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Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 @ 09:27am
My babies
Hey all, I just wanted to share the children that I spent hella money on for really no reason. Some say it may have been the shitty items that I so dearly cared for... but those people are wrong.
I did it for the drugged out youth of gaia. These little heroin addicts might not have been anything "hip" / "radical" / "far out", but they were to me. As for the pictures, well, lets just say that I didn't really find it necessary to show the before pictures. A little bit of heroin tracks go a long way down the first-impression scale. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
There are only 5 pictures, but some of them came to me twice, aka freeloaders.This is Pepper (and later on, Pickles), but I re-named her Pepper Ann Noodle. Ann, because Pepper Ann is too cool for 7th grade, and Noodle, because she sort of reminds me of Noodle from Gorillaz. And this is Blair/Pickles (yes, another pickles. how unfortunate.) She's a weeaboo, and she didn't really change that much, just put an eye on the cat toy, and lost a few patches here and there. What a transformation.. rolleyes
I forget this guy's name, but I think I had him three times. He's a ***** who starts out wearing a mechanic's jumpsuit with the top portion undone. He probably gets off to purple nurples, and other things I really don't want to know about. The little girl attached to his leg doesn't require food, and I found that to be just stellar.
 (Note the thick, ancient porno in his arm, and his other hand in his "pocket".) This is Netti (I think). This child started out in a box, and kept coughing. I'm pretty sure that she smoked weed a little bit too frequently, and she was a huge fan of the ether sleep medicine. This is Fisher. He's the most plain kid around, and too apologetic for being poor. Hey man, it's not like you want to be such a drugged out meth baby.. or do you? and uhhh, that's about it. I did all 10. Where's my ******** heroin?
heart Marissa