Melodicanth, PG 21
Username: Melodicanth
Who would you like art from? Lupus Musiceaux
Who would you like us to draw?
Type of Art: Black and White Chibi
Total: 2400
Tip? 2600
Grand Total: 5000
Comments: Can you just give me the lineart with no coloring instead of pencil? :3 I like printing them and coloring them in to practice my coloring skillz.
I will send the trade to the artist titled "Lupus Musiceaux" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
Username: Melodicanth
Who would you like art from? Lupus Musiceaux
Who would you like us to draw?


Type of Art: Black and White Chibi
Total: 2400
Tip? 2600
Grand Total: 5000
Comments: Can you just give me the lineart with no coloring instead of pencil? :3 I like printing them and coloring them in to practice my coloring skillz.
I will send the trade to the artist titled "Lupus Musiceaux" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
-Sam The Lamb-, PG 28
-Sam the lamb-
Who would you like art from? LUPUS
Who would you like us to draw? OH MY everything in my OC request in siggy ( supa bribe)
Type of Art: Chibi colored please!
Total: 25k+ random MC i have + 20kkk one
Tip? LOL its included already
Grand Total: Around 50K
Comments: Well IDK i was wondering if you could, its a big request but i have been waiting for an artist to do EVERYTHING lol and i have hopes that you are the one xD
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
-Sam the lamb-
Who would you like art from? LUPUS
Who would you like us to draw? OH MY everything in my OC request in siggy ( supa bribe)
Type of Art: Chibi colored please!
Total: 25k+ random MC i have + 20kkk one
Tip? LOL its included already
Grand Total: Around 50K
Comments: Well IDK i was wondering if you could, its a big request but i have been waiting for an artist to do EVERYTHING lol and i have hopes that you are the one xD
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
IchiRuki x3, PG 30
I want art! >:O
Username: Kawaii Desu x3
Who would you like art from? The Cute But Evil Chara [Lupus Musicaux]
Avatar Reference Picture: x
Type of Art: Black and White Half-Body
Total: 7k
Tip? 2k
Grand Total: 9k
Comments: You don't have to make him look depressed if you don't want just to let you know xD
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
Username: Kawaii Desu x3
Who would you like art from? The Cute But Evil Chara [Lupus Musicaux]
Avatar Reference Picture: x
Type of Art: Black and White Half-Body
Total: 7k
Tip? 2k
Grand Total: 9k
Comments: You don't have to make him look depressed if you don't want just to let you know xD
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
tequila_hikari, PG 34
Username: tequila_hikari
Who would you like art from? Lupus Musicaux
Who would you like us to draw? Kuraika Shiro
Type of Art: Colored Chibi
Total: 2k
Tip? 1k (Not necessary)
Grand Total: 3k
Comments: the artists in this shop have such cuute art ;3
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
Username: tequila_hikari
Who would you like art from? Lupus Musicaux
Who would you like us to draw? Kuraika Shiro
Type of Art: Colored Chibi
Total: 2k
Tip? 1k (Not necessary)
Grand Total: 3k
Comments: the artists in this shop have such cuute art ;3
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
LittleMsFall O U T Boy, PG 42
Username: LittleMsFall O U T Boy
Who would you like art from? Lupus Musicaux
Who would you like us to draw? It would be a couple containing these two people; Mella !! && Patrick !!
Type of Art: B & W, Anime, full body. And, out of curiosity, will it cost more for an anime couple?
Total: It would be ; 9000 ( unless it’s more for couples).
Tip? 500
Grand Total: 95000
Comments: PM if there is a problem or anything to that effect.(:
I will send the trade to the artist, Lupus Musicaux, titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
Username: LittleMsFall O U T Boy
Who would you like art from? Lupus Musicaux
Who would you like us to draw? It would be a couple containing these two people; Mella !! && Patrick !!
Type of Art: B & W, Anime, full body. And, out of curiosity, will it cost more for an anime couple?
Total: It would be ; 9000 ( unless it’s more for couples).
Tip? 500
Grand Total: 95000
Comments: PM if there is a problem or anything to that effect.(:
I will send the trade to the artist, Lupus Musicaux, titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
fox_misharu PG. 54
^^ I hope this is acceptable.
Username: Fox_misharu
Who would you like art from? Lupus Musicaux
Who would you like us to draw?


Type of Art: colored chibi, full-body
Total: 4000
Tip? 2500
Grand Total: 6500 g
Comments: I wasn't sure if I could have two in the same picture. If you could, that woould be very appreciated
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
Username: Fox_misharu
Who would you like art from? Lupus Musicaux
Who would you like us to draw?


Type of Art: colored chibi, full-body
Total: 4000
Tip? 2500
Grand Total: 6500 g
Comments: I wasn't sure if I could have two in the same picture. If you could, that woould be very appreciated
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
Rich Old Ladies PG 66
Username: Rich Old Ladies
Who would you like art from?Lupus Musicaux
Who would you like us to draw?

Type of Art: Fullbody colored chibi couple
Total: 6k?
Tip? After ^.^
Grand Total: 6k?
Comments:I'm willing to add more if that's not enough and I understand if you don't want to draw couple art ^.^
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.
Username: Rich Old Ladies
Who would you like art from?Lupus Musicaux
Who would you like us to draw?

Type of Art: Fullbody colored chibi couple
Total: 6k?
Tip? After ^.^
Grand Total: 6k?
Comments:I'm willing to add more if that's not enough and I understand if you don't want to draw couple art ^.^
I will send the trade to the artist titled "ORDER" after I have posted the form and been accepted. I will then accept the trade and wait for my art to come.