
Ana smoothed Freyas hair led her to the kitchen and began cooking a good breakfast for Freya and Talon.
Freya had fun and was pratically jumping when they put it on the tabel. She thought she did a good job with the muffins. "Talon gets that one" she pointed to the one that was nearly perfect. She smiled happilly.
Ana smiled "yes yes of course Freya, now lets get this up to your room." She said as she bagan walking to Talon and Freyas room.
Talon walked in and noticed at once the emptyness of of his room with out Freya, it amazed him how much he missed her already even though he had just met her yesterday.
Freya helped carry some of it with Ana. She already liked her alot. She was so Sweet. She smiled at Talon when they got back to the room with the food.
Talon smiled, "well well well, what have you got there Freya?" he smiled seeing the food and the smile on Freyas face. He looked at Ana then at the food. "thats a little bit much isnt it Ana?" he smiled.
Freya picked up the muffin she made and held it out for Talon excitedly. "I made this one! its for you" she said happily.
Talon smiled, "you better take some of those muffins with you Ana" he grabbed the muffin from Freya and took a bite out of it, "that is very good Freya thank you."
She smiled happilly" welcome" she plopped down and nibbled at hers, happilly
He sat next to her and smiled, "After that muffin Freya you going to have to take a bath..."
Freya tried to hide her pouting face. She didn't like water."stupid water..." she muttered stuffing her mouth
Talon chuckled, "its not that bad Freya, Ana will be there to help you."
Freya gave him the 'uh huh' look. She just had a thing against water.She stuffed her mouth again.
Talon smiled, "I'm sure Ana will make the bathtime more fun."
Freya finished her muffin. "mhm.." she curled up on the chair. Her ears twitched a little
Talon couldnt help himself as he reached out and slowly stroked Freya's ear, "you'll be fine, you may even grow to like baths" he smiled.
she giggled a little"your tickling me.." she tried to inch away gently
Talon looked at Ana "time for her bath." Ana nodded and smiled at Freya before turning and walking toward the door.
Freya pouted a little and followed like a good girl.
As soon as Ana knew Talon was out of hearing Range she smiled at Freya, "you'll love the bath eventullay"
Freya pouted "sure.." she never liked water
Ana led her to the bath which was enormous in itself. "ill get the bubbles" she said as turned on the bath water making sure its warm and not to hot or cold.
Manda: she blinked a few times. "bubbles?"
Ana smiled "yes bubbles" she said as she poured the solution into the runing water.
Her eyes widened. She giggled. She liked bubbles already
"now, Lets get in Shall we?" Ana said as she herself began removing her clothing so she could help Freya wash.
Freya chuckled and got in happilly using her tail to make a big bubble.
Ana frowned, "those filthy slave drivers need to learn what its like to be held under the whip." She growled. She lightly began to wash Freya again. "Tell me when it hurts sweetheart."
Freya played with the bubbles in her hands, only wincing when it hurt. She wasn't going to make Ana any more fustrated over slave drivers. But she couldn't help it when she whimpred when she hit a really really raw spot.
Ana stopped and stared at the whip mark, "that one will need to be bandaged its really deep" she sighed and continued wahing Freya.
Freya layed her head on her knee's a blew the bubbles around giggling only after a little while. A bubble got in her mouth and she scrunched her face up a bit.
Ana sighed, "well hunny lets get you dried off and in your daily clothes." she smiled.
Freya nodded and got out,dried and dressed with Ana. It was simple,fast and easy. Freya's hair dried fast and she was back out with Talon
Ana smiled and took her leave.
Talon smiled at her "my, my Freya arnt you just a gift from the gods" he chuckled.and spoke to a skinny man that was sitting beside him "so you'll be her tutor right Liam" he smiled.
Liam looked at Freya and smiled, "I'm sure I can teach this lovly lady"
Freya tilted her head and smiled gently. Saying hello to Liam. What was he going to teach her?
"So, Talon, you wish for me to teach her Reading Writing, math and history, I'll have you know that I am not an easy teacher I will test her limits." Liam smiled at Talon.
"I wouldnt have it anyother way Liam" Talon smiled, "you'll be starting tomarrow."
Freya blinked blankly. The man seemed nice enough..But why was he going to teach her again? she could read. Thats all she really wanted to know. She fiddled with the hem of her dress.
Liam stood and walked out, "I'll come get her tomarrow morn after breakfast."
Talon smiled and nodded then looked toward Freya. "you be nice to him alright he is hard to find and a damn good tutor."
