Refrain of Memory ~ black spotted wings |
la fille qui a du noir les mouches d'ailes corrompues
~the girl that has black wings flies~ |
II zapeal II
Community Member
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 @ 10:00pm
haven't updated in a while...
thought I'd post something here just cause...
=D the serra dance was fun... more fun than a mercy dance I'd have to say... or at least compared to the last one. *my first time at a non-Mercy dance* I actually danced this time! *gasp* And they played semi-cool songs!
They're sooooooooo strict tho... it was so crazy. There were freaking security gaurds outside. And the teachers were hella on everyone's a**, catching everyone dancing even remotely explicitly.. or making out. ...They had <b>flashlights</b>.
&_& so, yeah, we were careful so John and me weren't caught "doing anything"... again... we honestly weren't doing anything THAT bad this time... It's good that neither of us can dance very well too, lol.
Oh my god, lol. I brought my sophomore ID just in case... cause it's a soph/frosh dance... (kinda lame cause people don't usually think I'm a Junior at all....) ... and I TOTALLY lost/forgot my junior ID *gonk*. How deslexic am I? Anyway, I showed them my ID... and they totally DIDN'T care! They were just kinda like.. 'oh, Mercy, okay' Then they proceeded to search my purse... but it was all good. lol. *gonk* They don't check in bags or purses... so I had to put my bag and jacket up on a ledge atop a billion other bags in the girls' bathroom, which made me nervous, and it sucked cause after the dance when I went to pick up my stuff, it ended up on the floor and my jacket got all gross...
Uh... hung out with John, Jonny, AJ, Squishy, and Jen.. and that other girl I don't know her name, she goes to ND and she was a dresser on stage right in BATB... saw John Wayne, Brad, Molly, Addison, Kelly, Janelle, Nicole Monney, Cara, Rachel, Ryan, Alex M., 'Bacon Bob' (I forget his real name..), Donnie and Robert... well those were the people I recognized anyway... I forget who else....
O felt old, lol... haha, people were hella like... Wait, aren't you a Junior? -Yeah.- How'd you get in? -John.- Oh.
Haha, trying to make Jonny dance all night was fun. Dance Jonny dance!! Squishy was crazy fast.
So yeah, fun dance. Even tho I didn't know a lot of people and I felt old. =)
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 @ 05:10am
Argh! Middle School Matinee SUCKED!!
&__& What a crappy crowd today...
Today was the <b>middle school matinee</b> for the show.. invited about 15 middle schools, 6/7/8th grades. biggrin didn't have to go to school all day.
The show went on perfectly.. nothing broke, nothing fell, the cottage roof didn't fall.. nothing seemed to go wrong to me (except Patrick missing his lantern.. but nice recovery with the candle sticks!)... But.. what now?! No laughter?! No standing ovation?! ARGH! neutral Dumb middle schoolers... they get nothing!! rar. This was the worst crowd we've had. So unenthusiastic... *so annoyed with that*
Anyways.. besides the audience being crappy, today was so much fun. I woke up at 5:30 this morning... On the way to Serra, I went on a <b>Starbucks run</b> and bought coffee substances for me, Emily, Angela, and Dom (well, me and Emi just had hot chocolates). neutral I had to park 2 blocks away from Serra.. which sucked. I had to walk all the way from my car to Serra with 4 hot drinks... that didn't stay hot once I got there of course. But it was a good walk.. dispite almost spilling Emily and Dom's drinks all over myself.
biggrin I took a lot of <B>&a href="http://triBATB05.myphotoalbum.com"&awesometastic pictures&/a&</b>.. I love the pictures I took of James in his Chip box. The lighting was like.. PERFECT. I hope we all get a copy of that huge-a** group picture that Mr. Jordan took.
The <B>luncheon</b> was soo much fun. After I got my pizza and drink I saw a sophomore who came from my middle school, Joe Pearson (yes I really do call him that... not Joe, but Joe Pearson.. or sometimes just Pearson, lol). Talked with him for a while.. cause it's nice to see an old face, you know?
