Continued updates.
So, I wasn't on my computer at all yesterday, which is why I didn't post the way I said I was going to start doing. So here's days 2 and 3. Day 2 Breakfast: Fruit smoothy. 2 fruit, 1/2 dairy. Lunch: Ham and cheese sandwich. 2 grain, 1 meat, 1 dairy. Snack: Cottage cheese, 2 tortillas. 1 dairy, 2 grain. Dinner: Veggie soup. 4 veggie. Activity: Walk. total time approx. 1 hr.
Day 3 Breakfast: Cereal w/ milk. 2 grain, 1 dairy. Lunch: Veggie soup. 2 veggie. Snack: Carrots and dip. 2 veggie. Dinner: Pork tenderloin, grilled potatoes, green beans, fruit salad, glass of milk. 1 meat, 2 veggie, 3 fruit, 1 dairy, 1...whatever potatoes count as sweatdrop .
Capy's Personal Improvement Plan
Ok. There are various things I need to turn around in my life, and I figure the easiest to start with would be getting in better shape. Here's what I need to change, and what I plan to do about it. I need to eat more fruit and vegetables. It's hard, because I'm kind of a picky eater, but I have to do it. I need to exercise more, even if it's just walking around town to start with. I need to eat less pasta and potatoes. crying I loves me some starches... I need to cut way, way down on junk food and soda. From now on, soda will be a special occaision thing only. That should be one of the easier ones, because all I have to do is not buy it, but when I'm out and about I need to stay strong. So what I'm gonna do is keep track here of what I eat and how much I exercise. I hope that recording it will help me stick to the plan. I also hope that I'll be able to stick to the "recording things" plan. If anyone is actually reading this, please, let me know. Keep me on track. I respond well to poking.
I don't have a weight goal, because this is more about forming good habits than a specific weight, but I do plan to post my weight, as one way of tracking my progress. Starting weight: 156
Day 1 Breakfast: Fruit smoothy. 2 servings fruit, 1/2 serving dairy. Lunch: Grilled cheese. (whole wheat bread, only a little margerine, not great, but not too bad) Spinach salad with light feta and balsamic vinegar. 2 grain, 1 1/2 dairy, 2 veggie. Snack: Carrots and dip. 1 veggie Dinner: Lamb and vegetable stew. 2 meat. 2 veggie. Snack: Small bowl of ice cream. redface