Freya nodded quetly. She didn't have a reason to be mean to Liam. She wondered if Ana was going to tell Talon about her markings..she hoped not.
Talon patted the couch beside him. "come Freya sit down." he smiled just wanting to be close to someone before he had to leave to turn out the horses. "I'll have to leave in a few minutes and I'll be gone a few hours, but I'm going to have Nikol watch over you. Is that ok?"
"Promise you'll come back?" she asked after sitting near him. She didn't want him to be gone long. She looked up at him innocently.
Talon hugged her, "I'll be on the grounds, and of course I'll be back I cant just leave you, Ana and Nikol here to fend for yourselves against my father now can I" he smiled.
Freya shook her head no. Smiling softly she hugged him then gently put her hands back in her lap.
Talon sighed as Nikol came in.
"Sire your horse is ready for your daily ride" he announced.
"I'll be down at once Nikol but ill trust that youll watch over Freya?" Talon asked seriously.
"Of course sire." Nikol smiled at Freya, "it would be an honor."
She smiled sweetly and leaned against hte couch contently.
Talon took his leave and Nikol sat next to Freya, "is there anything you want to do today Freya?" he asked honestly wanting to know what she wanted.
She shook her head no. She was still kinda sleepy. "can I take a sun nap?" the sun spilled across the room and the bed.
Nikol nodded, "of course Freya," he stood and walked over to the door standing in frount of it as a gaurd. "I'll be right here when you wake up."
Freya got up and layed down on the bed, her knee's to her chest in the sun. She dozed off into a cat nap as her tail curled around her and her ears pushed back.
Nikol actully smiled at Freya as he watched her sleep. A younger servent approached Nikol and whispered something to him, "ill go but you must watch this room and make sure no one but Talon enters understand." he harshly whispered to the servent. The servent nodded and watched Nikol go on his way to a false job that the king sent the servent to tell him about. Out from the shadows the king walked up to the servent.
"Very good." He walked into Talons room and spotted freya, What a beautiful girl, he thought his mind filling with things he was going to do to her. I do hope my son doesnt mind me taking a taste of her abilities.
Freya slept peacfully, her ears twitched slightly and she shifted a bit, now on her side. She curled up tighter so she was completley in the sun.
The king smiled downat the sleeping Freya slowly he made his way onto the bed so that it wouldnt shift much. Quietly he took a deep breath, hmm shes been washed latly, Talon must have had fun last night. He was now leaning over Freya his eyes appraising every inch of visible skin, "delightful" he whispered as he began getting closer to her.
Freya had nuzzled the bed for a few moments. But her ear had picked up something. As it twitched she slowley opened her eyes. The first thing that hit her was light from the window..but then. THe shadow on the bed. SHe turned her head and pratically squeaked with fear. She pushed herself back away from the scary man. "W-who are you?" she looked around frantically for Nikol.
The king reached out and covered her mouth to quiet her, "I am the king you will do as I say, one noise from you and you will be severly punished understand?" he smiled at he got closer to her and twirled a lock of her hair in his fingers, "such a pretty thing, Such a waste for my son.." he was now stratling her, "now your gonna be a good girl arnt you.."
Freya started to panic. Talon had made it clear not to have anything to do with his father. Here he was on top of her..what did he want!? SHe turned her head away from his hand and tried to push him off her. "Talon said I'm not to have anything to do with you.." she whimpered as she struggled to get him off.
"Well then, why listen to someone who leaves you all alone in a room?" he said as he pressed his face into her neck and slowly dragging his tounge across the flesh exposed.
A harsh voice called out, "GET OFF OF HER NOW AIAH"
Aiah chuckled, "come to rescue your dear used b***h now have you?"
Talons voice was angry "Leave before I force you.."
Aiah's hands went up in self defence, "alright alright I'll go, but, my dear son. Ever speak to me like that and I will have you punished so severly youll wish this used rat had never come here..." He then took his leave.
Talons fists were clentched as he walked over to the bed and sat down, Nikol walked in.
"I'm so sorry sire I was tricked into leaving my post," he frowned his head cast downward.
"I dont not blame you Nikol my father is a trickster and I should have known this would have happened had i left her so early of getting here." Talons face was in his hands. I could have lost her, I'm a fool to leave her
Poor Freya was curled back against the headboard teary eyed,rubbing her neck where Aiah had licked her. SHe was uncomfortable with the atmosphere and the way he had touched her. She thought Talon was going to be mad now that his father had touched her..she tried to get him off. I sorry..he touched me.. what did he mean used? what was that other word he called sorry...