ANYWAYS, Here's what happened next. I loved how this went.... my <b>moment of the day</b>:
Me: *walking with Emi and Angela* *looks around the gym at all of the scattered groups of people, with pizza and coke in hand* So... which group shall we go with? Angela: I dunno... Me: Shall we be anti-social and make our own group? biggrin Angela: No! ... Alex, come with us. We should we go? Alex: Let's like.. sit all the way over there! *points to the opposite side of the gym that's totally empty* Angela: Okay! Me: ...okay.. XD Cause Alex said so! Alex: biggrin Wow, I feel so powerful. Emily: *plops down in the very center of the court.. where no one is anyway* Let's sit here! Me: Okay... Hey it's John! John! Come be anti-social with us! XD John: Okay! *sits with us*
XD much fun in our little group (as you can see, only consisted of Me, John, Emily, Angela, and Alex). Til I split my coke all over the floor &.&; "s**t/crap"-fest-ness. Should really stop cursing. Around guys anyways... Maybe that's what I should've given up for Lent... Sheep!
I took some random pictures around the gym... then I took a few of Patrick, Spencer, and Becca getting their cakes ( =( but not eating it too) XD which turned out funny looking, but great.
<b>Hacky sack!</b> Co-ed! Yay! XD Emi brought her hacky sack... we started just kicking it around. It was just the 5 of us at first, but then Stuart and Alex J. had to come running in and yelling "HACKY SACK!!" and started playing GOD with us... then Brendan, Dom, Liz, Kelly, and a few others joined us... twas a lot of fun playing for the first time. biggrin And it's cool cause whenever the guys catch the hacky sack, they NEVER try to hit us girls. Haha.
;-; Was sad when we had to leave. Since I parked my car 2 blocks away and I had 20 minutes to get to school, Mrs. Matthews drove me to my car in the school van. XD Then I drove back to school on El Camino in record time. I had NO class that last period I was back at school.. so pretty much, me, Angela, and Nicole walked down to Russel so I could get my math homework, and talked the whole time.. After school we had a <b>study group</b> for the AP US History AP test... I went home and.. that's it?
Another good thing of today; I'm on good terms with Adriana (plays Babbette) now. x_x;; I used to think she hated me... well she probably tought I was annoying.. cause she always enters stage right where I am and I clamp together her escape stairs to the castle. But anyways, kinda cleared that up. She started calling me <b>'Cat'</b> because of my kitty hoodie I wear every show night. XD then she tweaked my ears, and said I should go "confirm" my nickname with Rico. Haha.
Should probably say this one thing in case ya'll didn't know.. I've been wearing my <b>black kitty hoodie</b> that Paul gave me every night for stage crew. XD Ever since I started wearing it, people double check at me and tweak my ears (when my hood is up). Almost every night I count off how many/who tweaked my ears. The most I think is like.. 12 or something on night. Supposedly, my back-stage-crew "code name" is <b>'Kitty Litter'</b>... lovingly dubbed by John Wayne. XD I like wearing that sweater. Even tho some nights it's really really hot and stuffy... I still wear it, cause I look cute in it. :] then Jacqui yells at me for trying to suffercate myself.
dum dum dum... ;-; only 2 more shows. *Cries* My <B>social life</b> ends sunday night!
II zapeal II
Community Member
II zapeal II
Community Member
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 03:35am
tough week
...but honestly, the funnest week of my life. Hell week is over. We have 3 more performances. The run for the musical is almost over.
Why is it already starting to sink in? I'm honestly crying right now. This past week has been the best days of my life and it's almost over. The musical has brought me closer to some people, closer than I've ever been before. I've met and made friends with some of the greatest people I'll ever know. It saddens me how many of these new friends are seniors and are leaving this year... and even those whom I know I won't be able to see ever again until the next tri-school production. Now I know that the theater "family" is. At least, I think I do. I love these people.
