Thoughts from the mind of Shammon |
See the title, DUH! |
Community Member
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 05:49pm
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 @ 07:52pm
gettin f*****
Seems that it's always the nicest of people who always get screwed over. usually, it's the elderly parent or grandparent by a child or grandchild. Or maybe it's a wife or husband by their spouse. How about a case where a woman was supposed to be caring for a disabled vet, and over the course of nine years or so, as financially exploited him to the degree of well over $25,000. At the same time, she was extremely emotionally abusive to him and would undermine any attempts he made to better his own life. She made sure that he had no friends, and basically got him cut off from his own family. Sad thing is, this is a true case, and this is just one case of thousands that are occuring across the country. the exploited person mentioned above served his country proudly and is now disabled (100% perminent service connected). He has severe issues with PTSD and nervious disorders which make it difficult for him to live a normal life, and the woman who was supposedly helping him was actually beating him down in spirit, making him feel as if he was nothing. due to her influence, this man has attempted suicide before and has been the locked mental ward at the Veterans Hospital due to breakdowns. Why people choose to take advantage of others, especially those who are unable to fend for themselves, is beyond me. Fortunately, steps are being taken to correct the situation. Soon, she will no longer be able to take advantage of others. A lot of people seem to want to believe that this does not happen here in this country. Sadly, they are mistaken. I know.
It happened to me emo
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Community Member
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 @ 07:23pm
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 @ 04:34pm
Madness, which is the madder, that which is inside, or the madness in the world we occupy? Bi-polar, PTSD, severe depression, suicide, drugs and booze. All make up the shitty quagmire in my cranium. Life is just a day to day thing just to survive. Some claim they know how I feel. BULLSHIT! They have no clue, just as I myself have no clue what any other feels or thinks. But, is it so bad on the inside?
When you look at what is going on in today's world, you realize that we, as a species, are doomed to go the way of the dinosaurs. Yes, we have all kinds of nifty little things that make life so convient and fun, but at what cost? Thousands upon thousands dead in a place where Christianity says God anointed the origional Garden of Eden, a modern day plague which will more than likely kill off most of the continent of Africa, and multiple Southeast Asian countries as well. Terrorists wearing suits tailored by DuPont with symtex lining thinking the way to heaven is to blow as many women and children to kingdom come as possible. People stuffing white powder up their nose so much, they will sell their own children for another piece of nose candy. Gas prices through the roof, along with greenhouse gasses choking the s**t out of every living creature on the planet, and every yahoo out there wants some 5 ton SUV that gets maybe 2 miles to the gallon, so when they do get into an accident, the little Honda Civic full of kids is turned into a bloodred metallic smear across the highway. And the list goes on and on...
Which is more maddness, that on the inside, or the outside?
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