Reno Saturday October 28, 2006
ok i was going to reno with my family but i found out that my arch-enimies was there too and she plays gaia online too (i found that out when we were still in school). it was really horrible. Guess what? my parents was with the a.e(short for arch-enimies) parents was friends. How about that!
At night 6:00
Help me its seems like hell's parents and heaven's parents came at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! my arch-enimies said she doesnt have a laptop but she does and shes playing on gaiaonline. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess this is the feeling that the devil and the angel when thay meet. ill write more at the restraunt that im ging to eat dinner at reno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay TOON!
the next day
YES! Finally we are going back home!!!!!!!!!!! ill write more in the car.