My only regret is that I had not gotten into theater sooner. I should have done stage crew for Midsummer Night's Dream after being rejected from that. I am a junior. One more year. One last chance to climb my way into the spotlight, whether it be a lead role or just a face in the ensamble. Either way, I know I'll still enjoy it. If I had the time of my life this past week, imagine how it'd be if I was actually in the play. hooo boy.
But, one thing for sure, I'm glad. I'm glad I've opened myself up for this. I'm glad I've devoted myself to this production for so long. Dedicating these 3 months out of my life to the musical had changed me for the better; the best choice I've ever made.
The drama, the tears, the laughs, the standing ovations, the relationships lost and gained, the cuts, the bruises, the hugs, the endless nights of rehearsals, the many near-death experiences, the screw jokes, the spoons, the forks, the ear tweaking, everything. It's too early to think it now, but I can't help it. I'll always remember Hell Week. It's far more pleasant than the name serves.
But oh ho ho, it's not over yet!
Everything in life is only for now.
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 @ 07:45am
Tech Day!!
=| Qui-een and Becca make me jealous cause they actually had breaks yesterday. Anyway, XD yesterday was <b>my first ever Tech Day</b> for the Beauty and the Beast musical. Needless to say, it wasn't as "fun" and "easy-going" as people have been telling me. I guess that's because them peoples are actually in the cast... biggrin so me being a techie, it's my day and no breaks for us. Whoopee. XD Stuart and someone brought a freaking TENT. The cast got to sleep and stuff inbetween their calls.
No, seriously now. It was pretty fun. Tiresome tho. Much problems in the first run through. I'm stationed on <B>Stage Right</b>, and my only job is to help <b>move the castle</b>. neutral boo hoo. But it's all cool. During the first act, I don't really get to do anything... but once Act 2 came, I was running around a lot... and Angela and I pretty much ended up just sitting behind the castle the whole time. During the first act when we weren't doing anything, I was pretty much hiding behind/playing with the skrim, and talking to <B>Patrick</b>. He's awesome. "We're not doing anything, I swear!"
<b>Dinner</b> was cool. =) My mom brought lasagna... and it was put in front of the 327497432 other laganas, so ours was all gone, lol. And when I brought it in, people started coming into the cafeteria... so Emily, Angela, and I ended up to be FIRST in line for food. XD yay. After Mark, and Gennine and such of course. Bought my BATB shirt, yay. Took pictures, yay. Sung Happy Early Birthday to Squishy, yay. XD Listened to Stuart reading off his Worst Case Scenario cards, yay. Listened to Brendan and Matt play their guitars and sing outside, yay.
<B>2nd run-through.</b> Stage Right's stage manager, AJ is a lot less nerve-racked =) We actually knew what we were doing kind of. ^^;; Tho Angela and I totally missed our first cue to move the castle... we got yelled at.
So from then on kind of, we just sat behind the castle when it was pushed downstage. XD We looked through my iPod and signed all over the back of the castle. It was boring not being able to see the show from there, but we amused each other by signing to the songs and /trying/ to carry conversations with Hannah (who's on castle crew but on stage left). Plus, we're passed-by by Alex, Phil, Carly, Becca, and Adriana a lot, lol.
Tho our fun was cut short when the Battle scene started. O_O We had to run the hell out of there cause we were almost run over. XD I wish I could've seen it from the front. I did catch some of it from stage right tho. Saw Becca's opera war cry, Carly and James' attack, and Troy's fight with LeFou... which was hilarious. When Phil came running across the stage with his giant net, I had to grab it. I wasn't on props so I didn't really know what to do with it. I backed up against the ladder that leads to the loft... then all of a sudden I feel something heavy landing on my HEAD. I'm thinking: <B>oooh s**t!!</b> Then AJ looks over and says 'Emily! You're sitting on Lauren!" I look up, and lo and behold, it's Emi climbing from the loft, not seeing me as she climbs her a** down. XD so funny.
