There's a reason why Jessica Marie Walrus was called Psycho.
She go through Hope&Savior's halllways,acting like she owns the high school,her BFF, Samantha Wyles on her left, her boyfriend Samuel Wyles on her right.
She is called arrogant, she is called a rude sonofabitch, and she is called a gossipy slut. But everyone agrees that she's psychotic.
From the way she threatens anyone who screw over her or her friends, to the way it is rumored that she has skeletons--literally--in her closet, everyone call her Psycho.
Her friends call her it, on account that the word is stitched on all of her clothes. Enemies call her that in spite, and regular random people call her that because that's how she introduces herself as.
Psycho is a psycho, and she likes to flaunt it.
"Mantha!" She yells, seeing her BFF talking with two losers, Amy and Chad.
"What are you doing with them?"
"They're really cool," Samantha defends.
"Oh really?" Psych rolls her eyes. "Give me a goddamn break, sweetie. They're kiss-asses."
They was in the school's long,narrow hallways. Amy and Chad had ran off.
The bell rings.
"C'mon, Mantha," Psycho orders. "I want to ditch this hell hole. How about catching the EBA downtown? Or EBO to Oakland?"
"Psycho!You can't be serious!"
Psycho lookes her BFF squarely in the eyes.
"I so totally am, Sweetie."
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