None the less! On another note, what is it with psychiatrists and their ability to make you just talk. Jeeze, I went there to do get a simple re-evaluation and she finds out about my past issues then starts asking me all her psychiatric questions. Next thing I know I'm struggling not to tear up. Jeeze. Not that I do not appreciate it, but all the stuff I thought I had gotten past seemed to only boil to the surface. Ever think you've gotten over something and the next thing you know you go see a psychiatrist and find out that you are really just as hurt by your past as you were then? ._. That was me. Needless to say though, afterwards I felt quite a bit better because I learned a little important information about myself. I care too much about what society thinks. O.o'' Figure that. So now I'm going to be a little bit selfish for a while and start doing what I want to do. Hopefully I'll discover more about myself in the near future, but we'll see. Anys, that's about it for me now. Ja ne Journal-san!