Somewhere around Gaston or Be Our Guest, John Wayne was moving the escape stairs and ran over Angela's ankle... so she was out for a while. ;-; She's okay now tho.
<B>I /love/ James.</b> He's such a cute kid. I'm so happy his box lives on Stage Right. biggrin I get to help him in his box at times. I want to adopt him.
I love <b>Stage Right</b>. At first I wanted ot be on Stage Left because that's where a lot of stuff was happening... but really, it's not. Chip lives here. Patrick exits here. All of the enchanted objects enter/exit here for the most part. There's more room here than it looks like on Stage Left. I love the people on Stage Right (for the most part.. and more than you think). AND the little Jordan Vision TV, and backstage microphone is here... Whenever there's chorus singing, Angela, Emi and I sing along XD knowing it doesn't really matter, so long as we're on-key and know the words. So that's much fun.
On the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast, there's a song called <B>"If I Can't Love Her"</b>. When I first listened to this song on the CD, I thought 'it's so boring. I hate it.' ... but after the first time I heard Brendan sing it as the Beast, I thought 'wow... it's so... pretty.' No really. I love that song now. It's my new favorite song. There was just something about it when Brendan was singing it. I don't know. ;-; It's so beautiful. I'm thinking of signing that song for my ASL final.... if you haven't heard "If I Can't Love Her", go download it NOW. For I command you.
oh. Becca = Wardrobe. Carly = Mrs. Potts. James = Chip. Phil = Coggsworth. Patrick = Maurice. Alex = Lumiere. Adriana = Babette. Brendan = Beast. Stuart = Gaston.
Anyway. That's all for my report on Tech Day. So much more stuff happened, that I should have typed it all down last night... but by the time I got home, I was so tired.
@_@ Here comes <b>Hell Week</b>. I have to be at Serra every night this week from 6-10 for the dress rehearsals. WHILE trying to study for the /real/ <b>SAT test</b> on Saturday morning. And that Friday NIGHT is opening night for the musical...
And with me being on stage/deck crew, I have to be there 30 minutes earlier. What a next 2 weeks this will be. Very exciting. =)
Oh yeah, to Qui-eenie and Becca, go check out the new photos and wallpapers I put up!! ---> http://triBATB05.myphotoalbum.com
II zapeal II
Community Member
II zapeal II
Community Member
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 @ 03:25am
cause I'm bored and you must be too
List the little random things you often say a lot/ have a habit of saying...
-awesome! -That's sucky -I dunno -I would think so -I figure -oh my god (variations include 'oh my gawd', 'oh my freaking god', 'woaah my god' or 'OMFG') -geezus -Wow, that was [so] great XD -Wow, that was [so] bad -Wow, that was [so] lame -The was like.. the greatest thing ever -[much usage of] hella (yes, I am so Californian) -dude (see above) -[insert within a sentence] like -[many variations of] damn -yayy -And then.... -holy crap -[something/someone]'s on crack -you're on crack -are you serious?? -*annoyed/frustrated* nyaaaahhh... -freakin'/flippin' (in place of f*cking) -Aaaanyways.... -What the hell/heck? -[something] slash [something] -[something] and or [something] -oh my god, I'm so sorry -sorry -oops -pffllt (often used after I've screwed something up) -exCUSE ME (often used when shoving through a large crowd of people, and following "I'M VERY CLAUSTROPHOBIC" wink -So yeah -awww -that's so cute!! -So wait... -wheeee -ack!! -uhmmm.... -[okay everyone] SHUUT UUP -silly/stupid freshmen -that's messed/screwed up -aw, you suck -okey dokey -oh my god, I love you -okay bye (usually to my sister about a million times)
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 @ 11:54pm
II zapeal II
Community Member
II zapeal II
Community Member
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 @ 10:42pm
Merry Christmas!!
^^ Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you guys had a great time.
Aaaanyways, razz time to post what I got for christmas. I was as spoiled as I was last year I promise.
:Gifts from Friends: -lots of candies (different people) -Happy Bunny notebook and Misfortune Cookies (Angela) -Snowman Mug (Hannah) -Picture frame (Michelle) -bracelet/necklace (Maeve) If I missed your gift ^^; sorry!
:games: -Taiko Drum Master (kind of >_> I paid for more than half of it) -Inu Yasha RPG: The Secret of the Cursed Mask -Tea Society of a Witch (it's an interactive DVD *shrugs*)
:Anime DVDs: -.hack//Legend of the Twilight vol.3 -Azumanga Daioh vol.4 -Azumanga Daioh vol.5 -Kaleido Star vol.4 -Kaleido Star vol.5 -Saikano vol.3 -Saikano vol.4 -Fruits Basket Box Set vol.1-4
:Manga: -Fruits Basket vol.6 -To Heart vol.3 -Flame of Recca vol.6 -Prince of Tennis vol.4 -Aria vol.3 -Case Closed vol.2 -Couple vol.1 -Hikaru No Go vol.2 -.hack//Legend of the Twilight vol.3 -D.N.Angel vol.5 -Card Captor Sakura vol.1 -Card Captor Sakura vol.2 -Card Captor Sakura vol.3 -Magic Knight Rayearth 2 vol.1* -Magic Knight Rayearth 2 vol.2* -Magic Knight Rayearth 2 vol.3*
*=these were kinda by accident or something. My cousin gave these to my 10 year old NEPHEW. So I took them. She must not know anything. These are gonna sit on my shelf a while cause this is the SECOND season and I've never read the first one... I have both seasons of the anime but I never even finished the first one. So yeah.
:clothes: -Too lazy to look... not much tho really. Just a few blouses
:Other Stuff: -PC Microphone (my old one broke) -pack of 25 DVD+R's -a black Ganson purse -pink fleece jacket (pink, why? My cousin got it for me, she doesn't really know me) -SAT-ACT PSAT 2005 prep for pocket PC -Talk It Type it (XD cause I'm a lazy a** like that) -Jay-Z - Linkin Park Collision Course album -electric shaver (kinda as a joke from my sister) -2 sets of new headbands (see above) -2 Softlips chapsticks (see above. My sister always steals them) -blue Eeyore fleece sweatshirt -Devil Sticks (you know, the sticks you juggle with?)
:Future Stuff: (stuff I know I'm getting for sure/ 1/2 sure later on) -3 Tshirts from Megatokyo.com -Field Sketch Book from Megatokyo.com -Ninj4 hoodie from Megatokyo.com -Wicked Broadway musical music sheet book -acoustic guitar (my sister wants to get it for me and her husband... to share *shrugs*) -Paul's Stuff
:Still want: - Paul - crying my car - a kitty - a puppy - Paul kplz
K so... this year Christmas Eve was nice. If you didn't know, my family opens presents on Christmas Eve. (probably because of me, but honestly, I don't know). My niece and nephew were here all day so that was crazy. ^^ I got to talk to my love mostly all day. He got me such a great gift on Gaia. Present opening with my family wasn't that great, cause I already knew pretty much everything I got.
What was fun was after the present opening when I was playing Taiko Drum Master. XD It's so fun. If you don't know what the game is, it's played kinda like DDR but with a Japanese taiko drum. So yeah, lol. I pretty much played that til my brother and his family left which was like, 2 hrs later. After that I kept talking with Paul and playing on Gaia. He left at 12:30 and I went to play some more Taiko Drum Master and watched my brother open his presents (he was working and didn't come home til 12:45). @_@ I was awake til 2 playing with the Devil Sticks he got me.
Woke up this morning finding.. *counts* o_O $100 in my stocking from Santa. Then my mom and I watched White Christmas... since then I haven't really done anything. o_O Later I'll be going to my brother's house for dinner. That's my Christmas.
That's all. ^^ Have a good weekend everyone.
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 05:56am
II zapeal II
Community Member
II zapeal II
Community Member
Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 @ 06:09am